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let's discuss the difference between assault and battery
these two get mixed up a lot because a lot of people
and even some laws use the words interchangeably
basically the difference is that battery means touching someone and assault
means making someone think you're going to touch them
for battery the touch can be harmful
or it can be offensive
even if it doesn't cause any physical injury as long as the first person meant
to touch the second and it causes harm its battery
even if they didn't mean to cause the harm
if the touch is something that is acceptable for reasonable person to do
in everyday life then it won't be a battery even if it causes harm
after all we have to touch strangers all the time and we don't want
all of them suing us
assault on the other hand is when you do something that would make a reasonable
person think that you're about to touch them in a harmful or offensive way
in short it's making someone think you're going to batter them
you can even assault someone if you have no intention of actually hitting them
as long as they don't know that, but you can't assault someone if they can tell
there's no way you can actually touch them
all this together means you have assault without battery
or battery without assault
and there you have it