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Eric: Hey everybody, Eric Worre here.
Welcome to Network Marketing Pro.
And today we have a special guest.
If you don't recognize her already this is the one and only Mel Robbins.
How are you doing Mel.
Mel: I am alright.
Actually I am fantastic.
Eric: You are actually fantastic.
This woman is a powerhouse.
And she spoke at our recent GoPro Recruiting Mastery event.
I first heard of her because I spoke at a company convention, a network marketing convention,
and you, we didn't meet that day.
But you had spoke earlier in the day.
And everybody was raving about the 5 second rule, the 5 second rule.
And I am like what the heck is the 5 second rule.
Because I hadn't hear about it.
I had tons of people like rushing up to me, that day, at the airport, everywhere.
They were like "Sorry the 5 second rule, I have to talk to you cause it's in the 5 seconds.
Once I heard about the concept.
I was really intrigued because, it was an interesting thought.
It's like a Malcolm Gladwell thought.
Mel: I love that you said that because I have a brain crush on him.
Eric: Do you?
Mel: Yes.
Eric: Like, he has his 10,000, whether it's the tipping point thought or the 10,000 hours
in order to become an expert.
These little tiny things, I don't even remember most of the rest of the book.
But I remember that.
Mel: Right.
Eric: And it made an impact.
And it stayed with me.
It was sticky.
And I watched people that, who have engaged in the 5 second rule, and it's sticky.
It is.
They, it changes the way, fundamentally that they look at life.
Mel: Yes.
Eric: So.
Tell me how this whole thing, where did it come from?
Mel: (Laughs) Oh it came from the worst moment of my life.
So the 5 second rule is one of those amazing things that first of all, it's so simple,
so obvious, and on some level, I am just going to come right out and say it.
It's kind of stupid when you first hear it.
I don't want you to make the mistake of dismissing the power of this thing because it sounds
a little silly, obvious or stupid.
Because there is some ridiculous science behind it.
So the bottom line is, short story, 2009, like a lot of people that are watching, my
husband and I hit rock bottom, financially, facing bankruptcy, we were fighting all the
The liens started to hit the house and I developed a habit of hitting the snooze button.
Now in the scheme of life, having a habit of hitting the snooze button, and getting
up late, and kind of starting your day off on the wrong foot, it's not that big of deal
in theory.
But what you know, and what you absolutely are teaching people around the world.
It's actually the smallest moves in your routine and the discipline and decisions that you
make every day, that turn from somebody is just thinking about doing something to someone
who is a pro at doing something.
And so for me, I had this habit of hitting the snooze button all the time.
And I was very frustrated, because I knew what I should be doing.
I knew that successful people don't hit the snooze button every morning.
I don't think Richard Branson lays in bed and hits the snooze button three or four times
and picks up his phone and main lines Facebook.
He's not doing that.
You aren't doing it either.
I knew that at this point in my life, that I should be out looking for, you know, another
opportunity, I should be reaching out to friends.
I should be exercising.
But I wasn't doing it.
And you see this is something that the 5 second rule will help you do.
It's going to help you bridge the gap between knowing what to do, and actually getting off
your butt and doing it.
And it does it in 5 seconds flat.
So, what happened, this is a really dumb story but this is actually what happened.
I got inspired because I saw a commercial that had a rocket ship launching.
And I thought I am just going to launch myself out of the bed, like a rocket tomorrow morning.
I am going to count backwards, like NASA.
So the next morning, liens on the house, fighting with my husband, all kinds of problems, feeling
like a loser, the alarm goes off, I immediately feel like I don't want to get up.
But I started counting backwards.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then I stood up.
And that was how I discovered it.
And I am going to be honest with you.
For the first two to three years Eric, that I used it.
I had no clue why it worked.
It was if somebody had handed me a magic wand.
And suddenly I had control over myself, because what happens when you first start using the
5 second rule.
And the way that you use it is this.
The moment that you have an instinct to act on a goal.
So its one of those should moments.
You know if you, you obviously listen to Eric, so you know what you should be doing to grow
your business.
So all day long you are going to have that instinct, where you are like, "Oh this is
a cold prospect marketing moment going.
Here we go.
Oh act like I am in a hurry and compliment the person, and you know, if I could, would
You know the steps to do, right?
But the problem is, you stop and think.
And the moment you stop and think you are going to get trapped there.
So the 5 second rule, you have a should moment, you know what Eric has taught you to do.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, move.
Now what happens when you count backwards, and this is why the rule is crazy.
Is you are actually leveraging an amazing amount of silence.
It's not just a silly little mantra to do.
You are manually switching the gears in your brain.
So I didn't know this in 2009.
All I knew is that suddenly I was getting up on time.
Suddenly I would 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and walk out the door and get to the gym.
I would 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and I would get in the car and drive to the bank and deal with
our financial issues.
I would 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and stop myself Eric, before I snapped at Chris or the kids.
I would 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and I would put down the Bourbon and walk away after one Manhattan
because we all know that after two you are not that nice.
So nothing good happens, as my husband likes to say to our teenage daughters, "Nothing
good happens after midnight, so make sure you are home by then."
Eric: Right.
Mel: And nothing too great happens for sure after the second Manhattan and in my case
not so great after the first one.
So I started to use it to basically interrupt my habits of doubting myself, of overthinking,
of hesitating, grabbing the drink, snapping at the kids, all that kind of emotionally
driven behavior.
Eric: Defaults.
Mel: Yeah, yeah.
Defaults completely.
It's a way that you can in a moment have that inner wisdom of knowing what you should do.
Because we all know what we should do.
It's actually a tool that you can use to interrupt the default behaviors that are encoded in
your Basel Ganglia, count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, it does a bunch of remarkable things
at once, number 1 it interrupts the habit loops in your Basel Ganglia.
Eric: What's a Basel Ganglia?
Mel: Basel Ganglia is the interior part of your brain, it is the part of the brain where
all of your default behavior patterns are encoded.
Eric: Ok.
Mel: Everything from procrastination, to self doubt, to anxiety, to the way that you pour
your coffee.
To whether or not you write with your right hand.
Eric: All of your programming stuff.
Mel: Correct.
So when I use the word habits, this is all new to me.
Habits are nothing more than behaviors that you can do without thinking about them.
And 50% of your day, what we know based on research, is that 50% of your days you are
in a default mode, you are on auto pilot.
Your body is basically just executing habits all day.
From how you pour your coffee, to how you pull on your pants.
You probably put on one leg before the other, you don't even think about it.
You do it the same way every day.
Believe it or not, self doubt, hesitating, telling yourself you are afraid to talk to
your friends about your business, overthinking the list of calls that you need to make, those
can become habits.
Patterns that are default behaviors that you repeat over and over and over without even
realize you are doing it.
Eric: So fascinating because, inside of the network marketing space, and it's got to be
everywhere in the world, but we deal with people in network marketing, right.
All the time.
They have hopes and fears, that's why they joined.
Mel: Yes.
Eric: And you see in some people, that just are paralyzed, absolutely paralyzed and don't
know why.
They are like, "Ah I am stuck.
I just can't seem to do it." and another day goes by they didn't get fired.
They didn't get kicked out of the business so they can repeat that behavior, but their
self esteem drops and drops and drops.
And they are like, "I know what I need to do.
Why can't I make myself do it."
Mel: I know why, I know why.
Let me see if I can explain this very succinctly.
The problem is that you have a habit of getting stuck up here.
You will never grow your network marketing business by thinking about it.
It's not happening.
And what I can tell you based on years and years of research, because, in trying to figure
out why does something, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, so simple, create such profound change, at not
only a behavioral, but a neurological, and a mindset and a habit level for people all
over the world.
The reason why you are having an issue, if you feel paralyzed or stuck is because you
spend too much time thinking.
And thinking too much itself becomes a habit.
Now here's what I want you to understand.
The only cure, the only cure for paralysis, the only cure for fear, the only cure for
feeling insecure, the only cure for feeling like a loser, like you are going to fail at
this thing, the only cure for the hopes and dreams, is action.
That's it.
And so I love the 5 second rule and it's so important for you to understand in your business
and start to use.
Is because it is not a tool for thinking.
It's a tool for action.
It's a tool that teaches you to catch yourself the moment you start thinking and feeling
paralyzed, and doing one of those "UH OH.
This isn't going to work."
And you go down and you start thinking about all these things.
And talking yourself out of it.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
It is how you interrupt that pattern of feeling paralyzed.
You quiet the self doubt, you quiet the paralysis and then you do something humongously important,
by counting backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you have just woken up your pre-frontal cortex.
Now the pre-frontal cortex, see his beautiful forehead right here.
Eric: I have a good one.
Mel: That's why he is so successful.
Because it is big and he uses it all the time.
The pre-frontal cortex is the part of your brain that is active when you are changing
behavior, when you are doing something new, when you are doing something that you are
excited about, and when you are doing something that is difficult, or uncertain.
So, let me give you an example.
I am righty, that's a habit I taught myself and started defaulting to the right hand,
Now Eric could tie my hand behind my back and say Mel I want you to try to write with
your left hand.
Now I could try to write GoPro with my left hand but it would require this entire part
of my brain.
My brain would be so focused on trying to make those letters go.
And if my son came in and said, "Hey Mom.
Can I have a grilled cheese?"
I would literally do one of those "I can't talk to right now, because I have to focus."
And the reason why that your pre-frontal cortex is firing up is because it's got to use all
it's power to talk to the hand and direct the behavior, and forge new neural pathways.
So what happens when you count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, is you interrupt the default part
of your brain that runs on auto pilot and you awaken the part of the brain that you
need in order to change or do something new or scary, or uncertain.
And here's what's really cool by going 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you not only outsmart your brain
you also, like that turn on the part that makes change easy.
Look at the special forces.
How do they start any exercise with the Seals.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Look at the...
Eric: Really?
Mel: Oh yeah.
I have had so many military folks, veterans, special forces, come up to me and say, "Ohmigosh
this brought me right back, this is how we started."
Eric: I have heard 3, 2, 1, go.
Mel: Well that's also Facebook.
You are aligning.
If you go into an elementary school, you'll see schools around the world, when they have
an assembly, the principals and the teachers, they start going 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Eric: Before we started, the sound guy.
Mel: Yes.
Eric: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Mel: Don't count up by the way.
Don't count up, it wont work because you can keep on going.
You know, you will be like, "Yeah I don't want to do that."
The other reason why counting backwards works is because you don't do it all the time, so
it's a habit, so it requires focus.
So here's what's really cool.
We had a woman write to us, after being at your GoPro event, and seeing me talk about
the 5 second rule for 20 minutes.
She said, "I am an extrovert, but doing that walk up to strangers through the cold prospect
marketing piece," she said, "I just couldn't make myself do it."
You used the word paralysis Eric.
I would see somebody and I would know that I should go walk over and I knew all the steps
but I would suddenly feel paralyzed.
And I would start to doubt myself.
She said, " I started using the 5 second rule to push myself through that self doubt."
She said, "That in the beginning, it's shocking because you find yourself doing this stuff
that normally you don't do."
And she said, "The thing that happened over time."
And this is the thing that is super cool.
Is that over time when you used it.
Counting backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, will not only help you interrupt your self sabotaging
default patterns, but it becomes what psychologists and neurologists call, "A starting ritual."
A starting ritual is a positive pattern that you repeat, that triggers your positive behavior.
And so what your, one of your biggest fans wrote to me and said that she has noticed
after about a month and half of using this, not only has approaching cold prospects and
marketing to them, and recruiting them into her business become easier.
She has also realizing that she is developing confidence.
And so this is another really important note about building your business.
So I used to believe that confidence is a part of a personality trait.
Not so, not so at all.
Confidence is a skill.
It's a skill that you build through action.
In fact this is advice that dates all the way back to Aristotle.
And there is a very famous psychology professor by the name of Timothy Wilson, that's written
a lot about confidence.
And Aristotle, the saying back to Aristotle is to say, "Do good, be good."
Meaning if you do good acts, you will start to become good.
You do things with action, your mind follows.
And so what Timothy Wilson talks about is just thinking.
You see when we talk about mindset.
Yes thoughts are important but for those of us that struggle with insecurity, with self
doubt, with feeling paralyzed.
It's really hard to think yourself out of that hole.
The fastest way to change your mindset is by taking action and proving to yourself,
through 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, one action at a time, you can rely on yourself.
When this women was going 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and pushing through paralysis, what she's doing
is really important.
And it goes way beyond building your business.
She's proving to herself that her dreams matter enough to her, that she can rely on herself.
She's proving to herself that no matter what she might feel in her body or what excuses
she might have, that she actually can rely on herself, to make it happen.
And there is nothing more powerful in life than if you dig yourself out of a mental hole,
and you become the kind of person that doesn't default to thinking, but that actually defaults
to self trust, and to taking action on your dreams.
And all you need to do to grow your business, is listen to this guy.
Like take every single one of the steps, all the tools, this is another thing that people
do, right.
You get handed all these amazing tools,
Eric: And you don't do anything with them.
Mel: You don't do anything.
Or its the tools problem.
I don't like the tools, I don't want to use the tools, I don't like these conversations,
they work for him but they don't work for me.
That's another default pattern.
You have gotten used to complaining instead of taking action and try.
Eric: Let ask you a question about that.
Mel: Yeah.
Eric: So I am a big believer in, action does help you build self worth, self confidence,
your own self esteem.
So a person is out there and they're, they are like a scared little mouse right now.
You know they are nervous.
Mel: Yes
Eric: But they are like, "Ok Mel.
I am going to give it a try.
Next time I feel this little thing, like Nope, I will do it later, I will do it some day,
I am going to do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and I am just going to do it.
Mel: Yes.
Eric: And they do it.
And it blows up in their face.
Mel: Great.
Eric: So.
Because sometimes the scared little mouse, when they go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and the lion goes
RAWR and they go right back into their hole and they don't come out again.
So I know my answer to this.
What's your answer to building this new muscle?
Mel: Ok.
So my answer to this is I don't look at life ever as things that you succeed or fail at.
I look at life as confidence in my mind and your dreams they hinge on your willingness
to try.
That's it.
And if you are willing to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and make a 5 second decision and push yourself
to try, you are either going to succeed or you will survive.
But either way, you just took one small step closer and I want you to consider something,
being 41, going to a really fancy ivy league school, having a law degree, living in a really
expensive neighborhood and then facing the prospect of not only blowing up our entire
lives, but also taking a lot of other peoples money with us, is a bunch businesses that
we had that were failing.
That was as big of a failure that I have ever faced in my entire life.
And if I hadn't had that happen, I would have never discovered the 5 second rule.
And I think, here's the other reason that I love this simple rule so much, is that again.
I am going to go back and start with a simple premise.
You are really smart.
You may feel paralyzed, you may have self doubt, you may be nervous about your ability
to make your dreams come true.
But the truth is you're actually really smart and you know what to do.
All we got to do is to train you take action.
Eric: Do what you know.
Mel: Yeah.
Do what you know.
And this is a tool that will get you out of the habit of thinking.
You know here's one other point that I want to talk about real quick, and I want to come
back to the word that you said, paralysis.
Eric: Yeah.
Mel: One thing that's really important to understand about life.
And this was new to me.
Is that we cannot control what happens in our bodies, meaning whatever you feel in a
moment, and I am going to give an example.
What's one of your favorite people, and if you could go see anybody in concert, who would
it be?
Eric: Alive, or dead?
Mel: It doesn't matter.
Eric: I want to see Freddy Mercury from Queen.
Mel: Oh you are kidding.
Eric: I would love to see him but it's too late.
Mel: That's alright, that's alright.
So Freddy Mercury, so you are standing in the font row.
Eric: Prince, Prince.
I never go to see Prince
Mel: Prince.
So imagine you are standing in the front row.
Prince is about to come out.
What are you feeling in your body?
OH my god.
He's standing right there.
So what are you feeling in your body.
Eric: Anticipation, fun, I don't know.
Mel: You get butterflies?
Stomach problem, armpits sweating a little bit, palms get a little clammy, right, maybe
your throat gets a little dry.
Your heart starts to race.
He's excited because Prince is about to come out.
Now lets talk about me.
I am a little mouse, that's really afraid.
And I see a prospect over there, and I know I should talk to them, but my sister in law,
who I am dying to bring into this business is with me, but ohmigosh what if she doesn't
like it.
What am I feeling?
I am feeling fluttering in my stomach, my armpits are sweating, my hands are clammy,
my throat is tight, my heart is racing.
Now the only difference between what is happening for Eric at the Prince concert and what's
happening for me the little mouse over here who is feeling paralyzed is Eric's brain is
saying, "Ohmigosh I am so excited I am about to see Prince." and my Brain is saying, "Holy...
I am about to die."
Your brain is reading your body signals and what you feel is excitement and my brain is
reading my body signals as death.
Exactly, we can use that to our advantage.
Let me show you how.
Because your body, you can't control what your body is going to do.
Your body is going to have moments where you get flustered, where your heart races, but
you can always control what you think, and what actions you took.
So if you are in a situation, where you start to feel the body sensations, right, of the
stomach, the heart race, the tight throat, the sweating, remember the first rule, excitement
at a Prince concert, fear out of talking to someone you don't know about your business,
exact same body sensations.
Only difference is what the brain calls it.
So if you go, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you interrupt your brain from actually calling it fear.
When you hit 1 I want you to have a thought, you can do two thing, you can either have
a thought, a vision something very kind of specific about what you do as your ritual
when you close a piece of business.
What do you do when you bring on somebody, what do you do when you create conversation.
How proud you are of yourself that you shared this thing that you are rabid fan, this service
or this product.
So have that vision in your mind and what happens is that you stabilize your mind and
your body, because your mind now goes oh her stomach is upset because she's decided to
go talk about this.
Now here's the second thing that you can do.
So in the situation where you feel nervous, or maybe you are already in the middle of
a conversation.
So you are like the little mouse and you have done an amazing job and you found some 5,
4, 3, 2, 1, courage and now you are having a conversation and now you are up in your
You are not up in the conversation anymore, you are not asking questions, you are not,
kind of thinking about setting, you know when you are interested and setting a time and
getting out of there, like Eric trains you to do.
You start thinking.
Catch yourself, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Before you start to get nervous about it.
Then you can use research out of Harvard.
This is a really interesting study that you can find, if you google reappraising performance
They studied people before taking a test, before singing karaoke, before running a track
meet, and they taught them to do one thing, and your body does the, I'm at Prince concert
and I am excited, or I am terrified because I am going to talk to somebody about my business
and I am afraid.
5,4,3,2,1 they didn't use the 5 second rule in full disclosure but what they taught people
to do, is to say I am excited, I am excited to go talk to this person.
I am excited to take this test.
I am excited to get to know somebody and make a new friend, because you also talk about
the fact that you are not really, you are not necessarily first and foremost selling.
If you are thinking more about gathering new friends that are really interesting and sharing
this thing that you are rabid about, you win.
Full stop.
I am excited to talk to this person.
I am excited to get to know somebody.
I am excited to find out what that person is doing.
Immediately switches how your brain reads what your body is doing, immediately.
Eric: Interesting.
Mel: And if you use the 5 second rule first, it's 5,4,3,2,1, and you start saying I am
excited to x,y,z.
You have awakened the pre-frontal cortex and made it easier to change.
Eric: So I have a couple of core beliefs.
One is a positive belief about myself and the other one is not as positive belief about
Mel: (laughs) Ok.
Here we go.
Eric: The positive belief is this.
I never lose.
I never lose, I win or I learn.
One way or the other, in every experience I am always going to end up better.
Ok so, that's my core belief, on one side.
The other belief is that I am an introvert.
An introverts hoard their energy, you know what I mean.
Because getting around another crowd it makes me my energy go...
It drains your batteries.
Like a faulty iPhone or something.
So they end up hoarding their energy, they protect their energy, they go, you know they
like, they know they should be they like, do I wanna lose my energy by going and doing
So you start this process.
So part of me is, I have to psych up.
Like when I am gonna go recruit, in full disclosure to everybody, if I am as a distributor, I
am retired, permanently from that now, serving the profession, if I was a distributor, when
I was a distributor, I would have to psych up and it was as if I was putting recruiting
clothes on.
And I am going to go for like 30, 60, 90 days, and that's all I am going to do, and I am
staying in that zone.
That was my coping mechanism.
Mel: I don't think I call that a coping mechanism.
Eric: To making me do it.
You know like take the recruiting clothes off and I was like aaaawwww, thank god that's
over, let's work together.
Let me work with you now that you're in the business.
Mel: I would like to blow your mind a little bit.
First of all I love that you are sharing this, because I would imagine that a lot of people
are surprised, A to hear that you are an introvert.
Because introverts and extroverts, it really has more to do with whether or not being around
other people energizes you or it really drains you.
Eric: What are you?
Mel: I am definitely an extrovert.
And I am married to an introvert.
And so...
Eric: So he needs to stare at the wall sometimes, like I do.
Mel: Oh yes.
There are times that he sees me coming and he is running in the other direction.
Not you right now.
But one of the things that I want you to realize is that you said that one of them was a positive
and one of them was a negative, you actually just explained what psychologist call acting
out of character.
So your personality has both fixed and flexible traits.
So there are aspects of your personality that you get drained by being around a ton of people,
that I get more energy, that are tend to be fixed.
But there are pieces of your personality where you can act out of character, if it is pursuit
of a higher purpose.
So for those of you who keep saying you are too introverted to be successful in this,
that is garbage.
So let me give you and example.
If your kid or your dog fell in the river and you were afraid of fish, you could act
out of character and jump in there and save them because it's in pursuit of a higher purpose.
And just like Eric explained he came up with a way to psych himself out.
Believe it or not a tremendous number of CEO's and college professors are actually introverts.
They act out of character when they are teaching a class because it is in furtherance of a
higher goal of wanting to connect with people this information.
So I don't, not for one second are you allowed to use the excuse that you are introverted.
Because the point, the thing about introversion is that, yes it has a lot to do with what
you need to do in order to restore yourself in terms of your energy, but your dreams are
your responsibility.
And when it comes to your dreams, you have the ability to act out of character.
And whether you do something, like Eric is talk about, where he does things to psych
himself up.
Maybe it's listening to music or it's exercise, or it's cold showers, or whatever it may be
that like gets you going.
You can create your own ritual, you can use the 5 second rule.
There are strategies that you can use intentionally.
And this is about being pro.
Are you going to sit around and hope that you are lucky and that your dreams fall out
of the sky, which we know doesn't work, or are you going to get serious about your dreams,
and do what's necessary to act out of character or out of those default modes in furtherance
of what you want and deserve,
Eric: Now here's one of the biggest lies I think in the world.
And I am interested to get your take on this.
It's just do what you love, only what you love.
It's the biggest lie ever.
Like find what you love and you will never work a day in your life.
It's the biggest bunch of nonsense I have ever heard.
Because and Olympic athlete loves the goal of, to win the gold medal.
But they don't love all the training.
You know you love to contribute to the lives of other people.
But it wasn't...
Mel: I hate the travel.
Eric: It wasn't wonderful being on the airplane today.
Mel: No, no it was not.
Definitely not.
Eric: So, so some people as soon as it gets a little tiny bit uncomfortable, they go "Well,
they told me to find what I love, and I am not loving this."
So they say, "I am out."
Mel: I think that you could give, there is some great advice in there.
Which is, first of all.
Yes it is true.
Eric: Love the objective.
Mel: Yes, love the dreams and find what you love about what you are doing.
Maybe it is the connecting with people.
Maybe it's the fact that you are just such an incredible fan of the stuff that you are
using, that you are selling and sharing with people, that, that's the piece that you love.
But there are things in life that you are always going to hate.
But you have got to do them.
You see I have this, I said this thing...
Eric: But that's what you can use the 5,4,3,2,1 to be able to just get past it to get to the
things that you love again.
Mel: Excuse me do you love unloading the dishwasher, seriously do you love picking up dog poop?
Do you love doing the laundry?
Do you love getting up at 4:30 in the morning and driving hockey car pool for your kids?
You do it, you do it anyway.
So one of the things about life, is that it is kind of sad, when we were kids, we had
people who just saw greatness in us, potential.
They pushed you, they coached you, they had maybe a youth group leader, or parents, or
aunts and uncles, or older brothers and sisters, or maybe a scout leader or coach or somebody
that saw something in you, a teacher and they pushed you past your excuses.
They made you do stuff you hated.
I hated math, hated it.
Mr Core, Glen Core, Glen Core incredible engineer, he was my high school math teacher, I was
terrified of him.
I hated going into that class, one of the reasons why I am an incredible business woman
is because of how, my math acumen.
It is because he pushed me.
And the sad thing about being an adult, is that when you get older is we don't have those
people in our lives.
It's up to you.
Like when you move out of your house and you become an adult, you have to parent yourself,
all that annoying stuff your parent told you to do, that you know we are now telling our
kids to do, clean the room, feed the dog, pick up your backpack, no I am not giving
you money.
What did you do with your allowance.
All that stuff that was annoying.
They were pushing you to be great.
Well now that's your job.
You are lucky because you have got this guy.
But one of the things that you can do, when you find that you are alone, and you just
hate doing this thing.
Cold Calling, I hate it.
Throwing a party, I hate it.
Learning the new stuff, I hate it.
You know, well I am successful now, why do I have to keep recruiting people?
Duplicating your business.
Why do I have to learn how to train the trainer?
I hate that stuff.
Why can't I just, 5,4,3,2,1.
If your dreams matter to you, you will do stuff you hate.
That's life.
And you know I also think that there is a lot of value in the figuring out your hate
Because if you have a list of things that you hate, it tells you a lot about the things
that you love.
And that you are passionate about.
And as you get bigger and you learn those things that you hate.
Well guess what, you can hire people to do it.
Eric: I know it.
That's what I do.
Mel: But first you have got to know how to do it.
Eric: Yeah you got to know how to do it and then you train them and then you surround
yourself with people who handle the stuff that you are not wonderful at.
It's the best thing in the world.
I highly recommend that.
Well listen, I have appreciated you spending time and talking to people about this.
Let's talk about the book.
Because the 5 second rule book is out, available, people can pre-order, they can order, you
are giving away a bunch of stuff.
Here is my recommendation to you...
Mel: Buy it...(laughs)
Eric: My recommendation to you is this, I am not getting anything in exchange for this
recommendation, there is no compensation in any form, other than the fact that I think
it will be worthwhile for you and everybody on your team to incorporate this mind virus
into your head to take action.
5,4,3,2,1 take that product, share that product, share that opportunity, go to that meeting,
register for that convention.
Whatever it is that you are avoiding doing, the thing that you know you should do and
you are not doing, use this tool to do it.
And the book is going to help you.
Now we want to help her in whatever way we can, get to the top of the best seller list,
the book is just newly out.
So what I am going to ask you to do three things, one buy the book.
Just go, you can go to Amazon.com or any bookstore.
Mel: Yeah.
It's only 16 bucks.
Eric: 16 bucks, or so, whatever it is.
Go buy it.
Get it immediately.
Two I would ask that you recommend this to your teams.
If you think this will help them to take action, then recommend it to your team.
And get this, make it a book club or a book of the month or a study group thing that you
can do team wide, because this will really help you.
And three I would like all of you to go on Amazon and give it a review.
After you have read it, good bad or indifferent just give her a review, take a second to do
I know it's a pain in the neck to do, but if you do it, it makes a big difference and
it's gonna have an impact for her.
She supports what we do inside of the network marketing profession, her message supports
what it is that we are trying to accomplish in the network marketing profession, and if
you get value, lets help her do what she needs to do, which is to spread her mission around
the world.
There's also, you are giving away a bunch of stuff.
Mel: Ohmigosh.
So I want to tell you why, this book took me three years to write.
And one of the things that's really remarkable about it is that I though about you as I was
writing it.
There are more than 150 social media posts from around the world, people building businesses
just like you throughout the entire book.
So you are seeing other people and how they are using the rule to beat procrastination,
end anxiety, double their business in 5 months flat, recruit 50 people to their business
in a matter of weeks.
Because this is a tool for action.
There is also pages that you can tear out that are designed to be tacked up to inspire
you, and to keep you going.
And that's not all.
There is a URL in the back of the book, we taped 31 video mentoring sessions that come
with this book, that are deeper lessons into the Jedi Mid Tricks.
The 5 Second Rule is just one of them that I use in my life, my business, my marriage,
my parenting.
Stuff I use to cure myself of anxiety, you know on and on and on.
Filmed it at our house at our office, hilarious stuff.
Eric: And that's all free?
Mel: It's all free.
It comes with the book.
And we have something else just for you.
Eric: What do you have?
Mel: We have a free gift for you.
We have a course.
We have a course that we are giving to you, that is called the million dollar morning
Because it is a science backed, my science backed morning routine, that I do the first
30 minutes every day, and believe it or not it does not involve exercise.
Not in those 30 minutes.
So you are going to go with me through my morning routine as I show you what to do to
become more productive in those 30 minutes than you probably are all day long.
And I am going to prove it to you involving the science.
Eric: So how do we get there?
Do we have a link?
Mel: Yeah you go ... MelRobbins.com/FreeGift but you know the book, I know that you will
love it and on top of all of the 31 sessions and how cool the book is, on the website we
have a tremendous number of videos, to help you teach your team and your kids how to use
And by the way, I am going to warn you, this is a very serious warning.
I told you the rule is simple, I told you it's stupid, I told you it's kind of annoying,
it happens when you teach your team, because if they catch you griping, or catch you procrastinating,
or catch you not doing stuff, they are going to turn the rule back on you.
Some days I regret that I taught my children this rule, because they are constantly " second
rule mom.
Watch your tone."
Eric: What if people want to get bulk?
They want to get a hundred of them?
Can they do that?
Mel: I will just put you in touch with my publisher and they will give you a great deal,
how about that?
Eric: So they go to MelRobbins.com and contact your office.
Mel: Go to MelRobbins.com/5secondrule is where all the book stuff is.
Or MelRobbins or go to hello@MelRobbins.com and we do bulk orders all day long.
Eric: Ok cool.
So if you want to get that for your team, you have an event coming up and you want to
have it at your event and sell it to your team whatever you want to do.
I would recommend that you do that.
So I hope you got some great value here.
And if you have I am going to ask you to share this with somebody who might get value, might
be stuck, might be procrastinating, might be looking for a key to break out.
But she's given you the secret to unlocking your potential 5,4,3,2,1.
So I now you are thinking about buying this book, so here we go.
Go get it.
Enjoy your day.
And Mel Robbins an I say Sionara.
See you later kids.
Mel: Thanks for your time.
Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want
to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.
Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.
We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.
Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.
Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends
to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.