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What's going on guys? My name is Hylor and this is your Total War Warhammer Guide on
How To Make Money! In this guide, I will point out all the different ways you can make money
or save money from being spent. As it is said "The sinews of war are infinite money."
Taxes The first and primary way you will make money
in Total War Warhammer is through taxes. Not all the factions call it taxes but that's
essentially what it is. You create buildings in your building panels that generate wealth.
From my experiments, the wealth value is a direct 1 to 1 value of the increase in your
income through taxes. It also seems to be accumulative. By that I mean that the first
tier building may add 200 wealth but the second tier says 300 wealth. When I destroyed the
building my wealth total was down 500 wealth so the first tiers 200 value is added to the
300 hundred from the second tier. So now that you have 500 wealth that means that building
will bring in 500 in taxes per turn. In previous total war games there was a much more complex
system but in Total War Warhammer this system has been simplified and from all my testing
and the tool tips it seems to be a 1 to 1 correlation of wealth to income per turn.
Trade Agreements The next most common way to make money in
Total War Warhammer is to make trade agreements with other factions. To make these agreements
you go into your diplomacy panel, select the faction you wish to trade with and send them
the request. This process assumes you have some way of trading with them, either over
land borders or a sea route from your port to theirs. These agreements allow you to trade
a certain level of basic no descript "goods" to the other faction and visa versa. There
are also rarer resources scattered on the campaign map that are assigned to different
regions. Please note that I said regions and not provinces, regions are the smaller blocks
that make up a province. Once you control one or more of these regions you will begin
to harvest these resources, which never run out, and sell them to other countries you
are trading with. In the particular regions with these rare resources, you can increase
their output by building up wealth buildings. They are modified in these regions to provide
both wealth and the rare resource for trading and upgrading these buildings will increase
how much of the resource you have to trade.
If you go into the treasury panel and click on trade you can see on top a list of the
different rare resources to be traded. If you hover over them you can see the market
price for those goods in the world. These values change turn by turn and just like real
life, items like furs and gem stones will trade for more than wood or stone. There is
also a diplomatic benefit to trading with a faction as factions that trade together
are less likely to go to war and build up better relations with each other. The Greenskins and Chaos
are not able to make trade agreements.
Demand Payment Another way to gain money in diplomacy is
to demand payment or tribute. Often times these are a part of deals concerning other
matters such as bribing for a peace treaty, trade agreeement, etc. There are some tips
to how you can use this to get as much money as possible out of the AI. The most simple
way is any time the AI offers you a money simply hit the counter offer button and adjust
the value higher then they offered. Don't go too high but you can usually add between
200-500 gold on top of what they offered without losing the deal. You can tell how likely they
are to accept this new amount before you submit it to them so adjust your number to get the
most you can without ruining your chances of a deal. Also you can always go to war with
someone you don't want to conquer, or can't because of the default rules, sack and raze
a city or two and then when it's time for peace demand money to stop killing them. This
often works pretty easy but takes more work and is hard to do against more powerful factions
even if the battles you fought were easy. Their size and disposition will not be one
of peace. Also keep in mind that some factions such as the Chaos and Greenskins are aggressive
factions. The Chaos will almost never take peace but the Greenskins will usually only
really take it once they have been beaten severely. Also sometimes the AI will demand
payment from you along with something else and it's usually possible to completely eliminate
this payment or at least lower it before agreeing to the rest of the offer.
Vassals (Not Confederation) The another way you can make money in diplomacy
is to make another faction your vassal. To make a faction a vassal you must not be able
to capture their territory and factions are very resistant to becoming your vassal. They
usually have to be beaten basically to destruction or have to have such a lower power than you
that they know they would be utterly destroyed in a war. This is not to be confused with
confederating a faction. Confederating a faction merges their faction into yours giving you
complete control of their land and often much of their armies and agents. A vassal will
stay a seperate AI controlled state that is in a permanent alliance with you. They are
under your military protection and will fight wars against your enemies. They pay you a
sum of money each turn as tribute to you for your protection.
Raiding Raiding is the first of the militaristic ways
of making money. To raid your enemies you must move your army into an enemy territory
and put the army into the raiding stance. If you want to learn more about these army
stances check out my guide on army stance here. While your army is in the raiding stance
you will gain money because of all the looting your troops are doing across the territory.
The more troops and what types they are will affect how much money you gain from raiding
territory. This money will keep coming in each turn your army is in this raiding stance
within enemy territory. Once your army is out of the raiding stance you will no longer
gain this income. Note: If enemies are raiding you it will affect how much money you make
in taxes as they are stealing from you. There are downsides to raiding but check out my
guide on all the army stances for more on those.
Battle Loots & Ransoming Captives When your army goes into battle and wins you
also will gain money. Any battle fought and won will give you some loot from the wreckage
of the enemies supply trains as they retreat. This post battle loot can be increased by
fighting bigger battles, play as a faction such as Chaos or Greenskins or from skills,
followers, attributes and items your characters may gain. In addition to this some faction
have the option of ransoming the captives from the battle. This often come with a small
penalty to morale or some other stat depending on your faction but can give you a sizable
sum of money if you choose so.
Sacking If you win a battle over who will control
a settlement or city you are given a few options. One of these options is to sack the settlement.
When you choose this you will gain a large sum of money for doing so and will downgrade
or even destroy building within the settlement. There are penalties for doing this but depending
on your faction or plan for the war it may not mean much to you. Settlements that have
more wealth will also give you more money when they are sacked. Certain races such as
Chaos and Greenskins again do better at gaining money from this since they are almost completely
dependent on it for their income. The money you gain can also be boosted by skills, followers,
attritubutes, and items that characters in your army may have.
Lords & Agents As with some of the previous methods there
are also ways for your faction to make money through your characters. An example of this
are the battle wizards skills tree for the Empire. They have skills in their first section,
based on the campaign map effects, that increase income in whatever province they are present
in. There are also skills some characters have that lower the construction or recruitment
cost of units when in an army or a province. While some of these skills are not making
you money they are saving you money which can then be spent elsewhere. It has been shown
from players in the community that having multiple agents with these traits and building
a strong economy in one province that you can generate tens of thousands in taxes from
one province. Consider this option depending on your faction and your needs.
Less Armies: The biggest way to save money is having less
units and less armies in total . On the top of the campaign map UI there is an icon representing
army waste. As your armies grow in number the supply lines will begin to have waste
and money taken out mysteriously before reaching your troops. This increases upkeep costs for
your faction so planning out your expansion and keeping secure borders through diplomacy
can help you limit how many armies you need thusly lowering the overall upkeep cost for
each army. This also means that if you have even one less army you can save thousands
in gold just from the troops upkeep cost. Also sometimes when your are at a relative
peace and your not about to go to war Hold off on adding those new units to your army
until your about to go to war. Each turn those troops don't fight a battle they are still
costing you in upkeep. Try to hold yourself back from having a full stack army when you
may not need it.
If you want more Total War Warhammer guides check out my guide on army stances here or
my guide on population growth here. If you liked this video don't forget to like it and
subscribe for more Total War Warhammer guides. Until next time my name is Hylor and I will
see you all soon!