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Humph, Enjoying the exhibit?
Sorry it's such a mess in here. I wasn't expecting company.
Hey! Fuck you Winston, let me out of this thing right now!
-Hmm, now you are the endangered species!
-Hey I'll endanger YOUR species ok? Cash me outside? How bout that?
- Is this because I called you Bi-Curious George? - I don't hold grudges.
-Great while there's still no way i'm gonna be able to climb out of here.
-That's one small step.
-Yeah, well for me it's a giant leap.
-Y'know i should have known you were a different kind of monkey when you started doing quantum physics.
-Ahh, natural selection.
-Yeah whatever I'm gonna get out of here.
-Ooh, I sense a pattern developing.
-Hey Fuck you man, you better not be posting this on Facebook or anything.
-That's a great idea,what was my password again?
-Winston, you gotta let me out of here man.
-If you let me free we can talk science or something would you like that that
-That would be great
-What's your opinion on the total stage gravitational models
-I could get you tacos? -I would kill for some Tacos.
-Oh fuck, I ate all those tacos
-You want a banana?
-No, I do not want a banana
-Come on, who wants a banana?
-For the last time, NO MORE BANANAS!.
-Okay well do you have any weakness?
-Other than a crippling addiction to Peanut Butter.
-Oh look at all this old peanut butter jars.
-Don't touch that, you're making a mess!
-All organized and everything.
-Get out of there! -Oh all these jars are all empty.
-Stop that! I have everything arranged just the way I like it!
-Alright man let me out or i'm gonna kick your ass!
-I don't even think children are afraid of YOU.
-Shut the fuck up i kill kids all the time, you little -
-Ow, Ouch Hey!
-Oh wait look I did find some peanut butter.
-Did someone say, Peanut Butter?
-Oh excuse me
-Oh my god!
-I uh-appear to have lost control.
-Did you actually just piss yourself right now?
-How embarrassing
-Alright Winston, i'm about to do it.
-No -I'm gonna make a Harambe Joke.
-Don't get me angry. -Oh Winston my dicks out my dicks out.
-Oh my dicks out Winston,wh-who's my dick out for Winston?
-Oh it's a little banana hanging out
-Wh-who's my dick out for - -OH GOD OH FUCK, OH MY GOD OH FUCK
-Oh hey. -Hi.
-What's your name? -I am the Reaper.
-Edgy i like it hey I've never seen you before,you must be new here.
-I work the graveyard shift
-Ohhh that explains it
-Okay lets get started. -What's in the box?
-This is Oliver, his owner just wanted a bath and -
-Too easy.
-Holy Shit!
-You're the one responsible for this.
-I shouldn't be surprised you took his side.
-Sure, lets just get the job done.
-Nonono stop it right now, I'm gonna have to re-train you completely.
-I don't take lessons from you.
-Yeah well I'm the assistant manager here okay.
-You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
-Okay, we have a few more cats umm-
-Take them out.
-My mistake.
-Oh my god, everything you touch fucking dies.
There's some rubber gloves in the back, please go get them right now.
-Hey, I'm back.
-How are the gloves? -Just what I needed.
-Yeah too bad you have a hand size of a thirteen year old girl.
-Yes...it's my curse.
-Okay why don't you try taking this next one out?
-Jesus Christ
-You've got to be kidding me.
-Come on... -That was a tactical error.
-No it wasn't a error, you just fucking ripped his head off!
-Moving on.
-Sigh okay, this is max, he's a little bit shy. We need to wear these bells and put on these cat ears
-You look ridiculous. -Yeah whatever, do you know where his food is?
-Its in the refrigerator.
-Okay will you go get it please? -Yes.
-Okay thank you.
-Incoming. -Oh god dammit
-You just broke the only bowl that we have, is there anything else to put this in?
-Tin cans, eat your heart out.
-I hunger.
-Reaper do not eat the- -Huh not bad.
-Reaper that food is only for cats.
-Seriously it says it right net to the logo
-I got your logo right here
-Yeah real mature reaper, doesn't change the fact that that food is filled with raw lamb and cat hormones.
-Just how I like it.
-Sigh of course, okay can you pick him up please?
-You're allergic aren't you? -Yes.
-Here take some clarinex
-Much better.
-Good good, how do you think you're doing right now?
-I could do better.
-Yeah i agree.
-Death Blossom is ready.
-Oh wow you actually did a really good job with his hair.
-Finally some recognition. -Yeah but overall I still think you need to be fired.
-Are you kidding me? -I'm sorry it's just-
-I'm getting better at this
-Yeah well what about all those cats you already murdered?
-I will feast on their souls.
-No you see it's stuff like that that makes me want to fire you, so you're done.
-Now Reaper we worked so hard to get you back in this society.
-Sorry -Don't apologize to me, the only one you're letting down is yourself.
-I guess. -How are things Reaper?
-Feels like I'm falling apart.
-Well maybe it's time for another career change.
-Y'know I've always thought you had a great voice, maybe you could read audio books.
-The Doors closed.
-The Lights out.
-The Eggs are cooling.
-The Butters getting hard.
-And the Jellos Jiggling.
-What the fuck was i thinking?
-Ho ho excuuusee me
-Oh That's a beauty!
-Phew, thought i was a goner.
-Oh my god -Hey there
-How's it going cowboy man?
-The names McCree.
-McCree that's right how you doing?
-Not feeling my best.
-Oh yeah well to be honest i could kinda tell
- Are you a janitor now?
-Yes, careful there.
-Oh yeah you even got the wet floor sign.
-Hey uh I clogged this toilet, come help me out real quick.
-Oohh nice one
-Yeah its pretty big.
-No shame in it.
-Hey atleast i didnt get any piss on the seats.
-Good aim.
-Yeah thank you but there's no plunger in here.
-Guess we'll do this the old fashion way
-Oh. -That didn't go so well.
-Aww yeah you got toilet water all over your face and your hand.
-Lets start over at the beginning, Howdy.
-Uhh yeah i'm not gonna shake your hand.
There's probably shit all over there, all over your face and god knows where else.
-Yeah i wouldn't drink the coffee
-Uhh that's fucking disgusting but it looks like we got everything cleaned up.
-Not everything, some people have a peculiar sense of humor.
-Ohh that's disgusting.
-I'm putting out a bounty.
-No no no no no don't you just leave that here, you come back and clean this up.
-I've got unfinished business.
-Well I'm not letting you out of my sight.
-You're welcome to join me.
-Yeah no thank you.
-A man's gotta have a price
-Hey get back in here and clean this up right now.
-Good as new
-No that's not good as new! you just- did you really just write that?
-I'll make ya famous.
-Hey number 1 I'm not gay.
-Number 2 if i was I'm still way too good looking for you
-Huh, looked in the mirror lately?
-Yeah i just did actually and I'm better looking than your ugly ass.
-I'm not good, not bad, but I sure as hell ain't ugly.
-Okay well I'm still not gonna make a s- OH MY GOD
-There's roaches all over the floor.
-Bad guys, head up.
- O-Okay le- lets get your mop.
-Doesn't feel right coming back here.
-Don't you come in this closet like everyday?
-Whoa there this ain't how it was at all.
-Okay well can you find a mop please?
-This ones mine.
-What you have a mop that nobody one else can use?
-A Man's gotta have rules.
-What should i use?
-Oh that would do fine.
-Okay great lets just go.
-Clean, Sweep. -Okay good thank you.
-Bang, Bang, gotcha.
-Okay good.
-Phew almost had me there-
-Oh my god McCree!
-Are you okay?
-Bye -No no ,no goodbye, you're gonna be alright buddy.
-How many fingers am i holding up?
-Two. -Okay you're probably dying but you can still count
-Happens to the best of us.
-No,please you're gonna be okay.
-I don't think so.
-But what if in heaven they just play drake and they don't play country?
-I like both kinds of music.
-Oh my god McCree please hang on
-Just a matter of time.
-Speaking of time, Please McCree can you just...
-One last time tell me what time it is?
[Rip McCree]
-Hi there my favorite real estate agent.
-Hello there.
-Thank you for showing me the house.
-Don't thank me, just doing my job.
-Yeah well you're pretty good at it.
-I am at the top of my field.
-Okay, okay.
-Now me and my girlfriend we're little concerned with the safety of this neighborhood,
is there any steps we can take to increase our security?
-Watch yourself!
-Oh surveillance cameras, that's pretty cool.
-Okey so when are we go inside you got the keys?
-I lost them.
-You lost the keys are you serious.
-Waht, wait they're right there!
-Oh, you are good.
-Okay let's just go inside
-I'm going in.
-O my gosh!
-Now this must be a surprise to you.
-Yeah, there's shit all over the floor!
-We need to clear the area.
-Yes, you need to clear this entire place up, there's even cobwebs everywhere!
-Get them of me!
-Yeah there's crap all over the windows to!
-Okay be hones with me real quick, what kind of shape is the rest of the house in?
-On a scale of 1-10, not good.
-Well shit, okay how many bedrooms is there again?
-No that doesn't sound right.
-How many bathrooms?
-Okay that doesn't make any sense. Has this place any internet?
-Connection on going.
-Okay does this house come with something useful?
-I believe they have a teleporter.
-Are you fucking right are you serious!
-All right let's check out the kitchen.
-This way!
-So the floor in the kitchen is wood or tile?
-Absolutely not!
-What are you talking abo... -OMG this is just a dirt floor!
-Ooh but it's a modern refrigirator.
-Improvements has been made.
-Yeah you know I still use ice trays where i live.
-How barbaric.
-I know right, there's a lot of empty space in this room
-Need a second opinion?
-Yeah, sure.
-We need a tank.
-Oh yeah, a baller-ass fish tank would be cool.
-So were these cabinets like real or these...
-Get out of there!
-What do we have here?
-Some sort of homeless addict!
-What happened to you?
-I don't know man, one minute I'm just shooting up all this heroin and next thing you know I feel really sick.
-Where does it hurt?
-In the inside and the outside.
-On a scale from 1-10, how's your pain?
-So bad and I shit my pants too.
-You might not want to tell your friends about that.
-I'm... Dying.
-Step into the light!
-No no no, step away from the light!
-... Negative.
-God dammit, anyways back to me.
-Turn your head and cough.
-No, I mean lets talk about closing on the house, right now i living in a Chevy Lumina and eating ketchup pakiges every night.
-Maybe it's best to stay in that way
-OMG you're terrible!
-What do we have here?
-It's a fucking heroin needle, what do you think?
-Something I could use?
-Yeah if you wanna kill yourself.
-So that what it feels like.
-OMG I thought you angels were anti drug.
-Well, not always.
-Okay you know what, I'm just gonna take the house and her's the check.
-I'm don't do this for the reward.
-Okay great, because I don't have a lot of money.
-I won't turn it down either.
-You know what that's it.