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  • (dramatic music)

  • 10 Mind-Blowing optical illusions

  • Flat third dimension.

  • Nothing appears abnormal about this Rubik's Cube until you realize it is a

  • two-dimensional image. This illusion is created with a distorted perspective of an image that requires to be

  • viewed at a specific vantage point to create the 3D effect.

  • This is the same method used in the very popular 3D sidewalk art

  • The Ames room.

  • The Ames room illusion creates a cartoonish and very intriguing effect of drastic size differences between people and

  • objects, by tricking your depth perception within a regular shaped room. The walls,

  • ceiling, and floor align in a way that will appear normal at just the right angle.

  • This causes everything else in the room to appear to warp in size.

  • Following eyes.

  • Here is a simple but very effective illusion that makes it look like these little guys are watching you.

  • This is done by manipulating the way you see perspective, and the brain's natural ability to pick out faces and patterns.

  • The head is actually concave, and this sets up a contradiction in your brain to make it look like it's turning to follow you.

  • The dress.

  • Whether you see black and blue, or white and gold, this dress has caused debate and confusion.

  • Though the dress is indeed black and blue, it has become a popular example of color constancy.

  • Depending on individual perception, as well as current room lighting - the dress can be seen as either black and blue, or white and gold.

  • Circle illusion.

  • Is easy to assume that these dots are moving in a circular pattern, however,

  • they are not. Each dot is traveling in a straight line while on its own path from one end of the circle to the other.

  • By adding each dot one by one you can see the illusion come into place

  • Motion illusions.

  • These images are not animated

  • but they appear to be moving due to the cognitive effects of

  • interacting color contrasts, and shape positioning. If you're feeling skeptical -pause this video and watch as these images

  • continue to wave, twist, and pulse.

  • Animation illusion.

  • This clever and old-timey technique creates a multiple frame animation on a single sheet of paper.

  • By manipulating the mind and eye, these still images come to life using a simple graded card.

  • Drop-off room.

  • This 3D painted room is enough to trigger one's acrophobia, as it seems to be a massive drop-off.

  • This painting was created by a master of Optical illusions - Regina

  • Silviera whose work often contains a larger than life bent reality.

  • Yes/no.

  • Artist Markus Raetz specializes in optical illusions with his mind-manipulating 3D creations.

  • A prime example of his work is this sculpture of the word yes that can be read from one angle.

  • but moved to another angle - and it morphs into the word no.

  • Backwards chair.

  • This chair appears as normal as a chair can be at first glance,

  • but just wait until this man has a seat. It might feel surreal at first

  • but this chair is actually built in a warped and irregular way, that makes it look like it is facing one way

  • but in fact it is facing the other way.

  • (dramatic music)

(dramatic music)


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B2 中高級 美國腔

10種令人瞠目結舌的光學幻覺 (10 Mind Blowing Optical Illusions)

  • 50 2
    Mia Shu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日