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  • If you want to put an end to war and most problems, depression, unemployment, what you

  • eventually must do, you gotta bring the whole world together, as one nation. And you have

  • to declare all of the world resources as the common heritage of all the worlds people,

  • if you don't do that you'll have the same problems over and over again. War, depression

  • etc. We don't go to other countries to bring democracy, we go to take their oil, or whatever

  • we can get. Do you understand that? There never was a democracy in this country, as

  • long as there's poor people who can't feed their kids, as long as you have religion on

  • the air Saturday and Sunday, unless you had all religions, and none religion, on the air,

  • that's a democracy, we have all points of view, but if you got broadcasting and our

  • president criticizes another country, I would say in a true democracy our president might

  • criticize another country, then we would invite the priminister of that country to give his

  • point of view. Then we invite the priminister of Sweden, he says 'they're both full of shit,

  • this is how I see it' that's a democracy, but when you've got one point of view, watch

  • out, whenever you hear democracy and freedom, watch out, it means you're losing it, the

  • nearest thing to democracy is the internet, where you can say what you want so far, a

  • lot of people would like to take the internet and control it, if they ever do that you're

  • dead.

If you want to put an end to war and most problems, depression, unemployment, what you


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    王惟惟 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日