字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (smooth jazz music) 00:00:05,013 --> 00:00:05,918 嗨大家好! - Hi everyone! 我是Jenn! 我今天終於要來拍 It's your girl Jenn and today I am finally filming 我怎麼瘦身的影片了 the how I lost weight video. 其實必須說 If I'm gonna be completely honest, 我有點拖延拍這部影片,因為我知道涉及到有關飲食的議題 I kinda put this video off because I know diet and nutrition 放到網路上容易有爭議性 can be a very controversial topic online. 前情提要,我並不是什麼營養學家 First off, I'm not a dietician, I'm not a nutritionist, 我只是想分享一些 I just literally used these tips 我的瘦身小撇步 that I'm about to share with you and I lost weight. 我不能保證我的小撇步對你來說也很有用 I can't guarantee that it's gonna work for you 畢竟每個人的身體都是獨一無二的 because everyone's body is unique 而且反應也會不同 and some bodies just react differently. 我所知道的是我靠著這些小撇步瘦了下來 All I know is that these tips have helped me lose weight 也因為這樣,這是我唯一能聲稱的 and that's all I can claim. 所以呢! 不多說 So now that's out of the way, 我們趕快切入主題吧! let me just give you some stats about my bod. 去年2016年是我人生中最胖的時候 Last year in 2016, I was the heaviest I ever was, 你們可以在框框中看到,那時候我120磅(約54公斤) I was 120 pounds and for my frame, that really showed. 現在2017年,目前我100磅到105磅(約45到47公斤) And now today in 2017, I am a 100 to a 105 pounds. 這樣的成果花了我整整一年 This took a full year to lose the weight 所以千萬別指望能夠一覺醒來就瘦這麼多 so please do not expect this to happen overnight. 這絕對是一個漸進的過程 It is a gradual process. 我唯一能給你的建議就是,瘦身,從今天開始 The only advice I can give you is to start today. 或從你的下一餐開始,且絕不要放棄 Start on your next meal and don't look back. 好,我要開始列出我瘦身的10個小撇步 So I'm gonna rundown the 10 tips 00:01:09,770 --> 00:01:11,558 很多都是常識 that have contributed to my weight loss. 但有時也是需要複習進修的 A lot of it is common sense 我的第一個建議就是,吃健康的食物 but sometimes you just need a little refresher. 既然都熱愛吃了 My first tip is to find healthy foods 那更不可能說在你接下來人生的每一餐 that you actually love eating. 都靠吃沙拉來度日 It's not realistic to have a salad 這絕對做不到 for every single meal for the rest of your life. 就盡情的開始一段食物探索之旅 It's just unattainable. 去找出那些你真的超熱愛的健康食物 Go out there and go on a food tour, 並將他們寫下來 find the healthy foods that you 所以,經過了好幾年,我已經知道 just freakin' love eating and create a list. 我愛花椰菜,綠豆,蘑菇,豆腐 So throughout the years, I've learned 我可以吃很多很多而且絕不吃膩 that I love broccoli, green beans, mushrooms, tofu, 所以千萬不要強迫自己吃充滿蔬菜的沙拉 I can eat so much of that and never get sick of it. 如果你根本不喜歡蔬菜的話 Don't force yourself to eat that dry kale salad 而且我非常做自己 if you don't like dry kale. 我不會去吃我不喜歡的食物,就算它很健康 And I don't go out of my way 例如說,我就是不喜歡小黃瓜啊,我討厭番茄啊 to eat healthy foods that I don't like. 那我就不會強迫自己去吃它們 For example, I don't like cucumbers, I don't like tomatoes, 只因為小黃瓜和番茄很健康 and I don't force myself to eat it 我會避開它們然後吃其他也很健康的食物 just because it's healthy. 這才是真正適合我的! I just avoid them and eat other healthy foods 所以說,就踏出去去找你愛吃的,然後將他們列成表,並堅持下去 and it's really worked out well for me 再來第二個技巧非常重要 so go out there, create a list, and stick to it. 在你吃東西時不要分心 The second tip is very important, 我知道吃東西分心是件很自然的事 it is to have no distractions while you're eating. 我們都會一邊吃著熱騰騰的食物一邊搭配電視或電腦 I know it's like second nature at this point 就這樣一邊看一邊吃 to get your hot pile of food, turn on the TV or laptop 大腦意識到飽足感需要花費大約20分鐘 and just tune out and eat. 所以當你沒注意你的身體時 Your brain takes around 20 minutes to realize that it's full 就會錯過大腦通知你已經飽了的那個訊息 and when you're not paying attention to your body, 而且我有發現到,我只要一邊看電視或電腦 you don't know when that time comes. 然後一邊吃東西時,我會變得吃更多且吃更快 And I've noticed that whenever I watch something 而且很多時候,我明明已經吃完了 and I'm eating, I tend to eat even more and even faster 但我看的那個節目還沒播完,所以我又去盛第二次 and a lot of the times, I'm finished with my food 為了可以繼續坐在那享受我快樂的電視時間 but the show's still going so I'll go back 若是要瘦身,得馬上接收到 and get seconds just so I can like, let the good times roll. 你身體傳送出你已經飽了的訊息 But if you wanna lose weight, it's easier to know 我總讓自己吃到一個 what your body is saying to you when everything is off. "八分飽" I always try and stop eating right when I get 就是不會很飽也不會很餓 to the sweet spot and that is the spot where 一個剛剛好的狀態 I'm not hungry anymore but I'm not like, completely full. 日文中好像有個字可以用來形容這樣的狀態 It's that really nice in between 但我不知道怎麼說,總之那就是一個我知道我該停止吃了的點 and I feel like the Japanese have a word for it 那真的很幫助我維持身材 but I don't know, that's where I try and stop eating 相信我,到達八分飽真的很難控制 and that's really helped me maintain my figure 那真的是一個很微妙的感覺 and it's tricky, believe me. 因為吃東西這件事真的太誘惑人了 It's really hard to get that spot 我以前很喜歡吃到我的腸胃對我大叫 because it's so tempting to just eat "噢天啊我太飽了"為止 until your stomach's like, "Oh god, No!" 藉由不放縱自己吃,不讓自己過度吸收熱量 like, that's where I used to love being. 現在的我已經能輕鬆維持我的體重 It's been easier to maintain my weight 接下來的撇步是我在大學時就開始實行的 because I'm not overindulging and overeating. 就是使用小一點的碗和盤子 This next tip is something that I've using since college 若你打開我們家的碗櫃 and it's to have smaller plates and bowls. 你會發現我們家有兩種尺寸的餐盤 So if you look in our shelves 正常的尺寸是Ben的 you'll notice that we have two sizes, 而我用的則是小的尺寸 we've got a normal big one for Ben, 那些小尺寸的被我們暱稱為,給嬰兒用的餐盤 and we've got a smaller one for me. 因為真的太小太小了 We've nicknamed it the baby plate 但也是因為,人之常情嘛,當我用大一點的盤子時 because it's just little. 我就會盛多一點食物給自己啊 And yeah, when I have a bigger plate 會想要把食物裝到沒有空位為止 I tend to want to over-portion myself. 所以若我用小一點的盤子吃飯的話 I wanna cram and fill the plate 雖然我一樣可以把盤子盛得滿滿的 so with the smaller plate, I can still cram 但那些份量對我來說是剛剛好的 all the food in but it's actually 第四個小撇步是找一個水壺 the perfect portion for me. 喝水在瘦身中算是很常見的重點 Tip number four is to get a water bottle. 但也因為如此喝水真的很重要 I feel like drinking water is one 若你含水量夠的話,你就不會那麼飢餓 of the most common diet tips but it's so true. 像我就很喜歡隨身帶著我的水壺 When you are hydrated, you're not really that hungry 它讓我能補充 and for me, I love having my sippy cup 我一整天需要的水量 because this makes me drink 我用的是CamelBak牌子的水壺 so much water throughout the day. 我很喜歡它真空透明的外觀 And it's the CamelBak specifically, 讓我可以看到裝水進去的樣子 I love the like, the bite valve 我一天內大概會裝三到四瓶 and I love how you have to like suck the water in. 確保自己有達到足夠的含水量 I go through maybe three or four bottles of this a day 不論什麼時候,可能是你嘴饞啊 and so I make sure that I'm very hydrated. 或口渴或你很無聊時 Whenever you have a craving, chances are 或是當我超超超級想吃洋芋片 you're just dehydrated or you're bored 或想吃點小零嘴時 and so whenever when I have like, a hankering for some chips 我就會一口氣喝掉整瓶的水 or like any sort of snack or something, 然後再等個15分鐘 I will chug half a bottle of this 如果這樣我還是肚子餓的話,我才會去找吃的 and I'll wait 15 minutes and if I'm still hungry 但通常當我喝完後 then I'll go have a snack 我就不想吃那些零嘴,乖乖等著下一餐正餐的到來 but most of the time, after I drink it, 噢,我要補充一點,就是我不喝果汁 I'm completely fine and I can wait 'til my next meal. 不喝任何汽水或牛奶 I also should mention that I don't drink any juices, 我只喝水,無糖的茶或黑咖啡 I don't drink any soda or like milk. 最多最多就氣泡水而已 I only stick to water, unsweetened tea, black coffee La Croix是我的最愛,它真的超棒的 and like, soda water, that's pretty much it. 零卡之外它也有氣泡氣泡的感覺 My favorite is La Croix, it is so delicious, 若你真的很想喝氣泡飲料的話 it has zero calories and it just gives you 第五的撇步是 that carbonated kick if you are missing it. 千千萬萬別少吃任何一餐,尤其是早餐 My fifth tip is to never skip 我覺得我對待身體有點像在排電視節目表,一餐一餐的規劃 any meals especially breakfast. 所以當我起床時我就會覺得肚子餓,所以我一定一定會吃早餐 I feel like I have kind of programmed my body 為什麼說早餐是一天之中 to just wake up hungry so I always, always have breakfast. 最重要的呢 There's a reason why it's called 因為早餐是開始促進你新陳代謝的關鍵 the most important meal of the day. 我有發現到若我沒吃早餐的話 It's because it kicks off your metabolism. 就算有吃下一餐,我還是會餓 And I've noticed that when I skip my breakfast, 也因為這樣,我就會吃了很多我不該吃的 by the next meal, I am so hungry 也因而過度吸收了不必要的熱量 I end up making really stupid food decisions 或我會把我點的很多很多食物都吃下去 so I'll just end up overeating 像墨西哥玉米片啊之類的 or I'll order something like, really gnarly 若你肚子沒那麼飢餓的話 like nachos or something. 你就會小心謹慎的選擇你吃的食物了 It's easier to make mindful food choices 我自己個人一天只吃三餐 when your body is not starving. 我知道有些人一天可能 Personally, I only eat three meals a day. 四、五餐的少量多餐 I know some people like to have 但我沒那麼多精力去想說 four to five smaller meals a day 我每一餐要吃什麼,若少量多餐的話 but for me, it's just too much effort 所以我會盡量簡單一點,就早餐,午餐和晚餐這樣 to think of that many meals to eat 像早餐來說,那是我主要醣類的來源 so I like to keep it simple, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 我會吃一些吐司搭配豆子啊或蛋捲啊之類的食物 For my breakfast, that's when I have most of my carbs, 中午的話,我就會對我自己好一點 I'll have beans on toast or like an egg wrap. 吃些三明治啊漢堡啊那些 For lunch, I can treat myself 但晚餐的話我就會嚴肅地看待 of a sandwich, a burger, whatever, 尤其當我非常想減肥的時候 But for dinner, that's when I'm kind of the most strict. 我就絕對不會讓那些加工的碳水化合物來當我的晚餐 When I was at like, my most motivated to lose weight, 例如說我就絕不吃義大利麵 for dinner I would never have any refined carbohydrates 或炸薯條啊各種高熱量 so I wouldn't have any pasta, 我只會吃些蔬菜 I wouldn't have big fried rice dishes, 和攝取些蛋白質而已 I would probably stick to veggies, 但早餐我不會阻止自己吃 and a protein and that's it for dinner. 再來這個是我覺得很難克服的 And then for breakfast, I'll have my carbs. 2015年在我第一次搬去洛杉磯時 This next tip is something that I really struggled with 我常常去餐廳吃飯 when I first moved back to LA in 2015. 或常常點Postmates(一家可以外送食物到府的餐廳) I was eating out at restaurants all the time 當我們到餐廳吃飯時,就算你點的是健康的食物 and I was ordering Postmates all the time. 你依然不會知道說 When you go to restaurants, even if you order 餐廳加了什麼樣的食材進去 the healthy dish, you don't actually know 雖然說他們會標示出他們的食物用料 what the restaurants put into it. 但你還是沒辦法確切知道說他們放了多少奶油進去 Sure, there's a list of ingredients 放了多少油或味精 but you don't know how much butter they put, 對餐廳來說,他們的目的就是要把食物做得越好吃越好 you don't know how much oil they put or msg, 這樣才能吸引你一直光顧 the restaurant's objective is to make the food 這也沒辦法,就是做生意嘛 taste as good as possible and keep you coming back 所以說,為什麼說自己親手做餐點比較好 and it's a business so it makes sense 你能完完全全的知道你到底加了什麼進去 so that's why it's just easier to just cook your own meal. 我知道我們常會講 You know exactly what you put in it "噢我不會煮菜,我不是一個好廚師" and I know it's like easy to say 可是其實你只要會三樣菜 like, "oh, I'm not a good cook, I can't cook" 健康的三道菜 but you just need to cook three recipes. 然後再加以變化 Learn how to make three healthy recipes 我們不可能在之後的日子都不去餐廳吃飯 and then you can build from there. 這絕對不可能 It's impossible to just completely avoid restaurants 所以當我在外用餐,我會讓它取得一個 for the rest of your life, it's not gonna happen 這樣一個平衡的規則我叫它"只能兩樣" so when I do eat out, I like to have a balance. 例如不論我今天點了一份開胃菜和前菜 So I have this rule called The 2 Rule. 或者一份前菜和點心 So I either pick an appetizer, an entree 我不會開胃菜、前菜和點心一起點 or an entree and dessert. 我只會在特別時刻,可能是大家聚餐,我才會三樣都點 I'll never get all three, 而且說實在,你真的不需要三樣都點 or if I do get all three, it's like a special occasion 不需要同時點開胃菜、前菜和點心 but yeah, you don't need all three, 那對身體真的是一個負荷 you don't need an appetizer, entree, and dessert 你只需要點兩樣即可 that's just a full package. 第七個撇步是減少你對酒精的攝取 You just need two. 我最胖的那個時候,一個禮拜我幾乎會喝 Tip number seven is to reduce your alcohol intake. 大概2到3次的酒 When I was at my heaviest, I was probably drinking 酒精含有很多無用的熱量 may two or three times a week and it definitely showed. 重點是喝完酒後,因為肚子都是無用的熱量,所以我還是會感到飢餓 There's a lot of empty calories in alcohol 所以當我醉醺醺地到家後 and the problem with me was I would always have drunchies. 我都會打開我的櫥櫃 When I would come home drunk, 找一些能吃的,或微波一些食物吃 I would just open up my cupboard, 而且我一定會全部吃光光,讓滿滿的食物與酒精一起在我肚子裡 make a snack, throw it in the microwave 然後去睡覺 and I would just eat all of it to soak up the alcohol 我是不知道是否有科學證明這樣的行為 and then go to sleep. 但每次我喝完酒又吃了一堆垃圾 But I mean I don't even know if that's scientifically proven 然後第二天宿醉起床後 but basically, I would eat all that shit 我一定會點一個墨西哥肉捲餅吃 and I would wake up the next morning, hungover 對,這真的是個惡性循環 and I would always order a burrito. 現在我還是一樣會喝酒 Yeah, it was like a vicious cycle. 出去喝酒放鬆啊 Obviously, I still drink. 但現在一個禮拜只會喝一次而已 I like to go out and have a good time 若我必須一個禮拜內喝超過一次 but I only drink once a week now. 那我會規定自己只能喝一杯,僅此一杯 If I'm gonna drink more than once a week, 而且我每次都只喝伏特加蘇打 then I'll only have one drink, that's it. 搭配萊姆,這是我喜歡的口味 And every time I go out, I only have a vodka soda 這樣的搭配被我稱作 with fresh lime, that is my favorite drink of choice. "瘦瘦酒" But then I call it the Skinny Minnie 因為整杯酒的熱量只來自於伏特加 because it only has the calories of the vodka 而且我猜一小杯的伏特加熱量大概也才 and I think a shot of vodka is what, 100而已吧! like a hundred calories, and that's it! 接下來的撇步是有關於零嘴 This next tip is about snacking. 我家裡不會放誘惑我的零食 I don't keep any snacks that tempt me in my house 因為我是那種 because I'm the type of person 如果我拿到奇多這包零食 where if I have Hot Cheeto Fries 或是任何奇多的餅乾,我一定會整包吃完 or just any form of Hot Cheetos, I have to eat the bag. 它們放在家裡好像隨時都在叫我名字 It's kinda like, calling my name as I'm just in the house. 所以我得斷開這樣的誘惑鎖鏈! So I just like to cut the temptation 絕對不放任何零食在家裡面 and not have any of it in my house. 如果我真的真的很想吃零嘴 If I really, really want them, 我就會移動我的屁股,讓自己出門去買 then I'll have to get off my ass and go by them. 但其實只要不要在家裡面放零食的話 But if they're not in the house, 我就不會去想要吃它們 then I'm not thinking about it. 好,我知道我劈哩趴啦了一堆有關食物和飲食的控管 So I know I've been blabbing a lot about food and diet 所以接著我要講的是 so I'm gonna talk about 瘦身效果最顯著-運動 the next obvious thing which is exercise. 一個禮拜我會運動個3到5次 I like to exercise around three to five times a week 如果我想再訓練自己多一點的話 and when I was training super hard, 我一個禮拜就會去個5次 I was going five times a week 把前面所有我講得再搭配這樣的運動方式 and that in combination with all the tips that I said 真的會把我的肥肉切得像碎紙條一樣 made me really shredded. 在開始的前兩個月 For the first two months, 體重會因為你飲食的控管及運動減少很多 a lot of that weight came off because of those. 瘦身比率我記得大概是百分之80的飲食和百分之20的健身 I know the ratio is something like 80% diet and 20% fitness 但若你長期運動下去 but when you put the exercise in, 那原本的百分之20會漸漸成長 that 20% goes a long way 當你慢慢地把所有肌肉建立起來 and when you are just combining both those forces, 肥肉們就會掰掰了 a lot of it just melts off. 所以說,找到你喜歡的運動方式 So it's really important to find a form of exercise 是件很重要的事 that you hate the least. 不論是踢拳道(自由搏擊)、皮拉提斯、游泳 So whether it is kickboxing, palates, swimming, 或跑步,像我的話,我喜歡自己一個人運動 running, whatever, for me, it is to train alone. 我喜歡自己一個人去健身房 I love going to the gym by myself, it's become 好像是我自己個人的庇護所一樣 my own little sanctuary. 我每一次的健身都大概50分鐘左右 Each of my workouts are around 50 minutes long. 我會依靠這個叫Seconds的應用程式 I am obsessed with this app called Seconds. 在之前的影片中我就有提過這個應用程式了 I have talked about it in a previous video. 它就像我專人的教練 It's basically like my little personal trainer. 我會先進行20分鐘的有氧運動 So I like to start off with 20 minutes of cardio. 再高強度的例行訓練 I'll use my high-intensity interval training workout 在採階梯機上走個5分鐘 so I'll be on the StairMaster for five minutes 再用跑的 just walking normally, and then I'll run 跑大概30秒 on the StairMaster for 30 seconds, 然後再用走的走一分鐘30秒 and then I'll walk again for a minute and 30 seconds, 再跑30秒 and then I'll run again for 30 seconds. 就這樣重複6次 And I'll do this six times and then I'll cool off 之後我會再走個5分鐘讓自己緩和一下 with five minutes of walking on the StairMaster. 這樣運動下來我都會滿頭大汗 And by the end of this, I am literally drenched in sweat 接著再進行重量訓練 and now I'm ready for my strength training. 30分鐘的重訓 For my 30 minutes of strength training 我不會做太多 I won't get too into it but I basically have created 我會按照我建立的運動表 a bunch of playlists that work 裡面有包含要訓練我身體的不同部位 different parts of my body out. 例如說,三個全身的訓練 So I have three full body workouts, 一個是專門訓練腰部 I have one for the waist, 一個是訓練腹部和手臂,這些都很彈性可變動 one for the abs and arms, it all depends. 我之後應該會另外拍這系列健身的影片 I feel like I'm just gonna do a separate video 不然如果我全部混在同一支影片的話 on that workout because if I incorporate that 影片會太長 into this video, I feel like it'd be way too long. 之後就會讓你們看到我健身的影片了 So be prepared for my workout video in the future. 最近這幾天,我一個禮拜都只運動三次 These days, I only workout three times a week. 是因為我不想再瘦下去 It's because I'm not trying to lose any weight, 我想要維持好我現在的身體狀態就好 I'm only trying to maintain the body I have right now. 我真的很滿意現在的體重 I'm really happy with my weight 所以我不會想要再去改變它 and I'm not trying to change anything. 而且自從我開始做重訓 I've noticed that since I've been doing 我發現我變得更能輕鬆的 the strength training and the weights, 去維持我現在的體態了 it's been easier to just keep my body the way it is. 最後最後,快接近尾聲了,我認為 My last tip is to find motivation 去尋找一個讓你瘦身的動機很重要 that really resonates with you. 之前我還胖胖的時候,我覺得那時候 Back in the day, I feel like a lot 讓我想要變瘦都是比較膚淺的理由 of my weight loss inspiration was quite superficial. 像是說,"我要瘦身因為我的生日要到了" It was just about like, "I wanna be skinny for my birthday" 或者是"我要去參加音樂節所以我得瘦" or "I wanna be skinny for Coachella." 當我找到了一個,為什麼我會想變瘦,最主要的原因 Once I've found a deeper reason of why I wanted to be fit, 它就會驅使我,讓我想辦法去保持我的身材 it just propelled me to stay in shape. 為了我心理層面的健康,這也是為什麼我會想運動 The reason why I exercise and I tried my best 以及努力的維護身材 to stay in shape is for my mental health. 以前的我,我發現說 I've noticed that back in the day, 當我沒什麼在運動時 when I wasn't working out consistently, 我常常容易覺得精神衰弱,甚至崩潰 I had a lot more breakdowns, I had a lot of meltdowns 而且我是個對壓力很敏感的人 and I was just very sensitive to stress. 但現在,我一周內會運動3到5次 Now that I workout three to five times a week, 那樣精神狀況就漸漸沒有了 I don't really have that issue that much anymore. 雖然說我沒有到非常完美 I'm not perfect but I am so much better 但現在的我已經比去年的那個我來得好太多了 than how I was last year. 現在有時早上起來我也還是會心情不好,很煩惱什麼的 Some days, I just wake up and I am just bummed 但以前當我這樣的時候 but before, I would just kind of be bummed 我就會任由這樣的壞心情蔓延一整天 and just let it be like a sad day. 現在只要我心情不好或覺得很煩躁 Now, if I'm feeling sad or if I'm feeling anxious 或者很有壓力時,我就會去健身房 or stressed, I hit the gym because 95% of the time, 只要我運動完,百分之95的機率,我會變得好很多 I come back after a workout and I feel better. Ben對我來說是我生命中最重要的人 Ben is the most important person in my life 他和我生活在一起,而我真的很討厭我成為那種將自己的負面情緒影響到他人的人 and he lives with me and I hated being the Debbie Downer. 而Ben是一個非常正向的人 Ben is generally a super positive person 在我心情不好情況下就會影響到他 and having a bad attitude is just so contagious 我真的很討厭我這樣,害他也跟著心情不好 and I hated bringing him down 這就是我知道我得改變的地方 and so I knew that this is something 我得認真去改變的地方 that I really needed to work on 而運動真的幫我改變很多 and exercise has helped me so much. 所以,找到一個真正迫使你去改變的原因 So find a reason that really sticks with you 無論是你想要變得更強壯 whether it's because you wanna be stronger, 想要去擺脫什麼 you want to be able to lift something, 或你想要跑馬拉松 whether you wanna run a marathon, 或者是想要讓你內心更強壯 or you wanna have inner with yourself, 只要找到那個最深處的原因,就會撐過去 once you find a deeper goal, it's easier to stick with it. 好,這就是我想分享的10個我怎麼瘦身的撇步 Alright guys, those are my top 10 tips on how I lost weight. 老實講,我發誓,第一個月真的是最最痛苦的 Honestly, the first month is the hardest, I swear, 可是一旦你越過那個瓶頸 but once you pass that hurdle, 之後就會越來越輕鬆 it's all downhill from there. 而且當你發現你的生理開始漸漸地改變 And then once you start seeing physical changes 然後你的褲子開始變鬆 in your body, and once like pants start to feel loose, 你就會發現一切開始變得很輕鬆了 then it becomes even easier. 如果你想要留言一些飲食的建議 If you'd like to leave any diet tips in comments down below 或者是一些勵志的話,我都很樂意你們這樣做 or words of encouragement, I'd love to hear them. 我希望這邊是個正能量的地方 I just want this to be like a positive place 讓大家可以討論一些有關健身或飲食方面的話題 for people to talk about fitness and nutrition. 如果你不認同我有些觀點 If there's something that you don't agree with me, 請留言大聲地告訴我吧! it would be awesome if you just said it 但請有建設性的留言 in a constructive way as opposed to 不用以人身攻擊的方式 a way of just attacking me. 這部影片的重點並不是要刺激他人去減肥 My point is not to shame people into losing weight. 而是想讓人去思考說 It's just for the people that need that extra kick 要怎麼活得更健康 to wanna live a healthier lifestyle. 那希望大家好好享受你接下來的時間 So I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day. 謝謝你們看完這部影片 Thank you so much for watching 我們下個影片再見 and I'll see you guys in the next one. 掰! Bye! (smooth jazz music)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 撇步 食物 運動 早餐 健身 健康 我是如何減掉15磅的|10個簡單的飲食技巧 (How I Lost 15 Pounds | 10 Easy Diet Tips) 732 91 s52038tw 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字