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00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Hello, how ya doing?
Hi what's your name? Diane. Diane, nice to meet you Diane. Would you do me a favor and step right on this side?
And what's your name? John. John, nice to meet you.
John, how long have you been married to Diane?
almost twenty eight years. So it's getting close to twenty eight?
When's the anniversary? June. June, is he right?
00:00:34,579 --> 00:00:38,610 Within a month. Ok, just checking.
John. John and Diane what we're gonna do
is a test of your love to see if you can actually make it all the way to
okay, but don't worry, I have confidence in you. here's how this works
Diane for what should you do is is choosing card from the deck
It can be anyone you want but keep in mind this card is going to represent
your love for John , and John's love you
Don't get the joker. Anyone you like. You can even look if you see one that you prefer. It doesn't matter.
You like that one? Ok, don't let me see it. What I want you to do is this.
I gonna have you write your name
on the face of the card. Right on this side. And when you're done, John, would you also write your name on the
face of the card? Not on the back.
While they're doing that,
I just want to tell you guys something. I don't usually do a lot of card tricks in my show cause they
make me feel sick
00:01:30,249 --> 00:01:35,979 That is so embarrassing, sorry you had to see that.
You guys should see when I catch a cold...Look there's boogers on it kids.
No, it's snot.
Have you guys both signed it?
Ok, good. Don't let me see it yet. And may I have the marker?
Ok, I'll put that in my pocket. And hand me the card. I won't look at it.
I'm going to hold this up so everyone can see it. This is a very easy card to remember, because it's the only one that both John and Diane have signed.
This is indeed their love-card.
"Whispering" I'll give you a dollar if you tell me what it is.
Just kidding. I'm kidding. I don't really have a dollar.
Now, Diane take the card. Is this still the one? Yes.
Hold it at the tip of your fingers just like this.
Perfect. Now the reason I have...make sure it's still your card. Nothing has happened yet.
Just take a peek. Now what I want you to do, is I'm going to have you put your card back into the deck.
About here. That's about half way down. My favorite spot.
Now, Diane, take your left hand, could you hold it here. Right straight above this line.
John, take your right hand, your right hand goes above her's like this.
The space between your hands is their hands
is their love vortex.
Or the slang term
tunnel of love if you will.
Here's how this works. I'm on your side Diane.
Now, John, here's how this works.
You can test a couple's energy between each other. Their love for each other.
If, you take deck of cards and place them inside of their love vortex.
If it's true love. If its gonna go all the way to twenty eight or more years
That deck of cards, inside that tunnel,
will begin to shake, uncontrollably John. Let's see what happens tonight.
Ok, relax your arms for now. Relax your arms for now.
When that happens one card rises from the center
Just like butter to the top of milk.
One card rises to the top. They find their very own love-card. Give them a round of applause!
That's a good sign.
But, that's not the trick. That's not the trick. Keep the tunnel!
We're just getting warmed up. Alright. Now just for this time, I need you to make it a little bit smaller.
Just for the sake of the trick.
Now, John, is this your love card? Yes. Diane, is this your love card?
Yes. Keep your eyes on the card ladies and gentlemen, the two of diamonds.
The two of diamonds goes here. John, take your hand and place it on top of the card, so I can't slide it
in or out.
We're going to use one more card. We'll use this one. The eight of diamonds.
Now, watch closely John.
Keep your eye on the eight. I'm not going to touch you guys, I'm just going to make a shadow.
When I do... They switch.
I've got the two and what do you have? Is it the eight of diamonds? It should be..
Yes it is ladies and gentlemen, and that means it's going to last forever, give them both a big round of applause! John thank you so much.
Diane, can you stick around just for a moment? I need your help. I'll give her back. I promise, in one piece.
Now, the reason I had you stick around Diane. I need you to help when I explain how
this works to the audience. I'll shuffle the cards fist.
You originally chose the two of diamonds right? You picked it out. So just reach in and
grab a new card.
Try to get the same one you already signed and that'll save us some time.
Did you get it? The two of diamonds? Good! Yes. She's drawn to that card for some reason. Now.
Here's the cool part. Watch this. The card then went into the center of the deck.
00:05:16,539 --> 00:05:20,780 About there. Is that about half? It's pretty close. Now, watch this.
I will now show you the most difficult way in the world, to find a card.
First we'll shuffle the cards, then I'll give them a one-handed cut.
From the center of the one-handed cut, John and Dian's love card will come flying out of the center,
do ten 360's in the air, and I'll catch it.
On a good day!
Here we go Diane. First the shuffle. Am I really shuffling? Don't worry about that
card. Doesn't matter.
He's gonna stay down there until he learns the rest of the routine.
Am I really shuffling? Yes? Yes!
One handed cut looks like this.
One card comes out of the center.
That was only seven. Eight, nine, ten...Is that the right one though?
Now we're going to do that
one more time, because the first time you see it happen, you don't know where to look.
So, here's what we're going to do.
Just to make sure. I want you to just say stop whenever you like.
That should be your card right there. that's the one? Now watch.
As the card leaves the center of the deck, this time again, but invisibly.
and it lands here...
in my pocket.
We're going to repeat it one more time. I don't want to repeat it a million times, but the first time you see that happen
you don't know where to look, cause you don't know what to expect. But we'll do it again.
This time you know where to look
So this is the only card that you signed right? It's one of a kind.
leave the deck
and end up in my right front pocket.
Here we go. Is this your card? Yes.
Is it really going into the deck? No Illusion?
Really happening. Watch closely.
Did you see anything happen?
Other than, you didn't see me do this? HaHa. Empty hand.
If it's in there will you be impressed?
Yup, that's it. Thank you very much!
Diane, they don't believe me. Is this indeed your card? It is.
One final time
we don't want to overdo it.
Here I'm gonna make this a little bit easier this time.
I'm going to give you jobs. I want everybody on this side of the room to
watch my pocket. Make sure nothing goes in, or comes out of my pocket.
Everyone over here, watch my hands. Make sure I don't try to hide anything between my fingers like this.
And everyone over here, watch Diane, make sure she doesn't try to get away.
Diane, would you do me a favor and go ahead and grab a card?
Let me see it for a second.
Is that the one?
Blow on it. Good, so now it's the one, so hold onto that.
Say stop whenever you like. Stop! Put the card there. It's really going in?
No illusion? It's really going in? Watch this.
I'll roll up the sleeves. Nothing up the sleeves, but these massive guns.
Diane: "It's an illusion" Audience laughs
00:09:17,260 --> 00:09:18,580
00:09:18,580 --> 00:09:22,860 Don't be funnier than me Diane!
Alright. Now, now everybody's confused.
Diane, just say stop.
Right there. That should be your card, is it? Ok, just so we know it's still in the deck.
Nothing has happened yet. On the count of three, it will leave invisibly and land in my pocket
One, two, three. Did you guys see
anything go in or out of my pocket? No. Anything hidden between my fingers? No.
Is Diane still here? Yes. Diane, watch this. Empty hand, yes?
In my pocket, is...
Is this your love card? NO! Huh?? NO!....Oh!
Wait a second, wait a second, I know what I did.
Diane, is this...
your love card? NO! Oh boy.
I threw my back a little there.
Diane. Ok, I over did it now. Is it any of those?
00:10:28,700 --> 00:10:32,170 I don't want you to think that I have a whole deck in there. Look.
My pocket's empty. Is there anything in there but lint? No. Check this out.
Kids, I will now produce a rabbit from my pocket.
It's a hair.
00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:53,430 Or a dust bunny. Something like that. Now,
Diane, here's what we're going to do, on the count of three. One, two, three.
Boom. Your card is now in there. To be fair I want you to reach inside and get it.
I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. I'm not allowed to do it like that...anymore.
Every since that lawsuit.
Diane. Is this the card? NO. Seriously!
I've gotta speed this up. It's taking too long.
Any of those? NO.
I actually know what I did. I made a mistake. I accidentally made the entire deck...
Is it any of those? The only card that didn't go.
00:11:35,070 --> 00:11:37,130 Is the one and only signed
Two of diamonds!
00:11:45,700 --> 00:11:48,970 Now, John. I'm going to sign this too so all three of our signatures will be on it.
and then what you can actually do is use this as a free pass to get in
my show in Las Vegas.
As soon as I get one there. And ugh...
John take this to the guy at the door in Vegas and tell him Chad Chesmark
said this gets me in for free, and then he'll tell you where to go.
Ladies & gentlemen lets hear it for them one more time. John and Diane. Thank you so much, you were wonderful.
00:12:20,940 --> 00:12:22,310