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and here we are the granddaddy of all quantum weirdness
the infamous double flip
understand this experiment
we first need to see help articles
little balls of matter
if we rent in which you a small pop just say of marbles have disagreed
we see a pattern on the fact wall
retreat went through the slip
if we had a second slip
we would expect to see second band
duplicated for that right
now let's look at ways
killed by a huge the slip
and reviewing out
striking the back wall
with the most intense at the directly is blind with the slipped
the lineup likeness on the backs green shows that intensity
this is similar to the line the wobbles main
when we and the second split
something different half
if the top of one wave beats the bottom of another way
they cancel each other out
so now
there is a interference pattern on the back wall
where the two tops meet are the highest intensity the bright lines and where
they cancel there is nothing
when we throw things that is a matter through to sowetans
we get this
to bands of yes
had with waves
we get it interference pattern father anyday
good so far
what's co quantum
usa tang tiny bit of matter
like at tiny marble
expires three through one slit
cds just like someone's
single day
if we shoot these tiny bits through tutsis we should get xa marbles sudan
and interference pattern
we fired electron
tiny bits of laughter
we get a pattern like way
not like little marvels
how good pieces of the matter
created interference pattern like away it doesn't make sense hot
physicists are clever
may repeat those little balls are balancing off each other and creating
that pattern
they decided to shoot like lions
one of the time
there is no way they could interfere with each other
after an hour of this essays is just a risk that this is the list
conclusion is inescapable
the single electrician leaves as a particle
becomes a wave of potentials goes through both slits and interferes with
to hit the wall
like a farce
but mathematically it's even stranger sito's three-fourths list ed
it goes through heather
and it goes through just dial and it goes through just the other
college possibilities
physicians with each other but this is just were completely baffled by this
cell they decided to me
instinct which the lady actually go through
conclude about your advice by once lived
seem which when it went through
let it flopped
but the quality of work
is far more mysterious and they could have imagined
when they observed
the electron went back
behaving like a little marble
it produced a pattern of
not run interference pattern atlantic
dot very act
which split went through
meant it only went through one not both
the electron decided
so it was a winner
speaking watched
was here
physicists stepped forever into the strange
never world
or waves
and waves of water
and what does an observer have to do with
the observer
collapsed the wavefunctions