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The republic of San Marino lies in central Italy,
聖馬利諾共和國位於 義大利中部,
less than an hour’s drive from the warm sands of the Adriatic Coast.
距離亞得里亞海岸的溫暖沙灘 不到一小時車程。
With an area of just over 40 square miles,
面積僅有 40 多平方英里,
this country is Europe’s third smallest,
after Vatican City and Monaco.
Rising dramatically from the republic’s rolling hills and farmlands,
在國境內連綿山丘與農地起伏間 隆起一座高峰,
is Mount Titano.
那就是蒂塔諾山 (Mount Titano)。
It was here that the country’s founder,
第三世紀時,聖國國父,聖馬利諾 (Saint Marinus)
Saint Marinus, sought refuge from religious persecution in the 3rd Century.
為逃離宗教迫害 而藏身於此。
Over the centuries,
three towers were built to ward off those who would challenge its independence and freedom.
陸續矗立起三座高塔, 抵禦那些挑釁獨立自由的人。
Today these towers watch over a country overflowing with history, culture and beauty.
這些高塔今日傲然俯視國家豐富的 歷史文化與美景。
Just beyond the cliff-top towers lies the republic’s ancient capital,
在如峭壁般險峻的高塔後方, 是共和國古時首都,
which is also called San Marino. Whether you take the winding drive,
也稱為聖馬利諾。 無論您是 驅車沿著蜿蜒山路而行、
or ride the cable car, once at the top,
you’ll find yourself in another time,
another state of mind.
San Marino City’s historic center has received world heritage status,
聖馬利諾市的歷史中心 已被宣告為世界遺產,
and as you wander the narrow streets it’s easy to see why.
當您漫步於狹窄街道時, 不難了解其原因何在。
San Marino is the world’s oldest constitutional republic.
聖馬利諾是全世界最古老的 憲法共和國。
High above the world of endless change, this is a place that holds proudly to its past.
The heart and soul of this republic is Liberty Square.
自由廣場 (Liberty Square) 是這個國家的 心臟和靈魂。
Here stands San Marino’s very own Statue of Liberty,
這裡矗立著屬於聖馬利諾自己的 自由女神雕像 (Statue of Liberty),
and its town hall, the Palazzo Pubblico.
以及市政廳共和國宮 (Palazzo Pubblico)。
Time your visit to catch the changing of the guard,
此處的衛兵在夏季時 每小時交接一次,
which takes place every hour in summer.
Once inside, look for the bust of Abraham Lincoln,
進入宮內,首先要看的是 林肯半身像,
who saw the values of this republic as a beacon of hope
他在美國南北戰爭的黑暗時期 體會了這個共和國
during the dark days of the American Civil War.
代表了希望燈塔 價值非凡。
Step inside the Council Hall,
where a painting of Saint Marinus watches over those who guide the country into tomorrow.
牆上掛著一幅聖馬利諾畫像,俯視監督著 引領這個國家走向未來的人。
Wherever you turn you’ll see tributes to the republic’s founder,
人們對共和國國父的感念 無處不在,
no more so than in San Marino Basilica,
where the bones of this simple stonecutter now rest beneath the altar.
因為聖國國父的遺骸 如今就安奉在教堂祭壇下方。
Like the republic’s founder Saint Marinus,
many have sought refuge on this mountain,
including the Italian revolutionary hero, Garibaldi.
包括義大利革命英雄, 加里波底 (Garibaldi)。
In 1849 the general and his followers took advantage
1849 年,這位將軍及其追隨者 接受了
of the republic’s hospitality to elude capture by pursuing armies.
共和國的盛情,來此地躲禦 敵軍追擊。
Today, San Marino is a welcoming escape for lovers of art and history too.
今日的聖馬利諾則熱誠歡迎 藝術與歷史的愛好者。
Discover centuries of firepower in the Museum of Ancient Arms,
在古代武器博物館 (Museum of Ancient Arms) 發現火藥的百年歷史,
and more whimsical exhibits at the Museum of Curiosities.
還有珍奇怪誕博物館 (Museum of Curiosities) 裡 的奇人異物。
Stand before the sacred artworks of the St Francis Museum,
觀賞聖法蘭西斯博物館 (St Francis Museum) 的 神聖藝術品,
then explore the priceless treasures of the State Museum.
然後探索國家博物館 (State Museum) 內的 無價瑰寶。
The republic is also a tax-free haven for shoppers.
此外,共和國也是逛街採購的 免稅天堂。
You’ll find all the luxury brands here, as well as more traditional offerings.
奢華品牌和 傳統商品一應俱全。
San Marino’s coins and stamps are sought after by collectors all over the world.
聖馬利諾的硬幣與郵票更是 全球藏好追求的目標。
But for a souvenir that is truly unique,
have your passport stamped in the state tourist office.
您只要帶著護照到國家旅遊辦事處, 就能蓋上獨一無二的戳章。
But of course the true stars of San Marino are its towers.
至於聖馬利諾最耀眼的光芒 當然非高塔莫屬。
Dating back to the 11th century, Guaita Tower,
可追溯至 11 世紀的瓜伊塔塔 (Guaita Tower)
is the oldest and the largest fortress of the three.
是三座高塔中最大、最古老 的碉堡。
Admire the adjacent bell tower that once warned of impending attack,
緊鄰的鐘樓過去用來 警示敵人入侵,
but which today unites San Marino’s citizens in times of celebration.
如今則在節慶時 拉近了聖馬利諾民眾之心。
Follow the scenic pathway to the highest point of Mount Titano.
跟著景觀道路來到蒂塔諾山的 最高點。
Here, half a mile above sea level, rise the battlements of Cesta Tower.
這裡的高度是海平面上半英里, 切斯塔塔 (Cesta Tower) 的城垛豎立起於此。
Standing like a lonely sentinel on Titano’s farthest peak, is Montale,
而蒂塔諾山最遠處的山峰上,則站立了 宛如哨兵般的蒙塔萊 (Montale),
the smallest of the towers. Although the tower itself is now closed,
也是三座高塔中最小的一座。 這座塔本身 目前雖未開放
its remoteness means you’ll enjoy the mountain’s cool air without the crowds.
而且地處偏遠,但意味著您可以遠離人群熙攘 盡情享受涼爽山氣。
What this country lacks in size,
it more than makes up for with that rarest of qualities,
但其特有的寧靜 平和氣息,
serenity. After all, its official name is, The Most Serene Republic of San Marino.
已完全彌補面積之不足。 畢竟,她的官方全名是 最寧靜的聖馬利諾共和國。
To experience this sense of peace, don’t just come for a daytrip,
若想體會這種寧靜平和的感覺, 不要只來此匆匆到訪一天,
escape into the heavens for a night or two.
For after the tour buses have returned to the busy world below,
因為當遊覽車回到 山下紛擾世界後,
a stillness descends.
And in that stillness you’ll feel something
which has kept San Marino’s light burning brightly across the ages ~
讓聖馬利諾能夠 跨越時空的光芒源頭 ~