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  • About 10 years ago scientists sequenced the first human genome and we started to unlock

  • some mysteries about our health, our development, what makes us look the way we do, act the

  • way we do, feel the way we do.

  • And now were realizing that were outnumbered by thousands-fold with bacterial genes. Our

  • whole bodies are a super-organism.

  • The Secret World Inside You tells a story of the microbiome; that is the kinds of microbes

  • in and on you.

  • It turns out that a grand majority of the cells in our bodies are actually microbial

  • cells that have co-evolved with us for millions of years.

  • They are doing things for us; important things for us like helping us digest our food and

  • training our immune systems so that we can be healthy throughout our adult lives.

  • And that change in our way of looking at microbes has been one of the most fundamental shifts

  • in biology.

  • It really is going to change the way we think about ourselves and our health in the generations

  • moving forward.

About 10 years ago scientists sequenced the first human genome and we started to unlock


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B1 中級 美國腔

人類微生物組在《你體內的祕密世界》中的特色。 (Human Microbiome Featured In The Secret World Inside You)

  • 40 6
    孫培鈞 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日