字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi,this is Ray 哈囉我是阿滴! Today I'll be talking bout' 今天要來跟大家討論 Difficult Chinese Words to translate 很難翻譯成英文的中文單字~ As you guys all know 好那大家都知道呢 something went viral in Taiwan two days ago 前兩天發生了一件轟動全台的事情 suddenly,people are talking about how important translation is 然後突然之間所有人都非常關心翻譯 I've done an episode before 我之前其實已經做過一集 which is talking about 就是在整理我覺得 Chinese words that are hard to translate 很難翻譯成英文的中文單字 So today 那今天呢 Let's go with the flow 我就想說順著時事 and make episode two 我們來延續一下做個第二集 In this episode,a lot of words 那這一集呢有很多的字都是來自上一集留言區 are from the comments given by everyone 大家給的建議 First,let's check this comment out 所以首先我們先來看一下這個留言 Did I get em' all (yup~) 都有講到嗎?(有~) Oh,okay~ 喔,okay~好! I've just used up my brain for the entire episode 好,我已經花完了一整集份量的腦子了 So that's a wrap 所以我們今天就這邊結束囉~~~ If you like this video 如果你喜歡這個影片 give us a thumbs up 請幫我們按個讚 If you want to see more videos 如果你想看到更多影片不要忘記訂閱 Don't forget to subscribe 我們的 YouTube 頻道... okay~I’m just mimicking Louis 好啦~我在學放火中途放棄影片XD Back to the right track 好回到主題 wait a min,this is kinda disturbing 嗯~~等一下,這個好像有點礙眼 So today,I've also sorted out some Chines words 好所以今天也是為各位整理了幾個 that are hard to translate 很難翻譯的中文 Let's check em' out one by one 我們就一個一個來看看吧~~~ How to translate 瞎妹? 瞎妹要怎麼翻? So what kind of a person is a 瞎妹? 瞎妹是什麼樣子的人呢? The first feature of 瞎妹 is that she doesn't know she's a 瞎妹 第一個特色就是她自己不知道自己是瞎妹 but all the people around her do 不過她周圍的人全部~~~ 瞎妹 only cares about her appearance 瞎妹就是只注重外表 and posts selfies frequently 常 PO 一些自拍照 or something that doesn't match the context 或者是一些圖文不符的東西 You'll likely to unfriend her after seeing those posts 然後讓人看到就想要翻白眼或者是取消追蹤 If you wanna describe a person 英文如果你想要形容一個 who only has appearance but she's empty inside 只在乎外表但是內在空空的女生 You can use the English word,bimbo 可以用 bimbo 這一個單字 And 瞎妹 always tries to get attention 然後通常瞎妹會想要在社群網站上面 on social media 做一些引人注目的事情 as for this 那這個的話呢 you can use the adjective,attention-seeking 你就可以用 attention-seeking 這個形容詞 so combined those words 所以呢把兩個加在一起就是 attention-seeking bimbo on social media attention-seeking bimbo on social media If you don't wanna say such a long description 那如果你不想要講這麼長的話 you can simply use 你也可以簡單的說 attention whore attention whore Shh,don't tell people that I taught you this 好~~不要不要說是我教你的! How to translate 便當? 便當要怎麼翻? 便當 is a common food in Taiwan 便當是台灣很常見的食物嘛 It's got a main course, veges and rice 裡面有主食、有菜、有飯 But,they don't have the habit of eating 便當 in foreign countries 不過呢~在國外可能因為沒有吃便當的習慣 so it's a lil' bit hard to translate 所以就會有一點難翻譯 Some people would use the word lunch box 有些人會翻成 lunch box but it's not really precise 不過這個沒有很準確 cause' lunch box its just the box 因為 lunch box 它只是那個裝食物的盒子 the container 那個便當盒 It may be a metal one or plastic one 它可能是鐵盒,可能是塑膠盒 so you can't say that I’m going to eat a lunchbox 所以你絕對不能說 I’m going to eat a lunchbox This is wrong 這是錯的 I think there're two translations that are acceptable 我認為呢可以接受的翻譯有兩個 One is Bento,though it came from Japanese 一個是 bento,雖然說這個是日本來的外來語 But the concept of 便當 is the same in Japan and Taiwan 不過日本便當的概念跟台灣差不多 so I think it's a pretty acceptable one 所以應該是可以互通的~ The other one is boxed meal 另一個呢是意譯 boxed meal It's a meal put inside a box 一個裝在盒子裡面的一餐 Here I wanna give you some words 這裡補充幾個單字 The box from restaurants is called to-go box 一般餐廳外帶的紙盒可以叫做 to-go box If it's a paper bag 如果是紙袋的話呢 it's paper bag or doggie bag 就是 paper bag 或者是 doggie bag How to translate 小屁孩 小屁孩要怎麼翻? hmmm,do I know any 小屁孩? 小屁孩~嗯!我有認識屁孩嗎? ( You are 小屁孩 alright? ) (你才是屁孩好嗎?XD) 小屁孩 means that he is spoiled 我對屁孩的定義是缺乏管教 not polite and smart 沒有禮貌、沒有大腦的小朋友 He doesn't have to be young 年紀也不一定要很小 He may be an adult with those characteristics 可能是長很大的人,但他智商跟小朋友一樣 can also be called a 小屁孩 這也是屁孩 Because family education kinda has an impact on it 因為跟家庭的管教好像蠻有關係的 so you can say spoiled brat 所以可以說 spoiled brat which is a spoiled kid 也就是被寵壞的小孩子 If you wanna emphasize the characteristics of nonsense 如果你是想要強調無知又討人厭這個特質的話 You can use the word,punk 那就可以用 punk,這個單字 But if it's a kid 不過因為是小朋友 You have to say little punk 所以要說 little punk Be careful with the pronounciation 這邊發音要注意喔 Don't pronounce it as "little",say "lil" instead 不要唸 "little",要唸 "lil'" lil, right? lil', alright? lil’ punk lil’ punk lil’ punk!!! 那種,lil’ punk!!! If you think punk is too hard 你覺得 punk 太複雜了 There's a even more simple choice 沒有關係,還有另外一個簡單的選擇 just call him little shit 你就叫他lil' shit 就可以了 How to translate 撒嬌 撒嬌要怎麼翻? This is a hard one 好這個真的很難翻譯 It has so many meanings in Chinese 撒嬌是一個可以一字用到底的中文 But there isn't a word you can use for all the circumstances in English 不過在英文的確沒有可以直接對應的單字 Between children and parents 小孩對家長撒嬌 Boyfriends and girlfriends 男女朋友撒嬌 pets and masters 寵物對主人撒嬌等等 all kinds of 撒嬌 各種不同撒嬌的狀況 You need to use different English words 可能都要用不同的英文來去敘述 If it's referring to acting cute 如果說是裝可愛的撒嬌 you can say act cute 可以說 act cute If it's the sweet talk condition 如果是甜言蜜語那種撒嬌 You can say sweet talk 可以說 sweet talk If someone did it with a purpose 如果是有目的地性的撒嬌 You can use butter someone up 可以說 butter someone up If it's between couples 那男女朋友之間的撒嬌 is is actually regarded as flirt 其實可以算是 flirt and if it's sticking together 然後喜歡窩在一起 and holding each other,use cuddly 抱來抱去的撒嬌可以說 cuddly Yeah,just use the Chinese word instead 有沒有覺得說中文就好了? How to translate 學長、學姐、學弟、學妹 學長、學姐、學弟、學妹,要怎麼翻? Okay,this is almost impossible to translate 這個的話真的就是因為 due to cultural diffrences 文化差異而使得難以翻譯 I saw an article written by John Barthelette 我去年有看到一篇畢老師的文章 He talks about 他就是在解釋有關 how to translate words like 學長、學姐 學長、學姊這一類的英文該怎麼翻譯 The summary of the article is that 他的大意是 In western cultures 英文文化當中很排斥 they hate words that divide people into different classes 有階級概念的稱呼 so lower classmen and uper classmen 所以 lower classmen 跟 upper classmen are words you don't really use in practical 都是很生硬而且不會實際上用到的翻譯 So besides freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior 所以除了 freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior 之外 There aren't any other expressions 沒有什麼其它的學長姐之稱 They even use 甚至呢現在會用 first year, second year, third year, fourth year to replace the old expressions first year, second year, third year, fourth year 來代替 But I think the word,senpai 不過我覺得 senpai (日文: 前輩) 這一詞好像在英文裡面 is getting more and more popular in Western countries 有越來越多人知道了,你可以去 google 一下 you can google,senpai notice me senpai notice me So...yeah,don't know how to translate it 所以這個到底要怎麼翻呢? How to translate 客氣 客氣要怎麼翻? There are many scenarios 最後這個客氣會被使用在不同的說法裡面嘛 the most common one is 不客氣 最簡單的就是「不客氣」 So how to say 不客氣 in English 好~不客氣的英文你會怎麼講? You're probably thinking bout' "you’re welcome" right? 你會怎麼翻?是不是 you’re welcome Let me show you an expression that's on fleek 太遜了,來讓阿滴教你一個更炫、更帥的回覆 one simple word,anytime 一個字就好了“Anytime.” Yo~~Check this out 來來來~你看看喔!你看看喔~ “Hey thanks for helping me out” “Hey thanks for helping me out!” “Anytime” “Anytime.” The person will fall in love with you immediately right? 馬上愛上你,有沒有? Ok,let's get back 好回歸正題,嗯~ 客氣 can also be used in「你不要跟我客氣」 客氣還可以用在「你不要跟我客氣」 In this expression 這一種用法裡面 It means that you want the person to act more freely 意思是說要對方要求多一點 The first one that cross my mind is "make yourself at home" 第一個想到的用法是 make yourself at home But that's what you usually say 不過這個通常是你邀請別人到你家裡面 when you invite people to your house 才會說的話 If you guys are outside 對~你在外面講 make yourself at home it'll be kinda weird 這個很怪嘛~對不對! If you say that in a restaurant 在一個餐廳 make yourself at home This is not your home!! This is not your home!! So another expression is " no strings attached" 那另外一個說法呢是 no strings attached which means you don't need to pay me back so just act freely 意思就是「你不用回報我所以不要客氣」 Ok,we talked about so many Chinese words that are hard to translate 好今天討論了這麼多難翻譯的中文 Did you guys get a lot of big platforms 有沒有給大家滿滿的 There are still many Chinese words that's hard to translate 那應該還是有很多難翻譯的中文 So if you are interested in a certain one 所以如果有的話呢 Leave a comment 記得要留在下面的留言區 We'll talk about them in the next episode 下次拿來做成影片給你們喔~ If you like this video,give me a thumbs up 如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按個讚以及分享! Don't forget to subscribe 記得訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道 There'll be new videos every Mon and Thurs at 9 pm 每個禮拜一、四晚上9點可以看新影片! We also have Facebook and Instagram,Just simply search Ray Du English 追我們的 IG 跟臉書可以搜尋阿滴英文! And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching as always 這就是今天的影片啦,謝謝你們的收看 and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya~~~ 下次見囉!掰掰!
A2 初級 中文 阿滴英文 翻譯 中文 客氣 屁孩 單字 便當?撒嬌?超難翻譯成英文的中文! // Difficult Chinese Words to Translate #2 (Difficult Chinese Words to Translate #2) 9849 423 Yo-Yo幽幽 發佈於 2017 年 08 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字