字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, it's Crown 哈囉我是滴妹 Today I'll talk about Taylor Swift's Blank Space! 今天要來介紹 Taylor Swift 的 Blank Space! Welcome to English Song Spotlight. In this series we're going to learn English by songs~ 歡迎大家來到滴妹的音樂系列,要帶小滴們聽歌學英文~ In the last episode we introduced Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling 那上一集我們介紹了 Justin Timberlake 的 Can’t Stop the Feeling Today we're going to listen to the Queen of Country, Taylor Swift's hit single Blank Space! 今天則是要介紹國民小天后 Taylor Swift 的超紅歌曲 Blank Space! Taylor actually wrote the song to satirize people and media's 這其實是一首 Taylor 寫來自我解嘲那些外界以及媒體 gossip and criticism toward her relationships. 對她的感情世界所做出的的流言蜚語以及批評 Since she has been viewed 那因為他總是被認為利用前男友們來寫歌嘛 So what she wanted to convey in her MV was 所以他在 MV 裡面他想要呈現出一個 "Outsiders' perception toward Taylor Swift" 「外界對於 Taylor Swift 的一個觀感」 Therefore she acted like a maniac 所以他才會像瘋子一般的來去演繹 This time I'm also going to explain and analyze some of the lyrics from the song 那這次也是會挑選一些歌詞做解釋跟分析 Let's begin! 那我們現在就趕快來看看有哪一些吧! Saw you there and I thought 我一眼就看上你 oh my God, look at that face 我的天,看看那帥氣的臉龐 You look like my next mistake 你看起來像是我下一個美麗的錯誤 Love's a game, wanna play? 想來玩玩愛情這一場遊戲嗎? "You look like my next mistake" means You look like my next mistake 的意思是 "You look like someone that's going to break my heart 你看起來一副就是一個會傷透我心的人 but I'm ready to play this game of love" 但是我已經準備好要投入這場愛情的遊戲中了 A more positive saying could be "you look like my next boyfriend" 樂觀一點的講法可以說,you look like my next boyfriend But she used "mistake" instead, therefore it's like a foretelling saying that 但他這邊是用 mistake,所以他有一點在預言說 You're likely to be a wrong decision 你應該會是我愛情中一個錯誤的決定 New money, suit and tie 拿著新鈔、西裝打領帶 I can read you like a magazine 我一眼就可以看穿你 Ain't it funny, rumors fly 有關我的緋聞滿天飛 and I know you heard about me 我知道你一定有所聽聞 This line could be translated into: 拿著新鈔、穿著西裝打領帶,我一眼就可以看穿你 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 拿著新鈔、穿著西裝打領帶 我一眼就可以看穿你 There are two interpretations of the line. The first one is that "I can read you like a magazine" 這句歌詞有兩種解釋方法,第一種是 I can read you like a magazine is actually originated from an idiom "I can read you like a book" 其實是由流行用語 I can read you like a book 改編而成 "I can read you like a book" means I can read you like a book 這個用意是 "You're like a book that could be easily understood" 「你就像是一本書一樣好懂,一目了然」 Here, she replaced "book" with "magazine" 那這裡是用 magazine 來去代替 meaning men are like magazines that are easy to read and understand 代表男生就像是一本雜誌一樣好讀,可以輕易的一眼看穿 The second interpretation is that, to explain the whole line by 第二種解釋方法是把前面的 new money, suit and tie 跟 magazine putting "new money, suit and tie" together with "magazine", and it would mean 放在一起來解釋,那就會是 This man is rich and well dressed. Looking at him is like looking at models on magazines 這個男生有錢又帥又會穿衣服,看著他就好像在 欣賞雜誌上的模特兒一樣 So it's gonna be forever 這會是永永遠遠 or it's gonna go down in flames 還是會燃燒殆盡 You can tell me when it's over 你想分了就跟我說 if the high was worth the pain 值不值得為我受苦 This line could be translated into: 這會是永永遠遠,還是會燃燒殆盡 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 這會是永永遠遠,還是會燃燒殆盡 "Gonna be forever, or gonna go down in flames" Gonna be forever, or gonna go down in flames is Taylor's view toward the relationship 就是 Taylor 對這段感情的看法 Either be with each other forever, or be dead together 要不我們永遠在一起,要不我們就一起死吧 The "gonna" in the line is an informal way of saying "going to" 這邊歌詞的 gonna 就是 going to 的口語化講法 Similarly, "want to" can be expressed as "wanna" 那一樣的變化有 want to 變成 wanna And "go down in flames" can be used to describe the burn down of buildings or objects 那 go down in flames 可以用來形容建築物或是物件燒毀 or failed to achieve something 又或是某件事情失敗 This line could be translated into: 看看我們享受的歡愉是否值得隨後而來的痛苦 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 看看我們享受的歡愉是否 值得隨後而來的痛苦 Here, Taylor described the joy and happiness brought by love as drugs Taylor 這裡把愛情帶來的愉快美滿形容像毒品一樣 In the US, "get high" or "high" often means 那在國外,get high 或是 high 通常都是在形容 "the temporary joy and excitement brought by doing drugs" 「使用毒品之後隨之而來的短暫歡愉以及亢奮」 The "high" here is similar to Taiwan's slang "很嗨" 這邊的 high 跟台灣的常用流行語「很嗨」感覺很像 However, in Taiwan it means "good vibes, fun, and feeling awesome" 但是台灣的有一種「很有氣氛、很好玩、很棒的感覺」 So it's somewhat different. Notice that there is no such a usage as "it's high" in foreign countries 所以其實不太一樣喔,那也要注意國外沒有 it’s high 的這種說法 Screaming, crying, perfect storms 尖叫 哭鬧 大發雷霆 I can make all the tables turn 我有能力翻轉一切狀況 Rose garden filled with thorns 玫瑰園裡充滿著刺 Keep you second guessing like 我會讓你一直猜疑我的心思到讓你抓狂 oh my God, who is she? 我的老天,她到底是誰? This line could be translated into: 我有能力翻轉一切狀況 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 我有能力翻轉一切狀況 "Turn the tables" is an English idiom Turn the tables 本來就是存在的英文諺語喔 It means "turning the situation to one's advantage" 那他的意思是: 「逆轉本來的狀況或是情況,並且得到上風」 So this line here could be interpreted as: 那這邊的歌詞的解釋可以看成: I won't stop bothering you until you compromise. It's my victory when turning the situation around 我會鬧到讓你妥協,讓你舉白旗投降,狀況逆轉後我就贏了 This line could be translated into: 我會讓你一直猜疑我的心思到讓你抓狂的地步 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 我會讓你一直猜疑我的心思 到讓你抓狂的地步 Second guess is "第二次的猜測" Second guess 就字面上來看是「第二次的猜測」 You not only guessed once, but twice 不只猜了一次,還猜了第二次 It means the continuous guessing and suspecting of other's thoughts 代表讓人一直猜忌懷疑對方心裡到底在想些什麼 Got a long list of ex-lovers 我有一卡車的前男友 they'll tell you I'm insane 他們會說我是個瘋子 But I've got a blank space, baby 但是我剛好心上有個空檔 And I'll write your name 所以我要把你的名字寫上去 This line could be translated into: 但我的心上剛好有個空檔,所以我要把你的名字寫上去 這句歌詞的翻譯是: 但我的心上剛好有個空檔,所以 我要把你的名字寫上去 "A blank space" literally means an "empty space" A blank space 直譯上就是一個空的空間 And in this song I think there are two different perspectives of explanation 那在這首歌裡面我覺得可以分析成兩種不同的層面 The first one is more romantic, meaning that there is a room in Taylor's heart 第一種說法,是比較 romantic 的說法,代表 Taylor 心中有個空位 waiting for someone she loves to move in, and let her write the name on her heart 等著一個他愛的人住進去,好讓他可以把名字寫在心上 Another explanation is more interesting, which is 那另外一個意思比較詼諧有可能是在說 there is still space available on Taylor's long list of ex-lovers Taylor 他的那一投拉庫的「前男友名單」上,的下面還有空位 meaning: if we break up soon, you'll be listed on the ex-lovers list 代表著: 如果我們迅速分手的話,你就會在 前男友名單中榜上有名 So this is today's English Song Spotlight! 那以上就是今天的歌曲分享! You can click here to listen to the original song! 如果想要聽原曲,可以點這邊的卡片去看看! So what song would you like to learn next time? 那大家下次想要聽到什麼樣的歌呢? Don't forget to tell us your favorite song in the comments below, maybe you'll get chosen for the next episode! 記得在留言區留下你最愛的歌,下次可能就是分析你的愛歌喔! If you like this video, give us a thumbs-up! 如果你喜歡這部影片,請幫我們按個讚! If you want to watch more videos, click here to subscribe to our channel 如果你想要看到更多的影片,請點這邊的按鈕 訂閱我們的頻道 We have new videos up every Monday and Thursday at 9 pm! 我們每個禮拜一跟四的晚上9點都會有新影片喔! We also have Facebook and Instagram account 那我們在 Facebook 跟 Instagram 也都有帳號 Just type in Ray Du English or 阿滴英文 to find us! 可以用 Ray Du English 或者是阿滴英文來搜尋到我們! And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always, And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always, and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya~~~ and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya~~~ This is like a top model shooting 這個是一個 top model 在拍平面照的感覺 You sure it's not selling fruits? 不是在賣水果嗎? Hahahaha fruits for sell~ One for $30 NT only~ Come on~ 哈哈哈哈賣水果喔~一顆30塊喔~來喔來喔~ Tuned into a "歐巴桑" immediately lol 馬上變歐巴桑額哈哈哈 Hey~ Buy some fruits, taste really good~ 來呦~來買水果喔,很好吃喔~
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 阿滴英文 歌詞 taylor 翻譯 男友 愛情 阿滴 (#2 "Blank Space" // English Song Spotlight (Taylor Swift)) 1948 159 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2017 年 09 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字