字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Uruguay is dwarfed by Brazil and Argentina, 與巴西和阿根廷兩國相較之下,烏拉圭相形見絀 but this tiny South American country is emerging 但這個南美小國正在努力走出 from the shadows cast by its giant neighbors 其兩大鄰國的陰影。 The capitol Montevideo is warming up to becoming one of the continent’s favorite destinations. 其首都「蒙特維多」也正在積極地 朝成為南美洲最受歡迎目的地之一的方向前進。 With its grassy plains and flat coastline, 烏拉圭擁有大片的草原和平坦的海岸線, Uruguay naturally keeps a low profile. 在自然景觀方面,烏拉圭並不引人注目。 It’s an unhurried place where colonial architecture and modern development 在這個從容不迫的地方, 殖民風格的建築物和現代化的發展建設 balance each other out with ease. 自由自在地互相平衡發展。 In between the high-rises of the capital Montevideo, 在首都蒙特維多高樓大廈之中, stately mansions have been restored to their former glory and now house theaters, 許多壯嚴的大廈已改建 成為現今著名的劇院、博物館和豪華飯店 museums and opulent hotels. 並恢復其昔日的輝煌。 Although Uruguay seems in no rush to be discovered, 雖然烏拉圭似乎並不急於被發現 the news about its revival is spreading fast. 但它興盛的消息卻已迅速蔓延。 In the past few decades, 在過去的幾十年裡, Montevideo has made a name for itself as one of the most livable cities in South America, 蒙特維多一直以來都宣稱是 全南美洲最適合居住的城市之一, with advanced social policies and free education for all. 憑藉其先進的社會政策 和人人可享的免費教育。 Add to that a warm, temperate climate, 除此之外,這裡的氣候溫暖、 pleasant sea breezes 海風舒適, and miles of beach boulevards and you’ll understand why 還有延伸數英哩長的海濱大道, 那也就是為何此寧靜的城市 this peaceful city was bound to get noticed. 勢必要受到矚目的原因。 From Montevideo’s pointy Telecommunications Tower in the harbor 從位於海港內 蒙特維多尖尖的電信塔眺望, you can see the lone hill that first gave away Uruguay’s presence 可以看到一座獨立的小山, 也就是因為這座山的存在,所以烏拉圭才會在 some 500 years ago. 大約 500 年前被發現。 Some say a Portuguese explorer sailed by and called out 部份的人相信,是一名葡萄牙探險家 航船行經此處,然後叫喊著 “Monte-vid-eo!” 「Monte-vid-eo」! “I see a hill!”, 也就「我看到山了」的意思, while others believe it was the Spanish who named the city. 而另一部份的人則相信是西班牙人 為此城市命名。 With the Portuguese claiming the land for Brazil 葡萄牙於 1821 年 把整個烏拉圭領地併入巴西, and the Spanish eager to expand Argentina, 還有西班牙則急於拓展阿根廷, both nations hurried to forge strategic ports and fortresses. 所以兩國都急於忙著建立 有利於自己的戰略港口和堡壘。 This rivalry resulted in a tug of war lasted for over three centuries, 再加上烏拉圭的地理位置就介於 巴西、阿根廷兩大國之間, with Uruguay slipping into and out of the grips of Argentina and Brazil. 所以就不斷捲入鄰國軍事衝突中, 長達三個世紀之久。 The Uruguayans never fully surrendered to either side and, 而烏拉圭人 也從未曾向任何一方投降, with England as referee, 終於在英國積極介入下 became independent in 1825. 烏拉圭於 1825 年宣布獨立。 In the centrally located Plaza Independencia, 市中心的獨立廣場, visit the mausoleum for the revolutionary hero José Artigas, 就是為了紀念革命英雄「阿蒂加斯」所建, 紀念碑和陵墓就位於廣場中心, who gave up his own freedom for the liberty of his country. 「阿蒂加斯」為了國家自由犧牲個人的自由 是烏拉圭的民族英雄。 Above the ground, his statue faces the eclectic design of the Palacio Salvo. 廣場地面上還有一座阿蒂加斯的銅像 朝設計風格不拘一格的薩爾沃宮望去。 A century ago, this skyscraper was the tallest on the continent 一個世紀以前,當此高樓大廈建成時, 它是南美洲最的建築物, and it’s still a national symbol of pride today. 時至今日 它仍是一個代表著國家驕傲的象徵。 In the nearby Plaza Matriz, the cities oldest square, 附近的馬特里茲廣場是全市最古老的廣場, the 18th-century Metropolitan Cathedral also reaches for the skies. 十八世紀的「大都會教堂」 建築高聳直立向天。 Step inside to enjoy a moment of quiet contemplation under its majestic roof. 進入教堂內部 感受其宏偉屋頂下的寧靜和肅穆。 While this Roman Catholic church is still the focal point of the Old Town, 雖然這個羅馬天主教堂是 老城區的焦點, the multi-cultural ‘Montevideanos’ are of many different faiths. 但擁有多元文化的蒙特維多 則有許多不同的信仰。 With Portuguese and Spanish blood running through their veins, 由於身體裡流著 葡萄牙和西班牙的血, it’s unsurprising that soccer has united the locals like no religion ever could. 一點都不意外,足球運動讓當地人團結一心, 做到了連宗教都做不到的事。 Sports rivalries aside, 除了運動賽事的競爭外, the Uruguayans live in harmony with their Argentinean and Brazilian neighbors 烏拉圭人與他們的鄰居 阿根廷和巴西人,和平共處, and were quick to embrace the best of their architecture, 而且很快地便接受它們的 建築、親切好客 hospitality and culture. 和文化。 Ever since colonial times, 從殖民時期起 Carnival has been just as important to Montevideo as it is to Rio de Janeiro. 嘉年華對蒙特維多來說相當重要, 就如同嘉年華對里約熱內盧來說一樣的重要。 Just like in Brazil, 和巴西一樣, it all started with African slaves, 它源起於非洲奴隸為慶祝豐收而舉辦的活動, who would dress up and parade in the streets for harvest fest. 嘉年華會中人人盛裝打扮,街頭還有遊行 熱鬧可見一番。 And, in the Uruguayan capital you can also get a taste of Brazil’s vibrant beach culture. 在烏拉圭首都您還可以體驗 巴西熱情的海灘文化。 Take a little vacation from exploring the city 在探索城市後, 您可以前往 and join the locals for a refreshing swim or fun game on De Los Pocitos Beach. 波西托斯海灘 和當地人一同游泳或體驗海灘上的各式活動。 Watch closely, and you’ll see groups of friends sharing a yerba mate 仔細注意,您可以看到 成群的當地人將 A tea poured from a flask into calabash gourds with silver straws. 「馬黛茶」從瓶子倒入葫蘆罐 並使用銀吸管飲用的特殊景色。 a tradition they share with the Argentineans. 這可是沿襲自阿根廷的傳統。 For the final proof that Uruguay combines the best of both worlds, 烏拉圭結合最美好兩個世界 的最後一個證明, join the locals for lunch in the Mercado del Puerto. 和當地人一樣 到波多市場享用午餐。 From the irresistible barbecue smells coming from under its wrought-iron roof, 鍛鐵打造的市場屋頂 飄散著讓人垂涎欲滴的烤肉香。‵ it’s clear that Uruguayans are just as passionate about 這也清楚地證明了 烏拉圭也和阿根廷一樣 “parrilla” as the Argentineans are. 相當熱愛碳烤美食。 First, take your pick from cuts of home-grown beef or lamb at a market stall 首先在市場的攤販 挑選當地養殖的新鮮牛內或羊肉, and then have the experts grill it for you on the spot. 然後在市場內 由專人為您燒烤。 One of the city’s most loved assets is its 19-mile long promenade, 全市最受歡迎的建設 就是延綿 19 英哩長的 La Rambla. 蘭布拉大道。 As you follow it along, 此大道 from the Old Town to the outer suburbs, 從舊城區向外緣市郊區延伸, the walkway changes names often… but never its appeal. 雖然依大道行經的地區其名稱會有所不同, 但它迷人的風采卻從未改變。 Enjoy the community atmosphere in the late afternoon, 想融入當地的人文風情 可以在傍晚時分 when office workers and students spill out of the city to gather here for sunset. 與市區裡的上班族和學生 一起欣賞美麗的黃昏。 As they say, it’s often the journey that teaches you the most about your destination. 如同人們所說 在旅途過程中所學習的要多過目的地本身。 So, leave Montevideo behind for a little road trip 所以暫時蒙特維多拋在腦後 來趟公路之旅吧! and soak up some history along the way. 沿途瞭解當地的文化歷史。 A great place to start is Colonia del Sacramento, 科洛尼亞 - 德爾薩克拉門托就是最好的選擇 just a few hours to the west of Montevideo by car. 位於蒙特維多以西 大約幾個小時車程 Enter the riverside settlement over the drawbridge of the Portón de Campo, 穿過一個令人印象深刻 老城門吊橋 the impressive city gate. 進入一個河邊的小鎮。 Wander Colonia’s cobblestoned tree-lined streets to take in the simple beauty of days gone by 沿著科洛尼亞綠樹成蔭的鵝卵石街道漫步 體驗過去的美麗時光。 For lunch, 午餐時間 find a table at an al-fresco seafood restaurant 找一間露天的海鮮餐廳 or take a seat in Colonia’s popular Drugstore Café. 或者科洛尼亞著名的雜貨咖啡廳 坐下來享用午餐。 The city’s most iconic landmark is its idyllic lighthouse, 這個小鎮最俱代表性的地標就是 設置於十七世紀修道院廢墟遺址上方的 set atop the ruins of a 17th-century convent. 一個美麗燈塔。 Make your way up to its lantern room 爬上燈塔到它的燈籠房 and look out over the town and over the water towards Buenos Aires 可遠眺小鎮的美景 和布宜諾斯艾利斯方向的海景。 Basking in the last rays of the day, 沉醉在美麗的黃昏之中, the colonial charm of this little peninsula becomes even more authentic in the late afternoon. 這個半島迷人的殖民風情 在傍晚時分顯得更加有特色。 Hard as it may be to leave such a dreamy place behind, 雖然這個如夢幻般的地方 讓您流連忘返, it’s time to enjoy some of the country’s historic beach resorts. 但也是時候體驗 歷史悠久的海灘渡假村了! Take a road trip along the coastal towns to the east of Montevideo 開著車沿著岸海城鎮 往蒙特維多以東 for a chance to really get off the beaten track. 方向出發前往 人跡罕至的地方。 Piriápolis is a local favorite, 皮里亞波利斯相當受到當地人的喜愛, with nice beaches and great coastal views from its hilltop San Antonio Temple. 從山頂上的聖安東尼奧寺可飽覽 美麗的沙灘和壯觀的海岸景色。 While there, view the Castle of Piria, 還有一定要參觀皮利亞城堡, the opulent mansion of a rich local who founded the city in 1890. 它是於 1890 年建立此城鎮 當地有錢人的華麗豪宅。 From Piriápolis, 從皮里亞波利斯, it’s few hour’s by car to La Paloma, 開車約幾個小時即可至拉帕洛馬, another 19th-century beach resort centered around its 它是另一個十九世紀海灘渡假村 eye-catching lighthouse on the Cabo de Santa María peninsula. 位於聖瑪麗亞角半島上 位於中心位置的是吸引人目光的燈塔。 Another recommended stopover on your way to Uruguay’s east coast is Punta Ballena. 沿途另一個著名的景點就是 烏拉圭東海岸的巴耶納角。 The small peninsula is home to Casapueblo, one of South America's most awe-inspiring hotels 這個小型的半島上坐落著 全南美最令人驚歎的飯店「卡薩普埃布洛」。 local artist Carlos Páez Vilaró. 它是當地著名的藝術家「卡洛斯·巴艾斯·比拉羅」 Who created it as his workshop and living space, was inspired by the way local hornero birds shape their nest. 根據當地棕灶鳥搭建鳥巢的方式 為自己所建造的工作室和住宅。 After his death his life’s work became a museum and the artistic rooms are rented out to guests. 在他過世後,工作室則變成了博物館 而充滿藝術風格的房間則出租成為客房。‵ When you reach the lighthouse of Punta del Este, 埃斯特角城的燈塔 就位於 you’ve arrived at the easternmost point of the inlet, 海口處 最東邊 where the “Silver River” meets the Atlantic Ocean. 也就是「銀河」 和大西洋的匯合處。 Punta del Este is one of those resort towns 埃斯特角城渡假小鎮 that reaches out to those who love the simple pleasures in life, 最適合喜歡 單純、快樂生活的旅客。 As with any journey, it’s often the little things that stay with you the most. 就如同任何旅程一樣, 人往往是對小事情留下深刻的印象。 Although Uruguay may be small, 雖然烏拉圭或許只是一個小國家, its big heart…. 但卻有著寬容的心 and relaxing vibe…. 和宜然自得的氛圍 create a lifetime of memories. 帶給您永生難忘的美好回憶。 Every time you feel a sea breeze, 每當您感受到海風吹撫、 get a whiff of a smoking grill, 聞到燒烤的味道、 or see the shimmering outline of a setting sun…. 或是看到美麗的海岸線及, 日落的景色 you will think of Uruguay, 您就會想起烏拉圭 and smile. 然後不由自主的微笑!
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 阿根廷 當地人 燈塔 巴西 海灘 廣場 蒙得維的亞度假旅遊指南 - Expedia (Montevideo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia) 319 19 Eric Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字