字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The island nation of Fiji is situated in the shimmering South Pacific, 島國斐濟就位於粼光閃爍的南太平洋上, between Hawaii and Australia. 在夏威夷和澳洲之間。 Two thirds of Fiji's 330 islands are uninhabited, 在斐濟的 330 座小島上,有三分之二無人居住, making it one of the most unspoiled places on the planet. 使這裡成為地球上自然景觀保存最完整的地區之一。 Fiji's jagged reefs and warrior culture 斐濟島縱橫交錯的暗礁和戰士文化, kept European explorers and traders at bay for centuries. 使歐洲探險者和商人幾世紀來皆不得其門而入, The result is a society that's preserved it's communal traditions 因而完整保存著公有制傳統社會, and deep connections to the land and sea. 以及與土地和海洋的緊密聯繫。 Today, Fiji is one of the friendliest places on earth. 今日,斐濟是世界上最友善的地區之一。 The Fijian greeting 'Bulla' means 'life' and 'good health'. 斐濟人的招呼語「Bulla」意指「生命」和「健康」, You'll hear it within minutes of arriving, and before long, 抵達這裡後您很快就會聽到這句話,沒多久 you'll be calling it out with equal gusto. 您也會把它當成口頭禪時常掛在嘴邊。 The main island is Vitu Levu. 維提島是斐濟的主島, This is home to 85 percent of Fiji's population, 85%的斐濟人口都聚居於此, which consists mostly of Melanesian and Indian peoples. 其中大多數是美拉尼西亞人和印度人。 A two and half hour drive from Nadi International Airport 從楠迪國際機場開車兩個半小時,就可以 is Fiji's capital, Suva. 到達斐濟的首都,蘇瓦。 Wander the streets filled with colonial architecture, 在殖民風建築林立的街上悠閒漫步、 browse the markets, or simply hang out with locals by the sleepy harbor. 逛逛市集,或與當地人一起在慵懶的港口閒晃消磨時間。 從蘇瓦出發,沿著美麗的珊瑚海岸往西, From Suva, head west along the fabulous Coral Coast. 這條綿延 50 哩長的沙灘與海灣邊緣, This 50-mile of stretch of beaches and bays is fringed 全圍著瑚礁,鑲出一條美麗的海岸線。 by a coral reef that literally touches the shoreline. 在這裡不需要潛水船, No need for dive-boats here. 只要戴上潛水面罩,從您的渡假村走入海中, Just pull on a face mask, step from your resort into the water, 您就能瞭解斐濟為何被稱為 and discover why Fiji is known 世界上最棒的浮潛和潛水天堂。 as one of the world's great snorkeling and diving destinations. 斐濟的主島也提供多種陸上探險活動, Fiji's main island offers plenty of inland adventures too. 品味斐濟香料花園的各種香氣, Take in the scents of the Fiji Spice Gardens, 玩高空滑纜穿越森林樹冠層,或搭乘四輪驅動車 zip-line through the forest canopy, or climb aboard a four wheel drive 來場高地探險之旅。 for a highlands adventure tour. 走訪斐濟崎嶇的內陸地區, A trip into Fiji's rugged interior 親身體驗斐濟人的生活, provides a great window into the lives of the Fijian people, 他們不僅開放教室、住家,更敞開心胸歡迎旅客參觀。 who open their classrooms, homes, and hearts to visitors. 如果您準備探索斐濟的小島, When you're ready to explore Fiji's smaller islands, head to Denarau, 可前往距離楠迪機場 15 分鐘車程的丹那勞。 just a 15 minute drive from Nadi Airport. 丹那勞碼頭可通往斐濟兩個最受歡迎的秘境, Denarau's marina is the gateway to two of Fiji's most popular getaways, 瑪瑪努卡和亞薩瓦群島。 the Mamanuca and Yasawa island groups. 要前往這些群島很容易, Getting to the islands is easy, 只要事先安排好 but requires just a little forward planning 後續的接駁交通, to ensure you make your transfers. 唯一要煩惱的就只有決定走訪哪些島嶼了! The only hard part is deciding which islands to visit! 斐濟有句俗話說「每個海灣都吹著自己的海風」, In Fiji they have a saying, "each bay, it's own wind", 這句話套用在它的島嶼上再適合不過了。 and this is certainly true of its islands. 有些島嶼能滿足所有人的喜好, While some islands cater to all tastes, 有些島則專為特定類型的旅客量身打造。 others are tailored to specific types of travelers. 瑪瑪努卡海洋公園中座落著比奇科默小島, Situated in the Mamanuca Marine Park is tiny Beachcomber Island, 也稱作「派對之島」。 known 'the party island'. 同樣位於瑪瑪努卡群島, Also in the Mamanucas, 您可以到馬洛洛島獲獎無數的渡假村, float away into a world of total relaxation 跟著海浪漂流,徹底放鬆身心。 at Malolo Island's award-winning resorts. 如果您沒有帶孩子同行, For those traveling without children, 馬洛洛為您打造了完美的奢華殿堂, Malolo offers luxurious sanctuaries perfect for connecting 讓您與身旁的另一半感情加溫。 with that someone special. 接著來到附近的漂流島,與家人在此共享天倫之樂, Nearby, Castaway Island is the perfect place to spend quality time 還可讓孩子重新認識大自然之美。 with family and to watch your children rediscover the natural world. 從瑪瑪努卡群島往北便是亞薩瓦群島, Just to the north of the Mamanucas, lay the Yasawa group, 看似 20 座島嶼串成的珠寶項鍊。 a chain of twenty island jewels. 每天有兩班雙體船從丹那勞出發, The twice-daily catamarans from Denarau 航行約 3 至 4 個小時可抵達亞薩瓦群島, take between 3 to 4 hours to reach the Yasawas, 不過在島嶼間來回的航程也頗有樂趣。 but the journey from island to island is half the fun. 這裡的生活步調從容不迫, Life here is about as unhurried as it gets. 在村落間的小徑和起伏山徑上悠閒散步, Wander the paths and hilly trails between villages. 與溫馴的龐然大物共游, Glide with gentle giants. 探索遺世獨立的沙灘,除了您自己的腳印再也沒有別人了。 Explore beaches where the only footprints will be your own. 他版讀稿:瑪瑪努卡群島的北邊緊鄰亞薩瓦群島, Alternate read: Just to the north of the Mamanucas, 由 20 座島嶼串成的寶石項鍊。 lay the Yasawa group, a chain of twenty island jewels. 每天有兩班雙體船從丹那勞出發,航行約 3至 4個小時可抵達亞薩瓦群島, The twice-daily catamarans from Denarau take between 3 to 4 hours 不過在島嶼間來回的航程也頗有樂趣。 to reach the Yasawas, but the journey from island to island is half the fun. 這裡的生活步調從容不迫, Life here is about as unhurried as it gets. 在村落間的小徑悠閒散步,與溫馴的龐然大物共游, Explore the trails between villages, dive with gentle giants, 在遺世獨立的沙灘上,自己一人悠然自得。 and wander beaches where the only footprints will be your own. 丹那勞港也提供多種短程冒險行程。 There are also plenty of short adventures available from Port Denarau. 搭乘遊船至小島堤霧瓦,體驗一日島嶼生活, Cruise out to tiny Tivua to sample the best of island life in just one day. 或綁上風帆搭乘珊瑚貓雙體船, Or hoist sail aboard a coral cat 盡情探索西海岸原始的海洋環境。 and explore the pristine marine environment of the West Coast and beyond. 斐濟也是釣魚愛好者的天堂, Fiji is a paradise for fishermen too. 包船出海釣魚,很快您就能滿載而歸,享用美味的珊瑚魚晚餐。 Join a charter and you'll soon be reeling in delicious reef fish for dinner. 斐濟人熱愛音樂, Fijians love music. 您會發現所到之處皆瀰漫著真摯的吉他樂音和歌聲。 Everywhere you go you'll hear the heartfelt sound of singing and guitar. 但還有樣東西讓斐濟人看得比音樂更重, But if there's one thing Fijians adore more than music, 那就是孩童和家庭。 it's children and family. 很快他們就會讓您感受到這股家庭羈絆和歸屬感。 And it's that sense of family and belonging, that will soon be extended to you. Bulla,歡迎來到斐濟, Bulla, welcome to Fiji. 歡迎品味生活。 Welcome to, life.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 斐濟 島嶼 沙灘 搭乘 抵達 項鍊 旅遊指南 - 斐濟 - Expedia.com.au (Guia de viagem - Fiji | Expedia.com.br) 419 45 Eric Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字