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  • So, Mark, what do you know?

    所以, Mark ,你知道些什麼?

  • It's been a while.


  • - Glad to be back. - [LAUGH]

    - 很高興能回來這裡 - [笑聲]

  • - Um. - Just twenty-four hours.

    - 嗯 - 也才相隔了二十四小時

  • Right, right.


  • Um, we know that Apple is going to be announcing a new version of its Apple TV Set-Top Box in September

    嗯,我們知道蘋果即將在九月的時候發佈 Apple TV 機上盒的最新版本

  • alongside the new iPhones and LTE Apple Watch.

    同時還有新的 iPhones 及 LTE Apple 手錶

  • It's gonna stream 4K video and video with better color.

    它將會支援 4K 影片的串流服務、以及提供更好的影片色調

  • And this is largely expected, right?


  • Largely expected because we broke the news on it in February.


  • We said that Apple is testing this Box.


  • It's called... codename J105, and now we're breaking the news here that it's being announced in September.

    它的代號是 J105 ,而現在我們向觀眾揭露,將會於九月時發佈

  • So, we know now that Apple's planning to spend a billion dollars on original content.

    所以,我們現在知道蘋果打算花十億美元來製作原創 TV 內容

  • We've talked for a long time about whether they had something more ambitious going on in the TV realm.

    我們也花了很長的時間討論,蘋果是否有在 TV 方面進行更有野心的發展

  • Is this their TV strategy?

    這是否就是他們的 TV 策略?

  • I think it is.


  • The ambitious device was this new Apple TV with the App Store in 2015,

    所謂「充滿野心的產品」即是他們在 2015 年推出,附帶 App Store 的 Apple TV

  • and now they're just building upon it.


  • Just churning in the 4K content, working with studios and apps to improve the content.

    只是加入 4K 內容,並與工作室和 app 合作以加強內容

  • There is gonna be some new live TV functionality that they're adding,

    他們將會加上一些新的直播 TV 功能

  • but there's no over the top bundle or anything like that happening.

    但並不會有 OTT (利用網路傳送影音內容到用戶的終端裝置) 綑綁服務或是類似的東西

  • That's...


  • No TV set.


  • That's right. No TV set, no screen.


So, Mark, what do you know?

所以, Mark ,你知道些什麼?


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