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Welcome to How To Cook That I am Ann Reardon and today we are making a giant
Butterfinger chocolate bar with crunchy thin layers of caramel with peanut
butter in between. Here on How To Cook That I make giant chocolate bars and
give them to people who doing giant things and we've done a giant Hershey's
Kiss, a TimTam, Toblerone
Snickers, Kit Kat, Twix, Mars Bar and even a Ferrero Rocher.
Let me know what you'd like to see next in the comments below. This one had heaps
of requests but we don't actually have Butterfinger here in Australia so I had
to order some in from the US so I could have a taste.
Butterfinger bars taste peanutty and they have an unusual crunchy layered
texture so it took lots of experimenting and doing things in my kitchen to figure
out how we can make something very similar without the use of commercial
machinery and without commercial ingredients. So to make it what you're
gonna need is sugar,
peanut butter, water, glucose syrup or corn syrup, more peanut butter, and corn
flour or cornstarch. And you'll also need a tiny bit of citric acid. I'll put all
the recipe quantities on the howtocookthat.net website for you in
grams and ounces and cups and i'll put a link to that below. With the peanut
butter in the corn flour we want to warm up the peanut butter in the microwave
and then mix through the corn flour.
Now we don't need the peanut butter to be hot we just need it to be a little
bit more liquidy to make it easier to mix in. In the real butterfinger they
use freeze-dried flakes of corn and if you can get hold of those just switch
them out for the cornstarch
but they're not corn flakes like the serial corn flakes so don't use that.
Place the sugar water and glucose syrup into a pan
and stir that until the sugar is dissolved. Then use a wet pastry brush
and wash down the sides of the pan.
This just gets rid of any sugar crystals that are on the side of the pan because
they can cause it to crystallize back out which is not what we want.
Add a candy thermometer and then add in the citric acid just sprinkle it over
the top. And now we want to let that boil
unstirred until it goes golden and we want to keep heating it up until it
reaches 310 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove it from the heat and stir through the
peanut butter that doesn't have the cornstarch in it. And this is only one
sixth of the total amount we're going to need for this giant bar but we have to
make it in sections or it would be too big to handle for the next step that we
need to do. Immediately pour that out onto a large baking silicon mat and
spread it out evenly be careful not to touch it as you know it is extremely hot.
Let it cool slightly and then spread some of that peanut butter cornflour
mixture over the top of one half. Using the mat fold the hot sugar over the
peanut butter and press it down slightly. Lift the mat off, now if it's sticking to
the mat like this it needs to be a little bit cooler. Try flipping it over
and see if the bench is cooled down the other side so you can peel off that one.
Spread more peanut butter mixture on one half and then fold it over again.
Then fold it again and you can see that we are starting to get layers there but
we want them to be much, much thinner. Try and keep it in a rectangle shape just
use your hands to shape it. Then put the mat over it and roll it out with a
rolling pin just to flatten it slightly. Then fold that in half and roll it again
and we want to continue to roll and fold and roll and fold because this will make
the layers thinner and thinner. And I'm going to do this about 10 times and if
it gets too
firm to work with just pop it on
tray in the oven for about 30 seconds to warm it so that you can try again.
And you want to make sure you shape it into the shape of our bar.
I'm doing this bar in two halves because i have to get it into my hand luggage
and onto an airplane.
So if i wasn't doing that I'll just make it is one big one but you still gotta do
it in batches obviously. So make your rectangle shape and then leave that one
to cool and when you make your next batch
you're just going to stack that warm one on top of the one that's cooled. Just
pushing it down gently with your hand so that that's stacked up there so we'll have
three batches stacked up on each half of the bar.
Pour some tempered chocolate onto the baking paper and add the bar on top and
you can see all those layers in the candy there.
Once that chocolate is set take a knife and trim around the base to make
it nice and straight. Now balance the bar onto two glasses and pour tempered
chocolate over the top just letting it drip down the sides. Now if you have not
tempered chocolate before I have a whole video explaining the various ways to do
it at home and what it means.
It just means that the chocolate will set firm at room temperature.
If you don't do that will only be firm while it's in the fridge which is not
going to work when we've got to take it on a plane. Now you can go to the
chocolate playlist on Youtube.com/howtocookthat or I'll put a
link to it below so you can find that chocolate secrets video.
Once those drips have set, just run a knife along the base to cut them off. Now
to wrap it
just place the two halves topside down onto some yellow contact and obviously
if you're not going on a plane you could just have the one bar instead of the two
halves. And then place a piece of core-flute board over the top and wrap the contact
around sticking it together at the underneath there. Then flip it back the
right way up and at each end
peel off the backing
and then just fold that down over the end of the bar like you're wrapping a present.
Then pull out the sticky part, just pull it out to flatten it and push the ends
Cut off the excess using pinking shears so you get that jagged zigzag edge. Then
you just want to print out the words and glue them on over the top.
So today's guest we have Seth Franco who is a famous basketball player and a
motivational speaker who speaks to students all around the world.
Hey, nice to be here. So I have a few questions for you first I'd like to know
where do you live?
Well i live in Pittsburgh now and I'm originally from New York.
Nice place. And what is the best thing about Australia? The food!
Are you sweet tooth or savory? Uhhh I'm more of a sweet tooth. You're on
the right channel!
What is the longest time you've ever spun a ball on your finger for? You
can pretty much spin it as long as you want. And is there a world record?
I believe it's over three hours long.
I have a confession i have never tried to spin a ball on my finger before. Do you
want to try and spin a basketball. Hmm, yeah.
We go speak at schools especially with the young kids, I'll spin a basketball
and i'll grab their finger and put it on. I'm a bit nervous. Don't be nervous
Just like that. There you go that's pretty cool!
Now if i actually wanted to learn how to do that how long did that take to learn
to do it yourself?
I tell kids that if they practice every day for a few minutes probably about a
month and then how to do it or they could. Or they could just have you and then you can do it instantly.
Okay is your favorite basketballer Kobe or Jordan?
Michael Jordan in my book is the best part who's ever played the game
basketball. Some people may have an argument. Yes in the comments let us know
who you think it's the best. And you were playing college basketball you had
a scholarship, life was on the up for someone who wants to be a basketballer
then what happened?
I woke up one morning and I wasn't able to walk. That's pretty scary!
Yeah i was frustrated and scared
I reached out to a buddy of mine, he took me to the hospital and I had
surgery on my left leg.
I went from being in a wheelchair to crunches to using a cane to walking. How long
with that process?
Oh a couple months. It sounds easy in fast-forward and I'm sure it would have been frustrating.
Yeah, during that time when I couldn't work on playing basketball my
legs I worked on basketball tricks and hand-eye coordination just trying to
pass the time.
And so with that the end of your basketball career basically? No I
continue to play,
even though i was struggling. I was still strong enough to compete and hide my pain.
Kenny the Jet Smith a former NBA player with the Houston Rockets who played
during Michael Jordan's era,
he recommended me to the Harlem Globetrotters. So I went out and tried
out for the Globetrotters, a 10-day try-out. Every day like a reality TV show they
would cut one player and ended up making the team.
That's awesome. Yeah and so yeah I started to live my dream out. We
traveled all over the world, was on television, newspapers, magazines, radio it was
a dream come true.
So you went from living what you thought was going to be a dream to your hopes just
getting totally dashed and then was there ever a moment there where you just
actually felt like giving up?
That's a great question because that moment came after playing with the
Harlem Globetrotters.
Ok. I never finished that year so that dream came true and I never finished my
rookie year, I was two weeks away.
We were in France on a world tour I went to get up into the game and I started to
I couldn't get up the trainer took me to a vehicle and we went to the hospital and
the doctors came out and said you have what's called hip dysplasia. In Australia
everybody, all the babies like I know my kids were screened for that and I get
put in a brace if they have it.
Yeah most of the time if you diagnosed it's when you're young child or an infant.
I had a minor case of hip dysplasia and they say the minor cases of hip
dysplasia or the worst because they go undetected. Right.
That is not like a text book situation.
Yeah i lost the ability to walk later on. I had to stop playing and they said you
have to have both your hips replace. Wow, how old we then? I was 25. And so that's
not something a 25 year old usually goes through.
Yeah, so three years ago I had my left hip replaced the next month
my right hip replaced. Wow. So my story is still unfolding and I go through times
where I feel discouraged but I've learned something great ...
it's okay to struggle but it's not okay to give up. Take your pain and do
something negative with it and hurt someone else or you can take your pain and turn
it into something positive.
That's powerful. And sometimes the fastest way
to get out of a tough time is to take your eyes off yourself and help someone else.
I love that, others focused. Even our interview today
maybe there's someone watching who's going through something. Maybe they'll be
reminded that they have the power to choose the right attitude no matter what they're going through.
yeah, which is awesome. Well we love what you're doing, we love that you didn't give up and
that you are now
others focused in doing what you're doing. And on my channel on How To Cook That we
have a special way of saying thank you to people who we think are doing
amazing things. Cool!
So we have one more question for you do you prefer Milky Way or Butterfinger?
Butterfinger! Butterfinger.
Ok well i have here for you today a giant we can get this off a giant a
Butterfinger bar!
This is great. So you can try and pick it up if you like.
See if you can spin that on your finger. This is no joke, this is heavy! No this is no joke this
is actually a real giant Butterfinger. That is awesome, you just made my day!
Great, well we'll get you to open it up i don't think you'll be able to bite it.
This really is a giant Butterfinger. It really is a giant Butterfinger, that's right.
This is what it's all about right here!
That's really good. Be inspired to do giant things
Tastes just like a Butterfinger. Subscribe to How To Cook That for more cakes
chocolates and desserts.
Click here for the giant chocolate bar series, here for the recipe and here for
my YouTube channel. Share this video with a friend!
Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.
I'm shocked that you made it so accurate!