字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I am one haircut away getting rid of all this decaying dead hair, but you still need to live with it for now. 我需要把這些噁心的頭髮剪掉,但你仍需要跟它生活一段時間。 Hey guys, if you didn't catch the last video, I'm currently in the middle of a move right now 嘿,伙計們,如果你沒趕上最後的視頻,我現在搬家搬到一半 so, I apologize this room is incredibly echo-y. It's temporary, I swear I should be moving soon, but anyway. Over the past few years 所以,我很抱歉,這個房間有回聲。這是暫時的,我發誓,我應該很快就會搬走,但無論如何。在過去的幾年裡 I've always gotten a bunch of comments asking me how RHPC or the Ryan Higa Production Company came to be. You know, these guys? 我一直得到了一堆的意見,詢問我的RHPC或瑞恩比嘉製作公司是如何走過來的。你知道,這些傢伙...... (The Greg-orian calendar) 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:24,160 (When there's a Will there's a way) 00:00:24,160 --> 00:00:26,160 (The Brains and The Sean) 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:28,060 然後這個人.... (Derrick, Derrick on the wall) 等等,現在正在做我的? (Daina-ish Butter Cookies) 什麼.....我的定格呢......你得讓我知道,這樣我至少可以知道定格鏡頭是甚麼 (I've got nothing... RIP Paco) *打嗝* Wait, we're doing mine now. 我真的想過,我想 What... where's my freeze... you have to let me know so I can at least look and get a freeze frame? 我從來 *burps* 沒有誰介紹RHPC是甚麼或他們何時加入。它只是現在開始就出現在視頻中 And I guess when I really think about it 然後最終所有的時間。你們只是想出了誰是誰。好了,今天 I never 這是第一次,一切都將因歷史上的RHPC而更改 - 我已經 did introduce who RHPC was or when they joined. It kind of just started showing up in videos now 說我要將一切告訴你們這群觀眾,關於RHPC隊 and then eventually all the time. You guys kind of just figured out who was who. Well, today 建立的故事 (Dramatically) It's all going to change because for the very first time in RHPC history for the very first time - I already - said that I *戲劇性的音樂* am going to be telling you guys all of you viewers out there, for the very first time The Story of How the RHPC Squad 我不知道為什麼我做了那樣的排序,這不是......這個故事是不是史詩。這很無聊...其實 came to be 或者是它!現债...其實不是很有趣在全部或史詩。看 *DRAMATIC MUSIC* 我只是說實話,告訴你們真實的故事,所以我道歉,如果這有點無聊 I don't know why I did it...sort of, like that. It's not...the story isn't that epic. It's pretty boring 我只是要做好這一點,讓我可以傳達故事給你們 actually. Or is it! Naw it's...actually not that interesting at all or epic. Look 而不是從我自己的記憶誇大,即使 I'm just going to be honest and tell you guys the honest story, so I apologize if it's a little boring 我已經記不清楚了。 I'm just going to do the best that I can do relaying the story to you guys *戲劇性的音樂* without exaggerating too much from my own memory even though 這是2009年時,我躲過了UNLV培訓學院 I can't remember things that well. *更戲劇性的音樂* *Dramatic Music* (嘿,我回來了)(沒有人可以逃出UNLV的)(付給我們的學費) It was the year 2009 when I escaped the UNLV training academy *超級戲劇性的音樂* *More Dramatic Music* *邪惡的笑聲* (Hey get back here) (No one drops out of UNLV) (Pay us tuition) Ahhhhhhh *Super Dramatic Music* 謝謝。我從來沒有想過你會救我(搶走學費書) *Evil Laughter* Ahhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh 沒有我們,你永遠不會找到工作! Thank you. I never thought you would actually ever help (steals tuition book) 一旦我拿回了我的學費 Ahhhhhhhhhhh 我會把所有的錢拿去旅行到另一個城市,就是那個臭名昭著的城市 You'll never get a job without us! 洛杉磯,日本人所在的地方,如果你希望這個地方這樣的話 Once I got my tuition back 日本。這個城市是美麗的,當我第一次來到。每個人都是好的且愉快的,他們都非常漂亮。但有些是我不知道 I had all the money to travel to another city, the infamous city known as 這些都是一些世界上最好的演員和騙子。 Los Angeles which is Japanese for if you want to make it here don't be 幸運的,我已經找到了我的第一個盟友 Japanese. The city was beautiful when I first arrived. Everyone seemed nice and pleasant and all of them were beautiful. Little did I know 你在這裡得要小心一點。 these were some of the best actors and imposters in the world. 你是誰? Luckily for me, I'd found my first allies 我是D-Trix。這些是我的朋友Will(你好)和Greg(痛風)。 You got to be a little more careful around here. 等待什麼呢?痛風? Who are you? 是的,我有痛風。我小的時候吃了太多的牡蠣,所以我不得不更換了我大部分的身體。 I'm D-Trix. These are my friends Will (Howdy) and Greg (Gouty). 哦,嗯......好吧。從此我開始少吃海鮮 Wait what? Gouty? *戲劇性的音樂* Yeah, I have gout. Ate too much oysters as a kid so I had to replace most of my body. 經過幾年打擊犯罪,我知道我們不能跟上這個步調。是時候該回拉斯維加斯了。 Oh um...okay. And that's when I started to ease off on the seafood 他們把我們包圍。好了,格雷格去放煙霧。 *Dramatic Music* 收到。 After a couple years battling off the imposters, I knew we couldn't keep up this pace. It was time to go back to Vegas. 然後我們所有人前往東北沙漠。 They got us completely surrounded. Alright, Greg's gonna drop a smoke. 煙霧不會飄到那麼遠。 Roger that. 你們快去,我會擋住他們。 And then we all head northeast for the desert. 你在說什麼? Smoking won't cover us that far. 我們不會丟下你一個人在這裡。 You guys go on I'll hold em' off. 不要擔心我。我得到了增援。 What're you talking about ? 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:39,520 好吧!讓我們開始吧 We're not gonna leave you alone out here. *戰鬥音樂* Don't worry about me. I got reinforcements. *戰鬥音樂* 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:39,520 Alright guys let's do this 00:03:56,580 --> 00:03:57,500 嗨! Ryan! (是FUJIYOSHI!!!!) *Fighting Music* Sean?!?!你到底在外面幹什麼? *Fighting Music* 我剛剛解決完學院所以我掛了。 00:03:56,580 --> 00:03:57,500 Hi Ryan! (IT'S FUJIYOSHI!!!!) 你瘋了嗎?!?!?!來吧! Sean?!?! The hell are you doing out here? 在肖恩是盟友之前,我們去了不同的院校。不像我自己 I just got done with the academy so I came to hang out. 他在玫瑰城的學院完成了他的訓練。他輕鬆地成了該組的首腦 Are you crazy?!?!?! Come on! 你好。你好?問候先生...... Sean was an ally early on before we went to different academies. Unlike myself 停!! he finished his training at the academy in the city of roses. He easily became the brains of the group (DMX--Ruff Ryder的國歌) Hello there. Hello? Greetings sir... DROP,關閉他們的人了,開商店。 STOP!! 哦 (DMX-Ruff Ryder's Anthem) NO,那就是Ruff Ryders 如何滾動。 DROP, shut em' down, open up shop. 停 OH DROP,關閉他們的人了,開商店。 NO, that's how Ruff Ryders roll. 哦 STOP 不 DROP, shut em' down, open up shop. 那就是Ruff Ryders 如何滾動。 OH 這就是我們如何認識Derrick。他是一個謎, NO 不可預知的,外卡。我相信我們第一次見面,我們要求他帶我們去有食物和飲料的商店 That's how Ruff Ryders roll. 飲料,然後他把我們帶到這裡。 And that's how we met Derrick. He was a mystery, 哎,你們。我聽說他們這裡有很讚的雞塊。 unpredictable, a wild-card. I believe the first time we met we asked him to take us to a shop for some food and 我們仍然不知道為什麼Derrick把我們帶到這裡 beverage and he brought us here. 但我們很高興,因為在此我們遇到最寶貴的成員Daina。 Hey, come on guys. I heard they have really good chicken strips here. 她是最後一個成員。現在,我們知道我們的一切,我們需要創建終極團隊叫做...... We still don't know why Derrick brought us here RHPC小隊。 but we're sure glad he did for that's when we came across one of our most valuable members Daina. 呃......你好。 There it was a final piece to the puzzle. We now knew we had everything we needed to create the ultimate team known as 什麼? The RHPC Squad. 你只是想給其他人故事角色介紹,然後讓我出去。 Uh... Hello. 呃...我正要說。如果你讓我說完。 What? 它在下一頁。 You're just going to give everyone else epic intros and leave me out. 哦。 Well, I was getting to that. If you would let me finish. 那麼它是否像其他人的角色一樣好 It's on the next page. 而不是愚蠢的笑話。 Oh. 它很ok。所以我可以...? Well it better be epic like everyone else is and not 隨你。 some stupid joke. *清嗓子* It will okay. So may I... 然後最後一塊拼圖就在那裡。現在,我們知道我們的一切,我們需要創建終極團隊叫做 Whatever. RHPC小隊。 *Clears throat* 哦,然後我們也加入了stripper And there it was. The final piece to the puzzle. We now knew we had everything we needed to create the ultimate team known as 和Paco。 The RHPC Squad. 結束。 Oh, and then we added the stripper too. 是的,這是相當準確的。 And Paco. Daina:那是可愛的 Greg: Stuff off La fin. 是啊,這是很好的。 Yeah, that was pretty accurate. Daina: That's cute Greg: Stuff off Yeah, that's good. TEEHEE
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 戲劇性 故事 學院 學費 史詩 煙霧 RHPC小隊的史詩故事! (The Epic Story of RHPC Squad!) 155 3 Tony Lai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字