字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Before YouTube, there was Newgrounds 在YouTube問世之前,大家都在玩Newgrounds where a bunch of kids brought their ideas to life with cartoons. 當時有一群小鬼們會將他們的點子做成動畫放到這來 If this can be considered animation, 如果這東西可以算是動畫的話 then I was one of those kids, 那我正是當年嘗試將東西 丟上網路讓大家看的小鬼們的其中一員 trying to make something special for people to watch on the internet. 來看看我做的第一部影片,大耀西遷移吧 Let's take a look at one of my first videos: 這部影片上傳於2003年12月1日 "The great Yoshi Migration", (驢子的第一部影片) uploaded on December 1st, 2003. "我想我們迷路了" What the fuck was that piece of shit? "為什麼我們會跑到這來?" I created it, and I don't understand what the fuck just happened there. "誰知道,開派對囉!" Now in the sequel here, (兩分鐘後) If you look to the left side, you can actually see the Yoshi 這他媽到底是在演三小? continually running in place, because I didn't know how to change the size of the screen. 這影片是我做的,但我完全沒看懂當時的我嗑了什麼 And then I hit you with the scrolling text, 接著看看續集 如果你往左邊看,就會發現耀西的腳還在那邊跑 except you see the end of the sentence first, so that kind of ruins everything. 因為我不知道要怎麼調整畫面尺寸 It wasn't until 2004, where I would seek the help of the commenters. 然後我打算弄個滾動文字感動一下大家 Here the description is: 結果這個訊息居然從最後一個字開始跳,把一切毀了 “Tell me what you like and dislike [aobut] this movie.” 直到2004年,我才開始尋求評論者的協助 As you can imagine, 我寫了這句話 「請告訴我你喜歡和不喜歡這部影片的觀點」 the comments were very insightful. 正如你想的那樣,那些評論總是相當的一針見血 da07panther said: da07panther評論:"甲!" "GAY" 去你的 “Fuck you, fuck you. I'm Italian.” 去你的,我是義大利人 I noticed all the best animations on the internet featured talented casts of voice actors 我注意到網路上那些最頂尖的動畫都有優秀的配音演出 以及漂亮的原創角色 and beautiful, crisp drawings of original characters. 所以,我做的這玩意 So...I made this. 評論者們被我異常逼真的尤嘎畫功驚呆了 Critics were blown away by my ultra-realistic drawing of Yoda, but that's not even the impressive part, watch this: 但這還不是最令人印象深刻的部分,看好了 Yoda: "When do I start? [unnhNNnn] He said Monday. True story it is. Then Wayne the Goblin try to steal my butterfinger." "我說,什麼時候開始的?" Didja hear what happened there? I swapped out the voice actor for Yoda in the middle of the scene. "嗯嗯嗯" And you're only gonna get that kind of professionalism from a guy like me. "他說,星期一,的確是" Needless to say, people loved it. "然後偉恩哥布林試著偷我的Butterfinger餅乾" They said it was the best that they've ever seen, so I knew that in the sequel, I would have to up the ante. 你有聽到我動了什麼手腳嗎? Apparently, Yoda: "I'M A YODA" 我在中途換掉了尤達的配音 "DIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" 這種技巧你只能在最專業的人身上看到 "A-Venge Myf a ther's death." 就好比說是我 *Blood-curdling battle cry* ("...這三小辣雞動畫,浪費我的人生") 更不用說,大家愛死這部影片了 Now I have to put a disclaimer on this next part, because no man, woman, or child ("哇,史上最白癡、反原創、無重點、最糟糕的尤達配音") 他們說這是他們所見過最讚的影片 should ever see this in their entire life. 所以我知道續集得趕緊推出了 Please, everyone, turn this off now, and leave. For the love of God, just, please- "窩似尤噠..." Megaman: "It's always fun at the F-U-C-K, It's always fun at the F-U-C-K" "去死吧啊啊啊啊啊" *Dunkey takes a deep and painful sigh* "為我父親報仇" This is a, uh... 現在得我先為接下來的內容作一段免責聲明 parody of the song by the Village People. Except I swapped out the letters YMCA for... 因為無論男女老幼,都不應該在人生中經歷這一段過程 "Fuck". 各位,請趕緊關掉這部影片 I have to put an additional disclaimer here... because, what you are about to s- hear, can never be unheard. Please... 看在老天爺的份上,快離開吧! Please turn the video off. ♫ FUCK的時候真好玩 ♫ "When you walk in the street, and a ninja jumps down, you say to his face;" ♫ FUCK的時候真好玩 ♫ "Hey, yo, fuck you man. What?" 這個是... "F-U-C-K chucka-dun chucka-dun chucka-dun chucka-dun" 這是一首村民樂團的歌...不過我把YMCA換成了... ...if anyone still viewing this has the technology, "Fuck" I am willing to go back in time, and assassinate my own self before this was uploaded. 我必須要在這邊再放一個免責聲明 All right, one more. Just- just one more. 因為你接下來會看到的東西可說是前所未見 Now this is one of my oldest masterpieces, called "Up My Ass", here we go. 拜託、拜託快把影片關掉 Left Cat: "EY BOB. Ey why don't ya tell me the old story o' when you bought that frog fuckin' thing on your fucking head, why don'tcha?" ♫ 當你走在路上 有個忍者跳下 ♫ [unintelligible 13 year old noises] Right Cat: "awwellddatell da story of da frog thing on mah hed UP MY ASS." (這是13歲的驢子) ♫ 當你走在路上 有個忍者跳下 ♫ The reason why I've taken you on this elongated intro is really to (這是13歲的驢子) ♫ 你當著他的面說 嘿 唷 幹你娘 ♫ acclimate you with what animation looks like, when you don't have the patience or talent for it. ♫ F U C K ♫ Even though I'm probably the worst animator worldwide, 如果正在看的各位有某種黑科技 I've been doing this shit since I was 12 years old, so I know all the tricks, 我願意立刻穿越回去,趕在我上傳動畫之前幹掉自己 I know all the cheats, and I have a huge appreciation 好了,再一個...只要再一個就好 for quality stuff like you'll see in Cuphead. 這是我最古老的「傑作」,叫做「上我的屁屁」,來吧 These guys have really gone about nailing the look of this game in the most pain-in-the-ass, "欸Bob,你能不能跟我說說你他媽當時為啥 要買他媽的青蛙玩意放在你頭上?" time-consuming way possible, and it looks absolutely stunning for it. [難以理解的13歲聲音] "噢你是說我頭上那個青蛙的故事喔...吃我的屁啦!" Documentary: "The thousands of pencil drawings go to the inking department." 我花那麼多的時間在開頭上的原因是為了讓你知道 "Here, hundreds of pretty girls, in a comfortable building all their own," 當你沒有耐心或天賦時,動畫就會看起來像怎樣 "well-lighted, air-conditioned throughout, cover the drawings with sheets of transparent celluloid." 哪怕我可能是全世界最糟糕的動畫師 Dunkey: Every single boss is this impossible combination of precisely-detailed drawings and fluid animation. 我從12歲開始就一直在做這個 Let's just slow this down a little and look at how many times they had to draw this flower guy on the right here. 所以我知道所有的技巧、也知道所有的取巧方式 [Counting] 1, 2, 3, 所以我非常欣賞那些高品質的作畫 [Counting still.] 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 就如你現在看到的,杯子頭(Cuphead) [Skipped a few, but still counting] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 這些傢伙真的把這遊戲的外觀雕琢得淋漓盡致 [More counting] 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 使用如此費時的工法,成果絕對是驚人的 32, 33, 34, 35, "描線部門有上千名畫師" Okay, now- let's just play that back real quick. "在這裡,有數百位漂亮的姑娘,在這個舒適的大樓中" In two and a half seconds, they had to draw that flower guy 35 different times. "在光線充足、空調常駐的環境中畫著他們的賽璐珞片" This is why you should never be an animator. 每一個Boss都是以看似不可能的 In general, these boss fights are around two minutes long, 高細節繪圖和流暢動畫的組合 and i'd assume in that time you'll see around 300 different frames of animation per boss. 讓我們把畫面放慢,看看這個花男的動作 總共畫了多少張圖 That means 300 times drawing, inking, and coloring the one guy over there. 1 For this reason, the art direction of Cuphead has been universally praised. 2 The difficulty of the game, however, has come under some criticism. 3 And to be completely honest, I am NOT the best guy at video games. 4 I can't beat Castlevania, 5 I can't beat Punch-Out, and I especially can't beat Contra, okay? 6 And the first thing you need to know about Cuphead is that this game is a fuckin' Dickhead. 7 I'd say it's right on the border of "Complete Horseshit" and "Go Fuck Yourself". 8 In a game where every millisecond counts, the frame-by-frame animation is a perfect match. 14 The player is forced to carefully observe the boss while attempting to dodge 50 projectiles at the same time. 15 The genius part is because the bosses are so detailed, the way they telegraph their attacks can range from 16 incredibly obvious to frustratingly subtle, while still being fair. 17 On the other hand, there is a level of randomness in a couple boss fights, that can sometimes cheat the player out of a hit. 18 Usually with attacks that are kinda disconnected from what the boss is visually doing. 19 Also, some of these upgrades feel more like downgrades to me. 20 Steam says it took me 13 hours to beat this game, so, 24 7 hours on this dumb fucking dragon, 25 uhh, 4 hours on this piece of shit bumblebee boss, 26 and then the rest of the game was probably about an hour long. 27 "Persistence" is the key word. 28 Going back to Newgrounds, there was so many moments when I was a kid, that I thought I had something really special. 32 I worked so hard, for months on some of those movies, and when I finally put them up the reception was 33 "GAY" 34 and that was crushing for me, but for some reason 35 I kept going back again, and again, and again, and eventually, EVENTUALLY, I got better. OK,我們回去重頭開始播一遍 After 7 rage quits, 13 controller throws, 在短短兩秒半內,他們就得把這個花男來回畫個35次 28 angry comments directed at the developers, I got better at the game. 這就是為啥你永遠都不該去當動畫師 So for those of you who've thrown in the towel at this point? 一般來說,Boss戰大約費時兩分鐘 I'm saying; try it again, man. You can do it. 我假設每個Boss總共大約有300個動畫幀好了 You really gotta parry those pink attacks, because that's gonna chop off a significant portion of the fight, 這意味著他們得重複300次在繪圖、描線和上色上 and, you gotta equip the Smoke Bomb and the Scattershot. 只為這一隻Boss Especially the Smoke Bomb, this thing is like 100 times better than every other power up. 基於這個原因,杯子頭在藝術面上讚譽甚廣 There are moments in Cuphead, where you'll say: "Fuck this game.", 然而這遊戲在難度上卻受到了一些批評 "This is bullshit." and trust me, some parts in here really are bullshit. 但我講句實話,我不是玩遊戲最強的人 But there's so much love put into these boss fights 我打不通惡魔城 that you can't just walk away! 我也打不通拳無虛發,更別說是魂斗羅了,好嗎 You gotta see it all, you gotta beat it all, 而對於杯子頭,你需要知道的第一件事就是 and... you gotta buy my new hotdogs. 這遊戲就是個他媽的雞掰頭 I give Cupfoot... 我會說,這遊戲完全就是位在一坨馬屎和去你媽的之間 a 4 out of 5. 遊戲中的每一毫秒,逐幀動畫都沒有絲毫突兀
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 動畫 遊戲 影片 驢子 攻擊 評論 老Dunkey和Cuphead (Old Dunkey and Cuphead) 237 6 許智翔 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字