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I’ve never understood how a transmogrifying alien robot would know enough to be, like...“Well,
before I turn into this truck, I better make sure I have a license plate.”
You know. Wouldn’t want to get a ticket or anything.
Of course, there are a lot of things I don’t understand. Like why anyone would ever expect
a film or television tie-in to be a promising video game. Because much like a heaping platter
of German sausages, these things...are the wurst.
The point is I didn’t expect much when I popped in this particular licensed game, let
alone the fact that this is the Wii version of said game. And typically, that’s a recipe
for disaster, but lo and behold...with this one, there’s more than meets the eye.
It’s Transformers: Prime for the Nintendo Wii.
At first, Transformers: Prime seems like a predictable 3D beat ‘em up. Playing as various
Transformers, you pound on bad guys before moving on. But what makes it more entertaining
than the average beat ‘em up...is the diversity and polish of its gameplay.
For starters, each level focuses on a new Transformer, so you’re always using a different
character. Not only that, but you’re also doing different things. One stage provides
classic brawling, but the next might be a high-speed pursuit. There’s an awesome balance
between vehicular and on-foot stages that breaks things up beautifully and really keeps
the game from feeling stale.
Another nice touch is that the two approaches aren’t separate. The brawling and the driving
can be combined...so you can transform into a vehicle, rush toward a bad guy, transform
back in midair and then hit a really brutal attack. So the dynamic between driving and
brawling benefits the game even when you’re on foot.
Of course, with all that said, you shouldn’t expect this game to blow your mind or anything.
It’s a good licensed brawler, but...keep things in perspective. Some of the robot models
look nice, but the environments can be a bit bland visually. There’s a multiplayer mode,
but not much in terms of other modes...you get the idea.
Still, this is a brand new Wii release, which is something we don’t get to say much anymore.
And the nice thing is that...it’s actually a pretty solid one. Even during the system’s
heyday, third-party licensed games were usually way worse than this, so kudos to Now Production
for treating it like more than just an afterthought.
Wii owners have waited a ridiculously long time for a decent Transformers game, but...finally...it’s
here. In 2012. It’s Transformers: Prime for the Nintendo Wii.