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  • Brothers and sisters, today I came to discuss the Bible.

  • My point is: Only the truth in the Bible

  • can lead us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16,

  • Amen!

  • So, what is written in the Bible

  • are all the words of God.

  • But some people say not all of them are God’s words.

  • Aren’t they denying the Bible and deceiving others?

  • Right! … Amen! …

  • Humph!

  • Theyve got such a nerve. They even dare deny God’s word.

  • That’s right.

  • You denied the Bible. Are you a believer in God?

  • The Bible is obviously inspired by God.

  • Amen!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • regardingall scripture is given by inspiration of God,”

  • first we need to know the background of Paul’s word.

  • When Paul wrote letters to Timothy,

  • there was only the Old Testament.

  • The New Testament hadn’t been compiled yet.

  • And there were just dozens of letters

  • kept in the churches.

  • So Paul’s word refers to the Old Testament,

  • because the Israelites

  • only regarded the Old Testament as scripture.

  • The New Testament came into being after 300 A.D.

  • At that time, the leaders of those churches

  • had a meeting together.

  • They thought the end time was near,

  • they should collect Jesuswords and the apostlesletters,

  • compile them into a book, like the Old Testament,

  • and give it out to every church.

  • So, they gathered the letters

  • Jesusdisciples and apostles had written.

  • Finally, through study and confirmation,

  • they selected 27 letters, as the canon of the New Testament.

  • Later they were compiled with the Old Testament,

  • which is the full content of the Bible.

  • This is how the Old and New Testaments came into being.

  • Besides, about the Bible’s formation, we have to know

  • who had written it and who had recorded it.

  • The Bible has scores of authors,

  • but none of them said that their letters were all inspired by God.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • if God said the whole Bible was inspired by Him,

  • He would have said it through the prophets.

  • But there was no such word in the books of the prophets.

  • The Lord Jesus never said it,

  • and the apostles never said

  • that their letters and testimonies were all inspired by God,

  • much less dared say they were God’s words.

  • That’s the fact!

  • But later, the believers in God all believed

  • that God only spoke those words in the Bible.

  • Although the Testaments were written by men,

  • they were inspired by God.

  • Then, have we considered whether the saying is factual?

  • The Bible is inspired by God,

  • and all the words in the Bible are God’s words.

  • It’s a fact acknowledged by Christianity.

  • The words in the Bible represent the highest authority.

  • Could it be wrong?

  • Brothers and sisters, these are only man’s views.

  • Man’s views can’t represent God.

  • Only God is clear about the Bible.

  • Let’s see how Almighty God’s word tells us.

  • OK!

  • Please turn to page 956.

  • Let’s read another passage of God’s word. Page 955.

  • Brother Zheng, please read it for us.

  • OK!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • Almighty God’s words have made it very clear.

  • The Bible isn’t a record of all God’s personal utterance

  • but an account of God’s work.

  • In the Bible, Jehovah’s words, Jesuswords,

  • and the words God revealed to the prophets are truly God’s words,

  • and the rest are mostly the record of history and man’s experiences.

  • So, “the Bible is all inspired by God and is all God’s word

  • doesn’t match historical facts!

  • Right, it doesn’t fit the facts!

  • It seems theEastern Lightningis not simple.

  • They are quite clear about the formation

  • and structure of the Bible….

  • Jiahui,

  • the key point of today’s lesson

  • lies in 2 Timothy 3:16.

  • You must remember it!

  • Every word in the Bible is inspired by God.

  • They are God’s words.

  • Anything that denies the Bible is all inspired by God

  • is a heresy.

  • Among the students, you are the most excellent.

  • To be a good servant of the Lord in the future,

  • you should put more effort in the Bible.

  • As long as you obey the teaching in the Bible,

  • the Lord will surely approve you….

  • All the words in the Bible are God’s words

  • and have God’s authority.

  • It’s acknowledged by all Christians. (Amen!)

  • Since Paul said that the Bible was all inspired by God,

  • it can’t be wrong.

  • God told people through Paul

  • that the Bible was all inspired by God

  • and was God’s word.

  • Amen!

  • This fact, how dare you deny?

  • Right! The Bible is God’s word.

  • If you deny the Bible, you deny God!

  • Right! What Paul said can’t be wrong!

  • Amen!

  • Sister Feng,

  • the issue you mention is very typical.

  • Next, let’s fellowship about

  • whether the epistles written by Paul and other apostles

  • were inspired by God

  • and whether they can represent God’s word.

  • Then well know how to treat these apostlesletters.

  • Before we fellowship,

  • let’s read two passages of Almighty God’s word.

  • OK!

  • Page 956.

  • Right! God’s words make a very good point

  • and have disclosed the mystery about the Bible.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • from Almighty God’s words we can see

  • although the apostlesletters

  • mostly agreed with God’s will,

  • yet agreeing with God’s will

  • is different from being God’s word.

  • Peter and Paul’s epistles

  • appeared after the Lord Jesusresurrection and ascension.

  • When those letters were sent to the churches,

  • how would the brothers and sisters of that time treat them?

  • They would say, “These letters are from Brother Peter.

  • Those are from Brother Paul.”

  • The brothers and sisters at that time

  • wouldn’t treat those epistles as God’s words.

  • Because the apostles had never said

  • that they themselves were God.

  • They just claimed to be disciples

  • who followed the Lord Jesus.

  • So, the brothers and sisters of that time

  • would treat their epistles and their words

  • as the words from a brother.

  • Peter and Paul had never said that

  • their words were inspired by God and were God’s words.

  • This is the historical background.

  • But today we treat the letters of the apostles

  • and the words of the apostles as God’s words,

  • and even equate them as God’s words.

  • It’s against the historical facts!

  • He’s right!

  • The apostlesletters

  • were only written out of their burden for the churches

  • and were for sustaining the churches of that time.

  • Their epistles couldn’t represent God’s words.

  • Why didn’t I ever think of that?

  • I’ve read the Bible for so many years.

  • I’m sure the apostlesletters are inspired by God.

  • They are God’s words.

  • Amen!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • God’s words are God’s words

  • and man’s words are man’s words.

  • If we don’t discern in the Bible

  • which are God’s words and which are man’s,

  • this is a serious problem.

  • In fact,

  • only a part of words in the Bible are God’s words.

  • Only the words Jehovah personally said,

  • the words Jehovah revealed to Moses,

  • the words Jehovah let the prophets convey,

  • and the words Jesus said personally

  • are truly God’s words.

  • We can see that

  • there is a special mark in all the prophetswords.

  • They said, “Thus said the LORD

  • andThus says the LORD.”

  • It shows that they were conveying God’s words.

  • And people could see clearly

  • that they were simply repeating God’s words.

  • So, only God’s words conveyed by the prophets,

  • and Jehovah’s words which were recorded,

  • and Jesuswords recorded by the apostles,

  • are truly God’s words.

  • In the Bible, only this part is truly God’s words.

  • Except for this part,

  • the words spoken by the apostles

  • and the things recorded by God’s servants

  • are man’s testimonies and man’s words.

  • Thus said the LORD.”

  • The LORD God of Israel said.”

  • It was what the prophets said.

  • Why didn’t I notice them when reading the Bible before?

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • if according to only one word in the apostlesletters,

  • we say that the Bible is inspired by God

  • and is all God’s word,

  • this is not correct.

  • In the age of apostles,

  • no one treated the letters

  • of the apostles Peter and Paul

  • as God’s words.

  • And no one regarded apostles as Christ.

  • And those apostles never dared to call themselves Christ.

  • Only Christ represents God and the Holy Spirit.

  • So, we shouldn’t treat the apostleswords

  • as God’s words.

  • The apostleswords don’t represent God,

  • much less the Holy Spirit.

  • Besides, God has never testified the Bible like that.

  • The Lord Jesus only acknowledged

  • the Bible was God’s testimony,

  • but didn’t say it was inspired by God

  • and was all God’s word.

  • Besides, the Holy Spirit

  • had never testified the Bible to anyone like that.

  • Only the Holy Spirit and God’s incarnation

  • are clear about the Bible’s inside truth.

  • No one else can fathom it.

  • The Bible is an account of God’s work

  • written by those who served God

  • and is testimony of men’s experiences.

  • It’s only men’s conveying of God’s words

  • or their testimony of God’s work through their experience

  • after being inspired and enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

  • All these weren’t written by God personally.

  • It’s a fact.

  • Mm!

  • Although the apostlesrecords and letters

  • had the Holy Spirit’s inspiration,

  • they couldn’t represent God’s words.

  • So, the view thatthe Bible is all inspired by God

  • and is all God’s wordis wrong.

  • It goes against the facts.

Brothers and sisters, today I came to discuss the Bible.


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B1 中級 美國腔

福音電影《揭開聖經的神祕面紗》(4)--《聖經》的內幕 (Gospel Movie "Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" (4) - Inside Story of the Bible)

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    JANE 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日