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  • - [Kendra] What do you think we should name the baby?

  • - We're at top five favorite names currently,

  • we wanna share with you guys.

  • (yelling, laughing)

  • (soft piano music)

  • - 'What is this, your cake is simple,' he said,

  • 'yet the flavor is complex,

  • 'it's funny but seriously delicious.'

  • 'Glad you liked it' said Amelia Bedelia.

  • 'Like it?' said chef Du Jour, 'I love it, it's fantastic!'

  • - What's his name?

  • - [Jeremy] His name's Harold.

  • - Harold has got before the moon did somethin'.

  • - [Jeremy] You're a reader?

  • - Mhm.

  • - [Jeremy] Our little reader, or so she thinks.

  • - No I'm a big reader!

  • - [Jeremy] You're a huge reader.

  • - But, what's this?

  • - [Jeremy] His name's Harold.

  • - Harold go over there before the moon

  • that darker right now.

  • - [Jeremy] Is that what it says?

  • - He built a castle.

  • - [Jeremy] I love how much Kendra

  • has taught out kids to love books.

  • - Good morning, it is cold out today

  • and the kids and I are headed to an awesome gym

  • to do some gymnastics

  • and get some wiggles and energy out for about an hour.

  • We're gonna meet up with some friends,

  • it should be a good time.

  • Laura, where are we going?

  • - A stathuc lesson.

  • - At gymnastics.

  • (rock music)

  • Nice one buddy!

  • Did you jump in the pit?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Kendra] Good job big girl.

  • - Its a ball pit!

  • - [Kendra] It's not a ball pit, it's a foam pit.

  • - It's a square pit.

  • - [Kendra] It is a square pit.

  • Okay c'mon little missy, climb out.

  • Good job.

  • (classical music)

  • - [Caleb] I'm thirsty!

  • (Caleb crying)

  • - Alright, confession time:

  • I have not been cooking meals for my family lately.

  • It has been so hectic since Christmas.

  • I feel like we were traveling, there was sickness,

  • then we got home and we've had like birthdays

  • and just like a ton going on

  • and I just haven't gotten back in to that routine

  • or meal planning and grocery shopping and all this stuff,

  • so I was really, honestly excited and relieved

  • when Hello Fresh reached out to us,

  • and they are sponsoring our video today,

  • and they are a meal subscription delivery service.

  • Jeremy and I tried Hello Fresh for the first time

  • back in December, and we were so impressed,

  • we immediately decided to get a gift card for my parents,

  • because we knew they'd love it too.

  • Open it?

  • Alright let's check it out.

  • So we've got one of these for each of the meals,

  • this one's for tortelloni, which sounds really good,

  • I love anything pasta.

  • Caleb this one's the meatballs.

  • I have never made homemade meatballs,

  • I've always been nervous about it.

  • Just 'cause I've never done it before.

  • - [Caleb] Why did they give us ice?

  • - To keep it cold, feel this, this is heavy.

  • - I can barely lift it.

  • - Try it.

  • That's pretty heavy, I'll take it.

  • - Meatball.

  • - Yeah this is the ground beef,

  • it's what we're gonna use to make the meatballs.

  • Which one should we make for dinner tonight?

  • - Meatballs.

  • - You wanna try it?

  • I'm feelin' large.

  • I'm like looking down and all I can see is belly.

  • Okay so this is everything we need.

  • Zucchini.

  • - Onions.

  • - You see onions?

  • This is fresh parsley.

  • We need the bulgar, the stock concentrate,

  • two and a half cups of water,

  • and a pinch of salt in a medium pot, let's go do that.

  • - [Isaac] That's chicken?

  • - [Kendra] It's chicken stock.

  • - I've never heard of chicken stock.

  • - [Kendra] We're trying lots of new things, huh?

  • - It's hard to grab them.

  • - [Kendra] Is it, are they kind of slippery?

  • - Don't cry.

  • - [Kendra] 'cause I'm cutting onions?

  • - [Isaac] Messy.

  • - It's a little messy.

  • Just roll 'em in to a ball and we'll set 'em right here.

  • - Sticky.

  • - That's a good ball.

  • - Ta da.

  • - [Kendra] You guys are like a meatball factory.

  • - Yeah, come to our meatball factory,

  • we make the same thing seven days.

  • - Let's wash our hands.

  • - Let's wash our hands.

  • - They're greasy.

  • - I found these, and they look like perfect meatball things.

  • - [Jeremy] Grabbers?

  • - So the kids are watching a show

  • while Jeremy and I finish up dinner,

  • and we're enjoying this time to talk to each other

  • and we're actually talking about baby names.

  • Well dinner's done and I'm excited to try it.

  • I like trying new things, it says 'Middle Eastern spices'

  • and Jeremy and I never eat Middle Eastern.

  • - This looks so good.

  • - [Kendra] Does that look like a lot food for you?

  • 'cause that's your dad's plate.

  • Can you find a plate with a more Caleb-sized amount of food?

  • There we go.

  • - I just wanna eat.

  • - [Kendra] Are you hungry?

  • - It looks so delicious.

  • - [Kendra] We've got the bulgar wheat,

  • which we've never had,

  • the meatballs, which look overcooked on camera,

  • but in real life are cooked really well for our family,

  • and then the roasted veggies.

  • - This is so cute, this is like wice.

  • - [Jeremy] It is kinda like rice.

  • - Everything together is amazing.

  • - [Jeremy] Well we loved our meal,

  • if you're interested in trying Hello Fresh

  • you can go to the link in the the description box

  • and use our promo code jhouse to get $35 off

  • of your first week of deliverables.

  • - Duck, duck, goose.

  • - [Jeremy] Get her, get her! Oh she made it.

  • Duck, duck, goose.

  • You're goin' the wrong way!

  • (big band music)

  • - I barely got you!

  • - Duck, duck, goose.

  • She's faster than I expected!

  • She got me, she was too fast.

  • You got me, you win.

  • - Okay, everybody put your hands in.

  • Ready, and we're gonna see if we can stand up all together.

  • Hold hands, ready? One, two three.

  • - [Jeremy] There we go, you got it.

  • - We thought it'd be fun to ask each of the kids

  • what they think we should name the baby,

  • I want these memories for the memory books.

  • Alright Ms. Laura are you excited for your little sister?

  • What do you think we should name the baby?

  • - A star.

  • - [Kendra] Star.

  • You think we should name her baby Star?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Kendra] That's a good idea,

  • what other names, ideas do you have for us.

  • - Mmmm, a light.

  • - [Kendra] Light?

  • - Maybe Audrey, maybe Melanie.

  • - I think it's Emily, or Sarah, or...

  • - I can't say that word.

  • - I like Rachel and Olivia.

  • - [Kendra] What do you think we should name the baby?

  • - Here hereana Jones.

  • - [Jeremy] Indiana Jones?

  • - [Kendra] I think that was Indiana Jones.

  • - [Jeremy] Okay we'll consider it.

  • - Bye.

  • The kids are finally all asleep I think, I hope.

  • - They're not, I actually just saw Elise is awake still.

  • Sorry, my nose itches.

  • Okay, thank you, that feels much better.

  • - That made my nose itch.

  • Did your nose itch 'cause of it?

  • It's like a smile, it's contagious.

  • - Or a yawn.

  • Well I know you guys have been very interested

  • in what we're gonna name our new baby.

  • I'm really interested too, we just haven't decided yet.

  • So while these are our top five names right now,

  • that doesn't mean that this is for sure gonna be her name,

  • this is just our top five picks right now,

  • I've been known to change my mind before.

  • Here they are in no particular order.

  • The names we're thinking about are Julia,

  • do you want me to say 'em all?

  • - We could rotate.

  • - Okay, then you go next.

  • - In second, well it's not in an order so,

  • the second name is Nicole.

  • - I'm trying to remember the names.

  • Audrey.

  • - Jenee.

  • - Or Marie, Marie?

  • - We like don't even know 'em.

  • - Was it Melissa?

  • - It was Melissa.

  • - [Both] Melissa.

  • - Alright, so let us know in the poll

  • which one of those is your favorite,

  • remember to think about how it goes

  • with the rest of the names in our family.

  • I really want you guys to think about this.

  • And that's it for tonight.

  • Thanks for watching, J House out.

  • You're supposed to say J House out too, with me.

  • - One, two, three.

  • - [Both] J House out.

  • - Ahh, stuff for babies!

  • - It's perfect!

- [Kendra] What do you think we should name the baby?


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B1 中級 美國腔

寶寶名字投票! (BABY NAME VOTE!)

  • 85 7
    Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日