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Mmm it's a Orange Juice
What's up everyone, this is OJ. The flying machine moves as fast as a Baby Dragon
But its Attack is similar to Musketeer in damage, Attack Speed, and range
With its faster Move Speed it locks onto a Tower way faster than a Musketeer. Left alone it'll deal over
700 damage to the tower. It's very similar to Musketeer except it's flying and has slightly less health.
Against the Baby Dragon, the results are very, very close. It dies
one shot faster so the Baby D gets one hit on your Tower.
Just Like a Musketeer's slower Attack Speed it's not going to completely stop a Skeleton Army
But realistically you're not really going to leave the Flying Machine by itself.
Here's a situation where I had the Ice Golem tanking the Baby Dragon so the Flying Machine won the battle
Machine is really fragile, so it pairs quite well with tanks like Giants, Lava Hounds, Ice Golem, and whatever
The real beauty of this mechanical menace is that It's a flying
ranged unit. Any spawner or Elixir Pump planted one tile from the river
will be snipe-able. The princess Tower won't be able to reach it
Realistically though the Pump won't be placed one tile in front, it'll be placed in front of the King Tower
No big deal, it'll still wreck the Pump. The first shot denies one elixir. The second hit denies three Elixir. The third
shot denies four Elixir. Four shots five Elixir. Fifth shot denies six elixir. And the final shot denies
seven out of eight Elixir.
Against the tombstone It takes It out in three shots. Nice and swift.
Especially against the Lava hound deck, they'll be forced to address your Flying Machine. It can
completely shut down a Barbarian Hut and its spawns. The safe position for a spawner will be if it's
completely in front of The King's Tower.
But come on, if you're playing the Barbarian Hut, put anything down. Mega Minion, Dart Goblins,
whatever can hit air, the Flying Machine will be a negative Elixir trade
Against the Goblin Hut it's not as solid. Even left alone, It struggles to stay alive with all those Spear goblins
chipping at it. It'll only land one hit on the princess Tower after taking out the hut.
So even though it can target spawners and Elixir Pumps one tile in front of the King Tower, this is not the case with defensive
buildings. Cannons, Mortars, Inferno Towers, they all have smaller hitboxes. But a cannon planted that far back is completely
useless. It won't pull a Giant. You'll have to plant It a bit more forward.
Even with this optimal Cannon position it's not safe from the Flying Machine sniping it safely out of range of that Princess Tower. If
a defensive building is planted in the other lane, it's so far forward that you can snipe It in either lane,
giving you the option to attack the opposite side.
So the Flying Machine synergizes really well with the tank if you have a Golem Push going on
Zap resets the infernal Tower and It can Potentially Take care of smaller Units Like goblins for the flying machine
Just Like Dark Goblin a Tesla Wrecks the machine but Who uses tesla in this day and age
The Flying machine can One-Shot Skeleton Spear goblins fire spirits and Bats It's like a Slower Dart Goblin
It can 2-Shot Ice Spirit, Princess Dark Goblin Stabby Gob's Archers and
Minions so zap Will prove to be very useful to help assist it in one shotting These Creatures
It'S also Worth Mentioning That the machine can 3-Shot a bomber and tombstone Then finish off those Skelly's
It can Five-Shot all of The fireballiess This Will be a Musketeer Ice Wizard mega minion electro Wizard Which Wizard and
Barbarians It's not a Massive Amount of damage but it's still quite a Bit Slightly Less Dps Than a Musketeer
When One princess Tower is down and you plant the flying machine on the first tile
Closest to the King Tower it'll only Get Two Shots on
When it's Deployed on the
Second Tile It won't Be Within range of the King Tower Will Deploy but it'll still only Get Two Shots on that Princess Tower
However if you plant It on the third tile While Deploying it's not Within range Of any tower and it'll never
Be Within range of the King tower it'll Get the full 5 hits on your princess Tower Dealing the entire
700 damage
The Center Plant is Really Juicy it's almost Like you're planting It right at The river for all that full damage and it's closer
Knowing This if you Plant a flying
Machine on the Third tile and quick drop an Ice golem in the second tile Just above the machine it's
Massive damage This is Kind of Like Royal Giant Level damage
It'S a relatively Cheap Six elixir combo and right Here i knew my opponent didn't Have any proper counters and rotation Dealing Around
2,000 damage and maybe if My opponent Packed a Fireball Instead of Lightning he could Have stopped most of That
Here's Another Nasty combo giant in the Middle flying machine in the safe spot and it's absolutely
devastating Even if They had a Fireball My Giant Rocked Their Tower
It can Push a Lava hound but Really There's no reason to push the lava hound in the back you basically Have less time to
Build Elixir for a bigger Push and once it'S Flown across the river it
Doesn't Really Push The Lava hound that Much since It has a Six tile Attack range
Well You could Kind of push a Balloon is It Really Worth It it's Kind of worse Than a Baby Dragon
Since It stops Short at The Bridge since It has Such a Huge range of Attack
When countering The Flying machine You've Got to react fast
Slightly Too Slow and It will lock on to your Tower
You've Got to Deploy the units right as soon as it's at The bridge for the minions to take care of it on
The Flip side of Things Zap Pairs Really well Because It Brings them down low enough to be one-shot by that machine
Minions are an okay counter to the flying machine but They'll take a Total
7 swipes so That's on the 3rd Attacks That They'll Be Able to take Out the flying machine in this Replay My opponent had minions
To counter My flying machine but They couldn't Land that 7th Attack so It survived on the map offering so much value it
Actually Locked Onto The tower and took it out
E-Wiz, Musketeer and Wizard can Kill The flying machine in Just Three hits - Two, If you have the Princes Tower Helping you
If you utilize the Electro Wizard's spawn zap, that Cuts It down to 1 Attack
Two Attacks if The Tower isn't assisting Pretty Good Deal
Mega Minion is probably one of The best counters against the flying machine one swipe and some arrows from your princes Tower and it's dunzo
The Mega minion Is so
Solid even though The flying machine Pairs Really Well with The tank that mega minion Will Kill It in Just Two Shots
executioner is another Really amazing counter Against The flying machine if There's a Massive tank Push the
Executioner Actually Kills The machine in two Throws You won't even Need Tornado if you lined Him up properly
You don't have any Fancy counters Archers Will Work Just as well they can survive two Shots Each, long enough to distract that Flying machine
It's Kind of Like a Dart Goblin With its fast move Speed and long Range it'll lock onto the tower fast
So you have to react with an Ice golem precisely When it's within Range
you can Go in with a Deeper Ice golem plant if the flying machine is coming in hot from the center
You've Really Got to watch The Shadow It might Seem like it's Within range but That Window of Opportunity is Very
Here's The Defender's
perspective the flying machine Shadow Looks Like It Actually is Within range but You have to look at the top of the shadow This Knight
Misplay Forced my opponent to defend with an inferno tower or risk Losing
700 health on the princess Tower
But Really do You have to stress about all these counters When Fireball Kills It completely in
In This Really Big golem Push, as long as I had a Fireball in Rotation i didn't Really Need to worry about the machine
Bonus Points Because i Clipped two minions for a positive Elixir trade
How well does It Stop a Hog
Not Very well but Kind of like a Musketeer can Counter-Attack in the opposite lane if you Need to
Against The Baby Dragon it's pretty decent with The Help of a Tower but Baby Dragons Aren't That strong Anyways
Mini Pekka's
Lumberjacks and Most Fast Ground Units Will Not be stopped by the flying machine this is Kind of the Drawback since it's flying It won't
aggro Those troops It definitely won't Stop a prince if It couldn't Stop that Mini Pekka
But Another Great Card That Synergizes Really Well With It is an Ice spirit that 1 Elixir Card Is so flexible,
aggros Ground Units, Freezes them and Buys the flying machine time to wreck it
If you're Really fast to react It can Stop a Battle Ram, but It won't stop the barbarians
This is worse Than a Musketeer Because at least The Musketeer pulls Those Barbarians and Thanks to them
But At Least They can Stop a Balloon You can Even obstruct the pathing and force the Balloon to take the longer route flying
Around It to summarize the best hard counter Will be fireball Because It dies in one Shot
Neutral trades if you Need to take It out behind a tank Bonus Points if you can Clip a Tower
Another Good counter is Lightning it's solid if you can Clip two units and The Tower
Mega Minion is perfect Because of Two Shots It Good for taking out behind tanks and the executioner is
Amazing Because It can Kill in Two Shots
with a tank in front of It some Good Synergies Will be Zapped Because It can take Out Bats that can counter the machine it
Can Also Help Take Out minions two three shot them faster Plus against Goblin gang The Zap Kills of Spear goblins and Brings The stabby
Goblins Down low enough to be one shot by the flying machine Ice spear can Be Really Good Synergies to you this One Elixir Card
Empowers Your flying machine to
completely shut Down Ground troops Like Musketeer Mini Pekka prince and so on
Another Type of Good Synergy Will Be air units air decks Like mega minion Balloon Lava, hound and so on
Thanks for Watching Stay Tuned for more quality oj
It can completely shut