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Anthony: Cristen would it weird you out if I told you I brought you here to talk about
Cristen: [Raspberry sound]
Anthony: That was a good one.
Anthony: Hey guys Anthony here for Dnews. I've got Cristen here with me with me.
Cristen: Hello.
Anthony: Hello, from Stuff Mom Never Told You.
Man, we had some questions. We got together and we were thinking about farts, you guys.
Cristen: Yeah, lots of questions about farts, and especially who farts more: women or men?
Anthony: Who farts more? Who farts worse? Who's more disgusting, basically, is kinda
what we're into.
We should start out by saying that we compared and, we didn't directly compare, we didn't
hang out and fart together all day, but according to studies, the average person, regardless
of gender, farts 10 times a day. Ten times a day.
Cristen: That seems like a lot of farting going on. What are farts made of? Why do they
stink so bad?
Anthony: Well the first ingredient of fart is hydrogen sulfide. So this is kinda that
poisonous, rotten egg smell, and this is the smell that does come from things like swamp
gas, sewers, maneur.
And it's kind of like when the exhaust from these rotting things are in an absence of
oxygen. And so that's actually coming out of your butt.
Cristen: That is so pleasant.
Anthony: Yeah it is about is actually poisonous. That's the thing. It is a legitimately poisonous
gas, although we don't have enough of it in our flatulence to actually poison ourselves,
thank goodness.
Cristen: That's good because I mean that would mean that dutch ovens could be lethal.
Anthony: Yeah methanethiol, which is the second thing, which I think I said right. I don't
know. Is the smell of decomposing vegetables. And also vegetable stew when you're cooking
And the third ingredient is dimethyl sulfide, which'm is a sweet smell, according to all
This comes from corn, cabbage, beats, that sort of thing.
Cristen: It really does sound like something you'd bring to a potluck.
Anthony: What's interesting about this, is even though we all have the the same individual
components in our farts, everyone has a fart fingerprints.
Each of our farts is a little bit different and that could lead to why we don't mind the
smell of our own farts or notice them as much.
Cristen: Men, women: who's farting more?
Anthony: I'm gonna say women.
Cristen: Well, okay you're wrong.
Men fart more because, I mean you've got bigger bodies, so you gonna produce more fart. And
the amount of gas that men produce, per fart, is about half a cup.
Anthony: So that's four ounces, ten times a day, you are fartin a forty. Yeah think
about that, men.
So how about women? Where do you guys match up here?
Cristen: I mean we're farting less but not much less. We still produce about a third
of a cup, of fart, per fart.
Anthony: Huh, daintier for sure. But not that much.
So whose farts smell worse.
Cristen: Okay here's the thing. Women might produce daintier sized farts, but not daintier
smelling farts.
Because, and there has been research on this, there is imperical, peer-reviewed, evidence,
that women, ladies, we have stinkier farts.
Anthony: How do we cut down on these farts? How do we make these things stop?
Number one thing you can do is quit eating red meat.
Cristen: Yeah. That's actually been number one dietary culprit of farts.
Anthony: Broccoli, brussel sprouts, that's gonna make you fart, guys, don't eat those.
Cristen: And bad news for the weekend, if you're looking to blow off some steam. Beer.
Anthony: Blow off some steam. I see what you did there.
Cristen: Yeah, cause beer makes you fart. But, see there's an upside to this. Because
beer might make you fart more, but beer also makes you care less about farting more. So
I think the beer thing cancels itself out.
Anthony: So there it is. Men and women, equally farting, equally disgusting. It's kind of
a beautiful story.
You know this is normally where I would ask you a question. A question about the video.
I don't want to know how much you guys are farting.
I don't know that.
So we're not gonna ask that.
Instead we're gonna ask Cristen where can we see Stuff Mom Never Told You?
Cristen: You can see Stuff Mom Never Told You at YouTube.com/stuffmomnevertoldyou.
Anthony: There you go. Is entirely about farting? The show?
Cristen: Really only about every other video is about farting.
Anthony: So either way you're 50/50 you're covered by watching the show. And be sure
to subscribe here for more Dnews.