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  • [ music ]

  • My name is Florence Tan, I'm the SAM Electrical Lead Engineer, I work at Goddard Space Flight Center.

  • SAM stands for Sample Analysis at Mars. It is an organic chemistry lab on the Curiosity rover,

  • it is the most well-equipped chemistry lab that we've sent to Mars to date.

  • Curiosity landed on Mars on August 5, 2012. It was born on Mars that day, and so we consider that day as its birthday.

  • We're here at the test bed lab where SAM was built. It is an identical unit to the unit on Mars,

  • and we use this unit to test our experiments before it is transmitted to Mars.

  • SAM will be running some great science experiments on Mars, we will be analyzing some soil samples.

  • To make the soil samples go down, we have to program it to vibrate at various frequencies.

  • When we're introducing a sample into SAM, it will go through a resonance and it will sound like this.

  • [ electronic tone ]

  • To commemorate SAM's birthday and Curiosity's birthday on Mars, we decided to play a little song.

  • If there's anyone listening on Mars on this special occasion, you will hear this.

  • [ Happy Birthday to You ]

  • It's really neat, and it's exciting! This is a first for NASA and for the world, and music brings us all together so this is fun!

  • It's been a great year on Mars and I cannot wait to get to Mount Sharp next year.

  • We've discovered so many new things, and there's still lots more discoveries to come.

  • [ music ]

[ music ]


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B1 中級

好奇號降落火星一周年~NASA送生日快樂!| Happy Birthday, Curiosity!

  • 316 25
    Zenn 發佈於 2013 年 08 月 06 日