字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 SARAH WILLIS: Hi, I'm Sarah Willis and I'm standing on 0:00:14.160,0:00:16.940 大家好,我是 SarahWillis the stage of the big hall in the Philharmonie in Berlin. 我現在站在柏林愛樂廳的舞台上 And I've been asked to do a mini, mini master class for the 為了幫助想成為 YouTube 交響樂團 法國號手的參賽者 horn players who are applying to be part of the YouTube 我受邀來開設一個小小的 Symphony Orchestra. 法國號大師講座 It's got to be a mini, mini master class I'm afraid, but 這恐怕是非常簡短的大師講座 I'm hoping that some of the things I can say might be of 但我希望我講的這些東西 some help while preparing for the audition. 對於準備試奏能有所幫助 The excerpt I chose is the fourth horn solo from 我選擇的管絃樂片段是 貝多芬第九號交響曲 Beethoven's Ninth Symphony because it looks on paper maybe 其中的第四部法國號獨奏 to be the most uninteresting of all the solos. 雖然看來是譜上所有獨奏中最無聊的 But it in addition, it's quite hard to play because you stand 但也因此造就了困難之處 on stage or you're sitting at home in your living room and 因為不管你是站在舞台上 或坐在家中客廳 you have to convince the audience or the jury that it's 你都必須說服聽眾或是評審團 not just a bunch of long notes but that you hear that there 這不只是一堆長音 are woodwinds playing with you, and you make some sort of music 伴隨著木管聲 你必須在這麼長的樂段中 out of this long, long passage. 凸顯你自己的演奏 Standing here I just remembered the last time I stood on this 站在這裡讓我想到 我上一次站在這個地方 stage and played this excerpt was in my own audition 演奏這個節選樂段 for this orchestra. 正是為了這個樂團的試奏 So yeah, it's bringing back a lot of memories. 沒錯,這勾起了我許多回憶 So let's start. 那我們現在開始吧 You all have the music. 你們都有譜 I have the music in front of me. 我現在面前也有譜 And I was thinking about a tempo, there are all sorts of 我腦中所想的是速度 因為這曲子有很多種 different tempos for this piece-- it says adagio, I 不同的演奏速度,譜上標示慢板 thought maybe the average tempo taken from the few conductors 我回想我合作過的指揮 that I've played it with would be about quarter 平均的演奏速度是 note equals 52. 四分音符等於 52 So that might be some sort of a basis for you to 所以這也許可以成為你 practice with a metronome. 用節拍器練習的依據 The other thing is to make sure you know the score 0:01:54.820,0:01:56.890 另外一件事就是要確定 你瞭解這些音符 and now what's going on. 也知道這是怎麼一回事 This whole pot is a dialogue between the two clarinets, 這整個部分是兩支單簧管、 一支巴松管 the bassoon, and the horn. 還有法國號之間的對話 The horn is sometimes in accompaniment, the horn is 法國號有時是當作伴奏 有時候是獨奏樂器 sometimes a solo instrument, and you need to show that you 而在試奏當中 know that in the audition part. 你必須表現出你知道這點 So with a dry mouth, having spoken to much, I'll try and 雖然講了太多話,嘴巴有點乾 play a bit of it for you. 但我還是來演奏一小段給你聽 [horn being played] 0:02:20.560,0:02:49.200 [演奏中] Here comes the bar you're all waiting for. 接下來是你們都在等的那個小節 This next bar I have a little tip that has always helped 下一小節中有個對我很有幫助的訣竅 me, maybe it will help you. 或許也能幫到你 To play the low notes-- they have to sound just as easy as 演奏低音要像演奏其他音一樣輕鬆 all the other notes and for a lot of us they're 這對大多數的我們來說 quite a struggle. 相當困難 My tip would be to open up the hand for the low notes, 我的訣竅是在演奏低音時將手打開 otherwise they sound a little bit muffled. 否則音色會聽起來有點悶 Like this-- 像這樣: [horn being played] [演奏中] Also the F have to be sharp enough, it's often very flat. 同時這個 F 音也要夠清亮 一般人通常會有聲音太悶的問題 So the more you open up the hand, the sharper it'll get. 所以你的手打開得越多, 音色就會越清亮 After the F there comes the jump up to the F above 這個 F 之後 and the C sharp. 會跳到上面的 F 還有升 C A good conductor should wait for you to get up there, 優秀的指揮會等你吹上去 but he won't wait all day. 但他不會等太久 So in the audition you need to take a tiny bit of time, 所以在試奏時你需要稍微從容一點 but still get up there. 但還是要吹上去 So-- 所以: [horn being played] [演奏中] That whole passage as you know is mainly horn solo. 這整段如你所知主要是法國號獨奏 You have the clarinets and a flute comes and weaves around, 會有兩支單簧管和一支長笛 交織伴隨著你 but that whole passage can be played out a little bit 但這整段可以吹出來一點 more and the crescendos, diminuendos very expressive. 表情要十分豐富 做更多的漸強、漸弱 Then you have the long F to hold before the biggest 接下來在這管絃樂節選段落 最長的獨奏之前 solo of the excerpt. 你要吹一個很長的 F This long F is time to just sort of gather your 這個 F 長音是讓你集中精神 thoughts, stop your beating heart, whatever. 或是緩和心跳,怎樣都行 But still, keep the triplets of the violins going while 但當你在保持長音時 you hold out this note. 你心裡要想著小提琴的三連音 They're going dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, 聽起來是「答答答、答答答 dah, dah, dah, dah. 答答答、答答答」 It helps. 真的很有用 I just find it helps to keep the concentration. 我發現這樣想能幫我保持注意力集中 And then comes the one bar that says solo. 接著就到了譜上標示獨奏的小節 It's maybe the biggest fourth horn solo in 這可能是這次演奏中規模最大的 the whole repertoire. 第四部法國號獨奏 And you can do this how you want. 你可以做你想做的 Some people play it with a little slur in it. 有些人演奏會加一點圓滑奏 Some people play it tongued. 有些人會點舌 Some people do a huge ritardando, rubato, 有些人會做很多漸慢、彈性速度 however you feel. 隨你的感覺做 But whatever it is it's got to be convincing. 但不管怎樣你要演奏得有說服力 How I like to play it is like this: 我喜歡這樣吹: [horn being played] [演奏中] The last two bars obviously aren't solo anymore, but the 最後這兩小節顯然不是獨奏,但有漸強 crescendo is there and you'll impress a jury if you show 如果表現出你知道這個漸強 要導入下一段 them you know that's leading in to the next passage. 你就會打動評審 OK, now for something completely different, and even 好了,現在是完全不同的東西 though I'm a low horn player, and maybe I shouldn't be giving 雖然我是擅長低音域的法國號手 tips about Till Eulenspiegel. 也許不該給你《狄爾的惡作劇》的訣竅 I sit next to a lot of solo horns who've 但在我的演奏生涯中 played this in my time. 我曾坐在很多獨奏法國號旁邊 And maybe a couple of tips, you of course, can hear this solo 當然你也可以在成千上萬的錄音中 on thousands of recordings and there are different 聽到這段獨奏多種不同的演奏方法 ways to play it. 從中學到一些訣竅 A couple of tips for me would be to really make sure that 對我來說的幾個秘竅就是 you do what Strauss wanted. 確定你有做到史特勞斯想要的 For example, the beginning of Till Eulenspiegel 比如說,《狄爾的惡作劇》一開始 it says gemachlich. 譜上標記 gemachlich That means leisurely in English or sort of taking your time. 中文意思就是悠閒的或有點從容的 And what Strauss meant was Till Eulenspiegel was a really-- 史特勞斯的意思是 狄爾.厄倫史皮格爾這個人... he was a real scoundrel. 他真的是個無賴 He was a very naughty guy and he caused a lot of trouble. 他是非常頑皮的人 而且他惹了一堆麻煩 And this was his first appearance in the piece. 而這邊是他在這首曲子的初登場 When this theme appears it's always representing 當這個主題出現時都是代表 Till Eulenspiegel. 狄爾.厄倫史皮格爾登場 This is his first appearance and he's not quite sure-- he's 這裡是他第一次出現 而他不那麼肯定 sort of sticking his head out and seeing if the 他有點是在探頭探腦 coast is clear. 看看會不會被別人逮到 It would be nice to play it a little bit like that because 演奏出這種感覺會比較好 when it comes to the second time he's more self assured and 因為第二次他出現的時候 變得比較肯定 he's showing what he can do. 而且也表現出他可以做什麼 So really take it seriously what Strauss says and play the 所以要認真看待史特勞斯說的 beginning a little bit leisurely, a little bit sort of 還要演奏得有點悠閒 looking out to see if the coast is clear. 有點像在觀望會不會被別人逮到 And gradually, getting more lively and getting more 當音樂繼續下去,漸漸地 confidence as it goes on. 變得越來越活潑,也越來越有自信 I'm going to try and play it even though 我現在要來吹吹看 I'm a low horn player. 因為我是低音域的法國號手嘛 When else do I have the opportunity to play this? 此時不吹,更待何時呢? [horn being played] 0:07:23.602,0:07:41.330 [演奏中] A tip would be, also like I said in the Beethoven Ninth for 秘訣如同貝多芬第九號交響曲中 the last two notes-- the G and the C-- is to open the hand a 剛剛說的那最後兩個音,G 和 C little bit more because it just makes the low notes a lot 手多打開一點,因為這樣能讓低音更清楚 clearer and just be careful they're not 然後當然也要小心 too sharp of course. 不要讓這兩個音變得太高 But it really does help in the low range to 但是演奏時手多打開一點 play a bit more open. 真的對低音域非常有幫助 So that was Till. 《狄爾的惡作劇》的講解就到這邊 Those were my ideas for Till and I wish you all the best, 以上是我對這部作品的想法 誠心祝您好運 and looking forward to hearing all the different versions. 期待能聽到各式各樣的演奏版本
B1 中級 中文 演奏 獨奏 訣竅 低音 樂段 單簧管 柏林愛樂樂團大師班--號角篇 (Berliner Philharmoniker Master Class - Horn) 169 15 YO 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字