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  • Let's say it rained gold for one day.


  • People would empty all their drawers, fill it with gold, the attic and everything

    人們會清空所有的抽屜 閣樓和一切用來裝滿黃金

  • but if it kept raining gold for months, they'd sweep it up, throw their rings away.

    但如果一直下幾個月的黃金雨 人們會掃除黃金 並把自己的戒指丟掉

  • Scarcity. They save the gold because it has a value now

    匱乏性 人們保存黃金是因為它有價值

  • but it only has a value as long as it's scarce.

    只要黃金仍然匱乏 它就一直有一個價值

  • But if we find a whole mountain of gold, it would lose its value.

    但如果我們發現了一整座黃金山 它就會失去它的價值

  • Scarcity is one of the main operating characteristics that produces

    在很大程度上 匱乏性是人們為了黃金而殺伐的

  • on a large extent 'murder for gold'.


  • Wherever you've got the history of the diamond, you've got all kinds of horrors behind it.

    只要你知道鑽石的歷史 你就知道鑽石產業背後的各種慘狀

  • In the future


  • people will be ashamed to wear things like that.


  • Roxanne's father was a jeweler, always trying to give her things to wear.

    羅克珊的父親是一位珠寶匠 總是試著給她穿戴各種東西

  • She doesn't want any of that shit


  • but there are people who feel that this diamond is worth $100,000.


  • They would never achieve peace


  • because there's always somebody that's got a bigger diamond than they have.


  • If you put up the largest building in the world


  • then another guy will beat your building by 200 feet.

    那麼另一個傢伙 就會以比你高200英尺的高度擊敗你的建築

  • And you say "God damn it! I'm going to put up another building."

    然後你會說:"可惡 我要建立另一個更高的建築"

  • This sickness that we have, there's no end to it.

    我們面臨這樣的病態困境 而且永無止盡

  • The richest man in the world...


  • I would be ashamed if I were the richest man in the world

    如果我是世界上最富有的人 我會感到羞愧

  • because I know that the public made me the richest man in the world.

    因為我知道 是大眾讓我成為世界上最富有的人

  • I'd want to build schools and hospitals with the money.


  • I would see no other use for it


  • but to give back to society what I've taken.


  • - We feel that within a monetary system


  • the system cannot be just or equitable.


  • There'll always be haves and have-nots.


  • A Resource-Based Economy would eliminate that.


  • The problems that we have today will continue to go on.


  • There'll always be busts and booms, markets going up and down

    永遠是蕭條與繁榮 市場好轉與衰退

  • and people manipulating for their own advantage


  • and this will never go away within a monetary system


  • because there'll always be people with advantage.


  • Within a Resource-Based Economy, what we want to do is to eliminate

    在資源導向型經濟中 我們想做的就是消除

  • the causes of the problems, eliminate the processes

    這些問題的原因 消除產生出

  • that produce greed, bigotry, prejudice

    貪婪 偏執 偏見的過程

  • people taking advantage of one another, elitism

    人們彼此利用互佔便宜 菁英主義

  • and really eliminating


  • the need for prisons and welfare.


  • When you make things available to people


  • you don't have the problems that you have today.


  • We've always had these problems because we've always lived within scarcity

    我們一直面對這樣的問題 因為我們一直存在於匱乏中

  • barter and monetary systems that produce scarcity.

    處於以物易物 與產生匱乏的金融貨幣體系之中

  • We're talking about a Resource-Based Economy


  • which makes things available to everyone.


  • - I look at this system differently.


  • I see a tough job ahead; it's not easy.

    我看到前方的任務困難重重 這並不簡單

  • I see a lot of assassination and a lot of imprisonment


  • and cops beating people that are good.


  • And the cops not knowing any better.


  • Because they've joined the police force they believe they're holding law and order.

    因為他們加入了警隊 他們相信他們掌握著法律和秩序

  • In their heads they're doing the right thing.

    在他們的頭腦中 他們認為自己所為是正確的

  • Whenever you're in trouble you call a policeman.

    因為當你有麻煩的時候 你會向警察求助

  • All of these built-in systems are going to have to be surpassed.


  • - The only thing I can see that's really negative of this system that we talk about

    關於我們討論的資源導向型經濟 唯一我認為真正麻煩的地方

  • a Resource-Based Economy, is getting from here to there.


  • We have a lot of things we have to do


  • to take care of the detrimental things that we did in this society.


  • We have to clean up the environment, the oceans, the air

    我們必須清理環境 海洋 空氣

  • and clean up the detrimental values that people have from this society

    清理人們從這個社會中 養成的負面價值觀

  • of greed and embezzlement


  • and 'me for myself,' not caring about anyone else.

    以及"各人自掃門前雪 莫管他人瓦上霜"的觀念

  • The hardest thing will be...


  • That's what the problems will be for sociologists


  • and people who care about other people: to change values


  • and to start afresh from children to care for others and take care of the Earth.


  • That's what our education will be like.


  • - There's no way of you, in a given culture, saying

    在一個特定的環境中 你不會說:

  • "I'm not going to remain a gypsy; that's ridiculous


  • to wear these earrings and headbands."


  • If you walk over to Seminole Indians and you say, dancing around the fire

    如果你走過塞米諾爾印第安人身邊 並且圍著火堆跳舞

  • "LALALALA," to Iroquois or any other Indians. That's ridiculous!

    對著易洛魁人或者其它印第安人說"啦啦啦啦" 那太可笑了!

  • The Indians say "That's a hell of a good point, LALALA. " That doesn't mean anything.

    印第安人說:"這是一個好主意 啦啦啦" 但這不代表什麼

  • You can't do that. It's no more possible

    你不能這樣做 因為沒有更多的可能性

  • to take a group of cannibals, headhunters and say


  • "What you're doing is ridiculous ," and the chief saying

    "你正在做的事很荒謬" 但酋長會說:

  • "You know, that's a great in-depth concept."

    "你要知道 這是一個偉大的奧妙概念"

  • He doesn't have that associative system.


  • People think "If I, as a Christian, I just can get there

    人們認為:"如果我是一個基督徒 我只需要到那裡

  • and tell them about the sacrifice of Christ..."


  • You can take Polynesians that have food and all of that, and they're eating

    你可以想想豐衣足食的玻里尼西亞人 他們正在吃飯

  • they'll go do anything and listen to anything and you can condition them

    他們會去做並聽你說的事情 而且你可以影響制約他們

  • to worship Jesus or anybody, or Allah

    讓他們信仰耶穌或者任何人 或真主阿拉

  • but you go to a scarcity country where people are not eating

    但你若去了一個匱乏的國家 人們都沒有食物

  • and try to give them Christ without food...

    並嘗試向他們宣傳基督教 而不帶去食物...

  • The church, if it doesn't provide food, has no attendance

    教堂如果不提供食物 就不會有人出席

  • so the early churches provided dinners and food for starving people


  • so that some of them went to church.

    因此 他們之中的一些人會去教堂

  • You've got to have gimmicks. It's a fishhook!

    你得有誘餌 就像一個魚鉤!

  • Bait, and that's what commercials are.

    誘餌 就是所謂的廣告

  • Fine print is an attempt at deception.


  • I know of no other way except presenting information, real [information]

    除了提供訊息 真正有用的訊息 我想不出其它有效的方法

  • and if our system is not sophisticated enough


  • or you don't have enough time left before we come to the point of no return...

    或是在我們走向不歸路之前 其實我們已經沒有足夠的時間了...

  • We've damaged the oceans and the environment to such an extent

    我們對海洋和環境的損害 已經到了這樣的程度

  • that we don't have the means


  • and the organizations to do away with that.


  • And that means a miserable death for most people


  • the end of our civilization.


  • That's why Roxanne and I... We have no power.

    這也是為什麼羅克珊和我... 我們沒有力量

  • People say "When are you and Roxanne going to build this new world?


  • I get calls "I'd come with my suitcases, be happy to live in it!"

    我還接到電話 對方說:"我會拿出我的旅行箱 很高興能住在這(維納斯計畫)!"

  • We don't need that.


  • We need your participation and support to make it happen.

    我們需要各位的參與和支持 來實現這個願景

  • You have an avenue which may work.


  • There's nothing else out there.


Let's say it rained gold for one day.



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