字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello Hello everybody I 哈囉 大家好 我是 woman Oh Oh 女人 呵呵呵呵 Today we want to continue to play our 今天我們要持續玩我們的 What is that called 那個叫什麼 Oh Oh (horse sounds of white) 呵呵呵呵(馬叫聲的小白) Big Adventure on 生活大冒險 對 big Adventure ah 生活大冒險 嗯 super Adventure 超級大冒險 then we I I I I 那麼我們 我我我我 I had this ah 我之前這個啊 this module links that I will 這個模組我會把那個連結 Posted the following description that 貼在那個那個說明下面 that you can point that a message 那各位就可以點那個留言 See the link to the demo 那個連結去試玩看看 then I heard this module inside ah 然後 聽說這個模組裡面啊 have maid Hey 有女僕欸 true he has a maid 是真的 他有女僕 then I threw ah ah refrigerant when measured 然後啊 我丟給冷媒測的時候啊 ah really did not think he went there to open a maid 啊啊 真是沒想到他一開進去就有女僕 Two two cute maid 兩隻 兩隻可愛的女僕 like a long 一個長的像 a long like that of a 一個長的像那個某個 inside that animation Contact 那個動漫裡面的初音跟 There is also a long mirror sound like 還有一個長的像鏡音 Why 為什麼 ah Why I have nothing to 啊 為什麼我一來什麼都沒有 Oh I'm so sorry 我好難過喔 we can do the heavy brush map 我們可以重刷地圖嗎 Oh Oh 呵呵呵呵 we use 我們要用 I want to go to other islands around 我想去別的島逛逛 because our island is too small too poor 因為我們這座島實在太小太可憐了 You see only the sauce island 你看就只有醬 孤島 only that 只剩那個 only as the sister splashing 只剩那個玩水的妹子一樣 God we left these friends 天啊 我們就只剩這些朋友了 us too lonely 我們太孤單 so we use 所以我們要用 we're going to another island adventure 我們要去別的島冒險 course 那當然 Because the map is where the show will only been to 因為地圖是只有去過的地方才會顯示 so if he does not show the places would 所以他如果沒有顯示過的地方就會 for no no no 對 沒有沒有沒有 place that can adventure 那個地方可以冒險 is not been 就是沒有去過 should be right right right 應該 對對對 then I do not know how the map can zoom 然後地圖我不知道怎麼不能放大 then like last time ah 然後像上次啊 do not we have dug wood 不是我們有挖木頭嗎 The results of that wood 結果那個木頭 do not know how long dig dig right 不知道怎麼挖都挖很久 對不對 then I forgot to open a chain of mining in the felling module 然後我忘了開連鎖挖礦裡的砍樹模組 felling felling fast stuff 砍樹 快速砍樹的東東 so he cut slowly 所以他砍得很慢 So, now what ah 那現在呢 嗯 still the same can not 還是一樣不能 can not have this feature 不能有這個功能 I try it by V 我試試看按V嗎 I'm not sure 我也不確定 Anyway, to cut a cut ah 啊 反正砍一砍 he will fall from the whole trick 他就會整個掉下來的那一招 I do not know how to engage 我也不知道怎麼搞的 uh, I do not know how to get 呃 我也不知道怎麼弄 I went to open to open to see 我去開開看 = = If not, then I'll tell you report 如果不行的話我再跟你們報告 wait to take my 好好 稍等我 good I just tried a few times I found seem 好der 我剛剛試了幾下我發現好像 Useful Hey Oh 喔 有用欸 good alternative synthesis mode 好另類的合成方式 Oh, there it has it has it 喔 有啦有啦有啦 Ouch 38 哎唷 38 What are the water 什麼是 什麼是水 This crystal is what ah 這個水晶是什麼東西啊 Oh use coal use with fluorite powder 喔 要用煤炭 用跟瑩石粉 But I do not fluorescent powder 但是我沒有瑩石粉啊 so I 所以我還是 I may have to go to hell 我可能要先去地獄 Oh, it should not be used temporarily EE2 喔 那暫時應該是不會用到EE2 If you can completely replace the function of the torch 如果可以完全取代這個火把的功能 I definitely do not use EE2 我絕對不使用EE2 I now know that if the synthetic methods 那如果我現在知道合成方法了 method that we just saw 就是我們剛剛看到的方法 we will use that method like 我們就用那個方法就好了 ah what I Sui hysteria 嗯 我在碎碎念什麼 then I heard that this can not be shot out 然後聽說這個可以射出去是不是 I try to look good 我來試一下好了 right 按右鍵 shot 射 how radio how radio 怎麼射 怎麼射 Shift Shift Left Right button 左鍵右鍵中鍵 I'm faster than the middle finger 我都快比中指了 no response Hey 就沒有反應欸 Oh another day study 喔 改天再研究 he does not shoot out 他就射不出去 temporarily defined not hit out swordsman 暫時定義 射不出去的小劍人 ah then Ender debris in the end is what 嗯 然後末影碎片到底是什麼東西 can hear what kind of call that will be out 聽說可以種會掉那個叫什麼 end of the transmission will fall ball 會掉終結的那個傳送球 What I forgot that 我忘記那個叫什麼 final boundary pearl ah 終界珍珠啊 you can kind of try 是 可以種嗎 試試看 ah obviously can not 嗯 很顯然的不能 he can not plant 他不能種 good little pity 嗯 I can say that kind 好 有點可惜 today, we still go to the underground 我想說那個可以種 is the sister cave dig a little something 我們今天還是要到地下 dig minerals 就是那個妹子窟挖一點東西 Because we always want things still have to dig ah 挖 挖礦物 no digging 因為我們總要 還是得要挖東西啊 Where's our resources right thing 沒有挖東西 Hey then this means I can wear 我們哪來的資源嘛對不對 why I did not wear ah 欸 然後這個裝我可以穿 look handsome 為什麼我沒有穿啊 good uh then someone asked, why using the simplified Chinese version of that ah 看起來帥帥的 here say once ah 好 呃 然後有人問說為什麼是用簡體中文版 那 嗯 The Simplified Chinese version 就在這裡說一次啊 Why would use reason because 那個簡體中文版 If you do not use the simplified Chinese version 為什麼會用的原因是因為 these words ah modules and props will not see 如果沒有用簡體中文版 would not see him 這些字啊 和模組道具都會看不到 for 對 他就會完全看不到 my remaining two sausage 對 I can eat sausage 我香腸剩下兩根 sausage to roast it 我可以直接吃香腸 grilled sausages can be grilled sausages can do it 香腸要烤嗎 Let's try it 香腸可以烤嗎 可以烤香腸嗎 ah stove even feel sick sausage 我們來試驗一下 I'll direct you to eat 嗯 can grow it 嗯 連爐子都覺得香腸噁心 sausage can grow it 那我就直接把你吃掉 God this the idea is too naive 可以種嗎 not good to eat it 香腸可以種嗎 us to go underground 天啊 這想法實在太天真了 sister underground underground underground Cave 不行 好 吃掉它 Outdoor shopping 走 我們去地下 We still have to dig things ah 地下地下地下妹子窟 something we did not dig 再去逛一下 on it there will be nothing to eat 我們還是得挖東西啊 Well anyway, we're kind of cuisine 沒有挖東西我們就 so food is not to worry 就就就沒有東西可以吃 I just We have to see that what 反正我們現在有種料理嘛 shrub 所以是暫時不用擔心食物 here here here 我剛剛有看到那個什麼 I saw two cute little 灌叢 small shrub 這裡這裡這裡 here 我看到兩個可愛的小 Why ah explode 小灌叢 I got it 在這裡 ah I just saw 嗯 為什麼會爆炸 Hey flesh fall 我得到了嗎 Why not pick up 嗯 我剛看到 Oh has been with small 欸 果肉掉下來 = = Oh, this is not read 為什麼沒有撿到 this species do 喔 有了有了有了 小小的 we now do not eat well 喔 這個是看不懂 anyway, we have meat 這可以種嗎 let's go home 我們現在不要吃好了 planted it up 反正我們有肉 This is a so cute 我們先回家 tiny 把它種上去 Why will explode 這一顆好可愛喔 Hey Hey explode right point 小小的 He is a fruit bomb explosion 為什麼會爆炸 Wow these things also shrub species incredible 欸 點右鍵會爆炸欸 he can split it 他是一顆爆炸炸彈果 can Oh Hey 哇塞 這些灌叢種的東西還不得了 Hey Oh really 他可以拆嗎 cherry Boom bush (cherry bomb bushes) 喔 可以欸 what ah 喔 真的欸 Let's not planted here Cherry Boom Bush (櫻桃炸彈灌木叢) species where good 什麼東西啊 anyway, sooner or later he grow out 我們先不要種在這裡 go 種在這裡好了 we go adventure 反正他遲早會長出來 See today will encounter any 走 the hole is too 我們下去冒險 so funny 嗯 there are a lot of surprises his sister 看看今天又會遇到什麼 good right 這個洞實在是太 not defiled this series 太有趣了 Anyway, he can no longer have dirty dirty right 他很多驚喜還有妹子 uh First 很棒對吧 I first sword 免得玷污這個系列 I would like to start this adventure 反正他已經髒的不能再髒了 對不對 because there seems to have not completed right 呃 首先 Oh, not here, walked the 我先拿著劍 we look at what is here four 我想先從這裡冒險 treasure ah or what you can dig 因為這裡好像還沒有走完對不對 think I just saw here there 喔 不對 這邊走完了 Of iron 我們看一下這邊四處有什麼 poach poached Hey 寶物啊 還是什麼的可以挖 mining chain function even started great 想我剛看到這邊有個 uh there just 對 有鐵 last time there have been 挖走挖走 欸 but over there too many skeleton bow 連 連鎖挖礦功能啟動了 太好了 I intend to acquire the torch to plug 呃 那邊剛 because he lights up faster 那邊上次有去過 Oh my god Oh my god 但是那邊有太多骷弓了 Oh my god 我打算先拿這個火把來插 stone ready 因為他亮起來速度比較快 good point danger Oh my god Oh my god Uh I see them they come Oh my god Do not cut me not to cut my 石頭準備好 Do you really hurts Oh 好點危險 hurts you 呃 我看到他們 他們來了 walked away 不要砍我 不要砍我 your super pain 不要 你好痛喔 you go away 你好痛 even if you 走開 走開 you are a man as you are away 你超痛的 are away all away 你也走開 walk walk away 就算你 ah both sides 你是男的 你也是一樣 走開 ah Do 都走開 都走開 Do 走走走 走開 This life ah 啊 兩邊的 ever play Minecraft inside 啊 不要 encounter is the most annoying sister 不要 okay 這輩子啊 hurts Oh 有史以來玩Minecraft裡面 I am so hard to live in peace with them 最討厭遇到的就是妹子 they simply do not want I am at peace with my God ah 沒關係 this is too 好痛喔 too hurt heart 我好難跟他們和平相處 Hey I go over there to go 他們根本就不想跟我和平相處啊 天啊 After I die they will be reborn right thing 這實在是太 here are a 太傷人心了 I do not know what medicine 我就往那邊走 欸 feeling is 我死掉之後他們會重生嘛 對不對 Hey what this is 這邊有一個 what watercress 我也不知道什麼藥水 dumplings juice (Zongye fishes) 感覺就是 like eating the dumplings will use something 欸 這個是什麼 let's drink to see 什麼什麼豆瓣的 good into what 粽汁(粽葉才對) how 好像吃粽子會用到的東西 This is a poison 我們先喝喝看 ah ah 好變成什麼呢 stinks 怎樣喔耶 I see 這是一個毒藥 I have to walk slowly 啊啊啊啊 Oh effect ended 爛東西 careful they are in the vicinity 我看到 = = they are yin 我是走路有緩慢 first to pick up my stuff matters 喔 效果結束了 leave them 小心點 他們就在附近 they are long ugly 他們陰的很 Oh Hey Oh 首先先去撿我的東西要緊 Ouch what is 別管他們 What is the gravestone ah 他們都長很醜 how long this 喔欸喔 this tombstone long 哎唷 這是 Hurry Hurry Hurry 這是什麼墓碑啊 Come on with 怎麼長這樣 so many things friends 這次的墓碑長 this is how green 快點快點快點 Do 快點啦 有了 wear shoes 啊 well 東西太多了啦 Oh first saw you 這綠色的是怎樣 first prepare my sword 不要 I want do swordsman 穿鞋子 穿穿 I wish I was a sword 不要 swordsman 好了 First 先喔看到你了 Hi 先準備好我的劍 You 我要做劍士 zombie 我要 我是一位劍 I suddenly can not think of a more nasty adjectives 劍士 we do first called oh oh 首先 he hurts Hi his super pain 你這個 I hate him 殭屍 knife he cut me I think he also dozen knives 我突然想不出一個更難聽的形容詞 ah not 所以暫時先叫 喔喔喔喔 how you can do 他很痛 A lot of dear sister 他超痛 appreciate 我討厭他 Well Well 他砍我一刀 我想還他十幾刀 I ah ah ah 啊不 Well, what do you want me to do 你們怎麼可以這樣 how to 好多妹子 天啊 ye water fear it 欣賞一下 you just sister 好了算了 ah hey 我現在 啊啊啊 well ah 好了 你們想對我做什麼呢 I now have a similar good place to avoid it 怎麼樣 should count it 你們因水而畏懼嗎 I'll escape this here site 你們只是妹子 tie battalion good 嗯嘿 ah This should be 好了嗯 right right right 現在我有個類似好躲避的一個地點 對吧 above the sea is not 應該算吧 like Hey 那 我就在這裡這個躲避的地點 then they now had not come 紮個營好了 I have to preparations for my props 嗯 這樣應該就可以 I left the torch lit by this one kind 對對對 with flint 上面是海是不是 Uh assault way now 好像是欸 I think that not only a few 然後他們現在就過不來 this dig up 我得先籌備一下我的道具 then 我現在火把剩點燃用的這一種 blocking off the water above the words 跟打火石 must it 呃 現在的突擊方式呢 If you want to fight this case 我認為只有沒幾種 I think we should take the front side to dig up 呃 Come on I'm ready 把這個挖掉 where you will fall inside 然後 Then you will not cut me 把上面的水堵掉的話 I have a good plan 必須吧 Come ha 如果是要這樣作戰的話 Zhengzhou 我覺得應該要把前面這邊給挖掉 but this is very shy to 來吧 我已經準備好了 time 你們都會掉下去那裡裡面 sound a little bigger open 然後你們就會砍不到我 Wow yeah they stream more than 我已經計畫好了 my gosh 進來吧 哈哈 uh, at least I do not tell them directly that ah 正合我意 right ah so scary 又是這種令人害羞的地 Especially this 的時刻 What is that black 聲音有點小 開大一點 withered skeleton most horrible 哇塞 他們源源不止耶 because he 我的天啊 he will have to play a little withered effect 呃 至少我不用直接跟他們那個啊 will always buckle buckle buckle blood blood blood 對啊 這樣很恐怖 first returned to his cave 尤其是這個 finished I can not go back to their cave 黑黑的那個叫什麼 I have to die yet Austria 凋零骷髏最可怕了 I have to die yet Austria 因為他 Why every time there will be 他打了一下就會有凋零效果 sister playing Seven Mile splash ah 會一直扣血扣血扣血 I am in the end what is built 先回到自己的窟 mad at me 完了 我沒辦法回到自己的窟 No, I have to retrieve my stuff 我又要死了嗎 奧 yet it should be reborn 我又要死了嗎 奧 here 為什麼每一次都會被 Hey why do you reborn 妹子打得七哩嘩啦的啊 I get something wrong cut 我到底是造了什麼孽 technology better technology better 氣死我了 Austria 不行我得要撿回我的東西 I technical tolerance 應該是還沒重生吧 how to fight ah God 在這裡 how they are so strong ah 欸 為什麼你們重生了 ah good 我拿錯東西砍了 came I saw a monster 技術好一點 技術好一點 Oh I get something wrong cut 奧 finished 我技術超差 is not my purpose here ah 怎麼打啊 天啊 Oh my god 他們怎麼那麼強啊 Oh good quasi-oh 嗯 好 What now 來了 我看到怪物了 in addition to cut also added some 喔 我拿錯東西砍了 ah go away go away go away 完了 This is my my my 我的目的不是這裡啊 This is not your Oh my god What do you want 喔 好準喔 Finished finished finished 現在怎樣 I have to ah 除了萌以外還增加某種 Do not shoot me 啊 走開走開走開 why do you so fond of shooting 這我的我的我的 who are you in the end to learn ah 這不是你的 those summoned 你想幹嘛 or what 完了完了完了 Do not ignore them 我又要 啊~~ oh yeah 不要 不要射我 How split into a sword 為什麼你們這麼喜歡射 Whatever 你們到底是學誰的啊 hurry to leave 那些召喚出來的 picked up picked up 還是什麼的 Oh my god oh many 都不要理他們 they found they did not find 喔喔 耶 But I think they will be more students more 怎麼變成拆一把劍 a little bad 不管是什麼 Hey we first 趕快先離開 Hey we first 撿到了 撿到了 I just dug a hole next to go Oh my god 好多喔 To keep it down a bit 他們沒有發現 他們沒有發現 Why do you keep annoying you fall 可是我覺得他們會越生越多 against you Oh 有點糟糕 gravel he really 我們先把 欸 do this 我們先把 欸 This should uh 我剛剛挖旁邊的洞去 To this 對 小聲一點 小聲一點 the twitching 你為什麼一直掉下 你很煩 sword too too much of it 你作對喔 Hey Hey enchant book 他礫石真的是 not bad 這個不要 this not ah ha 這個要 呃 I want I want potato 這個要 Do this uh 這個抽一抽 tombstone Do 太多 太多 太多劍了吧 dead or anyway a lot to take 欸 附魔書欸 Oh Well 還不賴 tube how you speak 這個不要 嗯哼 I'm sick 我要 我要馬鈴薯 Ouch Hey Hey 呃 這個不要 this is 墓碑不要 What is it 反正死了還是很多可以拿 Who are you 喔 好吧 how it seems very familiar 管你們怎麼講 What is that called 我就是變態 ethereal world of mine module 哎唷 欸欸 But the world does not nothingness 這是 so it should not 這是什麼 just looked like 你是誰啊 but 怎麼好像很眼熟 enchant Hey Hey book does not seem to take 那個叫什麼 not so 虛無世界模組的礦 good horror Oh 但是這個沒有虛無世界 Oh this angle just right 所以應該不是 another strategy also 只是長得很像 Damn small-only 但是 little woman 欸 附魔書好像沒有拿欸 this too can Pale Ba 不行這樣 oh so hard to find home 好恐怖喔 Oh greater 喔 這個角度剛剛好 Get off! 換個戰略也 Good good horror terror Oh 哎呀 小隻的 Is this how you want to go home as people ah 小女人 I now want to own their own 這也太可怕了吧 own little strength 發現回家好難喔 dug this tunnel 喔 更大 I do I've got a wood 走開啦 I still have friends wood 好恐怖 好恐怖喔 I may not approach the end of their 這是要怎麼叫人回家啊 them too hard 我現在要自己憑自己 What is it 自己的小小的實力 bananas Oh ribs 挖出了這一條隧道 WHAT 我 我身上還有木頭嗎 dig ourselves down 有啦 我還有木頭 But the deeper end feel on 我可能沒有辦法終結他們 Oh I can not stand fast 他們太猛 Ha ha ha 這是什麼 Why so much 香蕉 喔 肋骨 change sides WHAT I simply do not want 我們自己往下挖 Oh 可是終覺得越深就 this module is really no problem with it 喔 我快受不了了 I think this module are good good 呵呵呵 good scary Oh 為什麼那麼大 Sea 換邊 sea 我只是單純不想要 I'm going out 喔 This is what cook 這模組真的沒有問題嗎 oh oh 我是覺得這模組都好好好 finished 好嚇人喔 a two 大海 float a good insurance 是海 following this move that it should be a cook 我要出去了 float the float up 這一坨是什麼 we go home go home 喔喔 喔喔 ha ha ha 完了 today today today adventurous enough 一顆 兩顆 Good good horror terror 浮上來了好險 I'm almost scared to death 下面這一坨應該是移動那個吧 Oh my god 浮上來了 浮上來了 God 我們快回家 快回家 Oh good horror ah 呵呵呵 home home home 今天今天今天 冒險夠了 today I brought a number of iron 好恐怖 好恐怖 this in the end is what 我快嚇死了 we use optimistic Oh my god good special Oh 天啊 home home home 喔 好恐怖啊 uh oh 回家回家回家 ha ha ha pressed the wrong friends 我今天帶了多少鐵 Oh my god 這個到底是什麼東西 uh good horror 我們燒燒看好了 Enchanting book 好特別喔 take this burn 回家回家回家 Hey Hey can burn 呃喔 in the end can be used to do ah 呵呵呵 按錯了啦 good no matter what Oh my god best weapon is the best 呃 好恐怖 must be good things 附魔書 square gold (fine gold fishes) 這個拿去燒 this is why 欸 可以燒欸 well I just checked the 到底可以拿來做什麼啊 he is a gold party 好 不管是什麼 synthesized married with rings 最好是武器 最好 Do not doubt 一定是好東西 is married ring 方足金 (萬足金才對) I do not know why 這可以幹嘛 Why is marriage ring ah 好 我剛查過了 strange Oh 方足金他是 god 來合成結婚戒子用的 also dug some heart Zombies 不要懷疑 there are some strange things 就是結婚戒子 Let's get a good iron to burn 我也不知道為什麼 we now have iron helmet 為什麼是結婚戒子啊 iron breastplate 好奇怪喔 want to lose this, this 天啊 Tin 還有挖了一些殭屍之心 We have a tin ingots 還有一些奇怪的東西 can be used to do what we tin 我們趕快來燒鐵好了 tin ingots can burn 我們現在有鐵頭盔 then 鐵胸甲 so it 這個 這個想要丟掉 can not be used to do the investigation say Hey 錫 God have their own press 我們有錫錠了 like this is very difficult to play Oh Oh 我們錫可以拿來做什麼 really so hard to play 錫錠可以燒 Well 然後就 Hey 就這樣嗎 this is 都不能查說拿來幹什麼欸 Why would I put up this thing ah 天啊 都要自己按 burning iron it 這樣子好難玩 呵呵呵呵 This is what watercress 真的好難玩 not grow Hey 好吧 This in the end is what 欸 so he is a sauce of class materials do 這個是 strange Oh 為什麼我會把這個東西放上去啊 are strange Oh 燒鐵啦 tin 這個是什麼什麼的豆瓣 iron 不能種欸 to do 這到底是什麼東西 1 2 3 4 5 6 pants do 所以他是一個醬汁之類的材料嗎 Good this would do the 好奇怪喔 defense a little higher 都好奇怪喔 lest we next turn was beaten back 錫 food my food carrot 鐵 carrots have been 先來做 have been 1 2 3 4 5 6 來做褲子 = = replanting 好 這個就不要了 ah continue to grow vegetables 防禦提高一點 this is my food 免得我們下次又被打回來了 are Well 食物 我的食物胡蘿蔔 yes yes yes our cucumber 胡蘿蔔有了有了 we can eat cucumber 有了有了 Hey we can eat 再種 we have cucumber seeds 嗯 繼續種菜 continue Species 這是我的菜 This is the sweet potato 都好啦 sweet potato has three 有有有 我們的黃瓜 This is strawberry 我們可以吃黃瓜 strawberries There are several 我們可以吃欸 Mmm us in fact, quite a number of foods rich 我們還有黃瓜種子 you look so strange food has 繼續種 well 這是紅薯 we live today has to end here slightly 紅薯有三個 If you like my video 這是草莓 remember a point like 草莓有好幾個 want to know the latest videos Subscribe point to remember Oh 嗯 嗯 我們食物其實還蠻多豐富的 OK on sauce Thank you for watching 你看 這麼多奇奇怪怪的食物都有 See you next 那 好 bye 我們今天的實況就到這裡結束咯
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