字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Exploring the world of breath of the wild is one of the best gaming experiences I have 探索《荒野之息》的世界是我曾有過最好的遊戲經驗之一, ever had. 探索《荒野之息》的世界是我曾有過最好的遊戲經驗之一, There is something meaningful hidden under every rock, and every area Link explores holds 總是有某些有意義的東西藏在每一顆石頭下,每個區域都「連接」(LINK) 一些迷人的秘密。 some fascinating secrets. 總是有某些有意義的東西藏在每一顆石頭下,每個區域都「連接」(LINK) 一些迷人的秘密。 What really amazes me is how incredibly rewarding it feels to explore every area of hyrule. 讓我驚豔的是,探索海拉爾每一個區域是如何給我滿滿的回饋感 No matter what you do or where you go in this game, you’ll always find something useful, 無論你怎麼做、你往哪裡去,你總會找到某些有用的東西, something rewarding. 有價值的東西。 This is key to keep the exploration in an open world game interesting and I don’t 這是保持開放世界新鮮度的關鍵, think any open world game before nailed this as much as breath of the wild does. 而我不覺得之前有哪個開放世界遊戲做到過《荒野之息》達到的境界。 But there is one gameplay complaint I have recently seen very often: The weapon durability 但我最近常常看到一點對這個遊戲的抱怨:武器耐用性, and the fact that your weapons break after a couple of fights bothers quite a lot of 你的武器在幾場戰鬥後就會壞掉,而這對許多玩家造成困擾。 gamers. 你的武器在幾場戰鬥後就會壞掉,而這對許多玩家造成困擾。 While I do understand that this seems pretty annoying at first glance I believe that the 然而我十分了解這個初看十分惱人的設計, weapons breaking so fast in this game is not only ingenious, but one of the main reasons 在這個遊戲裡武器這麼快壞掉不只是巧妙的設計,同時也是為什麼《荒野之息》 why the whole exploration gameplay in breath of the wild works in the first place. 能夠成功讓探索成為遊玩主軸的主要理由。 There are a couple of mechanisms in the game which reward exploration, but in my opinion 在這個遊戲有許多獎勵你探險的機制,但我的想法, the concept around the weapons is the most important, and it only works because your 關於武器的概念是最重要的,而且只有在武器是消耗品時 weapons are basically consumables. 探險機制才能發揮作用。 So are you ready? 那,你準備好了嗎? Let’s do this! 我們開始吧! (INTRO) 00:01:19,530 --> 00:01:23,840 要了解武器的低耐用性解決了《荒野之息》什麼問題, In order to understand which problems the low weapon durability in breath of the wild 我們需要先討論兩個開放世界遊戲的問題。 solves, we need to talk about the following two problems of open world games first. 開放世界遊戲給玩家能夠在任何時刻去任何地方, An open world game promises that the player is able to go to every area in the game at 而且他可以在每個地方經歷一些有趣的事情。 any time, and that he will experience something interesting there. 但那會是遊戲設計師的重大問題,因為他們會無法控制 And that’s a huge problem for the game designers, because they completely lose control over 玩家會在哪裡,會發生什麼事情。 where a player is and what happens to him when. 在線性遊戲裡,設計師可以在被運用之前先介紹遊戲的概念, In a linear game the designers are able to introduce concepts before they are used, and 他們可以漸進地增加遊戲的難度。 they are able to constantly increase the difficulty of the game. 他們可以確保玩家不會遇到現階段玩家無法應付的挑戰, They can make sure that no player is confronted with a challenge for which he isn’t prepared 同時另一方面,他們也可以確保玩家不會碰到 yet, and on the other side they can ensure that no player is confronted with challenges 對他的階段來說太簡單的挑戰。 which are way too easy for his point of progression in the game. 但是開放世界遊戲,遊戲設計者可沒這種好事, But open world game designers don’t have this kind of luxury. 如果遊戲是完全的開放遊戲且所有區域都可以去探索,所有的設計者能做的是 If a game is truly open and every area explorable all the designers can do is give a player 給玩家暗示,哪個地方他們要玩家去。 但他們無法再掌控更多了。 hints where they want him to go to, but they can’t control it anymore than that. 理論上玩家可以跑去最強最後的地城,偷走寶箱中過強的武器 In theory a player can run into the toughest end-game dungeons, steal an overpowered weapon 再回到早期的地方,玩家就變的過強了。 from a chest there and come back to the early game completely overpowered. 或是一個已經通關的玩家可以回到早期的地方,然後一擊殺所有怪物。 Or an endgame character can run into areas meant for the early game and one-shot everything. 但是這不是設計一個遊戲的好點子,因為這樣真的 But it’s not a good idea to design a game in this way, because such mechanics actually 會讓大部份的玩家減少玩遊戲時的喜悅。 make the gaming experience less enjoyable for the majority of players. 跑去一個對你現在等級來說太難的區域通常都不是個好經驗。 Running into an area which is too hard for your current level is usually a pretty bad 跑去一個對你現在等級來說太難的區域通常都不是個好經驗。 experience. 但是,更不誘人的是,在單人遊戲中你的角色過強了。 But what’s even less enticing in a single player game, is being overpowered. 過強實際上會奪走整個遊戲的體驗, Being too strong practically takes away the whole gaming experience by rendering former 讓之前的挑戰變得沒有挑戰性,事情變得無聊,並奪走了遊戲裡真正的目的。 challenges into unchallenging and therefore boring tasks and takes away the actual objective 00:02:58,350 --> 00:03:03,170 這是遊戲設計裡最有趣的悖論,因為玩家總是會 of the game. 嘗試各種方法作弊,去找出強力的策略 That’s one of the most interesting paradoxes in game design, because players always try 讓他們可以完全欺騙遊戲,所以他們會主動地去找出這些策略。 to find a way to cheat the game, to find a strategy so powerful that they are able to 但是當他們找到這個神奇方法的時刻, completely trick the game, so they actively search for these strategies. 遊戲也瞬間變得不再那麼好玩了。 But the moment they find such a strategy the magic wears off, and the game suddenly isn’t 在遊戲中一個比其他策略更強力的策略 fun to play anymore. 叫作「主宰策略」,而你通常不想要它出現在遊戲裡。 A strategy that is way to powerful compared to other strategies in a game is called a 所以你讓玩家在開放世界可以去他現階段還太難的區域, dominant strategy, and it’s something you usually don’t want in your game. 但你不能允許的是,玩家在那邊找到好裝,因為 So you can allow a player in open world games to go to areas way too hard for his current 那會完全毀掉現接段所有的內容。 progress, but what you can’t allow is a player finding good loot there, because it 你的玩家將能夠把自己裝備成像個通關角色然後在 would completely break every content up to this point. 早期區域走透透而再也沒有任何挑戰性。 Your player would be able to equip himself like an end game character and walk through 我們現在已經離《荒野之息》的武器耗損議題有點遠了,但是請再跟著我一下下 the early game without being challenged in any way. 我保證這是有意義的。 We are pretty far away from the weapons breaking in breath of the wild now, but stay with me 我要說的是,你不能讓一個開放世界遊戲 for a moment I promise it will make sense soon. 可以讓玩家去最後的區域,宰了敵人如果他技術夠好,再回來 The point I’m trying to make is that you can’t have a real open world game where 一擊殺所有東西,因為那不是個好的遊戲經驗。 a player can go to end game areas, kill enemies there if he’s skilled enough and come back 開放世界遊戲需要防止發生這樣情況的機制。 and one shot everything, because that wouldn’t be a fun experience. 例如,在《上古卷軸V》,敵人掉的寶是取決於你現在的等級。 Open world games need mechanisms in place to prevent this from happening. 跟你在哪裡沒關係,你一定會遇到跟你實力相當的敵人, For example the enemies and the loot in skyrim are generated depending on your current level. 撿到你相應等級的裝備。 It doesn’t matter where you go, you’ll always find enemies about your strength and 另一個例子是《巫師3》,基本上是把你限制在特定的區域 loot fitting your current level. 直到你主線進展到一定的階段。 Or as another example the witcher 3 basically locks you out from specific areas until you 在《巫師3》你幾乎不可能殺掉比較高等很多的敵人, progressed to a certain point in the main quest. 就算你有辦法殺掉他或是找到一個沒人顧的高等寶箱, It’s almost impossible to kill enemies far above your current level in the witcher 3, 你也不能裝備它,因為你的等級得要到一定程度 and even if you manage to kill them or find an unguarded high level treasure chest you 才能夠用特定裝備。 won’t be able to equip these items because you need a certain level in the game to equip 而且讓你的角色升級最好的方法是走主線任務,因為支線任務 certain items. 跟敵人只會給你幾近微薄的經驗值。 And by far the best way to level your character is to follow the main quest, as side quests 別以為我在貶低《上古V》跟《巫師3》,它們是超棒的遊戲,可能是有史以來最好的了。 and enemies grant almost no experience. 別以為我在貶低《上古V》跟《巫師3》,它們是超棒的遊戲,可能是有史以來最好的了。 Don’t get me wrong the witcher 3 and skyrim are incredible games, probably among the best 但是兩者都有控制玩家進度的機制,並阻止玩家 ever made. 拿到太強的裝備破壞遊戲。 But both have mechanisms in place to control the progress of a player and to prevent the 但是《荒野之息》沒有像這樣的系統。 player from breaking the game by finding too strong items. 一旦你結合教學劇情,你真的可以直接前往最後區域。 But breath of the wild has no such systems. 就算你只有三顆心且沒裝備,你也可以殺掉遊戲裡最強的敵人, You are really able to go to the final area as soon as you finished the tutorial. 然後你也可以拿走並使用它們的武器。 You are able to kill the strongest enemies in the game even if you only have three heart 而這只有在《荒野之息》打破了許多開放世界RPG的規矩時才能發揮效用。 containers and no armor, and you are able to get and use their weapons. 這個遊戲讓你可以在一個小時內拿到遊戲裡最強的武器, And this only works because breath of the wild breaks with a lot of open world RPG conventions. 因為武器不是永遠的,它是消耗性的。 The game can allow you to get the most overpowered weapon in the whole game within an hour, because 就算你找到你現行進度來說太強大的武器,你會在幾場戰鬥中超強, the weapon is no longer permanent, it’s a consumable. 然後你又會回到你本來的狀態,這實在太棒了! If you find a weapon way too strong for your current point of progression you are completely 然後你又會回到你本來的狀態,這實在太棒了! overpowered for a couple of fights, and then you are back where you started, and that’s 在早期找到太強的武器不再是「主宰策略」, great! 而是你打敗你原本應該贏不了的敵人時,遊戲設計者真的可以賞給你的獎勵。 Finding a really strong weapon too early is no longer a dominant strategy, but a reward 而是你打敗你原本應該贏不了的敵人時,遊戲設計者真的可以賞給你的獎勵。 the game designers can actually give you for taking out enemies you weren’t supposed 但不只是如此,他們真的可以鼓勵你去探索現在對你還太強的地方, to kill yet. 讓你試著找出沒有好裝時也可以打敗強敵的方法。 But not only this, they can actually encourage you to explore areas you are yet underpowered 讓你試著找出沒有好裝時也可以打敗強敵的方法。 for, and let you figure out cunning ways to defeat stronger enemies even without the necessary 當你好幾個小時不使用武器,就像在RPG裡頭常做的這樣, gear. 遊戲中還是有對愛心數量與裝備的進展機制。 And while you won't use a weapon for hours like you usually would in an RPG there is 所以找到一個強武不代表你永遠可以再去殺怪並再拿到更強的武器 still a system of progression in the form of heart containers and armor in the game. 因為你在某種程度還是會被你的生命與防禦值所受限, So finding a strong weapon won’t allow you to get more strong weapons by beating stronger 但他們可以讓你來揮舞這些強武一陣子, enemies forever because at some point you’ll be limited by your health and your defense. 而這比其他大部份的開放世界RPG能給你做的還要多。 But they are able to allow you to wield these strong weapons at least for a little bit and 然而武器這麼快壞掉還有第二個理由,這個理由可能更重要。 that’s more than most open world RPGs allow you to do. 然而武器這麼快壞掉還有第二個理由,這個理由可能更重要。 But there is a second reason why the weapons break so fast, and this one is probably even 如果你設計了一個廣大的開放世界,佈滿敵營等待解決、偉大的祠堂等待發現、 more important. 支線任務等待解決,你會遇到一個問題: If you are designing a huge open world, filled with enemy camps to destroy, epic shrines 有更多的內容就代表越難在遊玩這些內容時給玩家好的獎勵 to discover and side quests to solve you run into a problem. 有更多的內容就代表越難在遊玩這些內容時給玩家好的獎勵 The more content there is the harder it gets to give a player a great reward for playing 在開放世界遊戲裡更複雜,當你無法明確掌握 this content. 你的玩家現在在哪裡。 This is even more complicated in open world games, as you have no clear control where 只有在你第一次探險時獲得獎勵時,探險一個廣大的遊戲世界才是有趣的。 your player is at which point. 只有在你第一次探險時獲得獎勵時,探險一個廣大的遊戲世界才是有趣的。 Exploring a huge game world is only fun if you are rewarded for exploration in the first 但是當有更多的內容與事物等待探索,當玩家探索一切事物, place. 就越難一直給玩家同等意義的獎勵。 But the more content and things to explore are in the game, the harder it gets to reward 例如說《巫師3》,是透過訴說他們美麗雕琢的世界裡的故事來獎勵玩家, a player for everything he explores in a meaningful way. 來解決這個問題。 The witcher 3 for example solves this problem by rewarding the players by telling them stories 不需要好裝備或是經驗值,因為故事本身就已經是獎勵了。 in their beautifully crafted universe. 不需要好裝備或是經驗值,因為故事本身就已經是獎勵了。 Great gear or experience rewards aren’t needed because the stories are already rewarding 但是強大的故事並不是薩爾達系列傳奇之處, on their own. 那麼,《荒野之息》要如何不管你在哪裡都可以給你有意義的獎勵? But great storytelling isn’t what the Zelda series is legendary for. 那麼,《荒野之息》要如何不管你在哪裡都可以給你有意義的獎勵? So how is breath of the wild able to reward you with something meaningful wherever you 其實,有很多系統都在發生作用,但是其中最有趣的系統 go? 就在於你的武器會壞掉這個事實。 Well, there are several systems at play at once, but interesting enough most of these 遊戲能夠一再地給你有用的武器作為獎勵。 systems are tied to the fact that your weapons break. 而你也會很高興地一再刷到一樣的武器,因為好武器 The game is able to reward you with the same useful weapon over and over again. 在這個遊戲中是消耗性的,你總是會想辦法儘量多帶一些有用的武器、弓跟盾。 And you will happily be looting the same weapon over and over again because a good weapon 在這個遊戲中是消耗性的,你總是會想辦法儘量多帶一些有用的武器、弓跟盾。 is a consumable in this game and you always want to carry as many useful weapons, bows 聽起來有點瘋狂,但我還是很高興撿到遊戲早期的劍, and shields as possible. 因為我有這些比較差的劍,讓我可以省下好劍的耐用數, It’s almost a little bit crazy but I’m still happily picking up useful early game 以便之後面對更艱困的戰鬥。 swords, because having these bad swords allows me to save the durability for tough fights 武器是遊戲中主要的獎勵之一,而這實在是很高明, on my good weapons. 如果一個敵人帶著強力的武器讓它因此更危險,但你會更想要去打敗它, Weapons are one of the main rewards the game has to offer, and this is really brilliant. 因為你會想要這個武器。 If an enemy carries a stronger weapon it becomes way more dangerous, but you want to kill this 甚至解開可洛可種子的小謎題的獎勵,也是跟武器空間有關係, enemy even more because you want his weapon. 透過不斷地拿走對你有用的東西,遊戲允許你去每一個角落 Even the reward of the small korok seed puzzles is tied to getting more weapon slots. 來找出有用與有意義的東西。 By constantly taking away what is useful to you the game allows you to find something 而且到處去找出有用與有意義的東西,就是開放世界遊戲的關鍵。 useful and meaningful around every corner. OK,主要就是這樣。但還有一件事我要快速講一下, And finding something rewarding and meaningful everywhere is key to an open world game. 為什麼《荒野之息》不能有修理武器的系統? Okay that’s mainly it, but there is one more thing I wanted to quickly talk about, 管裡你的武器空間是這個遊戲中的重要部份, why there can’t be a weapon repair system in breath of the wild. 你總是要有一兩個強力武器以防你遇到真正強大的敵人, Managing your weapon slots is a pretty important part in the game. 但你也會想要有爛的武器來對付弱的敵人,這樣你就不用 You always want to have a couple of really strong weapons in case you find a really tough 拿出好武器在遜咖身上。 enemy, but you also want to have trash weapons for weaker enemies, so that you don’t need 而且,你可能也想帶個可以採礦的鎚子、帶個可以煽風的葉子、 to use the good stuff on trash. 或是帶個火把以便點火。 Additionally you maybe want to carry something to mine ores, a leaf if you need wind and 無限的儲存空間會嚴重抵觸這個遊戲的生存面向, a torch if you want to set something on fire. 而且會造成你物件管理的糟糕情況。所以你會發現一個狀況: An infinite inventory would completely work against the survival aspect of the game and 你想要帶許多不同的東西在身上,但是空間是有上限的。 would lead to horrible item management, so you find yourself in a situation where you 如果修理武器是可能的,你會開始帶著好武器, want to carry a lot of different items around, but have only limited space. 它雖然受損但還是一直佔著儲存空間。 If it was now possible to repair weapons you would start to carry good but damaged weapons 但是如果把它用掉以便把空間空出來,會很浪費因為 around, which would clog your inventory. 你可以永遠修復好的武器。 But using them in order to free inventory space would be a waste because it’s a good 所以他們不給你修復系統是因為遊戲不想讓你 weapon you could potentially repair forever. 帶著五把受損的武器並只有兩格空間讓你使用。 So they can’t have a repair system because it’s important to the whole game not to 整個在《荒野之息》裡的冒險、戰鬥與獎勵系統只有 run around with five damaged weapons and only two slots you actively use. 林克的武器是消耗性的情況下才能發揮作用。 The whole exploration, fighting and rewarding system of breath of the wild only works the 如果武器是永久的,敵人會掉什麼武器就不重要了, way it works because Link's weapons are as consumable as his potions. 他們需要一個系統是讓林克可以遠離通關裝備, If his weapons were permanent it wouldn’t matter that his enemies dropped their weapons, 以防整個海拉爾變得不再有趣 they would need a system to keep Link away from end-game loot and there would be way 當我瞭解到,它需要花費一段時間來習慣這個系統,我認為 less exciting loot all around hyrule. 這是開放世界遊戲應該有的高明且優雅的答案, While I do understand that it takes a while to get used to this system, I think it’s 而且我認為這也是為何探索海拉爾的每一個區域是那麼有趣的其中一個比較不明顯的原因。 a brilliant and elegant solution for a lot of problems open world games tend to have, 而且我認為這也是為何探索海拉爾的每一個區域是那麼有趣的其中一個比較不明顯的原因。 and I think it’s one of the less obvious reasons why it is so much fun to explore every 我希望你喜歡這個短片,如果你喜歡別忘了給我一個讚。 area of hyrule. 也許你今天覺得很好奇,訂閱按紐到底有沒有壞掉? I hope you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed it don’t forget to leave me a thumbs (你可以按一下) up and maybe you feel especially curious today and want to find out if the subscribe button 祝你有個美妙的一天,並期待不久後再見。 breaks if you hit it. Goodbye. I hope you have a wonderful day and to see you soon. Goodbye.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 遊戲 武器 玩家 獎勵 荒野 開放 為什麼你的武器在《塞爾達傳說:狂野之息》中會斷裂|解構遊戲設計。 (Why your Weapons break in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild || Deconstructing Game Design) 221 12 Yuyu Chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字