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Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin,
I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for all the candy this Halloween!
Man I love my peanut butter cups!
But after the sugar rush, I always want something more .../savory/.
With all these people out trick-or-treating, what would happen if you ateoh I don’t
know, /human brains/?
I obviously don’t approve of this by any means, but let’s explore it anyway in the
spooky spirit of Halloween!
To figure out what happens when you eat people and their brains, let’s take a look at the
Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea.
Up to as late as the 1960’s, the Fore tribe consumed their dead as a funeral ritual.
They stopped because in a strange twist of fate, scientists found out when they ate human
brains, they could contract a disease known as Kuru, which would feast on /their/ brains!
Kuru is a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy disease defined by bent and misshapen proteins,
or prions, in your brain that degrade neurological function.
They wreak havoc on the gray matter of the brain, leaving it looking like a deformed
You could say this is no...laughing /matter/.
But actually it is because its symptoms include random bursts of laughter, along with tremors
and severe headaches in the earlier stages of the disease.
The incubation period can last anywhere from a few years to as many as 60, but once it
starts, a person only has a few years to live.
So, besides the obvious ethical reasons, you shouldn’t be having any protein-people shakes
just in case their brains got in there.
What about eating other parts of the human body, though?
As a whole, a grown man totals a little over 80,000 calories according to a recent study.
That’s quite a lot of protein and fat!
It seems far more reasonable to just eat an arm or an organ.
Wow, did I really just say that?
Anyway, an arm would be about 1,800 calories while the average human heart has about 720
So, if a cutie steals your heart this Halloween, tell them they owe you a few Snicker’s bars
from their candy haul to make up for it!
While there hasn’t really been any diseases associated with eating other parts of the
body, it’s not the best nutritional idea because of all the saturated fat you would
get if your diet was primarily human red meat.
The American Heart Association recommends only about 5% of your daily calories come
from saturated fat, so you should probably stay away from human or fatty meats in general.
Anyway, I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!
Tell those zombies they’d be better off eating something other than your /brains/!
What are you looking forward to eating this Halloween?
Let me know in the comments below.
If you only eat human flesh, you definitely won’t get the nutrients you need.
If you want to learn why you can’t just eat the same thing every day, check out this
There’s a link in the description if you’re on mobile!
Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.
As always, I’m Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.
Don’t forget to keep on thinking!