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- Everybody go wild for Steven Bridges!
(everybody cheers)
We don't have a studio audience so
I just did my own intro.
Because I just wanted to make it feel more profesh.
Isn't that nice?
We've got Michael Dean, we've got Toby.
Toby has no last name.
We're gonna dive right into this.
Toby, I'm gonna do this, you just say stop.
- [Toby] Stop!
- Very nice. - Cool.
- We use one, two, three, four, four's good actually.
We use four.
Michael Dean, you have a different job.
I'm gonna deal down my single cards, like this.
You just say stop.
- [Michael] Stop.
- Nice. Cool.
- Let's have a little look.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.
No way.
That's the same.
'Cause you could've gone for a couple more
or a couple more.
- Ten.
- Yeah. - Those four cards.
- Are the four tens.
Diamonds, clubs, hearts. - What?
- What?
- Four tens.
- What?
- Now what would have happened?
- Toby, Toby, real quick, just say stop.
- [Toby] Stop.
- Cool. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
No, that's insane!
- Why?
- Those four tens?
They're now the four sevens.
- No. - Look.
- [Toby] But you didn't change those cards!
- No. No. No. Seven of diamonds, seven of hearts,
seven of clubs, seven of spades.
(Michael laughs)
- There we go.
- You all right?
- We're just getting started bae.
- Oh! There's more?
- Oh yeah, there's lots more.
Yeah, okay.
Let's dive in.
Mr Dean just reach and just touch one.
Sweet. Yeah touching its fine.
It doesn't really matter what you've got...
Except we'll go for a new card, seven of spades.
We just had the sevens.
Don't do that to me Michael Dean.
Just reach and just touch one.
Cool, flip it out, take it over, show everybody what we got.
Michael Dean!
I said a new card, he's going for the seven of spades.
Toby, just touch one.
Yeah, take it out, flip it over, what've we got?
- Ha!
- Toby, man, don't you let me down as well!
Toby, all you have to do is point to a card.
Just, like, not the top one, what you doing?
That one there, flip it out, turn it over, what've we got?
- [Toby] Ha!
- Seven of spades, Toby, you're breaking my little heart.
You're breaking my little magiciany heart.
Michael Dean, actually, here's what I want you to do.
Could you just scribble your name,
nice and big, across there.
Scribble it.
What's that?
- The pressure - What was that?
That's not even writing.
- It says Mike Dean-- - Hieroglyphs.
- The pressure was on.
- Okay, that's really terrible.
But that's fine, that's what we've got.
Toby, I'm just gonna carve little packets of cards now.
Whenever you like just say stop.
- [Toby] Stop.
- Yeah, drop those?
More or less, you happy?
- More! - More?
- More! - All the rest?
- Yeah! - How many?
- Some. - Too many?
- Two, two more cards! - Eighteen.
- Two more cards?
Fifty more cards. Two.
- Cool, yeah, good.
- Happy? - Yeah.
- Okay, I'll do--
- What!
(Michael laughs)
- You're ruining this, you're really ruining this!
- No!
(Michael laughs)
- Here's what we're gonna do.
Because this is getting confusing.
Oh, by the way, you might realise the reason
I got you to write your name on the card, Michael Dean,
is so that even if I had more than one seven of spades
that's the only one with your signature on, right?
So we don't have another seven of spades,
that's also got your signature on.
Because, obviously, you've signed this card.
We can't have more than one seven of spades.
(Michael laughs)
That's got your signature on.
'Cause these are the only cards in play.
(Michael laughs)
- Some people think that there's more than
one seven of spades in the deck.
And they think I've got a cheeky 'nother one
hiding in the middle of the deck.
Or sometimes they think that there's one over here as well.
But, obviously, that can't be the case because
the only one we've got is the one on the table,
with your signature on it, right?
In fact, yeah, some cards--
(Toby laughs)
Some cards in the deck look like the seven of spades.
They look kinda similar.
Eight of spades, really close right?
But there's only one seven of spades
in the deck, with your signature on it.
And that's Michael Dean's signed seven of spades.
Say what, say what?
- What?
- What. No you don't have to say what.
I'm just hyping my own tricks.
I'm just going, what!
We are gonna move on from this now
and whenever I move on from this trick, people think
"Oh! He's gonna use it again!" so I'm actually, genuinely...
We don't need that sugar, we got loads of cards.
We're on a budget.
Oh, actually, hold on, sorry.
I do need that one.
(Michael laughs)
We'll get back to that in a minute.
This is a new card trick, I'm getting
confused with where we're going.
We need that for the end of the show.
For the end of the show, nice and exciting, alright?
- Yeah
- Would you just reach and just touch one.
Cool, take it out, look at it, don't show me.
It doesn't matter, it's not the seven of spades.
That would be wild, but we're not that wild.
Michael Dean, similar kind of deal.
I'm gonna flip through the cards, like this.
You just point to one, I don't mind.
Take it out, have a look at it, show the guys at home.
It doesn't really matter if I see
but let's just keep it hidden and a nice surprise.
Yeah, and then hold the cards face down.
Happy? Good.
Yeah, so this trick is based on making mistakes.
'Cause one of the things I found being a magician,
especially when I was younger,
I would drop cards all the time.
Oh, by the way, I should probably show you guys
that the cards are actually all different.
I never really established that when
we had all the seven of spades stuff going on.
As a magician I'd often drop cards on
the playground and people would laugh at me.
Because I'm a fool, I drop the cards.
And I found an interesting thing.
One time, I didn't pick up the cards.
I just let them hit the ground.
And people didn't make fun of me.
It's a weird thing when the cards hit
the ground and you've dropped them and
you've lost control, people laugh.
But when you haven't lost control,
you're kinda like "No, it's part of the plan!", you're okay.
And sometimes I would drop more cards on the floor
and just be like "Oh! I don't care!".
You've kinda regained control of the situation.
So from this weird little thing I learnt
that sometimes, with mistakes, it's better
to just go with it and make it worse.
And then find a solution within the mistake.
I don't know if that makes sense.
- So I'm gonna illustrate this with
a lovely little card trick.
Because that's what we're doing today.
Cheeky little shuffle, like this, boom!
So in this case, this represents the mistake.
And we're dropping the cards on the floor, right?
And you remember your card?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, happy days.
We'll stick you, badger, in there.
Michael Dean, we'll put yours in there too.
So, do you have a phone?
- Yeah.
- Can you get out your phone.
And can you put it on the camera mode?
But not the selfie-mode, the other mode.
So, yeah, cards a bit of a mess.
And I found that if you take the cards and
kinda make them worse, like in this case,
shuffle them up more.
I kind of can help the situation in a weird way.
So, in this case, we'll give them one more
little, cheeky, shuffle.
Yeah, just pop it down on the table, that's great.
We're gonna get a lovely photograph with you guys.
It's gonna be really nice, a memento of this occasion.
Look at that, nice and messy.
You can kind of hop up for a second and
just kinda crouch down there, and scooch together,
so that you're facing me.
No, that's wrong, that's wrong.
- Where?
- You stand over there, Toby, you stand over there.
- Oh, Oh!
- Now face me.
- Okay.
- Yeah but kinda crouch together more.
Yeah this is great!
(everyone laughs)
Loving everything about this.
Here's what we're gonna do.
We'll do a nice little thing like that.
Michael Dean, could you hold out your hand, like this?
You're gonna grab all those cards
but keep that real still, keep that still.
Have you got that?
- Yeah.
- Cool, and I'm gonna grab this thing.
Toby, you wanna get in there?
Just move a little bit to the side.
It's a bit blurry.
Oh that is absolutely...
Are you waving in the background there Tom Mack?
I wondered why you waved your hand.
(Michael laughs)
That's perfect, we'll leave that there for now.
Great, you can go sit back on your chair.
Alright, nice, lock that.
Okay, so as we're on about, cards being in a mess.
I really want you to see that this is legit, right?
So you got some cards face up,
you got some cards face down.
The important thing, too, is that
there's no sort of cheeky patterns, right?
It's not like I've got every other card
is face up or face down.
They are just in a mess and there's
no real sort of specific order to it.
Some face down, some face up, some face down.
- Sure.
- If you see your card, by the way,
don't say anything, I don't wanna hear it.
- Okay.
- Michael Dean, I want you to see and
you can even touch the cards, feel that?
You feel that they're face up, face down?
I know it's weird but they're all a bit of a mess, right?
So here's what I'm on about with problems
and solving them and going further.
If you take a trick and you build it out of a mistake.
You can do something a little bit different, watch.
What was your card?
- You want me to-- - Yeah, yeah tell me.
- King of diamonds.
- King of diamonds.
Every single card, in the deck, sorted out.
Every single one, look, except--
- [Toby] Oh!
- King, of diamonds!
- Oh!
- There we go.
Michael Dean, sorry, your card wasn't there was it?
What was your card Michael?
- It was clubs...
- Clubs?
(Michael laughs)
- Was it? It was the eight.
- Did you see it?
- I didn't see it--
- These guys at home will see.
Oh this is great.
- Tom Mack?
- [Tom] Eight of spades, yeah.
- Eight? Yeah? Eight.
Five? Five!
- Whatever you want, you want a five?
It was either the eight or the five.
- Okay - Sorry I got distracted
- This is-- - Open up your phone.
- [Tom] I think it might've been a five.
- Five? - Five?
- Yeah. Five.
- Look at the photograph that we took.
- Okay.
- Oh!
- Show Michael.
- Oh!
- Wait but when I was holding it, there were so many--
- Yeah, they were messy. - More--
- That's the trick Michael Dean.
- Show the guys at home. - No! What?
- Give a little bit of a cheeky closeup.
- What is happening there?
The other cards were the other way around.
- I know right?
- That's so weird!
- I like that you can see Tom Mack in there.
- I know, yeah, that's what we want.
Okay, let's move on, let's move on.
- So weird.
- There's your little souvenir for the Instagrams.
- Should we use...
'cause yours was a five, yours was a king, right?
King of diamonds.
Kings or fives?
- Kings!
- Kings?
Sweet, kings it is, alright.
(cards shuffling)
There we go, there's the four kings.
- What?
- I know, right?
Let's do something...
Toby-- - Yeah
- How are your powers of observation?
- Oh!
- It's a really easy observation test.
- Okay. - Toby.
- All you've gotta do is worry
about the suits, right, or the colours.
What's this, black?
- [Toby] Black.
- [Steven] Spade?
- [Toby] Yeah. - You got that? Nice.
Put your finger on top.
And what's this?
- Black, club.
- Yeah, nice, good. - Cool
- We'll slide that in there too.
And we're gonna take the red ones so
that they're face-to-face, like this, watch.
And now we get the blacks here.
(Toby sighs)
- What was under my hand was the reds.
- Two red kings.
- What?
- Michael Dean, I feel like you're gonna
give this trick a try, alright?
So you're gonna hold the cards just how I did.
So give it like a little pinch motion.
I'm gonna take the two black kings like this
and we're sort of gonna line them up like that.
Pinch them, hold that real still.
Perfect, that's perfect.
And, look, we'll do this with the red kings.
Okay, when I say, I want you to sort of rub.
When I say, not too early, okay?
Here we go.
Slowly start to rub.
And we get out.
Sorry these are the fives.
Actually, let's have a look.
(participants laugh)
And now we've got the fives.
- How is he doing this?
(Michael laughs)
- Too much free time and sad, alone in my bedroom.
- You're a wizard, Steven.
- Michael Dean, how is your shuffling? It doesn't have to--
- Mediocre.
- Mediocre?
Mediocre is good, that's what we're aiming for.
Shall we use... Yeah we'll use the fives.
Can you do the overhand shuffle?
That's like the standard kind of shuffle.
- Yeah
- You give them a little bit of cheeky overhand shuffle.
You gonna judge your talent on it?
That's perfect, not too much, it makes it hard.
- Okay. - Now it's fine.
- Alright, thanks man.
- Told you it was mediocre.
- Yeah, yeah, okay chuck 'em back on the table face down.
And Michael Dean, just say stop.
- Stop.
- Yeah, one, two, three, four, five.
That was nice, all the fives.
Toby, I feel like you wanna try this as well?
- Yeah. - How is your shuffling?
- I play a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh!
- You play a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh!?
Can you do a riffle shuffle or--
- No I just--
- So just a boring one? - Yeah just a boring one.
- Yeah do the boring one, it's fine.
- Give them a shuffle.
Pop them down here.
There we go, nice.
Ready? Watch.
Say stop.
- Stop!
- [Steven] Underneath the box.
- [Toby] What? How did they... What?
- One, two, three, four, Five!
(Steven cheers)
If there was a crowd here, we'd have a little bit of a clap.
But that's fine.
(observer claps)
- We have one anyway.
- Thank you, one person in the background there. Hey Bry!
Right, we're gonna do the big finish now, the finale.
- Hey that was nice, I liked that anticipation.
We have a seven of spades,
with Michael Dean's signature on it.
We're gonna get back to that in a moment.
But we'll use..
Just point to one.
Maybe one with a bit more white space, go on.
Cool, that's fine.
Here's what we'll do.
Could you just...
How is the best way of doing this?
Yeah, alright, here's what we're gonna do.
Sort of making this up as I go along.
Actually, could you grab the Sharpie and click the Sharpie?
Now write your name, nice and big, across that card.
I love giving people...
When I hold the cards it makes it hard to write.
That is absolutely terrible, it's more like Tubby.
- Yeah, a little bit.
- Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Right, this is the gimp.
Could you hold out a hand, like this, for me Toby?
Like that, perfect.
We're gonna hold these so that they're
sort of facing back-to-back.
Could you hold out a hand, too, Michael Dean.
Like this.
Let's line these up perfectly, like this.
So we keep them perfectly square and neat.
Turn your hand over.
Okay, don't put it down yet.
You wanna hold that square.
Put your hand down but try not to spread the cards out.
Perfect, keep that still there, nice.
Alright guys, I just wanna say
thanks very much for watching this
and being a part of this.
Thank you guys, very much, for watching.
If you wanna subscribe, I do videos, do that.
Like this video if you liked it.
And thank you, that's pretty much the end.
I'm just gonna go get coffee, I will see you guys later.
Thanks very much for being a part of it.
I really enjoyed that.
- Oh!
- [Steven] But, yeah, just thank you very much and I'll...
- Bye!
- [Steven] See you.
- What do I do?
- I'm still holding on to your hand, to be fair.
- Yeah, it's quite nice.
- It's good.
- Tom Mack, do you know what we do?
- Do we just look?
Do we just have a look and see what we've got in our hand?
Is that the..
- I think so.
- Go on then.
Let's see what we've...
We've got the exact same--
(Michael shouts)
- It's one card!
It's one card!
It is. - Yeah
- He turned it into one bit of card!
(observer clapping)