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- All right, that's good. - Oh boy!
- (hooting) - (laughter)
- (moaning)
- ♪ Fire, fire, fire, fire ♪
- Hi there, YouTube.
I'm Tom. - I'm Alex.
- And welcome to Challenge Chalice.
- Can I just say, before we move on...
- Sure.
- I feel like every single shoot, I'm always wearing
these goddamn camouflage pants.
- You just don't wear pants.
Is that okay? - Yeah.
- You're not wearing pants either.
I feel like you only have those pants.
- (whispering) I might. - Can Alex borrow some pants?
- (crew) I got the same camo-- - (loud laughter)
- So how this show works is Alex combs through
all the comments of your challenge suggestions,
he chooses a couple, throws them in the chalice,
and then we're gonna do it with awesome, cool people.
- We also have punishments that are now brought in by the fans,
from you guys, so send in your punishments
in the comments, or whenever we post it on social media.
- Also, we're going to be shouting out mad people
in the middle of the show.
I'm just gonna stop whatever I'm doing randomly.
So if you want a chance to be in the shout out,
make sure you subscribe down below,
hit the little bell icon,
and then the check mark right after it,
and then, bam, comment within the first 15 minutes,
and me and Alex will probably reply because
we reply to everyone. - Can I stay?
- Nope. - Okay, all right.
- All right.
We have some awesome people today.
We have Kaelyn from Adults React,
we have David, FBE post production coordinator,
and we have Brooklin from Teens React.
- ♪ (humming) ♪ - (laughing)
(cracking up) - It's the overalls.
- So how we're gonna decide who draws our challenge
is a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.
- (all) Rock-Paper-Scissors shoot!
- (all) Oh! - David, killin' the game.
- Y'all! - Yes!
Oh my god, I'm so hungry and I've been wanting to try this.
- Hold on. Hold on. - (giggling)
- It's the "Fire Noodle Challenge," suggested by Onna Allen.
- Oh! - "Onna Allen."
- Why do y'all always bring me on this
when there's some spicy stuff,
knowing, when I eat something spicy,
I want to die inside! - (laughing)
- (Alex) This is not true.
You had the spicy Lays and you loved them!
- Yeah-- - Back to the footage!
- These are good. - Yeah.
- You guys did the fire noodle challenge--
- I did that one! - No way.
- And it looked so good.
- Round two.
We put our own spin on it.
- (all) No!!
♪ (light folk music) ♪
- (Alex) Don't look in the bags.
- I don't want to. - I won't.
- You really put some effort into these bags
with these weird, black question marks.
- Does that say "spicy"?
- It says "Bitch, please." - (cracking up)
- So how this challenge is gonna work,
we're gonna split up into two teams.
It's you two, and us two. - Awesome.
Last time we were on a team, we won.
- Yeah, 'cause we're undefeated, so...
Good luck. - (laughter)
- We're not just doing the normal spicy ramen noodle challenge.
Alex has even spicier products that we are going to be adding
to our spicy noodle challenge. - Yo, I have to go back to work.
- (laughter)
- We have some numbers right here.
It's either one or two.
Now, if you draw a number, you're gonna have to pick
one random item from the bag to put in your noodle stew.
- Oh my gosh! - Goddamn it, Alex!
- After we pull a number and pull a snack
from the correlating bag, we're gonna mix it
with our spicy ramen noodles to make it even spicier
because Alex hates us.
How you win this is both teams are gonna be eating
their spicy noodles.
The first team to finish,
or the team that eats the most spicy noodles
within five minutes is the winner.
There also is a punishment for the losing team.
- Stop! - (laughter)
- Alex, I really don't like you anymore.
I had a lot of respect for you when I walked in,
but that is out the door.
- You guys can draw first.
So a one-- so you choose a snack from bag number one.
Don't look.
Just put your hand in there and grab one.
(bag rustling)
- Oh, that's not bad. - Oh! XXtra Hot Flaming Cheetos.
- Yo, I love Flaming Hot Cheetos.
Come on, ghost pepper!
- Oh, don't you say that.
- (Kaelyn and Tom) Two.
- Oh! - They're Takis!
- Oh, wait, it's not even the good one.
- (laughter)
- Please, don't. Please.
- So she's mixing that in hers, and I'm mixing--
- No, so we're gonna mix the whole team.
You guys are doing it as a team.
We're mixing your Cheetos and whatever you just drew.
- No! - Yes!!
I love these! - Yes!
- All right, we got two.
Sorry, but I don't know what it's gonna be.
(bag rustling)
- Oh, some Flamin' Fritos. - Fritos?
- So now... - (moaning)
- So now it's your guys' turn again.
You can draw one of the question marks.
It's going to be a sauce.
He has chosen. - (panting anxiously)
- Oh, some hot sauce. - Pico Pica!
- That's fine. - Pico Pica hot sauce.
- That's fine. That's fine.
- Tabasco? - Tabasco Sriracha.
- Oh, that's good! - We got this.
- I didn't bring lunch,
so I'm really excited about this.
- Team one?
- Team one. - Oh yeah, right.
- One, two, three. - Three of 'em in there.
- Yo. - And here are the seeds.
- Yo! - Seeds?! [Bleep].
- (Alex) Actually, let's make it four.
- No! - (Alex) ...number four.
- No! Hey, this doesn't look-- oh!
- Oh, extra! - It looks like tar.
It looks like-- this is like a spicy noodle sauce.
- No pun intended, but the noodles by themselves
just, like, you can tell you're gonna taste fire.
- ♪ Fire, fire, fire, fire ♪
- So we're putting the Doritos--
this is gonna be so hard to stomach.
- Oh, look at your crunch.
- Oh, you guys just [bleep] up with the--
- (Alex) A little bit on the right. - Come on.
- Alex!! - You missed a spot.
- You guys got to remember that you got to eat it
in under five minutes. - Oh, no.
My nose is hurting. - Oh, I forgot about that.
- (snickering) - Crap.
- My nose is burning.
- It smells really spicy. - (Alex) Ho ho ho!!
- I know, right? - That smells good, though.
- Yeah, it does smell good. - Spicy but good.
- What is wrong with you? - (chuckling)
- Is it hot? - I just licked my finger.
- (laughing) - Hey, it's hot?
- Oh my god, his eyes are-- - Dude, I'm already sweating.
Not gonna lie.
- Here's your clean bowl.
- I don't wanna play anymore.
I quit! Bye, guys.
- All right, we win.
- I thought you said you were gonna win this.
- I'm gonna plant a tree.
- (all) Oh!
- She did say she had a strategy.
- Now she broke the whole bag.
- Fritos! Tell me when I should stop.
Oh, that's a lot.
Ooh, boy! - (hooting)
- (Alex) Get 'em. 'Ey, 'ey, 'ey!
- Yo, you guys, yours is a very different color.
- Theirs is darker.
- Ours is red. Yours is orange.
- Oh yeah, this one's all talky.
- All talky. - (overlapping speech)
- All talky, no walky!
- Look at my hand print, though. - Whoa!
- (Alex) So to help you guys out, there's a little bit of water.
- Thanks.
- Milk! - Milk!
- We got milk.
- All right, but before we eat anything,
I got some shout outs to do.
You guys ready?
Shout out to Mr. Jozie, Cristian Valle,
tenroy6, and nice king16.
Thank you guys so much for hopping in
our notifications squad.
If you guys want a chance at next week's shout out,
make sure you're subscribed down below,
hit the little bell icon,
and then follow it up with a check mark,
and then you'll get notified every time we post.
Hop in within the first fifteen minutes,
and then you'll have a shot.
It's that easy.
- (Alex) Go! ♪ (dramatic music) ♪
- Oh!
- [Bleep], that's so [bleep] hot.
Oh man.
That's really hot. I'm already sweating.
- (coughing weakly)
- I thought I made a dent, but I didn't.
I can't stop talking.
- I think talking makes it worse because-- aah!
(sucking air) Blegh! - It really does.
- Wait, we can drink this throughout.
- Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm.
- Jesus knows Satan is in my mouth.
- Yo, this tastes so good. - (laughing)
- I'm in so much pain. - (chuckling)
Dude, I can't tell you how much I'm sweating right now.
- (Alex) Three minutes remaining.
- Oh my gosh! We gotta go, Brooklin.
Let's go. - I'm in overdrive.
- Overdrive? What are you talking--?
I ate just as much as you!
HA!! It's so hot.
- Yeah, after this I can't talk to y'all
for a straight three months.
I've never had alcohol, but I feel drunk.
- (cracking up)
- My body's just oozing.
It's just sweat pouring.
(blowing nose)
- It comes out red. - (stuffily) I know.
It's blood. - Ugh!
- (grunting)
- (Alex) One more minute.
- My lips burn so much.
- Oh! (laughing)
- (Alex) Two, one, plates down.
David did a pretty good job.
I'm not sure if Kaelyn ate anything. - Go ahead.
Yes, I did.
My mouth is on fire.
- Tom? - I did work, dude.
- Pretty good. Brooklin, really well, really well.
The Chalice Champions... team Brooklin and Tom!
- Again. - Still undefeated.
- (Alex) Congratulations. - Thank you.
I'm so glad I flat ironed my hair.
My edges would have been gone.
- Girl, my edges are gone. - Now my edges are gone.
You got this punishment pick from the fans.
This one comes from halaawa32287864.
"Eat as much mayonnaise as you can.
- Ew! - (laughter)
(Alex humming fanfare)
- I am so sorry. - Just give her a red beanie.
- (gagging) - Oh, I'm gonna go home.
- I feel like I wanna lick it. - Ew!
It's gonna be like Jell-o. It's like Jell-o.
- Oh, maybe not.
I'll just slide over a little bit.
- I just heard a sniffle. She said (sniffling).
- (Kaelyn moaning) - Ugh!
Oh! - (Alex) Woo!
- Make sure to submit your challenge requests
with the hashtag #ChallengeChalice on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
And I want to give a big shout out to all of our shout outs
for our notification squad members.
You guys are the real ones!
- If you want to watch more FBE shows,
click the links below. - I'm dying.
- Oh, I would suck a cow's udder. - (cracking up)
- At this point, I would, like... - Oh my god!
- ...literally suck a cow's udder because I need more milk than this.