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  • I am obsessed with transformation,

  • specifically how dreams in the head and heart

  • are transformed into physical reality.

  • For the last two decades,

  • I have reverse-engineered peak performance behavior

  • and hacked motivation

  • to empower people to transform their lives and their business

  • in honor of their dreams and passions.

  • So whether it's starting a new business or relationship

  • to building a better brain or body,

  • how many of you out there

  • feel that you have the potential to do something great in life?

  • Alright.

  • Well, Marianne Williamson once said,

  • "If you feel like you're wasting your life's potential, you are."

  • The truth is you have far more power

  • over your physical well-being and your impact in life

  • than you give yourself credit for.

  • Over the last several years as a documentary filmmaker,

  • I have immersed myself in cultures around the world

  • to see what it takes to really thrive and flourish.

  • What I noticed is, in many cultures like in the Western world,

  • when we set out in life, most of us are programmed to fit into social norms.

  • In business, we look to the marketplace to compete for better sameness.

  • And when we suffer, physically or emotionally,

  • most of us look outside of ourselves for the cause and the cure.

  • The shift for me came in my final year of medical school,

  • when I started the study of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

  • I learned that people could have heart and brain surgery

  • while awake without anesthesia.

  • Women could deliver their babies painlessly,

  • and people could recover from drug addiction and craving

  • with a few tiny, well-placed needles.

  • I realized there was more to the body and mind

  • than what the American medical system was teaching me.

  • I came to understand

  • that our programmed beliefs about ourselves and our place in the world

  • dictate a large part of our health and happiness

  • as well as our level of success.

  • Now the challenge is:

  • our concept of self is often inauthentic or weak.

  • To transform what you see on the outside,

  • you've got to transform who you are on the inside.

  • In the next few minutes, I will summarize the soul and science of my work

  • to leave you with three vital keys

  • to unlock your potential for transformation.

  • It's a simple prescription really,

  • one small shift that can yield big results.

  • I'll even tell it to you now:

  • Become who you really are.

  • When you look yourself in the mirror, past the makeup or blemishes,

  • do you ever sense that there's more to you than what you see in your reflection?

  • So who are you really?

  • When asked, "Who are you?",

  • most people respond with their age,

  • ethnic background, job or position in life.

  • Why?

  • Because we've all been programmed.

  • The programming of your self-image and how you describe yourselves to others

  • begins in childhood.

  • As author and biologist, Bruce Lipton, so passionately explains,

  • during the first six years of our lives,

  • our brains exist in a hypnotic, trance-like state,

  • such that we passively absorb, record and believe

  • the things that are impressed upon us from the outside world.

  • >From birth,

  • the socialization process shapes our sense of self-identity,

  • and little by little a social mask is formed,

  • and we behave according to the rules of our family or religion:

  • we adopt the cultural, political and gender norms that are thrust upon us,

  • causing most of us to lose sight of and compromise who we really are.

  • The sad thing is

  • most of us end up forcing the unacceptable parts of our personality into the shadows,

  • and we end up masquerading as a half-baked version of ourselves,

  • we embrace the qualities of our peers or the ideals of our parents,

  • all in an attempt to fit in and be accepted.

  • Meanwhile, the authentic, original you,

  • that glimmer you see reflected deep in your eyes,

  • takes a back seat.

  • Often we don't realize who we are meant to be

  • because we're so busy trying to live out someone else's ideas.

  • But what if who you thought you were is wrong?

  • What if, by being your most authentic perfectly imperfect self,

  • you could transform your health and your life

  • while having an extraordinary impact in the world?

  • You know, the challenges that our world faces today,

  • from economic collapse, crumbling political regimes,

  • environmental crises and global health problems,

  • we need new solutions, not rehashed versions of old thinking.

  • Einstein said:

  • No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

  • In 2010, IBM conducted a study of CEOs around the world.

  • 60% of these CEOs said that creativity

  • is the most important leadership quality for success in business.

  • So, you see, we need people

  • who will be creative enough to think outside of the box,

  • those who are bold enough to go for their dreams,

  • and those who are free enough to be truly themselves.

  • That's from whence that creative spark of genius often comes.

  • A Greek philosopher believed that we have a telos,

  • a purpose or an end toward which we are pointed.

  • And - that end is the self.

  • And the best life, says Aristotle,

  • is spent trying to understand what that self is,

  • and to become it.

  • And that's what people who want to transform the world need to hear:

  • Become who you are.

  • Now, that's also the title of one of the positive psychology courses

  • I teach here at IUM in the business school.

  • One of the first assignments is to research the class title.

  • Now, many people have heard "Become Who You Are,"

  • or they've seen it in online social networks,

  • these cute little postcards,

  • Most often, the phrase is attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche.

  • But Nietzsche was actually quoting Pindar, the lyric poet.

  • Upon further research,

  • we see that Pindar's line, when accurately translated from the ancient Greek, reads:

  • "Become such as you are, having learned what that is."

  • So you see, your first key to becoming who you really are,

  • is to learn who you really are.

  • So how do you do that?

  • Shift your focus inward.

  • Question your thoughts and beliefs.

  • Seek to rediscover your true self through inquiry, contemplation, yoga.

  • Or, as Matthieu Ricard said, through meditation.

  • Now, one way that you can see

  • what is truly you and not just programming

  • is to look at your biology.

  • Dr C Robert Cloninger from my alma mater,

  • the Washington University School of Medicine,

  • developed the TCI.

  • The TCI is the temperament and character inventory.

  • You take it to learn what your true personality traits are

  • that have come from your family,

  • those aspects of our personality that are actually transmitted in the DNA.

  • It is a good place to start,

  • but as you've heard today,

  • your biology doesn't limit you, it's just a starting point.

  • Next, look at your positive traits and talents.

  • Now, we all have a variety of strengths, abilities and resources,

  • but they don't reflect who you are at your core.

  • But your character strengths are those aspects of your personality

  • that make you unique, feel engaged,

  • and actually make you feel like life is worth living.

  • You can learn about your character strengths

  • by taking the VIA survey.

  • This was developed under the guidance of Dr Martin Seligman.

  • While studying applied positive psychology,

  • he taught me

  • that when we use our signature strengths more in our daily life,

  • we can achieve authentic happiness,

  • create more flow,

  • and a feeling that what we do in life matters.

  • When you feel that life has meaning and purpose,

  • you take your better care of yourself.

  • You will express yourself more freely,

  • and ...

  • you really start to feel happy and hopeful.

  • And these positive emotions and optimism

  • go a long way towards setting you up for success, better health and longevity.

  • In fact, a Dutch men's study

  • found that optimism alone could decrease all types of mortality

  • and, in particular, death from heart disease,

  • as did the Women's Health Initiative.

  • So, this type of optimism is critical.

  • I can tell you from personal experience

  • that denying your self-expression can actually lead to depression.

  • For most of my life, I have traveled two parallel paths.

  • By training I am a scientist, but by passion I'm an artist.

  • My mother encouraged me to boldly go onstage on television

  • and to play music.

  • But it wasn't that she pushed me into the arts,

  • it was our home environment that shaped my decision.

  • Children ought to be seen, not heard.

  • This was one of those leftover Victorian ideals from England,

  • where my mother grew up.

  • But when I was on stage, I felt free to finally express myself.

  • And by performing, I could naturally get into the zone and that flow state.

  • Now, my father's influence was equally impressive.

  • He told me that only one in a million artists

  • can make it in the world

  • so go to school and get an education.

  • I wanted to keep my father happy,

  • so I sacrificed my biggest passion for performing

  • to become a doctor.

  • And, for the most part, I was miserable.

  • So what if the way you've molded yourself,

  • or allowed others to shape you,

  • was based on false information?

  • If you're always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be.

  • And may she rest in peace.

  • During the first ten years of my medical practice,

  • I discovered that no matter how many acupuncture needles,

  • medications, surgeries, or even psychotherapy given,

  • some people just wouldn't get better.

  • Or worse, they'd get better,

  • and then come down with some other illness or addiction.

  • When I asked why and probed deeper,

  • I discovered that some of them didn't love and accept themselves.

  • They didn't value their lives,

  • and they didn't even feel that they deserved good health and happiness.

  • Somehow that felt very familiar to me.

  • When we are coerced to be something that we are not,

  • or forced to pursue goals that are not of our own choosing,

  • we often take on the beliefs of others

  • that can literally cause our own self-rejection and self-loathing.

  • Now I did use my on-camera skills

  • to work successfully with some of the largest media brands in the world.

  • But the persona that we created

  • was not authentically aligned with who I really was.

  • I didn't feel comfortable with my pseudocelebrity status,

  • and I even started to hide some of my success

  • because I hated the image that we created.

  • I also hid my sadness,

  • smiling on the cover of magazines and doing talk-show interviews,

  • I wore a happy mask ...

  • while internally I suffered.

  • Now, that subset of patients that lacked self-love

  • was actually a mirror to what I was experiencing.

  • When we don't utilize or live up to our full potential,

  • we risk becoming hopeless and depressed.

  • We may be functional, but not fulfilled;

  • we may be successful, but not satisfied.

  • To numb our pain we often overeat, overdrink, overachieve or shop.

  • But we're not the only ones who suffer in that scenario.

  • We have a profound impact on the people around us,

  • our co-workers, our romantic partners and especially our children.

  • The very ones who could and should benefit from our unique gifts

  • are deprived of the beauty of our talents.

  • Takes a lot of courage to grow up and become who you really are.

  • This sort of practiced conformity

  • can make it very difficult, and even scary, to live your truth.

  • Often we're paralyzed by fear, or so racked with pain,

  • that we feel like we just can't go on.

  • And that's what happened in my case.

  • Now, I don't recommend it,

  • but hitting rock bottom can be a blessing in disguise.

  • Our very own downfall can propel us

  • to new heights of self-expression and self-acceptance.

  • For me, my rock bottom came in 2005

  • in the form of a dark depression, an existential crisis.

  • And while I don't have the time to share the details,

  • I can tell you that in deep meditation and crying my eyes out before God,

  • I had a near-deathlike, out-of-body, experience that rocked my world,

  • including a life review on the other side,

  • where I understood in a flash how my choices shaped my present life.

  • I got it that we are the ones

  • that should choose who we will be in this lifetime.

  • And we are meant to express ourselves fully,

  • and we are all so totally lovable.

  • In those moments, I experienced the most pure, absolute love

  • for myself and for everything in humanity.

  • Following that, I dove into the research of near-death experiences,

  • the neuroscience of consciousness,

  • and even the link between quantum physics and how we manifest our deepest desires.

  • And no matter which perspective appeals to you,

  • it all boils down to this:

  • authentic happiness and total wellness are your natural birthrights.

  • You have a unique purpose to fulfill in this lifetime,

  • even when your role seems small.

  • So, your second key to transforming your dreams into reality

  • is to love who you are.

  • >From there you can revive the true self,

  • rewrite your self-description,

  • and rebuild the living temple of your authentic self.

  • Positive psychology research and and my own experience

  • shows that there's nothing short of miracles

  • that are available to each and every one of us.

  • >From overcoming depression, bouncing back after chemotherapy and cancer,

  • to revolutionary new business ideas,

  • the possibilities are endless.

  • How will you use your potential?

  • Ghandi said we must be the change we wish to see in the world.

  • So it's no surprise that your third key is to live who you really are.

  • Uncover your dreams and your passions,

  • and share them with the world;

  • your ideas, your voice, but most importantly your presence,

  • because you are a gift to the world.

  • So there you have it.

  • There is my one small idea:

  • Become who you really are.

  • First learn that you are more than your body;

  • you are not the monkey mind.

  • You are more than a present illness or a number on a scale,

  • you're more than your past success or failures.

  • You are an infinite being,

  • full of potential to make a difference in this life,

  • starting with your own.

  • Love yourself, accept yourself flaws and all,

  • shine a light on your shadowy parts to integrate and heal them,

  • embrace your strengths and celebrate your uniqueness.

  • You are lovable just as you are.

  • And, finally, live who you really are.

  • You've heard it: use your talents and your ideas in service to others.

  • Because we need you, the world is depending upon it.

  • I will leave you with this:

  • be yourself ...

  • because an original is always worth more than a copy.

  • And that's my idea worth spreading.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

I am obsessed with transformation,


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TEDx】成為真正的自己|Andrea Pennington|TEDxIUM。 (【TEDx】Become who you really are | Andrea Pennington | TEDxIUM)

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