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  • Imagine if there were an alternative to smoking cigarettes.

    想象一下,如果有一個替代吸菸的方法 煙,

  • Imagine this alternative could help millions of people quit smoking and came with only

    想象一下,這種選擇可以幫助數百萬人 的人戒了煙,只帶著

  • a fraction of the harmful chemicals that cigarettes do.

    香菸中的有害化學物質的一小部分。 做。

  • Well, you don’t have to imagine it.


  • It exists.


  • E-cigarettes are the most innovative and promising smoking-cessation product yet invented.

    電子煙是最具創新和前景的產品 戒菸產品尚未發明。

  • So, public health officials and anti-tobacco activists are all in favor of this

    所以,公共衛生官員和反煙草的 活動家們都支持這個

  • life-saving innovation, right?


  • Actually, theyre almost all totally against it.

    其實,他們幾乎都是完全反對 它。

  • Why?


  • Because, incredibly, they make no substantial distinction between e-cigarettes and real

    因為,令人難以置信的是,他們沒有做出實質性的 電子煙和真煙的區別。

  • cigarettes -- even though they are completely different products.

    香菸 -- 儘管它們完全 不同的產品。

  • To begin with, e-cigarettes aren’t cigarettes.


  • They contain no tobacco.


  • Instead, a liquid containing nicotine derived from tobacco leaves is vaporized,

    相反,含有尼古丁的液體衍生 從菸葉中蒸發出來的。

  • and users of e-cigarettes inhale that vapor.


  • Vapor, mind-younot smoke.


  • This is significant because the real harm from tobacco comes from the combustion process,

    這一點很重要,因為真正的危害是 菸草中的菸葉來自於燃燒過程。

  • which releases hundreds of toxic compounds known as tar.

    它釋放出數百種有毒化合物 稱為焦油。

  • Since e-cigarettes have no tobacco and no combustion, they release no tar.

    由於電子煙沒有菸草,沒有 燃燒,它們不會釋放焦油。

  • This makes them, according to Britain’s Department of Health, at least 95% less harmful

    這使得他們,根據英國的 衛生部,至少減少95%的危害

  • than tobacco cigarettes.


  • E-cigarettes do contain nicotine, an addictive drug.

    電子煙確實含有尼古丁,這是一種讓人上癮的物質。 藥物。

  • However, there is little evidence that nicotine alone is bad for you, making it similar to, say,

    然而,幾乎沒有證據表明,尼古丁 單獨對你不利,使其類似於,說。

  • caffeine -- a drug used every day by millions of people.

    咖啡因--一種數百萬人每天都在使用的藥物。 的人。

  • Brad Rodu, an oral cancer specialist at the University of Louisville, put it this way:

    口腔癌專家布拉德-羅杜,他在 路易斯維爾大學,這樣說吧。

  • “I love coffee, and I’m sure I could get caffeine if I smoked my coffee beans

    "我喜歡咖啡,我相信我可以得到 咖啡因,如果我薰我的咖啡豆... ...

  • but I would be paying a much different price in overall health [if I did].”

    但我要付出的代價就大不一樣了。 整體健康[如果我這樣做]"。

  • In other words, when it comes to addictive substances like caffeine or nicotine,

    換句話說,當談到令人上癮的... 咖啡因或尼古丁等物質。

  • it isn’t the addictive substance that’s harmful; it’s how it’s delivered.

    這不是成癮物質的危害。 而是它的傳遞方式

  • As South African psychiatrist Mike Russell said about cigarettes: “[People] smoke for

    正如南非精神病學家Mike Russell所言 談到香菸時說。"[人們]吸菸是為了

  • [the] nicotine, but they die from the tar.”


  • And again, there’s no tar in e-cigarettes.


  • Does this all mean e-cigarettes are completely safe?

    這一切是否意味著電子煙完全是 安全嗎?

  • Of course not. Nothing is completely safe.


  • E-cigarettes are a relatively new innovation so more research is needed,

    電子煙是一個比較新的創新產品 所以還需要更多的研究。

  • especially on long-term effects.


  • There’s also a place for sensible regulation to ensure consumer safety.

    合理的監管也是有的放矢的 以確保消費者安全。

  • But unlike normal everyday products, any potential risk posed by e-cigarettes is far outweighed

    但與普通日用品不同,任何潛在的 電子煙所帶來的風險遠遠超過了

  • by a realnot potentialgood: saving lives by providing the nicotine that smokers

    真正的----而不是潛在的----善:拯救 通過提供吸菸者所需的尼古丁,讓他們的生活變得更美好。

  • enjoy without delivering the deadly toxins that can kill them.

    無毒不歡 可以殺死他們。

  • Many former smokers have successfully used e-cigarettes to help them

    許多曾經的吸菸者已經成功地使用了 電子煙,以幫助他們

  • kick their nicotine addiction altogether.


  • A recent study in an Oxford Journal peer-reviewed publication, Nicotine and Tobacco Research,

    最近在牛津雜誌同行評議中的一項研究。 出版品《尼古丁和菸草研究》。

  • said that e-cigarettes could reduce smoking-related deaths by 21 percent.

    說,電子煙可以減少與吸菸有關的。 死亡人數減少21%。

  • That’s thousands of lives every year.


  • John Britton, an epidemiologist and director of the University of Nottingham’s Center

    約翰-布里頓,流行病學家和主任; 諾丁漢大學研究中心的工作人員

  • for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, is even more optimistic:

    菸草和酒精研究中心,甚至是 樂觀的。

  • “[E-cigarettes are] the first genuinely new way of helping people stop smoking that

    "[電子煙是]第一種真正的電子煙。 幫助人們戒菸的新方法

  • has come along in decades…[They] have the potential to help half or more of all smokers

    幾十年來一直在前進......[他們]有了。 有可能幫助一半或更多的吸菸者。

  • get off cigarettes.”


  • So, again, you’d think public health officials and anti-tobacco groups would be doing everything

    所以,同樣,你會認為公共衛生官員。 和反煙組織將盡一切努力。

  • they could to encourage smokers to switch to e-cigarettes.

    儘可能地鼓勵吸菸者改行。 到電子煙。

  • Instead, they push for laws and rules that equate the two products: cigarettes are bad,

    相反,他們推行的法律和規則 把這兩種產品等同起來:香菸是壞的。

  • so e-cigarettes must also be bad.


  • As of August 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration has ruled that all e-cigarettes must go through

    截至2016年8月,美國食品和藥物管理局 已裁定所有的電子煙必須通過。

  • a long and expensive application process.


  • This process could end up costing as much as $1 million per new product.

    這個過程最終可能會花費多達 作為每個新產品100萬美元。

  • While some of the biggest manufacturers will be able to shoulder the costs and navigate

    雖然一些最大的製造商將 擔得起,過得去

  • the regulatory mess, most small e-cigarette companies will be forced out of business.

    監管的亂象,大多數小型電子煙的 公司將被迫停業。

  • With less competition, e-cigarettes will become more expensive, and many people

    隨著競爭的減少,電子煙將成為。 比較貴,很多人

  • will go right back to smoking.


  • E-cigarette prohibitionists may think theyre using a “better-safe-than-sorryapproach

    電子菸禁止者可能認為他們是 慎之又慎

  • to save consumers from some yet-to-be-discovered danger, but theyre not.

    使消費者免受一些尚未發現的問題的影響。 危險,但他們不是。

  • Theyre actually endangering millions of smokers who would make the switch if the e-cigarette

    他們實際上是在危害數百萬人 的吸菸者,他們會在電子煙的情況下改用電子煙。

  • market were allowed to flourish.


  • As Joe Nocera, a New York Times columnist, wrote:

    作為《紐約時報》的專欄作家喬-諾塞拉。 寫道:

  • Equating smoking cigarettes with inhaling a huge disservice to public health.

    "將吸食香菸等同於吸入 電子煙......是對公眾健康的巨大傷害。

  • On the scale of potential harms, e-cigarettes aren’t even in the same ballpark

    在潛在危害的規模上,電子煙 風馬牛不相及

  • as combustible cigarettes.


  • They have the potential to save millions of lives.”

    它們有可能拯救數百萬人的生命。 生命。"

  • The government needs to develop a new paradigm for dealing with e-cigarettesone that ensures

    政府需要發展新的模式。 處理電子煙的方法------一個能確保

  • basic standards but recognizes their relative safety and immense benefit to public health.

    基本標準,但認識到它們的相對重要性 安全和對公眾健康的巨大好處。

  • If they don’t, more people will die.


  • Imagine that.


  • I’m Caroline Kitchens of the R Street Institute for Prager University.

    我是R街研究所的Caroline Kitchens。 為普拉格大學。

Imagine if there were an alternative to smoking cigarettes.

想象一下,如果有一個替代吸菸的方法 煙,

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