字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Quebéc, the capital of the Canadian province of the same name, 魁北克市是加拿大魁北克省的首府, has more than half a million residents. 有超過50萬居民。 Being so close to the Arctic, it has long, cold winters 由於此地非常接近北極,因此擁有漫長而嚴寒的冬天, and is a famous winter sports destination. 同時也是著名的冬季運動勝地。 But during the warmer months the city bursts into action. 但是在溫暖的季節裡,整座城市都會活躍起來。 Quebéc City combines the "couleur locale" of Europe with the familiarity of North America. 魁北克市融合了歐洲地方風情,與北美的自在隨性風格。 Its charming cobblestone streets with Parisian-style flair 迷人的鵝卵石街道與十足的巴黎風情, show a love for haute couture and fine cuisine. 展現出魁北克對時尚與美食的熱愛。 While discovering Quebéc's highlights you'll be zigzagging between the walled Upper Town 探訪魁北克的主要景點時,您將會在由城牆圍繞的上城 and the Lower Town, 與下城之間來回穿梭, so jump on the funicular or take the L'Escalier Casse-Cou, 所以不妨搭乘纜車,或利用「斷頸樓梯」, the "Breakneck Stairs" which is less scary than it sounds. 其實它並沒有名字聽起來這樣嚇人。 The Québécois will always remember their history and are fiercely proud of their French roots, 魁北克人會永遠記得他們的歷史,並以其法國血統而感到自豪, just like it says in their motto. 正如這座城市的官方格言所言。 French is the official language, croissants are still on the menu and statues of French 法語是魁北克的官方語言,菜單上到處可見可頌麵包,法國英雄的雕像 heroes dot the squares. 也矗立在廣場之上。 The heritage-listed city center even has its own mini version of the Notre Dame. 被列入歷史遺產的市中心,甚至有自己的迷你版巴黎聖母院。 The basilica stands at the site where it all began: Place Royale. 這座教堂就座落在魁北克的起源地:皇家廣場。 Samuel de Champlain founded Quebéc here in 1608. 薩繆爾‧德‧尚普蘭於1608年在此建立了魁北克。 Step into the past and come face-to-face with some of Québec's leading artists 您可以漫步在北美最古老的商店區, on your way to the oldest retail district in North America. 彷彿回到了過去,還可以看到魁北克最出色的藝術創作者。 It's as if these sugar shacks, food stalls and horse-drawn carriages have always been there. 那些楓糖屋、小吃攤和馬車,彷彿一直在那裡,未曾消失過。 Find another fresco just under the Breakneck Stairs. 在斷頸樓梯下,您還可以看到一幅壁畫。 This one depicts the history of the waterfront neighborhood Cap-Blanc. 這幅壁畫描繪了濱臨水岸的白角區的歷史。 These days the Old Port is a great place to explore on a bicycle. 如今,舊港已成為騎自行車觀光遊覽的絕佳去處。 Drop in at the popular Musée de la Civilisation and take a journey through the history of Quebéc, 您還可前往熱門的文明博物館,來趟魁北克歷史之旅, from the First Nations to the modern culture. 瞭解從加拿大原住民到現代文化的演變過程。 Continue your time travels and stroll past the fortifications and cannons on the panoramic 漫步於視野廣闊的都弗林步道上,繼續這趟時光旅行, Dufferin Terrace. 參觀過去的防禦工事與大砲。 You can't miss Château Frontenac, which towers over the broad Saint Lawrence River. 千萬別錯過聳立於廣闊的聖勞倫斯河畔的芳堤娜城堡。 The river plays a major part in Quebéc's story: 這條河流在魁北克歷史上扮演了重要的角色: It brought the first settlers, international trade and the soldiers who fought over the Canadian territory. 它帶來了第一批移民、國際貿易,以及為加拿大這塊土地奮戰的士兵。 The Plains of Abraham, in Battlefields Park, is where Quebéc was captured by the British in 1759, 戰場公園的亞伯拉罕平原,在1759年的戰役中被英國佔領, in the lead up to the end of the French rule in Canada. 最後使得法國結束對加拿大的統治。 Nowadays it's a peaceful city park, where you can explore old defense towers, 如今這裡已成為一座寧靜的城市公園,您可以在此探索古老的防禦塔樓、 fly a kite, and admire modern art. 放風箏或欣賞現代藝術。 Pose in front of the Fontaine de Tourny and look up at the Parliament Building, home to 您還可以來到圖爾尼噴泉前拍照留念,欣賞國會大廈建築, Québec's National Assembly. 這裡是魁北克國民大會的所在地。 Step through the gates of the nearby British fortress La Citadelle 走進附近的英國堡壘魁北克城堡的大門, to watch the traditional Changing of the Guard Ceremony in summer. 在夏季時,還可看到傳統的衛兵交接儀式。 Shop in North America's oldest grocery store to stock up on provisions 您可以在北美最古老的商店中採買物資, and head out of the Old Town to experience some of Quebec's family attractions: 走出舊城區,造訪魁北克熱門的家庭出遊景點: To the south, the Aquarium introduces visitors to the marine mammals that inhabit the ice-cold 位於南邊的水族館可帶您認識棲息於北極冰冷海域的 waters of the Arctic. 海洋哺乳動物。 Kids can line up to get a kiss, and they may get an unexpected round of applause! 孩子們可以排隊和海洋動物親吻,還可能獲得意想不到的掌聲。 To the north are the Montmorency Falls. 往北則可來到蒙特摩倫斯瀑布。 Glide past, stand suspended in mid air, or climb up to the observation platform to witness 您可以搭乘纜車、站在空中吊橋上,或爬上觀景台, the spectacle up close. 近距離欣賞如此壯觀的美景。 Afterwards, cross the river to Île d'Orléans, to watch the sun set over the mountains. 然後,您可以渡河來到奧爾良小島,欣賞夕陽西下的景致。 Quebéc City transforms at dusk, the perfect time to explore Rue St. Paul's delightful sidewalk restaurants. 入夜後的魁北克會呈現出截然不同的樣貌,您可以在聖保羅街上找一家餐廳,享受愉快的夜晚。 End your night on the "Champs Élysées of Québec": The Grande Allée. 最後來到「魁北克的香榭麗舍大道」:格蘭大道,為夜晚劃下完美句點。 A Canadian city with a 400-year-old history and French elegance, Quebéc is truly unique. 這座加拿大城市擁有四百年悠久歷史和法國優雅風情,使魁北克如此獨一無二。 A destination to always remember: Je me Souviens! 令人永難忘懷的魁北克,我永記在心!
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