字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, this is Crown 哈囉我是滴妹! Today, I'll be introducing Closer from the Chain Smokers 今天要來介紹 The Chainsmokers 的 Closer! Welcome back to Crown's English Song Spotlight 歡迎回到滴妹的音樂系列 We introduced Fight Song from Rachel Platten in the last episode 上一集我們介紹了 Rachel Platten 的 Fight Song Today, I'll be introducing the hottest song , Closer 那今天則是要介紹人氣無法擋的,Closer! Closer is from the popular DJ duo 這次這首歌是由超人氣 DJ 雙人組 The Chainsmokers ft Halsey The Chainsmokers 跟 Halsey 的組合 Because of this song 他們也各自因為這首歌而在 they reached No.1 on Billboard Hot 100 Billboard Hot 100 裡取得了第一名的佳績 This song is an EDM hit 這是一首 EDM 電子舞風的歌曲 with strong beats and conversational lyrics 強烈的節奏感,跟對話式的歌詞 making it super real 為這首歌創造出了很寫實的一面 The lyrics are about a couple who broke up long ago 歌詞訴說著一對已經分手很久的情侶 suddenly met at the hotel's bar 突然在飯店的酒吧裡面相遇 When i first heard the song 我一開始聽這首歌的時候 I thought it was a romantic one 以為他是非常純情浪漫的歌 But after Googling on the Internet 但是在網路上研究之後發現 the Chainsmokers have a really unique explanation themselves The Chainsmokers 對這首歌的解釋非常的不一樣 You guys will know it soon 所以待會大家就可以知道囉 Today, We'll be reading behind the lyrics 今天也會對歌詞做解釋跟分析 The translation of the lyrics is in the info section 那更多資訊裡面也有我的 (歌詞) you can take a look if needed 中英文翻譯所以可以參考看看 Let's check the song out 那我們就一起來聽聽看這首歌吧! Hey, I was doing just fine before i met you 嘿,在遇見妳之前,我自己一個人也過得很好 I drink too much and that's an issue 或許我有點酗酒的問題 But I'm OK 但是我其實過得很OK Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them 嘿,你可以跟你的那些朋友說,很開心認識她們 But i hope i never see them again 但我希望我能夠永遠不再見到她們 The translation of this part is that 這句歌詞的翻譯是: I'm pretty good before meeting you 在遇見妳之前,我其實過得挺不錯的 There are two explanations regarding the timing 這一句我覺得有兩種不同時間點的解釋方式 It could be the first time they met 第一個是在他們第一次認識的時候 or the time they bumped into each other 第二個是在他們再次巧遇的時候 No matter which timing it is 不管是哪一個時間點 the "was doing just fine" in the lyrics strongly suggests that 歌詞裡面的 was doing just fine 都有一種很想要強調 I'll be fine without you 『就算沒有你,其實我也過得很不錯』的感覺 "Was doing" suggests his condition Was doing 也就是過去那一段 before meeting the girl 他還沒有遇見女主角的時間,他的狀態 The just in "just fine" further emphasizes the message that I don't care about you 那 just fine 的 just 更是朔造出了『沒你沒差』 but you can feel there is something going on deep inside 但是卻有一個『硬撐,勉強』的感覺 The translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: maybe I have some drinking issues, but I'm ok 或許我有點酗酒的問題,但是其實我挺 OK 的 According to the two timings 依照上面所講的兩種時間點的解釋來看的話 If it's before meeting the girl, he might be just saying 第一次見面時,他可能只是單純的說 he has some drinking problems 他有一點酒喝太多的問題 but if it's the other timing, which is 但是若是從第二時間點 when they met again, he might be suggesting 他們再次巧遇時來解釋的話,他有可能是在說 he relied alcohol to get out of the relationship 他為了走出這個情傷,太過依賴酒精 But he still emphasizes 不過他想要強調 he's perfectly fine and released now 他現在已經完全沒事,他已經釋懷了 No matter what, he's talking about his weakness 不管怎麼樣,這兩句都是在說自己的缺點 but denying his weakness at the same time 卻也同時在否認他的弱點 Issue can be seen as a debatable point Issue 可以看成是一個可以討論 or just a problem 可以辯論的點或者是一個問題 If we want to talk behind a person with our BFF 所以當我們想要跟閨密偷罵一個人 and the person is really annoying 可能他很有事或是很有病 or acting like a moron 或者是神經有問題的話 we can say that he or she has some serious issues 就可以說 he/she has some serious issues Don't tell anyone that I taught you this 不要說是我教的喔 XD I know it breaks your heart 我知道我讓你心碎了 Moved to the city in a broke-down car 我開著破爛的車離開你到大都市裡 And four years, no calls 四年過去,你都沒有聯繫我 Now you're pretty in a hotel bar and 而如今我卻在飯店酒吧裡遇見美麗動人的你 I, I, I, I, I can't stop 我無法停止 No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop 不,我無法停止下來 The translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: I know i broke your heart 我知道我讓你心碎了 But i still left you and drove that broke-down car to city 但是我還是開著破爛的車離開你到了大都市裡 The guy admitted that he's the one who dumped the girl 男主角承認,他提出的分手 and hurt the girl completely 讓女主角傷透了心 After ending this relationship 那他也在結束這段關係後 he moved to a major city 往大都市裡發展 You can see they used the same word twice 那這邊可以看到,用了兩個一樣的字 which are break and broken 也就是 break 跟 broke Break is a verb 不過這邊的 break 是動詞 On the other hand, broke is an adjective 而 broke 則是形容詞 Break someone's heart means 傷透了某個人的心 Break someone’s heart 就是傷透了某個人的心 Broke-down car described that 那 broke-down car 這邊就是在形容一個 the car's condition couldn't be worse 已經不能再更破爛的車了 so you can see the guy drives a broke-down car 那也可以看出來,因為男主角開著破爛的車 he must be poor 所以他其實是一個窮小子 The translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: You haven't contacted me in four years 而這四年內,你都沒有聯繫我 but now i met you in the hotel bar 如今我跟美麗的你在這飯店酒吧裡相遇 When Drew and Alex were writing this song Drew 跟 Alex 在寫歌時 they really wanted to create an unexpected atmosphere 想要創造出跟前任毫無預警 when meeting their ex accidently 的巧遇的那種場合跟氛圍 When you meet people in this condition 而這種相遇就會讓自己一下子 you will be struck by the memories 被過去的美好跟回憶突襲 and there would be some kind of chemical 所以就很容易情不自禁的擦槍走火 "four years, no calls" I personally think that 這邊的 four years, no calls 我自己是解讀成 they not only didn't call each other 雙方都沒有聯繫對方 but also haven't heard anything of each other 所以兩邊都沒有互相的消息 You look as good as the day I met you 你看起來就跟我們初識時一樣帥 I forget just why I left you 我忘記我到底為什麼會離開你 I was insane 我當時瘋了吧 Stay, and play the Blink-182 song 留下來,讓我們一起回憶著那首 Blink-182 的歌 That we beat to death in Tucson 那首我們在曾經在圖森聽到爛的歌 OK 好嗎 The translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: you're still as handsome as before 你完全沒變,帥氣依舊 I totally forgot why I left you 我忘了我到底為何會離開你 I was probably insane 我大概是瘋了吧 four years past 四年過去 you still look so handsome and charming 你看起來居然還是這麼的帥氣有魅力 WTH did i break up with you 我當初到底為什麼會跟你分手 I kinda regret it now 現在好像有點後悔 This part is very interesting 這邊有趣的可以發現 They both thought that 男女主角其實都各自認為 they were the person who dumped the other 提出分手的人是自己 as good as means 一樣好, 一樣帥 As good as 就是一樣好、一樣帥的意思 phrases with the same meaning are 那同樣的句型也有 as far as, as long as, and as soon as as far as, as long as, as soon as but the "just" here 這邊的 just 跟剛剛前面歌詞 is different from the one previously mentioned 提到的 just 感覺不太一樣 here, it kinda has the feeling like 這邊的有一種 WTH did I make this decision 「所以我到底為什麼會這麼做」的感覺 insane means 發瘋 or 發神經 那 insane 就是發瘋或者是發神經 The translations of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: Stay and lets think about Tucson, where 留下來,讓我們回憶一下當時在圖森 we heard the song from Blink-182 millions of times 被我們聽到爛的那首 Blink-182 的歌 Now, the girl seems to be attracted to the guy 現在女主角似乎又被男主角所吸引 so she invited him 因此邀他一起再體驗一次 to relive their happy memories four years ago again 四年前他們一起度過的快樂幸福的時光 Bline-182 is an American rock band formed in 1992 Blink-182 是一個在 1992 年成軍的美國搖滾樂團 The song mentioned in the lyrics 那在歌詞裡面所提到那首歌 is probably "I Miss You" 非常有可能是他們的 “I Miss You” or "All the Small Things" 或者是 “All the Small Things” hearing "Beat to death", we might thought that Beat to death 我們可能直接反應會是 someone was beaten to death 『把某人往死裡打』,不過這是針對人才適用 But if it's beat something to death 如果是 beat something to death the meaning is completely different 那就不一樣囉 Beat something to death is Beat something to death 是 you've done something so repeatly 『一直重複討論或者是做某件事情 that you lose the fun doing it 直到它失去了它原本的吸引力為止』 So here is means you heard the same song too many times 所以也可以解讀成把一首歌重複聽到爛 the pronunciation of "2 song" 那 Blink-182 song 的 2 song 跟美國亞利桑那州 Is similar to Arizona's Tucson 圖森市的 Tucson 的發音是一樣 that's why they arranged the lyrics 所以做了這樣的巧妙安排 So, baby pull me closer 所以,寶貝,擁我入懷 In the back seat of your Rover 在你那台高級的荒野路華車後座 That I know you can't afford 我知道你其實無法自己負擔得了這種車 Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 輕咬你肩膀上的刺青 Pull the sheets right off the corner 把床單從床墊的四邊拉起 Of that mattress that you stole 你那偷來的床墊 From you roommate back in Boulder 從你波德大學的室友那偷來的 We ain't never getting older 我們永遠都不會老去 the translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: Put me in your warms in the back seat of the car that i know you can't afford 在那一台我知道你根本付不起的車後座擁我入懷吧 In the story the girl is a rich kid 故事裡的女主角其實設定是一個富家千金 so she can't afford Rover, a pretty expensive car 所以她所開的那台高級的 rover 車 It was given to her straight by her family 其實是家裡買給他的 (所以其實她自己沒能力負擔) compared with her ex's broke-down car 跟前男友的 broke-down car 破爛車比較起來 they come from different classes 可以看出來他們的關係 (身份) 是非常懸殊的 this may be one of the reasons that they broke up 因此也有可能是分手的因素之一 Pull me closer is the main idea 這邊的 pull me closer 是核心 so in the back seat of your Rover 所以 in the backseat of your Rover and that i know you can't afford 跟 that I know you can’t afford are just describing the situation 的用途就是用來修飾前面跟多加補充說明 Back seat is how we describe 車子的後座 Backseat 我們通常就是在形容車子的後座 Rover is a car brand 那 Rover 的話就是一個車種 can't afford something is 付不起 Can’t afford something 就是付不起 we've taught about this phrase before 那這個其實我們之前有教過喔 in our 10 English Phrases series 在我們的十句常用英文系列 You can check it out by clicking the card 可以點這邊的卡片去看看 The translation of the lyrics is 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 我們永遠不會老去 我們永遠不會老去 We'll live in this moment forever 不,現在的我們就是永恆