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字幕列表 影片播放

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  • Cinema is the most prestigious cultural activity in the modern world.

    電影是最負盛名的文化 現代世界的活動。

  • It is for us what theater was in the age of Shakespeare,

    對我們來說,這就是戲劇 是在莎士比亞的時代。

  • or painting was in the days of Leonardo DaVinci.

    或繪畫是在 達文西的時代。

  • The art form with the biggest impact, the largest budgets,

    影響力最大的藝術形式。 預算最多。

  • and the most widespread audiences.


  • Collectively, we recognize that film has an astonishing power to induce emotion.

    我們共同認識到,電影具有 驚人的情感誘導能力。

  • But it would sound weird to stop and ask what film was really for,

    但如果停下來問 電影到底是為了什麼。

  • what purpose it serves in our societies,


  • and why we spent so much time in its presence.

    以及為什麼我們花 這麼多時間在它面前。

  • We don't generally think of films are serving any very strenuous or serious cause.

    我們一般不認為電影是服務於 任何非常劇烈或嚴重的原因。

  • We ask for a lot of nice but not terribly lasting things of films,

    我們要求很多好的 但不是非常持久的東西的電影。

  • to while away the hours of a long flight,

    消磨時間 的長途飛行。

  • to keep the family together on the sofa,


  • to give us a bit of a thrill.


  • This is a great loss for us and for cinema itself.

    這對我們來說是一個很大的損失 以及對電影本身。

  • We should try to pin down more accurately what films actually do for us,

    我們應該嘗試更準確地確定 電影到底為我們做了什麼。

  • then make sure we're reliably making and finding our way to see the best,

    然後確保我們可靠地做出 並找到我們的方式去看最好的。

  • that is, the most useful kinds of things.


  • We would ideally accept that film, like all the other art forms,

    我們最好能接受這部電影。 像所有其他藝術形式一樣。

  • best reveals its power, when we conceive of it as a kind of therapy.

    最能顯示它的力量,當我們 把它想象成一種療法。

  • Let's consider five key problems and how films can help us with them.

    讓我們考慮五個關鍵問題和 電影如何幫助我們與他們。

  • We're understandably prone to self-pity.


  • We get ground down and frustrated by the problems life throws at us,

    我們會感到沮喪和沮喪 被生活中的問題拋向我們。

  • and we tend to react by getting ever more stern and serious.

    而我們的反應往往是 越來越嚴厲,越來越嚴肅。

  • Certain films can beautifully address this natural tendency,

    某些電影可以美輪美奐 解決這一自然趨勢。

  • when they show us people not too different from ourselves,

    當他們向我們展示人不 和我們自己太不一樣了。

  • in difficult situations, except very much unlike us.

    在困難的情況下。 除了很不像我們。

  • These films play our pains for laughs.


  • They seek the absurd side,


  • the exact things that really great with excessive seriousness.

    真正偉大的東西 過於嚴重。

  • At their best, there's nothing trivial about these comedies at all.

    在他們最好的時候,沒有什麼是微不足道的。 關於這些喜劇的所有。

  • They take on the momentous task


  • of sweetly etching us towards being slightly nicer people to live around.

    的甜美刻畫,使我們走向 稍微好一點的人生活在周圍。

  • 2. We're not careful enough


  • Sometimes in life, an action that seems quite small,

    有時在生活中。 一個看起來相當小的動作。

  • goes on to have enormous consequences.


  • You tell a little lie. You steal a tiny bit.

    你撒了個小謊 你偷了一點點。

  • Youre a bit dishonest with someone.


  • You get a bit lustful and carried away just once,

    你會變得有點淫蕩和 搬運只是一次。

  • and then from this, catastrophe ensues.


  • Films can help us by speeding up time, and showing us in a matter of hours,

    電影可以幫助我們加快時間。 並在幾個小時內向我們展示。

  • fearsome result of what we might originally thought of as small failings.

    可怕的結果 原本以為是小毛病。

  • Film can push the consequences to the maximum.

    電影可以推動後果 到最大。

  • By witnessing horror and disaster


  • it can make us want to be the kind of person,

    它可以讓我們想 是那種人。

  • who is a touch more forthright, and little more honest and moral,

    誰是一個觸摸更坦率。 而少有誠信和道德。

  • readier to face an unpleasant moment now and (thereby) head off a distant disaster.

    好漢不吃眼前虧 並(從而)抵禦遠方的災難。

  • We leave the cinema, less inclined to be self-righteous about the failings of others

    我們離開電影院時,不那麼傾向於 自以為是

  • scared for ourselves and more respectful towards things we hold dear.

    自顧不暇 尊重我們所珍視的事物。

  • It might sound odd,


  • but it's usually very healthy and helpful,


  • to feel that one's life is a bit special,


  • deserving of admiration and respect, a little glamorous.

    值得欽佩和尊重。 有點魅力。

  • But very often the opposite is the case.


  • Glamour lies elsewhere, in the lives of the famous in swankier parts of town,

    魅力在於其他地方,在生活中的 著名的在城市的Swankier部分。

  • in activities and jobs far removed from our own.

    在活動和工作中 遠離我們自己。

  • Film has an enormous power to glamorize.


  • It can put in front of our eyes delightful images, many meters in size,

    它可以把我們的眼前 令人欣喜的影像,許多米的大小。

  • shot an extraordinary colors, vivid and immediate.

    拍出了非凡的色彩。 生動而直接。

  • Because so many films glamorize the wrong things,

    因為這麼多電影 魅力化的錯誤的東西。

  • we used to thinking that an element of alienation and corruption is a generic,

    我們習慣於認為,一個元素的 異化和腐敗是一種通用。

  • rather than incidental danger of cinema.


  • But in fact, film is well able to show us the less obvious,

    但事實上,電影很能夠 以示我們不那麼明顯。

  • but real charms of everyday life.


  • Whereas the worst sort of films eject us back into our lives,

    而最差的那種電影 把我們彈回我們的生活中。

  • full of longing and disenchantment,


  • the best ones leave us ready to re-engage with circumstances,

    優秀的人離開我們的時候,我們已經準備好了 以重新接觸環境。

  • with which we had unfairly grown bored.


  • Cinema can help us love and appreciate what we already have.

    電影可以幫助我們愛和 欣賞我們已經擁有的東西。

  • It's not entirely our own fault.


  • The media is to blame for much of it.


  • Because it tells us about categories of people we want nothing to do with,

    因為它告訴我們關於類別的 我們不想與之有任何關係的人。

  • places that seem frightening, bizarre, unremittingly depressing.

    看起來很可怕、很詭異的地方。 長久的壓抑。

  • We going to think we're not at all interested in people in Iran or Venezuela.

    我們會認為我們一點也不... ... 對伊朗或委內瑞拉的人感興趣。

  • Our disenchantment make it expressed as racism, arrogance, or just plain coldness.

    我們的不甘心使其表現為 種族主義,傲慢,或者只是單純的冷漠。

  • Ultimately, what we suffer from is a denial of our common humanity.

    歸根結底,我們所遭受的是 否認了我們共同的人性。

  • Cinema can perfectly compensated for this withdrawal of emotional energy,

    電影院可以完美彌補 這種情緒能量的撤離。

  • by showing us the appeal of people far away,

    通過向我們展示 遠方的人。

  • we'd otherwise be completely uninterested in.

    要不然 完全不感興趣的。

  • With the highest artistry,


  • we're reminded of an obvious but so easily forgotten fact.

    我們想起了一個明顯的 但如此容易被遺忘的事實。

  • Our membership of the family of humanity.


  • We've gone so far down the track of teaching ourselves

    我們已經走得太遠了 自學成才

  • about the importance of gentleness and compromise.

    的重要性 溫和與妥協。

  • Many of us have unwittingly develop problems around courage and self-assertion.

    我們很多人都在不知不覺中養成了 圍繞勇氣和自我主張的問題。

  • Decent people have learned so well to suppress their own appetite for a fight,

    正派的人都學得這麼好 來壓制自己的戰鬥慾望。

  • their own desire for victory.


  • But in a world where conflict is unavoidable,

    但在這個世界上 衝突是不可避免的。

  • good people sometimes need to strengthen their willingness to face down opposition,

    強人所難 他們願意面對反對意見。

  • not always to compromise and play it safe,


  • but to take risks, to get out and fight, to relish victory,

    但要冒險,要出去打拼。 來享受勝利的喜悅。

  • and to be a bit more ruthless in the service of noble and deeply important ends.

    而要更狠一點,在。 服務於崇高而重要的目的。

  • Sometimes, it's not enough just to be right.

    有時,它是不夠的 只是為了對。

  • You also need to win so some of us might well benefit from seeing films,

    你也要贏,所以我們中的一些人 可能很受益於看電影。

  • that tell tales of heroism to follow someone who has to navigate the world,

    壯志難酬 某個人必須在世界範圍內航行。

  • kill a dragon, outwit some baddies.


  • The film shouldn’t ideally leave us just in awe at the daring of another person.

    這部電影理想上不應該讓我們只是。 驚歎於他人的膽量。

  • It should do that for most valuable thing.


  • Educate us by example,


  • so that we too become just a little more heroic and brave where we need to be.

    以使我們也變得更多一點 在我們需要的地方英勇無畏。

  • Cinema, as we currently know it,


  • is not a million miles away from doing wonderful things.

    不遠萬里 做精彩的事情。

  • But in order to help with the real business of living,

    但為了幫助 真正的生活事業。

  • we need this hugely compelling and powerful art form

    我們需要這個非常引人注目的 強大的藝術形式

  • to set out in a more determined and systematic way

    更加堅定地提出 有系統的方式

  • to offer us the help we really need.


  • The way we categorize films should ideally get a little bit more subtle.

    我們對電影的分類方式應該 理想上得到更多的細微。

  • Rather than say something was merely a thriller or comedy,

    與其說有些東西是 僅僅是一個驚悚或喜劇。

  • we'd put the accent on what these genres might achieve for their audiences.

    我們會把重點放在這些流派上。 可能為其閱聽人實現。

  • Instead of suggesting that one needs to be above a particular age to watch a film,

    與其說是需要 超過特定年齡的人看電影;

  • the government classification board would see its primary task is

    政務分類委員會 它的主要任務是

  • that of helping a film to reach the audience it could best help.

    幫助一部電影達到 它可以最好地幫助觀眾。

  • Thus a film might be rated A,


  • meaning that it was regarded as being particularly good at getting us to

    意思是說,它被認為是 特別擅長讓我們

  • address and cope with anxiety.


  • Or it could have an MC rating,


  • meaning that it was of benefit to those experiencing marital conflict.

    意思是說,這對 經歷婚姻衝突的人;

  • Films can do so much for us.


  • They better direct our feelings of sympathy.

    他們最好直接 我們的同情心。

  • They offer comfort for our unmanageable fears.

    他們提供舒適的 我們無法控制的恐懼。

  • They correct an unworkable sense of what is normal.

    他們糾正了一個不可行的意識 什麼是正常的。

  • They edge us towards good conduct.


  • They caution, and arm us against our folly and vices.

    他們告誡,並武裝我們 反對我們的愚蠢和惡習。

  • We should, as society, be ready to see them as more than just entertainment.

    作為社會,我們應該做好以下準備 把它們看成不僅僅是娛樂。

  • They are, at their best, guides to life and pieces of spectacular applied philosophy.

    它們最多隻是生活的指南和 件壯觀的應用哲學。

Cinema is the most prestigious cultural activity in the modern world.

電影是最負盛名的文化 現代世界的活動。

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