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  • Brother Shen,

  • I understand what you just fellowshipped.

  • Then, how will we believe in the Lord and receive life

  • if we leave the Bible?

  • Sister Feng, your question is very crucial.

  • This is what we believers all want to know.

  • The Lord Jesus once said this,

  • Before, we also studied the Bible again and again,

  • thinking we could gain eternal life from it.

  • Actually, the Bible only testifies God.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • if we want to gain truth and life in believing in God,

  • the Bible’s testimony is not enough.

  • Sister Feng, please read Almighty God’s words.

  • Thank you!

  • Sister Tan.

  • Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s word.

  • Please turn to page 1460.

  • Brother Guo, read it, please. (OK!)

  • Brothers and sisters, from Almighty God’s words,

  • we understand only Christ can express the truth,

  • redeem mankind, and save mankind.

  • Only if man comes to Christ

  • can he receive truth and life.

  • The Bible can’t replace God’s authority and power

  • and can’t give man life on behalf of God,

  • much less replace the Holy Spirit’s working.

  • Only if we accept and obey the end-time Christ

  • can we receive the Holy Spirit’s working

  • and gain truth and life.

  • If man doesn’t accept the words

  • expressed by the end-time Christ, he can’t gain life,

  • because the Bible isn’t God

  • but just the testimony of God’s work.

  • Here we see,

  • life isn’t from the Bible

  • but from Christ.

  • Only Christ is the Lord of the Bible and the spring of life.

  • Amen!

  • Your fellowship is very practical.

  • Yes!

  • Now I understand that

  • one can’t receive life by holding on to the Bible.

  • I also understand that life can only come from God.

  • I feel I gained a lot through such a fellowship.

  • Yes! Indeed!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • before, we believed in God only according to the Bible.

  • In our eyes, the Bible represented the Lord and God.

  • The Bible replaced God in our hearts.

  • Rather than believe in God,

  • we believed in the Bible.

  • Yes!

  • So, when Almighty God, the end-time Christ, works,

  • we think what He speaks and does doesn’t agree with the Bible

  • and then deny and reject

  • and even condemn and resist.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • we know God’s disposition is righteous

  • and doesn’t tolerate man’s offense.

  • In the past, the chief priests, teachers of the law,

  • and Pharisees, though believing in God for generations,

  • held on to the Old Testament,

  • and by the law, they condemned the Lord Jesus,

  • and crucified the Lord Jesus.

  • Today, when Almighty God came,

  • we resist His work by the Bible once again.

  • Isn’t it the same

  • as the Phariseesresisting the Lord Jesus

  • in the Age of the Grace?

  • We should draw a lesson from the Phariseesfailure.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • Before I accepted God’s end-time work,

  • I didn’t understand the meaning of this word.

  • Today, I understand, only the last Christ

  • is the gate to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Only if we accept and obey the last Christ

  • can we be led onto the way of being saved.

  • Let’s read a passage of Almighty God’s word.

  • OK!

  • Page 1461.

  • God’s word doesn’t exist outside the Bible.

  • Any belief apart from the Bible is a heresy.

  • As long as we hold on to the Bible,

  • they can’t take us away...

  • Amen!

  • Thank God!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • from God’s words, we see

  • no one can enter into the kingdom of heaven

  • if not through the last Christ.

  • When God’s new work comes upon man,

  • whether he accepts it or rejects it

  • decides his destiny.

  • We can say that man’s attitude toward the last Christ

  • is his attitude toward God.

  • If man always resists and rejects the last Christ,

  • hell lose the opportunity to be saved

  • and the eternal salvation.

  • Here we see God’s righteous disposition.

  • Brothers and sisters, since 1991,

  • the last Christ, Almighty God,

  • has expressed millions of words,

  • that is, this book The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • It discloses the biggest mystery,

  • God’s six-thousand-year management plan, (Amen!)

  • and points out the only way for us to be saved

  • and to gain truth.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • let’s read another passage of God’s word.

  • Ok.

  • Please turn to page 17.

  • The last paragraph. Sister Feng, can you read it?

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Amen!

  • This is the voice of the Lord Jesus

  • I’ve always been expecting. (Yes!)

  • The Lord has come back.

  • Brothers and sisters, let’s pray to God together.

  • O Lord, youve come back. Youve really come back….

  • Amen!

  • I was so blind….

Brother Shen,


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揭開聖經的神祕面紗(6)--人沒有聖經就不能獲得生命嗎? (Disclose the Mystery About the Bible (6) - Can't Man Gain Life Without the Bible?)

  • 10 8
    JANE 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日