字幕列表 影片播放
- (laughing) Oh my god!
- What is this? - This from a porno?!
- 這什麼鬼? - 梗從謎片來的?!
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
- (FBE) So today, we're going to be showing you
火紅的趨勢 好的
a trend that has been spreading around lately.
- A trend, okay.
哦Boze 妳是梗圖天后
- (FBE) It does have to do with memes.
- Oh, Boze, you're the queen of memes.
(湯米 我們會唸給你聽)
- I love memes.
- (FBE) So Tommy, we'll read all of these to you,
and then you can tell us what you think.
- 老實說我對梗圖不太了解 - 咱們拿單程票啟程到梗圖小鎮囉
- Okay.
I'll be honest, I'm really not up on my memes too much.
- Let's take a one way trip down to meme town.
And never return.
- (FBE) So here is our first one.
- "Are you guys really going to start talking
好噢 梗在哪裡找不到
about back to school?
Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?"
- (laughing) Whose salad is this?
- Is this just about eating salads?
- Okay, is there a joke there?
- I am not familiar with this.
This is the first time I've ever seen this.
感謝推特 但不感謝另一個某某網站
- I have no idea what this is from.
我看了整部影片 因為我知道會有梗跑出來
I have no idea who that person is.
(好的 下一張)
I don't know why her bowl of salad is so big.
- I am aware of where the video is from.
Thanks to Twitter, not thanks to another website.
- I watched the whole video because I knew
這有夠蠢的 網友們 你們標準正在降低
something was gonna happen.
有好笑到 再來多一點
- (FBE) All right, next up.
- "Are you guys really gonna throw that in the trash
- 這是什麼啦?這沙拉女是誰
and not the recycling bin? Are you serious?
很奇怪 我不太懂笑點在哪
Right in front of my salad?" (laughing)
我不懂啦 這是什麼電視節目嗎?
- (chuckling) Okay.
- Why? Why?
非常好笑 很犀利
This is dumb. Internet, your standards are slipping.
- That's funny. Okay, yeah, give me more.
- "Really? Y'all in happy relationships?
"結果你朋友坐下來手裡拿著 多汁的雙層起司漢堡和你最愛的奶昔"
Right in front of my salad?" - (chuckling)
- What is this? Who's this salad girl?
這就對了 現在我懂了
- It's strange. I don't quite get the hook.
- I don't get it.
你記不記得之前你朋友 都會帶速食當學校午餐
Is she from a TV show?
- Looks like it's from a reality TV show of some sort.
- It's definitely funny. It's very sassy,
and I feel like I'm going to be using this
right after we leave here.
如果有人沒看過影片 只看了這張圖
- "When you're trying to eat healthy at lunch
and your best friend sits down with a juicy looking
double cheeseburger and your favorite flavor milkshake."
- "Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?"
我懂 我能懂這個梗
- Now you're talking. Now I get it.
It makes more sense that way.
- Dude, you remember those days when your friend would bring
(在我們繼續之前問一下 你知道這句話跟這沙拉女源自哪裡嗎?)
fast food to school for lunch, and you're like, "What?!
Right in front of my salad?"
- I can't really make fun of this because that's actually--
I am that person.
- If someone just saw this meme without watching the video,
people wouldn't understand it.
But just the fact that something ridiculous
裡面的演員都會說 "唉呀~你行的啦~"
is happening in the kitchen, and it's just like,
"What the hell is going on?"
- I get it. I understand the meme.
我知道這源自哪裡 感謝推特網友
But there needs to be substance to it,
like a backstory.
是的 我知道它來源
- (FBE) So before we continue, do you have idea
我看過影片... 這梗出現的那一天
where this phrase and image of this woman came from?
我朋友轉推影片 所以我看了
- I have no idea, no.
好了說真的 這來自哪裡?
- Negative.
- I really have no idea where this could've come from.
(如果可以的話 我們要播出這梗圖的來源影片了)
No clue.
(但我們有義務告知你 工作場所不宜觀看)
- Maybe it's from a reality show?
- 喔 好的 - 喔不 不要是那個!
- I think it's from some silly daytime TV show,
that people were just like, "Eh, you'll do."
- Is this a reality show? Is this a movie?
Is this, like, a commercial?
是啊有hen多沙拉 是裸體沙拉
- I know where it came from, thanks to Twitter.
I definitely didn't stumble across the video on my own.
- Yes, I know exactly where this came from.
- 好的 - 噢買尬
I saw the video-- I think the day it came up,
- 這是什麼鬼? - 這來自謎片!?
a friend of mine retweeted it and I watched it.
- Okay, but really, where did this come from?
Whose salad is this?
我在廚房不怎麼穿上衣的 親愛的
- (FBE) So we are gonna show you the source of this meme
if you're comfortable, but we feel we must warn you,
it is not very safe for work. - Oh, okay.
等一下... 你有穿褲子嗎?
- Oh, no, not that!
- 你們在XXX? - "你們在XXX?"
- I like that.
啊不是啦 他們只是裸體在乾頂對方
- Interesting, okay.
- 開什麼玩笑? - 不是妳看到的這樣
- Explicit material, lots of salad?
- Yeah, LOTS of salad, like naked salad.
- Naked salad?!
- (woman) Mmm. - (man 1 moaning)
- 水啦 - 你們真TMD噁心
(spoon clanking bowl) - What in the world?
願主保佑謎片 願主保佑
- (gasping)
- Okay! - (man 1 moaning)
喔太棒了 這樣我懂了
- (cracking up) Oh my god!
- What is this? - This is from a porno?!
- (woman) You don't have a shirt on. - (man 1 moaning)
是的 所以...感恩你
- (snorting) - (man 1) No.
以前我還以為已經看遍網路上 所有最詭異的東西了
- (man 2) That doesn't really happen here, honey.
- What the hell is going on?!
- Why is she there?
- Wait a minute. Do you have pants on?
不是玩雙關語 但是 也可以說是雙關啦
Are you guys [bleep]?! - "Are you [bleep]?"
No, they're just thrusting into each other
with no clothes on.
- (我們準備幾則看完影片後的網友貼文) - 好的
- (woman) Are you serious? - (man 1) It's not what it looks like.
- (woman) Right in front of my salad?
"好奇的我上網查查 當網頁跑出來時..."
- (cracking up)
- (woman) Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?
是啊 形容的很真實
- (cracking up)
沒錯 千萬別查
- (woman) Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?
- (laughing) Yes! - (woman) You guys are [bleep] gross.
- Bless you, porn. God bless you.
- (FBE) So what you just heard was two men having sex
from a porno. - Oh, that's great.
Now I get it. Now it all makes sense.
然後就去查結果 哇哩勒
- This is my first time seeing gay porn.
Yeah, so, thank you?
"當老娘沙拉的面到底是什麼??" *該死的上網查了之後*
- Just when I thought I have seen the weirdest sides
of the internet, you just found one more level.
- Well, I was not expecting that at all.
I did not see that coming.
No pun intended, but I'm gonna go with pun intended now.
是《酒吧五傑》... 這沙拉梗可真用得恰到好處
- They was doing the deed right in front of her salad.
But why was she there?
- (FBE) Now we have posts from people
after they see the video. - Okay.
- "LOL, why is 'Right in front of my salad' trending?
Curious me looks it up. Me when the screen loads."
喔買尬 他們可能在大叫對吧
他們每個角色都愛大叫 那應該電視上最吵的節目了
- Ha! Yeah, that was my reaction.
- "你們幾個當老子沙拉的面前XX?" - 有好笑到
- Yeah, that sounds pretty accurate.
- Yeah, don't check it.
It's curiosity. It gets the better of everyone.
- 我要他們在一起 - 我好想要他們倆在一起阿
That's the problem.
- (laughing) That's very funny.
You know, because so many times, these things pop out
老兄 這太讚了啦
and you don't quite know what they are,
and then you look, and you go, "Oh, jeez.
我希望他們在一起 很可愛
You've gotta be kidding me."
- (laughing) "What's right in front of my salad?
Makes the mistake of checking." (laughing)
- I thought it'd be spinning a web or something right in front of the salad. That would've been better.
- Oh, Lord! Oh, Lordie, no!
It's fun. I think-- obviously, some of them are funnier
- Oh, but did they really do that right in front of her salad?
than others, but I just love that a meme comes from a porn.
- "Right in front of my salad?" - (laughing)
You know, it's great.
- They're just using clips of what looks like tossing salad.
就梗圖來說還行 但它的來源
- Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
- 來源 超優質... - 喔沒錯 我們很喜歡
Very-- very good use of "right in front of my salad."
- Ooh. - Charlie and Dennis.
- I love Always Sunny out of context.
I'm just like (slurping)
像《表情符號電影》般歡樂 結果現在都...
It's so good!
- Charlie's into it.
我萬萬沒想到來這邊會看到 這樣頂級的優質謎片
- Oh my god.
And they're probably yelling, right?
Everybody yells in that show.
That's like the loudest show on TV.
- "Are you guys [bleep] right in front of my salad?"
- (laughing) That's funny.
哦 這是第三部?竟然是三部曲!?
- I think that was a deleted scene from
Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Was Rey eating the salad (laughing) in that situation?
- I ship it.
我敢保證劇情是像 "在老娘的水果沙拉面前!?"
- I ship these two so hard.
I hope they do it in front of my salad.
老兄 那簡直浪出花來
- "Right in front of my salad." (laughing)
(這張梗圖來自謎片但很多人可能不知情 對此你有什麼看法?)
Dude, that's so good.
- "Right in front of my salad" is the new shipping, right?
- I ship these people. They're cute.
- 這就是我的反應 "等等...啥鬼?!" - 但這就是網路有趣之處啊 不是嗎
They're cute as [bleep].
They could do that right in front of my salad.
但大眾根本不曉得 最原始的意義是什麼
- I thought it'd be spinning a web or something
right in front of the salad. That would've been better.
It's fun. I think-- obviously, some of them are funnier
或者是搞笑動圖 但大家都不知道他們的來源
than others, but I just love that a meme comes from a porn.
You know, it's great.
演技超級糟糕 劇情也是超狂
- I'd say, meme-wise, it's okay, but the source of it--
- The source, quality content. - Oh, yeah.
- Real quality content.
- I'm just more concerned about the quality
of memes nowadays on the internet, you know what I mean?
It used to be so zesty and so feisty
我覺得是它的劇情 讓這梗這麼好笑
and so Emoji Movie filled, and now it's just...
那句台詞本身就好笑 但找到來源片的人會心想 "喔買尬"
(sighing) I don't know.
"竟然是謎片來著!!!" 這太棒了
- I didn't think I'd be coming here and watching
有種被騙的感覺 因為梗圖本身沒有不當畫面
some grade A quality porn.
- Now I gotta get on the train.
這來源的確令人驚訝 但越解釋這梗
As a matter of fact, I'm about to tweet it right now.
"Right in front of my salad."
- (FBE) This comes from the pornographic film
這會變成爆紅的梗圖 是有某個人看了謎片後心想
Private Lesson: Part 3. - Oh, it's the third part?
It's a trilogy?
- Can you watch three without seeing one and two,
or do you have to sort of catch up?
(因為兩位男演員都有註名 但女生只是無名的臨時演員)
- What kind of salad were they tossing in the other two--
- Dude, I bet you it was like, "Right in front of my fruit salad?"
And you're like, "Oh, no!"
- 她才是主角啊! - 她才是主角~
- Dude, that's next level.
- (FBE) What do you think about how this meme
沙拉女值得被註名 也值得贏奧斯卡
comes from a pornographic film, and a lot of people
(其中一位男演員在訪談說 他不記得女生的名字)
may not even know?
- You ever seen the meme with the guy
感覺有新的一集"Dr. Phil"要拍喔 (美國知名諮詢節目)
when he does...? (laughing)
That's my reaction to all of this, "Wait, what?"
- That's the fun of the internet, though, isn't it?
Things come from all kinds of places,
and they just become popular and people have no idea
what the hell they originally were.
- That's just a part of meme culture, you know?
我覺得 何不嘗試看看呢
So many times, they are just funny faces
and GIF reactions, and people have no idea
我會利用爆紅然後 創一個帳號讓大家知道那是我
where they come from.
- Have you seen pornos that have a storyline?
It's the worst acting. It's the worst scenarios.
我會做一些沙拉 還有做愛
I'm surprised there's not more memes
that come from pornos.
我肯定會像是 "那就是我!就是我拿著沙拉!"
- Yeah, the internet is a strange, strange place,
but this is the playground that we're all in.
我爸媽可能會有點生氣 但是 他們會釋懷的
Is it right? No.
當你因為梗圖爆紅後 除了放手一博還能怎麼樣呢
But it's also the environment that we're in.
好好利用這個機會 海撈一翻 累積更多追隨者
- I think it's the context that does make it so funny.
The line is also funny on its own, but I think those
who find that treasure, it's like, "Oh my god.
This is in a porno." That's amazing.
- Kind of sneaky 'cause the actual meme
doesn't have the porn in it, but people always want to know
what the source is.
- It's definitely surprising, and explaining it
almost incriminates you a bit, I would imagine.
I'm really curious about who was the brave soul
who posted it originally.
That's the first thing that came to mind.
It's like, this became a popular meme.
Somebody had to have watched this and said,
"Heh, this is a funny moment from this porno I'm watching.
I need to post this on the internet immediately."
- (FBE) There has been somewhat of an online search
to find the woman who was the source of this meme
because while the two male actors are credited, the woman
is actually a non-credited extra. - Really?
She didn't want to have her credits on that?
- She's the star! - She is the star.
She needs the credit. She deserves--
- That woman needs the credit and an Oscar.
- (FBE) And one of the male actors said in an interview
that he does not remember her name.
- Wow!
- This is like a Dr. Phil episode waiting to happen.
- (FBE) If you were in her shoes, do you think you would
come forth and take credit for the line and for the meme?
- Absolutely not.
I would totally not do that.
That feels like it will either make your career
or totally break it.
- You know, 15 minutes of fame is popping up everywhere nowadays,
so I say why not?
- Oh, I would completely exploit myself.
I would take full advantage of that and make an account
and let everybody know that was me.
- I guess I would take credit and then start my own series.
I'd start my own cooking series.
I'd make salads and sex.
- No. No, no, no, no.
I'd be all about that. I'd be like, "That was me!
That was me. That was me with the salad
and the two guys having sex in front of me.
You know, that's me."
My parents would probably flip out a little bit,
but (laughing) they'll get over it.
- When you're famous for a meme, what can you really do
except for run with it?
Use it to your advantage.
Try to get as much leverage and followers
and last minute stupid deals that you can from it.
- Thanks for watching this episode of YouTubers React...
right in front of a salad?
- Subscribe to all these sexy salad-eating people
down below-- links are in the description.
- Bye, everybody.
- Hey, everybody, Ethan here from FBE.
Thank you so much for watching this episode of YouTubers React.
Are you guys letting us know in the comments
what you want us to react to next?
Right in front of my salad?
Ugh, you guys are gross!