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In the last episode, we made the automatic underground farm
by importing villagers into the farm.
And we did it!
Hello. :D
Hello everybody!
I'm ChaoGe!
Welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Survival!
Today is 91st episode of Minecraft Survival.
Is chilling here (in Taiwan) recently :o
Ok! So in the last episode,
we made our underground farm to be worked automatically
as mentioned from the beginning of the video! :D
The farm is working well so far :D
Also I replaced the walls with granite (Subber: they're polished granite tho)
And this applies to other rooms as well!
(Counting number of rooms) (ChaoGe:Is actually eight of them tho...)
Yeah eight of them!
I think that's a lot of crops generated in this farm!
Also I included a carpet here so the villagers won't fall into the water right? :o
I will move the villager (the one imprisoned :( ) here
and place a chest here so that I can collect the crops conveniently.
It is annoying when I have to walk to there and collect the crops.
Oh yeah!
If you....
Let's go to sleep :3
(In the next morning)
Good morning everybody! (Subber: Morning!)
The rain was disturbing me just now >.<
(Killing zombie)
Alright then!
I was about to say... XD
I was about to say that
if you realized my voice is somehow... different
this is because I bought a new microphone!
That's why my voice is slightly different now. :D
I think is the room from the underground farm right???
I exposed the room unintentionally . XD
Then I think this room inside is...
oh wait not this one.
(Another walking~)
Look at the ceiling!
It is... disturbing me ...
So I'm going to replace the ceiling with something!
But with what block tho....?
I thought we need to level the ceiling a block high to do this
However we don't have to!
I decided to use slabs to decorate the ceiling!
What kind of slab to use tho...
Hm... something white should be fine...
Quartz slabs then!
So right now let's make them!
(Rushing toward the victory!)
Let's see how much we can make....
Should be enough for a room (Subber: Look at all the Quartz blocks needed!)
We're done!
You know, I already moved many villagers to the farm
and still there are a lot of them here!
Alright so right now...
Well normally the ceiling start from 2nd floor will look disturbing...
Ah I mean the 2nd underground floor
So yeah this should be working tho
Very good!
(Placed wrongly)
Yeah it should be look like that.
(Decorating the ceiling)
Urgh not again! D:
Every time I'm placing the blocks XD
Especially slabs..(pronounced wrongly in Chinese)
I keep misplacing it you know? >.<
You have to be very careful when placing the slabs in the right place
(Decoration continues...)
And now we're going inside the farm to continue.
(Finishing the ceiling~)
(Stop it villager!)
Tada! \\:D/
Here we go!
The ceiling is lower tho
however now it look nicer!
Now the room looks neater.
I believe the villagers will happy about it.
Oh I guess some of you might noticed that
I also placed a quartz slab here.
Because I think is cool!
But that's not the main point in this episode!
And we don't have enough material to decorate the remaining rooms too.
Now back to the Q&A!
Oh yeah!
I normally will reply to about an hundred of comments.
Then three to five of comments
will be featured in the next episode
to be replied. :D
So feel free to comment!
My face :O
Alright first featured comment of the video!
Viewer: "Why the spider won't attack you?"
In the last episode, the spider won't attack despite I am standing beside it.
In the morning, I believe due to the brightness (Spider don't attack when the light level...)
the spider will be "blinded". (...around them is 12 or more - gamepedia)
By "blind" it means you can't see anything else.
So basically this settings does exist long time ago.
I have no idea why the spiders are "blinded" in day time back in the day tho.
Is this because they're nocturnal?
So in the last episode..XD
They freak out when they saw the title (Literally means "The FINAL form..." in Mandarin)
You're kidding right?! XD
The video title were misleading some viewers.
Hey Chaoge(aka the uploader)~!
Viewer: "Why don't you install a texture pack?"
To be honest many viewer keep asking this question tho.
So why? :D
Because I think the original pack is gold. :D
I still really prefer to use original pack since
it looks the best to me.
And you guys will know it better that
what am I doing(like using which blocks,etc)
Viewer: "Will you record more unboxing video in the future?"
Um this comment...
Many viewers are wondering as well.
Since last time I uploaded two unboxing videos
like "Dragon Quest Slime Green Curry"
"18禁カレ"(Basically a very spicy curry)
“Dinosaur archaeology chocolate". (Not really sure it's official name)
So many viewers demand a new unboxing.
Well I do planned that...
I uploaded two of them during summer break right?
How about the next unboxing video?
For now I planned to record one during the next winter break.
Alright let's go to sleep. :D
(In the next morning)
Today the underground farm is no longer the main point here
Oh wait is still relevant tho :D
Ok is still connected to the farm in some way.
I'm going to replace the wall behind and the front
and including this wall.
So three of them...
Ah and include that one would be four (What?)
Will be replaced with glasses!
Ok so not just some ordinary glasses
but the stained glasses.
I actually decided what color to be used
which is lime.
Too bad I don't have a sample for now.
So the lime stained glasses
is not just like the ordinary green.
Let me tell you the difference between them.
This is green color.
The lime color is brighter than that.
Let me show you how it look like :)
As for green dye are obtained from cactus
by smelting it.
But still I need to get the lime dye
so how we get it? We need bone meal.
Do you think it sounds complicated right?
First we need to find some cactus.
I believe I could find some easily
but we need large quantity of stained glasses
so that means we will need a lot of dyes.
You know it is impossible to gather them one by one in the wild...
we should build a cactus farm right?
Do you guys know it is possible to get cactus from the cactus farm automatically?
Later on I'll tell you how it works.
So for now let's gather some.
(Searching for cactus~)
Cactus are common in in deserts (also in mesa)
Ooooh yeah!
Let me show you how the cactus farm will be worked later on,
(Not semi-automatic tho :D)
So, when a solid block placed right beside it (in this case with slab)
Did you see that?? :D
As long as there's a solid block beside the cactus
it will uproot and will dropped as an item.
So yeah it will be dropped as there's a solid block beside it. :D
(Feeling wonderful!)
Fences and slabs works too!
Oh torches won't work tho.
We will use this technique to build an automated cactus farm.
(Feeling fun :D)
Ok we gather some of them!
Oh yeah that's cactus green dye
which can be obtained by smelting the cactus.
And if you if combine it with a bone meal..
A lime dye is made!
And that's the only to obtain it for now
which is why we need a cactus farm! :D
We need a lot of cactus for it.
And by combining the dye with the glasses..
Lime stained glasses are made!
It look like this.
I really like how it looks :3
So right now we need a land for the farm...
(cleaning the land)
So we cleaned up the land
Now let's get started!
Well don't have to be tidy tho...
just like this..
Oh sand blocks are unable to float on air
so solid blocks are placed under them.
Um... a block higher..
So a sand block here..
and a cactus above it!
we're done! (Not really :P)
Let's test it...
Oh wait!
We need another cactus block above it >.<
Once it grow until two blocks high
the cactus will be uprooted.
And we will need more of them like this!
So let's do this!
(Building the farm...)
Each of them leave a block space
Because cactus blocks can't be placed together
so we'll need to leave a space between them.
(Farm building resumes~)
Tada! \\:D/
Some of them will be dropped later on I guess..
(Wait for it.... wait for it....)
None of them is dropping?
(Keep waiting :O)
Alright I realized I made some mistakes....
oh wait there's one tho
Ah I realized that the distance between them
were too close.
So I believe this is the problem right now
most of the dropped cactus are destroyed by the cactus.
So now let's remove half of them.
Something is odd...
there's a chance that the cactus will stay on the "breaker" block.
So I figured out that to replace it with fences.
(Replacing the "breaker" blocks)
Now I'm trying to place some water so that
the dropped cactus will be collected to somewhere.
(Building continues)
For now water will only flow until here right?
So we'll expand it by remove the block below the ending point of water flow.
(Building continues~)
Now we're placing hoppers around here
and connect them to a chest.
(Finishing the farm :D)
Tada! \\:D/
We're done! (The farm looks basic tho....)
It still doesn't produces much for now
but just like the slime farm
as long as you afking
the farm should be
produced a lot of them eventually.
We're going to end this episode here!
After we obtained a lot of cactus
and also we need bone meals
to combine them into lime stained glasses.
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Ok! So this episode must comes to an end!