字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello. 哈囉。 My name is Sammi, and I am from Paris, France originally. 我的名字是 Sammi,我來自法國巴黎。 From Atlanta, Georgia. 喬治亞州的亞特蘭大城。 From Sydney, Australia. 澳洲雪梨。 London, England. 英國倫敦。 Moscow, Russia. 俄羅斯莫斯科。 There's been a lot more, but those are the ones that come to mind. 還有其他更多地區,這些只是我剛好想到的地方。 My name is Sammi Grant, I'm a dialect coach and I'm legally blind. 我是口音教練 Sammi Grant ,我是名盲人。 A dialect coach is someone who teaches actors accents. 口音教練是負責教演員各種口音的人。 I can do accents from around the world. 我能模仿世界各地不同的口音。 I don't really even have a count anymore because I've taught so many. 我甚至不去計算會的口音了,因為數量已經太多了。 I mostly work for the stage. 我大部分都教舞台演員。 I've started dabbling in television. 現在也開始做電視配音。 One of the reasons I think that I took to voice work and dialect work is because I'm more in tune with hearing. 我其中一個從事聲音和方言工作的原因是我對聽力比較在行。 So people are always like, "Oh, you have heightened hearing." 所以人們常常說「哦,你有聽覺過敏。」 I don't like that phrase 'cause it sounds like we have like superhero hearing, like we're Daredevil or something. 我不喜歡這種說法,因為那好像說我們有超人般的聽力,像夜魔俠之類的。 Oh, you're just like Daredevil. 哦,你就像夜魔俠。 No. 並不是。 But I do have more a tuned hearing. 但我的確聽力較好。 I use my hearing more than a sighted person because I have to. 我比視力正常的人更常使用聽覺,因為我必須這麼做。 For a London accent, placement's really important, so the placements like really forwards in the mouth. 倫敦腔舌頭的位置很重要,它在口腔內的位置會很靠前。 So there's the southern accent that lacks the R. 南方口音缺少 R 音。 The Australian accent is quite different than the British accent, so they don't really say like, buttah. 澳洲腔跟英國腔很不同,他們不會說 buttah。 It's a little more like butter. 會比較像 butter。 Transatlantic accent is very dramatic. 跨大西洋口音非常戲劇化。 It's what you hear in those old time movies. 就是老電影裡會聽到的腔調。 It's kind of like a, well, well I don't know, is he ever gonna love me? 有點類似「嗯,我不知道,他真的會愛上我嗎?」 Well, I just want him to love me. 「我只是想他愛我。」 But if I'm too expressive, maybe he won't, I don't know. 「但要是我太明顯,他是不是就不會愛我了?我不知道。」 For Russian accent you want to sort of feel like you swallow some in back of the mouth. 如果是俄羅斯口音,聽起來會像是嘴巴裡含了某種東西。 This is very stereotype, but like the Jewish New York mother. 雖然這很刻板印象,但這就像猶太裔紐約母親。 This is what I do a lot with my friends. 我很常很朋友這麼做。 You know, kind of like the, why don't you call me? 像是,你為什麼不打給我? You know I sit around and wait for your calls all day, and you never call me. 我整天都坐在這等你的電話,但你一直沒有打來。 I don't mind, it's okay, you know, just whatever. 我不介意,沒關係,隨便。 I just pay for your college tuition, it's okay. 我不過是幫你付了大學學費而已,也沒什麼。 It's a pretty in depth process teaching someone an accent. 腔調模仿教學的過程其實很複雜。 I get sent this script and I try to gather everything I can. 我收到劇本,然後盡力蒐集所有資訊。 So that goes much beyond just, where does this take place? 不只是哪裡的腔調這麼簡單。 It also factors in time period and education level, class level, and I also think about the gender of my character. 還包括了年代、教育程度、社會階級,還必須考慮角色的性別。 And then I talk with the director to sort of, you know, touch base on their concept for the voice of the show. 然後還得找導演談話,討論戲裡這個角色該有怎樣的音色。 And then I kind of go on a hunt for authentic speakers. 之後我會開始尋找此語言真正的母語人士。 Once I've gathered all that information, I present it to the actor. 一旦我蒐集完所有資訊,我就會呈現給演員看。 We're now surrounded by so many voices that are emotionless. 如今我們被很多缺乏情緒的聲音圍繞。 You know by these automated voices that sound very fake. 那些虛假的自動語音系統。 Where it's like, I'd love to help you. I'm a computer that's here to help you with whatever you want all the time. 聽起來就像「很高興為您服務,我是隨時隨地為您提供幫助的電腦系統。」 I love meeting new people and hearing their voices. 我喜歡認識新的人,聽他們的聲音。 I, you know, immediately go into dialect coach mode and I wanna sort of imitate them. 然後我會立刻進入口音教練的模式,並試著模仿他們。 I just wanna like experience their voice and experience what their vocalizing. 感受他們的聲音和發音方式。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 GreatBigStory 口音 腔調 教練 聽力 模仿 轉換各種語言,沒問題!口音教練教你各國腔調無縫接軌 (This Dialect Coach Can Transport You With Her Perfect Accents) 45670 2275 Samuel 發佈於 2022 年 03 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字