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  • - The Second Great Awakening was one of the most

  • important social, religious, and cultural

  • aspects of the early 19th century in the United States.

  • In fact, I might even make the argument that

  • it's impossible to understand the early 19th century

  • without understanding The Second Great Awakening

  • because as you can see here,

  • it's kind of connected with everything,

  • so what was The Second Great Awakening

  • and why was it such a big deal?

  • The Second Great Awakening was a period of religious revival

  • in the United States

  • where church membership really soared.

  • A lot of people had conversion experiences,

  • meaning that they had a moment where they

  • came to understand their personal relationship with God

  • and want to change their ways to become a more

  • religious individual and give up their ways as sinners.

  • So church membership really soared

  • and lots of new people joined churches, particularly women.

  • Now, you'll note that this is called

  • The Second Great Awakening because there was,

  • in fact, a First Great Awakening,

  • which happened in the 1730s, 1740s

  • and that was the era of Jonathan Edwards

  • and sinners in the hands of an angry God.

  • It was very localized in New England

  • and specifically, with Calvinism

  • or Puritan religious awakenings,

  • so that was a separate event

  • that happened about 100 years before

  • and The Second Great Awakening,

  • as I have drawn here, generally,

  • historians say it lasted from about 1790 to 1850,

  • but I would say that the real heyday

  • of The Second Great Awakening would be

  • from about 1820 to 1840.

  • Those are hazy dates, but that's kind of

  • the hot period of The Second Great Awakening.

  • In this series of videos, I wanna explore

  • some of the aspects that led to The Second Great Awakening,

  • particularly the market revolution

  • and a bunch of other social, political, cultural,

  • and even religious changes that were happening beforehand

  • and then also explore some of the

  • consequences of The Second Great Awakening.

  • What parts of early 19th century American culture

  • are really tied up with this wave in religiosity?

  • So what was The Second Great Awakening like?

  • Well, here's a painting of what I would call

  • kind of the central aspect of The Second Great Awakening,

  • which were camp meetings.

  • So unlike The First Great Awakening,

  • which was definitely a New England thing,

  • The Second Great Awakening took place

  • largely more on the Western part of the United States.

  • Now, when we're talking about Western part,

  • we're talking about Western part circa 1820,

  • which is gonna be Western New York,

  • Kentucky, around Appalachia.

  • These were places that didn't have

  • the kind of strong established church religion

  • that you might have found in a place like Massachusetts

  • and so preachers would set up camp meetings.

  • They'd have a big stage.

  • People would come in tents

  • and they would listen to these preachers

  • and these preachers would attempt to convert

  • the audiences to a more active

  • and particularly, evangelical form of Christianity.

  • Evangelical Christianity comes from this word,

  • evangelical, evangelist,

  • like the four evangelists of the Bible,

  • who were the men who wrote the gospels

  • and the idea of evangelical Christianity

  • was a real strong attachment to the Bible

  • and an attempt to make kind of heaven on Earth,

  • so to make the world below

  • the same as heaven above.

  • So they're kind of trying to bring about

  • a terrestrial paradise, if you will

  • and many of the religious movements that come out of this

  • are particularly concerned with

  • what we would call, really, the apocalypse

  • or in more contemporary terms,

  • sort of millennialism or millenarianism.

  • I know this is a big word, but more or less,

  • the idea that they want Jesus Christ

  • to return to Earth and rule for 1,000 years

  • over a perfect earthly paradise.

  • Now, when you and I think of the apocalypse,

  • we usually think that's a bad thing,

  • but most evangelical Christians in this time period

  • really wanted the apocalypse to happen

  • because it meant that heaven would happen on Earth.

  • Now, these camp meetings were really interesting.

  • You know, they're happening kind of out on the frontier,

  • so it's kinda the coolest show in town,

  • to go see this itinerant preacher.

  • They're often called circuit riders,

  • so that is a preacher who literally rides around on a horse

  • because he does not have an

  • established congregation of his own,

  • so he goes from town to town, setting up meetings,

  • preaching, and hopefully converting people

  • to evangelical Christianity,

  • but the camp meetings of The Second Great Awakening

  • were characterized by a really

  • emotional response from individuals.

  • People who were having conversion experiences

  • and you can see it here in this painting.

  • They would kinda go into fits.

  • They might fall over and shake or bark like a dog

  • because they had been so overcome

  • by this religious spirit.

  • So you can imagine how camp meetings like this,

  • as people heard about them,

  • would've really affected the general populous.

  • If you heard about a story where your friend

  • went off to this camp meeting and they had

  • this incredible conversion experience

  • where they realized how important it was

  • to give up sin and devote one's life to Christianity

  • and working to bring heaven on Earth,

  • you might go check it out yourself.

  • So two of the most famous preachers

  • of The Second Great Awakening were Lyman Beecher,

  • who was based out of Ohio later in his life,

  • and you might be familiar with this name, Beecher,

  • because Lyman Beecher was the father of

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.

  • One of Beecher's concerns was

  • just that society in general in the United States

  • was becoming more secular and taking a very

  • rational approach to religion,

  • as opposed to an emotional approach to religion.

  • He wanted people to feel religion very deeply.

  • He was kind of working toward a period of religious revival

  • and got one in The Second Great Awakening.

  • The other really famous preacher from this time period

  • was Charles Grandison Finney

  • and Finney traveled around

  • and drew just crowds in the thousands.

  • 20,000, 30,000 people might gather to hear him preach

  • and you can notice here that I have

  • Finney and Beecher facing away from each other

  • 'cause they didn't entirely get along.

  • One of the reasons they didn't get along

  • was because Finney approved of women preaching in public,

  • which was definitely a no-no for the time period.

  • So what was unique and new about the theology

  • of The Second Great Awakening?

  • Well, let me give myself a little bit more space here.

  • Well, I've already mentioned some things here.

  • One that, it's taking place out on the frontier

  • in huge ecstatic camp meetings

  • where people were behaving in a way

  • that would have been very strange in a Puritan church,

  • falling down, shaking, shouting aloud

  • and also that it was concerned with

  • this idea of millenarianism

  • or trying to create heaven on Earth

  • to bring about the rapture,

  • to bring about the return of Jesus Christ

  • to Earth for 1,000-year reign.

  • Also, that it served to inspire

  • many converts to be better people,

  • to do good on Earth,

  • to try to bring about this heaven on Earth.

  • Now, contrast this with some of the religious establishment

  • in the United States, specifically the Puritans.

  • Right, Puritans were Calvinists,

  • which meant that they followed the doctrine of John Calvin,

  • which meant that they believed in predestination.

  • Predestination is the idea that before you're born,

  • God already knows and has decided

  • whether or not you are saved, one of the elect

  • or whether you are damned and going to hell,

  • so there's really nothing you can do

  • because either you are one of these elect

  • or you're one of the damned,

  • so your personal actions make no difference

  • in whether or not you're going to get into heaven.

  • The Second Great Awakening really kinda rejects this notion.

  • You can see that in kinda two different ways.

  • One, they do think that it matters if you do good, right?

  • So your time on Earth is not just kind of

  • wading through a veil of tears,

  • waiting until you get to heaven or don't,

  • depending on what your status is,

  • so doing good works,

  • trying to improve the world around you

  • does make a difference in your salvation

  • and we'll see as this goes forward

  • how that really animates people toward

  • all kinds of social reforms in this time period.

  • The other thing this does is really democratizes religion.

  • Right, if the world isn't already separated

  • into the elect and the damned,

  • then anyone has a chance of salvation

  • and you see that in many aspects

  • of The Second Great Awakening.

  • They allow women to preach.

  • Women become really strong members,

  • influential members of these communities of faith.

  • They preach to whites, blacks,

  • free, and enslaved people alike,

  • so all races are eligible for salvation

  • and you also don't have to be a wealthy church father

  • to be influential in religion.

  • You know, people like Lyman Beecher and Charles Finney.

  • They weren't born wealthy.

  • They weren't born as the scions of,

  • say, the Mather family in Massachusetts,

  • which had been one of the most important

  • religious families in Massachusetts,

  • so The Second Great Awakening really attracted

  • lots of poor people, people on the frontier.

  • It wasn't a religion of the elite.

  • Now you don't have to be educated

  • at the seminaries of Harvard or Yale

  • to have a Christian conversion experience.

  • So this is the essence of The Second Great Awakening

  • and in the next video, I'll talk a little bit more

  • about the social forces that caused

  • The Second Great Awakening and the consequences

  • of its proliferation in early 19th century America.

- The Second Great Awakening was one of the most


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