字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Just 165 miles from San Francisco, 在距離舊金山僅 165 英哩之處 lies one of America’s greatest treasures. 蘊藏著美國最壯麗非凡的大自然寶藏之一 Yosemite National Park sits on the western slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, 優勝美地國家公園就坐落在 加州內華達山脈的西部山坡上 it also occupies a special place in the nation’s soul. 優勝美地也在美國精神中,占有極其特別的地位 Yosemite’s story began as the last ice age ended, 優勝美地的歷史始於最後一個冰河期結束之時 when the glaciers of the region’s high country scoured and sculptured the valley below. 當時此地區的高原冰川逐漸消融 進而蝕刻出下方的山谷地形 Managed by the National Park Service and covering almost 1200 square miles, 優勝美地由美國國家公園管理局負責管理 面積將近 1,200 平方英哩 Yosemite takes in five vegetation zones, 優勝美地共跨越五個植被區 from oak and chaparral woodlands, to sparse alpine high country. 從橡樹與灌木林林地 到植被稀疏的高山高原 Of the four million visitors who come each year, 每年都有 400 萬名遊客前來探索優勝美地 most spend their time in Yosemite Valley, which is open year round. 其中大多數的人都是為了全年開放的 優勝美地山谷而來 At only 8 miles long and 1 mile wide, 在僅 8 英哩長、1 英哩寬的山谷地形中 this valley packs in more jaw-dropping scenery than just about any other place on Earth. 蘊藏著比地球上任何一處都還多的 壯麗絕美風景 As you enter the Yosemite Valley ring road from the west, 如果您從西邊進入優勝美地山谷 的環形公路 it’s worth taking a short detour to Tunnel View and stand before a sweeping panorama 不妨稍微繞個道,前往隧道口觀景點 將整座優勝美地山谷一覽無遺 that’s reduced generations of visitors to silence, and many to tears. 在如此壯闊的美景前,無數遊客屏息讚嘆 甚至流下眼淚 To the right, there’s the ethereal mist of Bridalveil Fall, 位於山谷右側的,是霧氣飄渺的 新娘面紗瀑布 to the left, the sheer granite face of El Capitan, 而左側則可眺望酋長岩陡峭的 花崗岩壁 while in the background, 而在遠方的蓊鬱山林之中 the rising majesty of Half Dome beckons you deeper into the valley. 半圓頂岩的雄偉之姿彷彿在召喚您 更深入探索這座山谷 From Tunnel View it’s just a short drive, 從隧道口觀景點出發只要一小段車程 and then an easy walk to the base of Bridalveil Fall. 再走一小段路,就能來到新娘面紗瀑布下方 The fall reaches it’s peak in May, 瀑布水量會在每年 5 月達到高峰 yet possess a magic all year round. 然而其一年四季都有神奇魔力 If you’re looking for love, breathe deeply; 據說只要在此深深呼吸,就能帶來愛情 the park’s original custodians, the Ahwahneechee, 優勝美地的原住民阿瓦尼奇族人相信 believe that inhaling the fall’s mists increases your chances of marriage. 吸入這座瀑布的水霧之氣 能為人帶來姻緣 The park’s ring road follows the banks of the Merced River, 優勝美地國家公園的環形公路沿 默塞德河而行 a national wild and scenic waterway, 這是一條國家自然風景河道 which shifts in character as it thunders and tumbles from the valley walls, 從瀑布上游以洶湧轟鳴的水勢 沖激而下 before gently winding across the valley floor. 接著以潺潺流水蜿蜒於谷底之中 Here, the river is lined with pine forests, 河岸兩旁可以看到松樹林 rich meadows, and beaches. 綠意盎然的草地與河灘 These are the places to pause, and let the park’s spirit wash over you. 您可以在此稍作停留 讓優勝美地的神聖美好洗滌您的心靈 These are the places which inspired President Teddy Roosevelt to write, 羅斯福總統就是在此地深受啟迪 並寫下: “It was like lying in a great solemn cathedral, 「宛如置身於一座莊嚴宏偉的大教堂之中 far vaster and more beautiful than any built by the hand of man.” 但其卻遠比人類所建造的任何建築 更美、更壯闊」 The Yosemite Valley ring road is dotted with trailheads 優勝美地山谷的環形公路上散布著多處登山口 that lead off into 800 miles of hiking trails. 可讓您走訪全長 800 英哩的登山健行步道 First cut almost 150 years ago, 最早開闢的路徑距今已有 150 年之久 The Four Mile Trail climbs the valley’s southern wall 其中的四英哩步道可帶您從山谷的 南面山坡 to two of the park’s great outlooks. 登上園區內的兩處絕佳觀景點 At Glacier Point, gaze down into the entire valley, 冰河觀景點可讓您居高臨下俯瞰整座山谷 and away into the distant high country. 並眺望遠方高原 A little further along, 繼續往前走一小段路 whatever breath you have left will be taken away by the views at Washburn Point. 瓦士本觀景點的景致 將讓您嘆為觀止 If you’re pressed for time, 如果您的時間有限 you can also access these outlooks by car or tour bus via Glacier Point Road, 亦可開車或搭乘觀光巴士走冰河觀景點公路 前往這些觀景點 which is open between May and November. 公路開放期間為 5 月至 11 月間 Further along the ring road is the trailhead for another of Yosemite’s signature hikes, 繼續沿環形公路而行 則可前往優勝美地另一條著名步道的登山口 The Mist Trail. 迷霧步道 This five-hour hike is for moderate to experience hikers, 這條 5 小時路程的步道屬於中高難度的路線 but repays every step with even more stunning vistas, 但沿途的壯麗景色會讓您覺得一切辛苦都很值得 and the spectacle of Vernal and Nevada Falls. 同時還能走訪春天瀑布與內華達瀑布 The Mist Trail links up with the John Muir Trail, 迷霧步道與 約翰繆爾步道相連接 named after the grandfather of America’s National Park System. 這條步道的名稱來自美國 國家公園之父,約翰‧繆爾 In his 1912 book, The Yosemite, the naturalist wrote, 這位自然主義者在其 1912 年的著作 《優勝美地》中寫道: “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, 「每個人都需要美的事物,就如同需要麵包 places to play in and pray in, 娛樂之處和宗教之所一樣 where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike”. 而大自然就如同此等存在,可為人類的身心靈帶來 療癒和力量。」 It was writings like this, 正因為這樣的思想 which helped seed Yosemite into the consciousness of a nation, 使優勝美地的大自然深植於 美國人的國家意識之中 and led to its designation as one of America’s first national parks. 並促使其成為美國首先設立的 國家公園之一 After crossing the river at the valley’s 在越過山谷東側的河流之後 eastern end, the ring road turns west, 環形公路會轉而向西行 towards Yosemite Village. 前往優勝美地村 At the Museum, explore the culture of the valley’s First Peoples.. 您可以在博物館中了解優勝美地村 原住民的歷史文化 Then, at the Visitor Center, 然後前往遊客中心 learn about the miners, ranchers, artists and entrepreneurs who followed. 了解隨後來到此地的礦工、牧場主、 藝術家和企業家在此留下的印記 And don’t miss the Ansel Adams Gallery, 此外,也別錯過安塞爾亞當斯美術館 dedicated to the photographer who’s timeless black and white images 館內可欣賞這位攝影家親身領略優勝美地 自然之美的精典黑白影像 have inspired millions to see Yosemite for themselves. 他的攝影作品讓數百萬人不遠千里而來 就為探訪優勝美地 From March to October the park gets busy, 每年 3 月至 10 月為優勝美地的旅遊旺季 so consider leaving your car at the village 建議您將車子停在優勝美地村 and exploring the valley on the free shuttle service. 然後搭乘免費的接駁車探索 優勝美地山谷 Or, enjoy the valley views from two wheels! 或者您也可以騎自行車遊覽山谷景致 Follow the twelve-miles of bike paths, 園區內規劃了 12 英哩長的自行車道 which loops along the river and crosses dreamy meadows filled with wildflowers, 會帶您沿著河流而行 穿越長滿野花的夢幻草地 taking in the valley’s star attractions along the way. 繞行一圈可欣賞到優勝美地山谷的 各處著名景點 For thousands of years, 數千年來 the Ahwahneechee had villages throughout this fertile valley floor, 原住民阿瓦尼奇族人的村落散布於 整片肥沃谷地之中 but it was here at the base of Yosemite Falls, 而優勝美地瀑布的底下 where their great chief resided. 就是他們偉大酋長所居住的地方 The falls flow in three sections, 優勝美地瀑布一共可分為三段 which you can see in their entirety from vantage points all over the park. 您可以從公園內的各個觀景點 欣賞整座瀑布的完整樣貌 But nothing compares to taking the one-hour hike to feel the full force of the lower falls, 但是都比不上走一小時山路 近距離感受下層瀑布水勢的驚人力量 or spending the day climbing all the way to the upper falls. 您也可以花上一天的時間一路登上 瀑布的上層 When it comes to climbing, 提到登山 El Capitan, a 3000-foot high granite monolith 高達 3,000 英呎的酋長岩是一座獨體花崗岩 has become a rite of passage for climbers from all over the world. 是全球各地的攀岩好手 都想要挑戰的目標 The first ascent, in 1958, took 47 days. 首位成功挑戰者在 1958 年花了 47 天才攻頂 From the comfort of El Capitan Meadow, 在舒服宜人的酋長岩草原上 sit back and watch modern climbers, 您可以坐下來觀看現代的攀岩好手們 who have reduced that same climb to a couple of days, 只需花上短短幾天 甚至是幾小時 or sometimes, to a just few hours. 就攀登上酋長岩 As the ring road winds back towards the park entrance, 隨著環形公路再次返回公園入口處時 stop at Valley View, 不妨在山谷觀景點停下來 for one long look back. 回望山谷的迷人景致 But there’s no need to feel heavy-hearted, 不過您也不需要感到依依不捨 because there’s so much more of Yosemite to discover, 因為您還可以繼續上路 前往探索 just up the road. 優勝美地的其他無數美景 To the north of Yosemite Valley, 前往優勝美地山谷的北部地區 climbs one of the USA’s most scenic highways. 可以暢遊美國風景最美的公路之一 Tioga Road is impassable between October and May, 蒂歐加公路在每年 10 月至 5 月期間 不開放通行 but as the snow clears, the road reemerges, 但是當積雪消失,道路恢復暢通後 rising into the rugged Sierra Nevada high country. 這條公路就能帶您登上地勢崎嶇的內華達山脈高原 Pull over, and fill your lungs with cool alpine air at Olmsted Point. 您不妨在奧姆斯特觀景點停下車來 大口呼吸冷冽的高山空氣 Refresh yourself by the pure waters of Tenaya Lake, 特納亞湖的純淨湖水能洗滌您的身心 恢復精神 named in honor of Yosemite’s last great chieftain. 這座湖泊的命名是為了紀念 優勝美地的最後一位偉大酋長 Then follow the road further to Tuolumne Meadow, 接著繼續上路,前往圖奧勒米草原 the traditional summer hunting grounds of the Ahwahneechee. 這裡曾是阿瓦尼奇族人夏季時的 傳統狩獵地 Today, this sub-alpine meadow is the perfect place to stock up on serenity, 如今這片亞高山草原則是 享受寧靜大自然的好地方 or to pick up one of the many trails that lead to further alpine adventures. 此外還有許多登山步道 供您體驗高山探索之旅 One of the shortest, 其中最短但最值得一遊的步道 but most rewarding trails leads to Lembert Dome, 可帶您前往蘭伯特圓頂岩 named after one of the parks earliest settlers. 此名稱來自一名優勝美地最早期的定居者 From its high country to its waterfalls, 從高原、瀑布 from its towering sequoia groves to its valley meadows, 高聳參天的紅杉樹 到翠綠的山谷草原 Yosemite is an American story unlike any other. 優勝美地都是美國獨一無二的迷人所在 It is a place where a nation returns again and again, 此處是美國精神的寄託所在 也是一再回訪的心靈故鄉 through the best and worst of times, 無論在最好或最壞的時代 to breathe, 都能在此感受生命 to be inspired, 領受大自然的啟發 and just be. 以及單純地享受自然 For this is a place, 優勝美地就如同 John Muir once wrote, 約翰‧繆爾所曾經描述的 that is far easier to feel than to explain. 是個只能感受而難以言喻的地方 This is a place, 同時也是一個 to wash the spirit clean. 能洗滌淨化心靈的地方
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 優勝美地 山谷 瀑布 步道 公路 環形 優勝美地國家公園度假旅遊指南 - Expedia (Yosemite National Park Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia) 910 57 Eric Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字