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  • When it comes to the task of

  • figuring out what to do with your life

  • or what kind of work to go into,

  • one of the most common pieces of advice

  • that gets thrown around is,

  • "Just follow your passion, yeah!

  • "Just gotta find your passion, man.

  • "And go after it to the ends of the earth."

  • This word, passion, it keeps cropping up

  • again and again.

  • And we're constantly being told

  • that we simply need to go find out

  • whatever ours is.

  • No longer shall we be relegated to the work

  • of previous generation's tedious, boring,

  • factory work that our parents did before us.

  • Oh no, no, no. This is the now.

  • You can go make super hero capes for dogs

  • if that is what your passion truly is.

  • Actually, that's not a bad idea.

  • But, no, "follow your passion",

  • as inspiring as it is, is bad advice.

  • It build its foundations off of its assumptions

  • that everyone is just born

  • with a pre-existing passion.

  • It's like we're all onions and all you've

  • gotta do is peel back the layers

  • to figure out what's inside.

  • Though, I don't know about you,

  • but I'm not an ogre.

  • And for most of my life,

  • I would've been pretty hard-pressed

  • to tell you what the heck my passion is.

  • 'Cause I just didn't know.

  • And this is the problem that most people face.

  • Either they don't have anything in their life

  • that they can identify as a real passion

  • or there's a lot of things all over the place.

  • Lots of vibrant interesting things

  • that they could identify as passions

  • but they don't really know which one

  • to latch on to and pursue.

  • This problem is all the more common

  • for students or people who don't really have

  • a whole lot of experience in their careers yet.

  • I'm guessing that you probably fall

  • into one of those two categories.

  • Which is unfortunate because this is also

  • the point in your life where you're being asked

  • to figure out what to do with that life.

  • Luckily, there is better advice that you can use.

  • Cal Newport, the author of the fantastic book,

  • So Good They Can't Ignore You,

  • summed it up perfectly for me when I asked him

  • for his advice on choosing a major.

  • He said, simply, "Pick something you have

  • an interest in, and then go full-bore and try

  • to get as good as you possibly can at it."

  • This advice, this focus on building skills

  • and gaining experience,

  • this is the most effective way to figure out

  • what work truly fulfills you.

  • You're not born with some innate thing

  • you're supposed to do with your life.

  • Rather you're born with personality traits

  • and certain qualities of work that you'll enjoy.

  • Maybe creativity, maybe working with people,

  • or working with very logical things,

  • autonomy or a sense of impact in your work.

  • These specific qualities are going to be

  • unearthed and slowly discovered as you make more

  • connections with people, as you do more things,

  • as you create things, and gain skills.

  • In the book I just mentioned, Cal talks about

  • a concept in the scientific community

  • called the Adjacent Possible.

  • If you think about all of our

  • collective, scientific knowledge

  • as an ever-expanding bubble,

  • then the Adjacent Possible

  • is right outside that bubble.

  • Right within our grasp.

  • That's where most new discoveries are made.

  • As we continue to make new discoveries,

  • and we continue to grow that bubble

  • the Adjacent Possible grows as well.

  • New things we didn't even know were possible before

  • start to come out of the fog and start

  • to be within reach.

  • In an article for the New York Times,

  • Steven Johnson states it eloquently,

  • "The strange and beautiful truth

  • about the Adjacent Possible is that

  • its boundaries grow as you explore them."

  • This concept perfectly illustrates

  • how you can go about finding work that you love.

  • As you learn and do more and meet new people

  • new opportunities and possibilities

  • are gonna emerge that you didn't

  • even know existed before,

  • and that were completely inaccessible

  • in the past.

  • Also, this focus on skills and experience,

  • rather than passion or enjoyment,

  • is gonna become immensely helpful

  • when you reach the dip.

  • A concept that the author Seth Godin

  • popularized in his book of the same name.

  • The dip is the point at which pursuing

  • a skill becomes difficult or boring.

  • Let me tell you, this always comes

  • no matter what skill you're pursuing.

  • At first, things start out fun.

  • Your interest in the subject keeps

  • your motivation levels high

  • and you're able to grasp the low-hanging

  • fruit pretty easily.

  • As time goes on, though,

  • eventually those easy progress gains

  • stop coming and the initial novelty

  • of the subject wears off.

  • To give you an example,

  • beginning weight lifters often make huge

  • progress gains when they first start lifting.

  • I'm talking, like, adding 50 pounds to their

  • initial squat after just a few weeks.

  • Lifters call these the "noob gains."

  • They happen because beginning lifters

  • are using muscles that they already had

  • but in ways that they haven't been used before.

  • Also, they're not really lifting enough weight

  • to truly challenge their body's ability

  • to recover quickly.

  • Pretty soon, though, most lifters hit a plateau.

  • A point where gains, either, really slow down

  • or stop altogether.

  • Even though they're continually hitting the gym

  • as much as they were before.

  • This is the dip for lifters.

  • They have to do a couple of things

  • to really push through it.

  • Number one, they have to adopt

  • smarter training techniques that take

  • into account the additional recovery time

  • needed for higher levels of performance.

  • But number two, they really just have to adopt

  • a lot of sheer determination to keep

  • pushing through and making progress

  • even though the rewards have started to diminsh.

  • This is the exact same with any skill

  • that you're pursuing.

  • At first, it's going to be easy.

  • The initial levels are going to be easy

  • to conquer, it'll be fun.

  • But, eventually, those rewards will diminish

  • and to continue building that skill, to reach

  • true excellence, you do have to adopt

  • smarter training methods and you also have to

  • simply have the grit to keep pushing through

  • even though it's not fun.

  • Once you do push through that dip,

  • and once you do start building true excellence,

  • this is where things actually do start

  • to get fun and interesting

  • because now you have the skill

  • to start doing things that most people can't do.

  • You also have enough experience and work

  • under your belt that people trust you

  • and they know who you are.

  • That means they're gonna start bringing you

  • more interesting proposals and projects

  • which are gonna be a lot more fun

  • than the grunt work you've been doing before.

  • This has been my experience exactly.

  • I'm definitely not alone in my belief

  • that the pursuit of excellence and skills

  • and experience is far better

  • than trying to find your passion.

  • Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner

  • of the Dallas Mavericks, once wrote a blog post

  • a few years ago that really crystallized

  • this idea for me.

  • I want to wrap up this video by quoting the part

  • where he says, "Let me make this as clear as possible.

  • "When you work hard at doing something,

  • "you become good at it.

  • "When you become good at doing something,

  • "you will enjoy it more.

  • "When you enjoy doing something,

  • "there is a very good chance that you will

  • "become passionate or more passionate about it.

  • "And when you are good at something,

  • "passionate, and work even harder to excel

  • "and be the best at it, good things happen."

  • So stop trying to find your passion

  • through introspection or BuzzFeed quizzes

  • or whatever it is.

  • Just pick an interest you have

  • that has the potential to be useful

  • to other people in the future and then go after it

  • with as many smart training techniques

  • and as much sheer determination

  • as you can muster.

  • Good luck and thanks for watching.

  • (techno music)

  • Hey there, guys.

  • Thanks so much for watching this video.

  • If you want to get new tips on being

  • a more effective student every single week

  • you can click that big red subscribe button

  • right there.

  • Also, I wrote an entire book on how

  • to get better grades.

  • If you would like to get a free copy of it

  • just click the picture of the book

  • and I will send one to you.

  • If you'd like to check out the article for this video

  • with links to the books I mentioned

  • and other resources click the orange button right there.

  • If you missed last week's video, we talked about

  • how you can take faster hand-written notes.

  • So check it out if you missed it.

  • Lastly, I'm on Instagram and Twitter: @TomFrankly,

  • you want to connect or you can leave

  • a comment down below.

When it comes to the task of


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不要再試圖 "找到你的激情"--大學資訊極客網 (Stop Trying to "Find Your Passion" - College Info Geek)

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