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  • This artful display of gorgeous greens could reframe your whole perspective on gardening

  • The hanging 'frame' is a pretty basic build consisting of a box -- that holds the dirt...and

  • then the frame pieces. Start by buiding the box...then assemble the frame using brackets

  • to join the pieces. Attach the box to the frame, again with brackets. Insert a piece

  • of hardware cloth, and then finish off the back of the box with a piece of acrylic.

  • Now you're ready to plant . Fill the frame with a potting mix meant for

  • succulents. You can buy it, or you can make your own..using some potting soil, perlite

  • and plain old playground sand. It's a really dry mix that drains well, because succulents

  • don't like sitting in water. Fill the frame until the wire fabric cloth is just covered,

  • then sprinkle a little water and let the whole thing sit for about 15 minutes. The soil will

  • compact and settle a bit, and then you can top it off with another layer of soil, and

  • a little more water. The water helps the mix hold together a little more for planting purposes.

  • Now you can lay out your succulents and remember, they will grow and spread out some, so don't

  • overcrowd the space. Once you've got an arrangement you like, trace around the plants with a permanent

  • marker, then carefully -- using a pair of tinsnips -- cut thru the wire fabric, kind

  • of bending back the pieces to create a hole just large enough to get the rootball thru.

  • You don't want to cut

  • away too much of the mesh so leave at least

  • a couple of columns around the perimeter, and in between your plants.

  • Once it's planted, you can hang it in a spot that gets appropriate light for your plants.

  • And you won't need to water as frequently as most other plants, but they

  • will require water a couple times a week during the growing season.

  • This frame is gorgeous hanging outdoors and it also looks fabulous as a centerpiece on an outdoor table.

This artful display of gorgeous greens could reframe your whole perspective on gardening


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B1 中級 美國腔

DIY垂直多肉植物花園 (DIY Vertical Succulent Garden)

  • 92 10
    rihrong 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日