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  • The Red Sea Crossing

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  • The Red Sea Crossing.

  • Egypt is steeped with a grand history of ancient science, technology, and beautiful structures.

  • But is there evidence of the Children of Israel ever living here in Egypt?

  • Many years ago this large stone was discovered in the first cataract of the Nile on Elephantine

  • Island. The inscription states, "For seven years there had been no satisfactory inundation

  • of the Nile. As the result of this, grain of every kind was very scarce. In this terrible

  • trouble, King Tcheser remembered the god Imhotep who had once delivered Egypt from a similar

  • calamity."

  • Imhotep can be found in Egyptian history in many places, and it appears he was a sage,

  • who was elevated to a god over a period of centuries after his death.

  • "Perhaps most confident was Imhotep, the architect who probably conceived of building Djoser's

  • tomb completely from stone. Known as a sculptor, a priest, a healer, Imhotep is considered

  • the preeminent genius of the Old Kingdom . Imhotep had even saved his country from famine."

  • Could Imhotep and Joseph have been one and the same person?

  • We head to Saqqara Egypt , a short distance south of Cairo . This is where the first pyramid

  • was built in ancient Egypt . It is called the step pyramid due to the distinct levels

  • in its shape. If we look carefully though, we can see where a smooth veneer layer of

  • limestone had once been applied over the brick, creating a smooth surface, but most of it

  • has since been removed.

  • Here is where we find the statue of Pharaoh Djoser, under whom Imhotep served. It was

  • on the base of this statue of Djoser that Imhotep was mentioned as a man, not as a god.

  • He was "first after the king," with his cartouche shown here.

  • At the complex of buildings, the main hall is of importance to us. It was here and in

  • other locations in Egypt , that Joseph saved his country from famine.

  • "Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, indeed seven years of great plenty will come throughout

  • all the land of Egypt, but after them seven years of famine will deplete the land."

  • In Joseph's day, as one entered the building, they would make their way down this hallway

  • to purchase grain. There would be many cashiers available for customers of various languages

  • to trade for the much needed food.

  • "The famine was all over the face of the earth, and Joseph opened all the storehouses and

  • sold to the Egyptians."

  • As we exit the hallway through the area in the rear, we see over on one side, a series

  • of deep structures where grain was stored underground during the seven years of plenty,

  • then over the next 7 years it was sold to the Egyptians and visitors from other countries.

  • A system of vertical underground silos created a cooler environment for the grain to be stored.

  • This was the design of the genius, Joseph.

  • When grain was removed from storage, the oldest grain was carried up by way of this long,

  • descending stairway. The grain silos were interconnected via tunnels which allowed the

  • grain to flow down to a central exit point, located at the bottom of this stairway.

  • A record of this event of removing the grain can be seen on hyroglyphics such as this at

  • Thebes showing the sacks of grain being carried up the stairs from the graineries. Another

  • example of this can be seen at the tomb of Iti.

  • As a way to honor the Lord of heaven, Joseph built this first pyramid in Egypt at Saqarra,

  • to show his thankfulness to the Lord for honoring him and saving the Egyptian people from famine.

  • "In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt ."

  • Centuries later, many other great pyramids were built in Egypt, following the lead of

  • Joseph or Imhotep.

  • 2.3 million large blocks of stone, weighing 2-3 tons each, were used in the largest pyramid,

  • causing some to wonder how they could have been constructed using ancient technology?

  • It has been a mystery for centuries.

  • Ron Wyatt conducted a great deal of research on the subject to help shed light on this

  • puzzle.

  • He read the account of Herodotus, who wrote, "The stones intended for use in constructing

  • the pyramids were lifted by means of a short wooden scaffold. Lifting devices were provided

  • for each step."

  • Mr. Wyatt noticed lift devices in hieroglyphics. These lift devices would have been placed

  • on each side of stones that were to be raised.

  • At Saqqara, we can see hieroglyphics of three lift machines next to a pyramid shape, linking

  • the two together.

  • Large wooden levers were found in King Tut's tomb that were used in the machines. A series

  • of these levers were placed alongside the blocks to be raised, and would operate in

  • unison.

  • A large stone was loaded onto the machine, then the levers on each side were pulled downward

  • by ropes tied to turning winches, thus raising the stone block as needed. When the block

  • was raised to the proper height, it was rolled onto the next level, and then raised again.

  • A series of lift machines would have been utilized.

  • Mr. Wyatt demonstrated this type of lift machine to Mr. Nassif Hassan, head of The Egyptian

  • Antiquities Organization of Cairo. The demonstration was filmed by Japanese Nippon Television and

  • later aired in Japan . This lift machine appears to be a simple solution to the mystery of

  • constructing the pyramids.

  • When Moses was a baby, his adoptive, Egyptian mother was Hatshepsut, and Moses name was

  • Senmut. The serpent on his forehead signifies his title of prince.

  • As an adult, Moses' Egyptian name was Tutmoses II.

  • A side profile of Moses demonstrates his distinctive Hebrew-shaped nose.

  • After Moses killed the Egyptian, he fled from Egypt and its territories, for fear of the

  • current Pharaoh. "When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses

  • fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian."

  • Moses was married and then had a son whose name described their foreign home, "He called

  • his name Gershom, for he said, 'I have been a stranger in a foreign land." This tells

  • us Moses was not in any area controlled by the Egyptians.

  • "Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And

  • he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And

  • the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush."

  • The Lord told Moses to bring the Children of Israel back to this mountain outside of

  • Egypt .

  • After ten plagues had struck Pharaoh and the Egyptians, he finally agreed to let Moses

  • take the children of Israel from Egypt.

  • Based upon the research he conducted, Ron Wyatt believed that the Pharaoh of the Exodus

  • was Amenhotep III.

  • Here we see Amenhotep receiving the Onk, as a type of power and new life being infused

  • into his body.

  • Mr. Wyatt speculated that Amenhotep's eldest son was King Tutankhamun and that he was killed

  • by the destroying angel in the tenth plague. Amenhotep and Tut were co-rulers at that time,

  • in the late 18th dynasty, in 1446 BC.

  • Surprisingly, in the Biblical Archaeology Review, it stated that, "The majority of archaeologists

  • do not believe in the exodus from Egypt."

  • Tradition has told us that the exodus from Egypt led the children of Israel to the Sinai

  • Peninsula, but no evidence has been found of their having been in that location for

  • 40 years.

  • Also, tradition has said that the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea in an area that

  • does not match the biblical account.

  • Could the Bitter Lakes be the Red Sea spoken of in the Bible? Could thousands of soldiers

  • all drown in relatively shallow water?

  • The traditional Mount Sinai, Jabel Musa, is located in the southern, mountainous area

  • of the Sinai Peninsula. This mountain was chosen by Helena, the mother of the Roman

  • Emperor Constantine in the fourth century. It was not chosen by any archaeological evidence

  • at the site, but was based upon the dreams of Constantine, and subsequently chosen by

  • Helena as Mount Sinai.

  • Later in the sixth century, the Emperor Justinian built Saint Catherine's Monastery at the foot

  • of the mountain to establish a sense of authenticity to the site.

  • This is tradition. But what is the truth? Let's break out of a man-made story and ask

  • the question, should tradition supercede the Bible? What does the Bible tell us about the

  • exodus from Egypt?

  • The children of Israel were living in, "The best of the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had

  • commanded." This area is the fertile Nile Delta in Northern Egypt .

  • "And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen." This also describes

  • the fertile Nile Delta.

  • The Nile Delta is shown here at the northern termination of the Nile, full of lush vegetation

  • in contrast to the surrounding desert.

  • On the night of Passover, the first born in each Egyptian home died in the final plague,

  • then the children of Israel left Egypt that same day, "And the children of Israel journeyed

  • from Ramses to Succoth, on that very same day, it came to pass that all the armies of

  • the Lord went out from the land of Egypt."

  • On the day of Passover, the children of Israel crossed the canals of the Nile and became

  • an organized unit at Succoth. They had left the country of Egypt proper, but they were

  • still in territory controlled by the Egyptians.

  • "So God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea."

  • The wilderness of the Red Sea is what we call today the Sinai Peninsula, which is surrounded

  • on two sides by the Red Sea. It was through the northern region of the peninsula that

  • they traveled day and night, making their rapid escape from the hands of Pharaoh.

  • During the day they were shaded by the pillar of cloud that would have also provided moisture

  • for them. At night, the pillar of fire would have given them light for their journey.

  • At Etham, they turned south and headed through the mountains in the wilderness of the Red

  • Sea, traveling through a narrow canyon then stopping at the Red Sea.

  • This expanse of water is called the Gulf of Aqaba today, but in Moses' day it was called

  • the Red Sea .

  • "King Solomon also built a fleet of ships at Ēzīonber, which is near Ēlath on

  • the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Ēdom."

  • Ancient Ēlath is modern day Ēilat, Israel. Our modern day Gulf of Aqaba is the ancient

  • Red Sea or Yam Suf.

  • This is the beach where the children of Israel were trapped with nowhere to escape. The Egyptian

  • army was fast approaching, and it appeared death was eminent. The children of Israel

  • cried out "Because there were no graves in Egypt , have you taken us away to die in the

  • wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us to bring us up out of Egypt?"

  • The children of Israel were already out of Egypt when they were preparing to cross the

  • Red Sea. This would exclude any crossing of the Bitter Lakes or the Gulf of Suez. It was

  • at this site, that God was preparing to demonstrate to His people, a great miracle that would

  • prove His loving care for them.

  • This is the large beach on the Gulf of Aqaba, called Nuweiba Egypt. This is where it appeared

  • that the forces of darkness were about to be triumphant, but God was in control. Across

  • the Gulf is the land of Midian, and the Holy mountain of God .

  • They were to "Camp between Migdōl and the sea." Migdōl meaning a fortified city or

  • tower.

  • At the north end of the beach are the remains of an ancient fort still partially standing

  • today.

  • It was once a three story structure, capable of housing hundreds of Egyptian soldiers who

  • could have prevented any northern escape from the beach.

  • The location is precisely at the narrowest point of land, between the mountains and the

  • sea, in order to control the movement of travelers through the area.

  • The fortress today is receiving a fresh coat of stucco, which is unfortunately covering

  • up the original stone blocks.

  • At the front of the fortress, we are able to see the stonework that formed the entrance

  • into the structure.

  • In the middle of the courtyard, we can see an ancient well that would have supplied the

  • fresh water for the many Egyptian soldiers that were housed here.

  • Outside, we can see how tall the structure had been in its former days, a full three

  • stories in height.

  • Another description of the location for the Red Sea crossing was, "Camp before Pihiroth,"

  • which means, "mouth of a hole or canyon."

  • As the children of Israel entered the beach, they had made their way through a system of

  • Canyons or Wadis, and encountered this beach at the red sea.

  • The Bible tells us, "They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in."

  • They had finally made it through the canyons that snaked their way through the mountains,

  • but now they were trapped on the beach.

  • "And the angel of God who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them,

  • and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. So it came between

  • the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel."

  • It was here that the pillar of cloud blocked the Egyptians from advancing toward the children

  • of Israel.

  • Jōsēphus tells us, "For there was on each side a ridge of mountains that terminated

  • at the sea, which were impassable by reason of their roughness, and obstructed their flight."

  • There must have been excitement as they reached the beach at the sea, but that soon turned

  • to gloom as they discovered their plight, they were trapped on the beach, awaiting their

  • death at the hands of Pharaoh.

  • From the middle of the beach we can see the opening of Pihiroth in the distance, but we

  • head south, in order to locate an amazing marker here at the beach.

  • Near the road, we see this large pillar which was found by Ron Wyatt in 1978, during his

  • first visit to this beach. It had fallen down and was lying in the edge of the water, but

  • today it is about 500 feet from the sea and has been set in concrete.

  • The unique features of the red granite pillar, include the fact that it is of Phōenēcian

  • or Hebrew design, and is 3000 years old. It was placed here for a reason, to mark the

  • location of the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground.

  • This pillar is even mentioned in the Bible . . . "A pillar to the Lord at its, Egypt

  • 's, border."

  • At the south end of the beach, is where we can see the pillar.

  • A matching column on the other side of the gulf, in Saudi Arabia, was found by Ron Wyatt

  • in 1984, and was shown to Saudi authorities. On the Saudi pillar were Hebrew inscriptions

  • which included the words, Pharaoh, Mizraim or Egypt , Moses, death, water, Yah-way, Solomon,

  • and Ēdom .

  • The inscriptions on this column have been removed, since the Egyptians living here were not excited

  • about a Hebrew celebration marker, located in their own backyard.

  • Using Google Earth, one can zoom in on the beach here and spot the pillar standing near

  • the road. This is an exciting use of technology to see the Bible come alive.

  • The pillar stands here today as a testimony of truth, marking the location of the Red

  • Sea crossing. From here we can see the water that presented itself as an obstacle to the

  • children of Israel.

  • A short distance downhill, we come to the edge of the water where a wonderful miracle

  • took place where the Lord provided protection to His people, even though they were angry

  • and complaining.

  • "Are you not the One who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that made the

  • depths of the sea a road for the redeemed to cross over?"

  • For centuries this beach has been named for the crossing of the Red Sea at this exact

  • spot. On Google Earth we can see the name Nuweiba at this point on the beach.

  • his older, detailed map reveals to us the complete name of the beach. Nuweiba is short

  • for Nuwayba Al Muzayenah.

  • The name on this beach, Nuwayba Al Muzayenah , gives us confirmation that we are in the

  • correct location. The translation of that name means . . . . . Waters of Moses opening

  • . . . . This is where the waters opened by the hand of God. The Lord demonstrated to

  • His people that he would be their protector and deliverer in times of trouble.

  • Through Divine providence, we have confirmation that we are at the correct location. Moses

  • once stood here with the children of Israel, and the water was opened before them by the

  • hand of God. An amazing testimony of truth.

  • Depth charts of the Gulf of Aqaba show the Elat Deep to the north, and the Aragonese

  • Deep to the south. Between these two deep areas, is a path through the sea.

  • When Ron Wyatt was at this spot in 1978, he decided to inspect the waters here for any

  • evidence that may have been left behind from approximately 20,000 chariots, plus the horses,

  • horsemen, and foot soldiers. What he found has been confirmed by others.

  • Diving in the water here is extremely easy since the water is very clear with high visibility.

  • Investigations have revealed artifacts which confirm our previous conclusions about the

  • site.

  • The sea floor is smooth and contains gradual contours.

  • Our first artifact to inspect is this chariot wheel that still has three of its four spokes,

  • plus the hub is extending upward. We see 90 degree angles here, which are a sign of man-made

  • structure.

  • "The Lord looked down upon the army of the Egyptians and He took off their chariot wheels."

  • The chariot wheel with four spokes was the most widely used by the Egyptians.

  • Egyptian chariots were known to use metal hubs in the center of the wheels.

  • Using metal detectors, divers have found metal in the raised hubs that are now covered in

  • coral.

  • Here we see another four spoke chariot wheel with one spoke missing, and a center raised

  • hub. The coral here has preserved the chariot parts by retaining the man-made structure,

  • even after the wood has disappeared.

  • Here we see another wheel suspended on its axle, standing at attention. It has six spokes

  • and a raised center hub.

  • Ron Wyatt made many dives here and located many artifacts. This could have once been

  • a chariot cab.

  • This appears to be another round chariot wheel.

  • Horse remains have also been found here, such as this shrunken hoof. Horses are not in the

  • Sinai Peninsula today.

  • Human remains have also been found, such as this coral-covered femur bone on the right.

  • Lab tests confirmed that it is in fact bone.

  • Other bones have also been found. A cross section reveals the bone inside the coral.

  • Here we see a chariot wheel standing on its axle in this old 1978 footage shot by Ron

  • Wyatt.

  • Next we see an eight spoke wheel with one spoke missing. Eight spoke wheels were only

  • used during the 18th Dynasty, the time of the Exodus.

  • The premier find here at the crossing site, is this gold veneer that was left behind from

  • a four spoke chariot wheel. The Bible tells us there were 600 "choice chariots" used in

  • the chase of the children of Israel. This artifact was left behind at a depth of 200

  • feet. Since specialized equipment would be necessary to raise it to the surface, today

  • it is still in the location where it was found.

  • Since there are chariot parts on this side of the Red Sea Crossing, could there be other

  • chariot parts on the other side of the gulf, showing a continuation of artifacts?

  • On the shore opposite of Nuweiba, inspection of the sea floor in Saudi Arabia has also

  • been conducted to see if chariot parts can be found on this side of the Red Sea crossing.

  • While investigating the Saudi Arabian waters, Viveka Ponten found this beautiful, round,

  • chariot wheel specimen, with a raised center hub. This is confirmation of the chariot parts

  • continuing to the other side of the crossing site, opposite Nuweiba.

  • By confirming the location of the Red Sea crossing, one is then able to conclude without

  • a doubt, that the real Mount Sinai must be over in Saudi Arabia, in Midian, just as the

  • Bible says.

The Red Sea Crossing


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(Revealing God's Treasure - Red Sea Crossing)

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    雖 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日