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  • Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! What's the best way to learn new English vocabulary?

    你好!我是來自mmmEnglish的Emma!我是來自mmmEnglish的Emma!什麼是 學習英語新詞彙的最佳方法?

  • Ahh the million dollar question! If only I could give the ultimate answer to that question.

    啊,百萬美元的問題!如果我... 可以給出這個問題的最終答案。

  • It's a question that I get asked daily - literally! There is no single

    這是一個問題,我得到 每天都會被問到--真的!沒有單一的

  • best way. There is no quick solution, but I do have 10 tips or recommendations in

    最好的辦法。沒有快速的解決方案,但 我有10個提示或建議

  • this lesson that will help you to improve your English vocabulary. So you

    本課將幫助你 提高你的英語詞彙量。所以你

  • need to find the best way for you and to do that you need to take a few moments

    需要找到最適合你的方式,併為你提供 做到這一點,你需要花點時間

  • to think about YOU. Think about your interests. Do you like reading? The

    想想你。想想你的 興趣。你喜歡讀書嗎?的

  • movies? Watching the news? How do you like to learn? Do you like to learn

    看電影?看新聞?你是怎麼 喜歡學習嗎?你喜歡學習嗎?

  • inside or outside, in a group or alone? What type of learner are you? How do you

    內部或外部,在小組或單獨? 你是哪種類型的學習者?你是如何

  • best take in information? And what's your schedule like? When can you study?

    最好的接受資訊?而你的 時間表是怎樣的?什麼時候可以學習?

  • On the train or with your kids? Use this information to find the opportunities to

    在火車上還是和孩子一起?使用這個 資訊,尋找機會,以

  • learn and enjoy English. The truth is that to successfully learn new

    學習和享受英語。事實是 要成功學習新的

  • vocabulary, you need to create really good study habits. You need to keep it

    詞彙,你需要創造真正的 良好的學習習慣。你需要保持

  • interesting and you need to make sure that you're having fun! It's something

    有趣的是,你需要確保 你玩得很開心!這是什麼

  • that you need to be doing every day so you need to find a way to involve things

    你需要做的每一天,所以 你要想辦法把事情牽扯進來

  • that you love to do. Me? I get really bored reading grammar books and

    你喜歡做的事情。 我?我嗎 我真的 厭煩閱讀文法書和

  • listening to words through dictionaries. I'm much more likely to stay motivated

    通過字典聽單詞。 我更容易保持積極性

  • if I'm eating or drinking so I like to study around meals. Hey, you may laugh but

    如果我在吃或喝,所以我喜歡。 圍著飯菜學習。嘿,你可能會笑,但

  • it works for me! Consistency is key when you're learning new words.

    這對我來說是有效的始終如一是關鍵,當 你在學習新單詞。

  • You can't just learn them once and magically they're kept inside your head forever.

    你不可能只學一次就神奇地... 它們永遠保存在你的腦海裡。

  • You need to hear them again and again. Understand how they're used in different

    你需要反覆聽它們。 瞭解它們在不同的

  • context or how they're conjugated or used in different, in word families. You need to

    語意 在不同的,字系中。你需要

  • use them yourself. The truth is that we all learn differently. So in this video

    自己使用它們。事實上,我們 都有不同的學習方式。所以在這個視頻中

  • I'm going to talk about 10 different tools and techniques that you can use to

    我要講的是10種不同的 工具和技術,你可以用來

  • improve your vocabulary. You might not like all of them

    提高你的詞彙量。你可能不會 都喜歡

  • but you will definitely enjoy some of them and hopefully you can make them a

    但你一定會喜歡一些 希望你能讓他們成為一個好朋友。

  • part of your daily or your weekly routine. And if you've got any of your

    每日或每週 慣例。如果你有任何的

  • own suggestions about ways to learn vocabulary, then add them to the comments

    自己對學習方法的建議 詞彙,然後把它們添加到評論中去。

  • below! Share the love with everyone, people! So, the first suggestion or the

    下面就和大家一起分享一下吧!和大家一起分享愛。 人!所以,第一個建議還是

  • first tip is get better at studying new words. Keep a vocabulary journal. Don't

    第一條建議是更好地學習新 詞彙。寫詞彙日記。不要

  • roll your eyes at me, you can do this in lots of different ways. If you think it's

    翻臉不認人,你也可以這樣做 很多不同的方式。如果你認為這是

  • dorky to carry around a notebook, then find a way that works for you.

    呆呆的帶著一個筆記本。 然後找到適合自己的方式。

  • There are lots of apps that can help you to do this - apps on your smartphone. And it's

    有很多應用程序,可以幫助你做到 這--智能手機上的應用程序。而且它的

  • just as easy to make notes there. Your phone is great because it's always with

    就像在那裡做筆記一樣容易。你的 手機是偉大的,因為它總是與

  • you but if you prefer to keep a notebook that's just as good. So neat ways of

    但如果你喜歡保留一個筆記本 那就好辦了。所以,整齊的方式

  • doing this are creating lists or by creating vocabulary maps. However, you do it

    做法是創建列表或通過 創建詞彙圖。然而,你這樣做

  • you need to keep updating it and you need to keep building on this list

    你需要不斷更新它,你 需要繼續建立這個名單

  • and don't just write the word down. Go deeper! If it's a noun, learn whether it's


  • countable or uncountable. Learn the prefixes and suffixes so that you can

    可數或不可數。學習 前綴和後綴,以便您可以

  • build on those words. Learn synonyms for those words. You know, if you said "I felt

    在這些詞的基礎上,建立。學習同義詞 這些話。你知道,如果你說 "我覺得

  • angry", there are so many other options. Annoyed, irritated, furious, frustrated, or

    憤怒",還有很多其他的選擇。 惱怒、惱火、憤怒、沮喪,或

  • cranky. Learn if any of these words are used in phrasal verbs or idioms.


  • Number two. When you do learn new words, don't just


  • learn them on their own. Learn them with the words that they are often used with.

    自己學習它們。學習他們與 的詞語,它們經常與。

  • These are called collocations. Two or more English words that are often said

    這些都稱為搭配。兩個或 更多常用的英語單詞

  • together or used together. They sound right because native speakers often use

    一起使用或一起使用。它們聽起來 因為母語人士經常使用

  • them together. For example, you throw or have or plan a party. You don't make a party.

    他們在一起。例如,你投擲或 有或計劃一個黨。你不做一個黨。

  • Or instead of memorising the word, apply, learn the phrase "apply for a job"

    或者代替背單詞。 應聘,學習 "應聘 "一詞。

  • or "apply for a citizenship" or "apply for a visa". You can learn hundreds of new

    或 "申請公民身份 "或 "申請。 簽證"。你可以學習數百種新的

  • individual words but you'll be frustrated if you can't put them

    單詞,但你會 悵然若失

  • together in a sentence that sounds correct and natural. When you learn words

    連成一句話 正確、自然。當你學習單詞

  • in groups, you're learning the words with the verb, the nouns, the prepositions that

    在小組中,你在學習單詞與 的動詞、名詞、介詞,以利於

  • they are commonly used with so you'll sound much more natural when you speak.

    他們常用的,所以你會 當你說話時,聲音更自然。

  • Three. Learn new vocabulary through stories. Stories are full of new words,

    三、通過學習新詞彙通過學習新詞彙 故事。故事裡有很多新詞。

  • phrases and interesting expressions that show you how words come together in a

    短語和有趣的表達方式 告訴你如何將文字組合在一起

  • really entertaining way. Just like the collocation method, you are learning new

    真正的娛樂方式。就像 搭配法,你在學習新的

  • vocabulary in context. You're not only learning what words to use but you're

    語境中的詞彙。你不僅要 學會用詞,但你

  • learning how to use them. An important note to remember is that it's important

    學習如何使用它們。一個重要的 切記

  • to challenge yourself but not feel completely overwhelmed and confused.

    挑戰自己但不覺得 完全不知所措,一頭霧水。

  • Read stories that are fun, that are enjoyable and that help you to feel confident with

    讀到的故事是有趣的,是享受的。 並幫助你對

  • English. Start with children's books if you need to! "Emma are you serious? Start

    英語。從兒童讀物開始,如果 你需要!"艾瑪你是認真的嗎?開始

  • with children's books?" Yes I'm serious! There are lots of great children's books

    與兒童書籍?"是的,我是認真的! 有很多好的童書

  • out there that are interesting, they're funny, they're full of adventure.

    在那裡,是有趣的,他們是 有趣的是,他們充滿了冒險。

  • Start with children's books and when you're reading them and it becomes too

    從兒童讀物開始,當 你在讀它們,它變得太

  • easy, you can try something a bit more challenging. In the description below

    容易,你可以嘗試更多的東西 具有挑戰性。在下面的描述中

  • I've linked to some great books that you can get started with. In this wonderful

    我已經鏈接到一些偉大的書籍,你 可以開始與。在這個精彩的

  • day and age that we live in, you can also find audiobooks for almost any book that

    在我們生活的時代,你也可以... ... 幾乎所有的書都可以找到有聲讀物。

  • you can imagine and when you're learning English, hearing how the words are

    你可以想象,當你在學習 英語,聽說單詞是如何

  • pronounced is so important because English is not phonetic. In English, words

    發音是如此重要,因為 英語不是音標。在英語中,單詞

  • are often not pronounced the way that you think they are, so listening and

    往往不是這樣發音的 你認為他們是,所以聽和

  • reading at the same time is even better! I use Audible to download my audiobooks

    同時閱讀就更好了! 我用Audible下載我的有聲讀物。

  • and listen to them while I'm jogging, while I'm travelling, while I'm drifting

    並在我慢跑的時候聽它們。 在我旅行的時候,在我漂泊的時候。

  • off to sleep. And I've listed some really great books in the description box below.

    睡覺去了。我已經列出了一些真正的 偉大的書籍在下面的描述框中。

  • Plus, there's a link down there to try your first audio book for free and I

    另外,下面有一個鏈接,可以試試。 你的第一本有聲書是免費的,我

  • really recommend it. Make sure you choose stories and topics that you love and

    真心推薦。確保你選擇 您喜歡的故事和話題,並且

  • that you're interested in. On that note, TED Talks are also really great for this

    你感興趣的。在這一點上, TED演講也是非常不錯的選擇。

  • because there's TED Talks on almost every topic imaginable and you can also

    因為幾乎有TED演講的內容 每一個可以想象的主題,你也可以

  • follow the transcript as the speaker is speaking. I'll link you to some of my

    隨聲附和 說。我將為你鏈接到我的一些

  • favourite TED Talks in the description below too.

    最喜歡的TED演講的描述 下面也。

  • Another great tip is to learn new vocabulary through songs. If you love

    另一個好的建議是學習新的 通過歌曲來積累詞彙。如果你喜歡

  • listening to music, there is no doubt that learning new vocabulary through

    聽音樂,毫無疑問 學習新的詞彙,通過

  • songs will help you to remember them. You need to find songs where the words are

    歌曲會幫助你記住它們。你 需要找到的歌曲,其中的單詞是

  • not sung too fast so that you can hear each word and how it's pronounced.

    不要唱得太快,讓你聽得見。 每一個單詞以及它的發音。

  • It's more effective if you can download the lyrics and read them as you're listening.

    如果你能下載到的是更有效的 歌詞,邊聽邊念。

  • There are so many more benefits to learning vocabulary through songs! They get stuck

    還有這麼多的好處 通過歌曲學習詞彙!他們被卡住了

  • in your head - if they're good - so you'll be singing them and practising them so

    在你的腦海裡--如果他們是好的--所以你會。 唱著它們,練習著它們

  • often you won't even feel like you're doing it - in the shower, while you're

    往往你甚至不會覺得自己是在 在洗澡時,當你

  • exercising, while you're driving to work.


  • Songs also use colloquial language or slang language that's really common in English.

    歌曲中也有使用口語或俚語的情況 語言,在英語中真的很常見。

  • You'll also hear how words are contracted and reduced and it's going to

    你還會聽到文字是如何 收縮和減少,它將。

  • improve your speaking skills too. If you're singing out loud you'll be

    也能提高你的口語能力。如果 你大聲唱出來你就會被

  • improving aspects of your pronunciation. And the rhythm of music helps you to

    改善你發音的各個方面。 而音樂的節奏可以幫助你

  • memorise new vocabulary. I'll also link down there to some great websites where

    記憶新詞彙。我還會鏈接 下面有一些偉大的網站,在那裡

  • you can get lyrics for English songs and also, if you've got any suggestions about

    你可以得到英文歌曲的歌詞和 此外,如果你有任何建議,關於

  • great English music that you like to listen to, make sure you add it to the comments.

    你喜歡的偉大的英語音樂 聽,一定要加在評論裡。

  • The next tip. Get better at using online dictionaries. Online dictionaries

    下一個提示。更好地使用 在線字典在線字典

  • offer so many ways to practise and learn new English vocabulary. Let's look at the

    提供了許多練習和學習的方法 新的英語詞彙。讓我們看看

  • word, produce, as an example. When I look up this word in an online dictionary,

    詞,產生,為例。當我看 在網上字典裡查到這個詞。

  • I can read the definition, I can read and sometimes listen to the different verb forms,

    我可以讀出定義,我可以讀出和。 有時聽聽不同的動詞形式。

  • producers, produced, producing. I can read lots of example sentences that

    生產者,生產,生產。我可以 閱讀大量的例句

  • show how this word is used. I can also learn synonyms

    顯示這個詞的使用方法。 我還可以學習同義詞

  • and collocations. You can also see the entire word family: produce, producer, production,

    和搭配。您還可以看到整個 詞族:生產,生產者,生產。

  • productive, unproductive, productively, product, produce. You'll also listen to

    生產性,非生產性,生產性。 產品,生產。你還會聽到

  • the pronunciation and in this example, you'll be surprised (maybe) to learn that

    的發音,而在這個例子中。 你會驚訝地發現

  • the verb produce and the noun produce are pronounced differently.

    孳生 都有不同的發音。

  • I recommend some online dictionaries below in the description box. I use Oxford online

    下面我推薦一些在線詞典中的 描述框。我使用牛津在線

  • dictionaries and Macmillan online dictionaries. They also have really great

    詞典和麥克米倫在線 詞典。他們也有非常棒的

  • apps for iPhone and for Android. So go and explore all of the amazing vocabulary

    iPhone和Android的應用程序。所以去 探索所有的驚人詞彙

  • building tools. Plus, if you

    構建工具。 另外,如果你

  • sign up to their email list you're going to get sent a new English word every day

    註冊到他們的電子郵件列表,你會 每天收到一個新的英語單詞

  • and that's just another way to get more practice with new vocabulary!

    這只是另一種方式,以獲得更多的 練習新詞彙

  • OK, what about flashcards and labels? Flashcards have been a really

    好了,那閃卡和標籤呢? 閃卡一直是一個非常

  • favourite way of learning new vocabulary for years and years! But there are lots

    最喜歡的學習新詞彙的方法 好多年了!但是有很多

  • more options available for us today. You might prefer to hand-write English

    今天我們有更多的選擇。您 可能更喜歡手寫英文

  • phrases on one side of a card and then translate them into your own native

    詞組在卡片的一面,然後再 翻譯成你自己的母語

  • language on the other, but you can also use an SRS program such as Anki.

    語言,但你也可以 使用SRS程序,如Anki。

  • Now I downloaded Anki a few weeks ago and I think it's amazing! It allows you to remember a

    現在,我在幾個星期前下載了安琪,我想。 它是驚人的!它可以讓你記住一個

  • large number of words in a short amount of time. And it also lets you work at

    語多 的時間。而且它還可以讓你在

  • your own pace so I guess it's kind of like digital flashcards and as you

    你自己的步伐,所以我想這是一種的 像數字閃存卡,當你

  • practise, the program remembers what words you get wrong and it shows you

    練習,程序會記住 錯字連篇

  • them more frequently. So you get to practise some more! It's a really

    他們更頻繁。所以,你可以 再練習一下!這是一個真正的

  • efficient way of studying, I can't recommend it highly enough! I use it

    高效的學習方式,我不能 高度推薦它!我使用它

  • while I'm studying Spanish. Another tip - my favourite tip - is to describe the world

    當我在學習西班牙語的時候。另一個建議是 我最喜歡的提示 - 是描述世界

  • around you, what's happening around you. If you like using a dictionary to learn

    你身邊的人,你身邊發生的事。 如果你喜歡用字典來學習

  • new vocabulary, getting into the habit of describing things that are happening

    新詞彙,養成習慣。 敘事

  • around you in English is a really great way to study. When you're unsure of words,

    在你身邊的英語是一個非常偉大的 的方式來學習。當你對單詞不確定的時候。

  • look them up. It will help you to fill in the gaps in your vocabulary. So for

    查找它們。它將幫助你填寫 詞彙量的差距。所以對於

  • example, when you're at your local supermarket, ask yourself "Do I remember

    例如,當你在當地的 超市,問問自己 "我還記得

  • the names for everything that's in the fridge?" or "How can I describe the woman

    的一切名稱。 冰箱?"或者 "我怎麼能形容這個女人呢?

  • waiting in line?" or "Do I know the English names of all of these vegetables?"

    在排隊等候?"或 "我知道英語的 所有這些蔬菜的名稱?"

  • When you can't think of a word, you stop and you look it up. Understand how it's used,

    當你想不出一個詞的時候,你就停下來,然後 你去查。瞭解它的使用方法。

  • practise it and then use it again next time you're at the supermarket. You can

    熟能生巧 你在超市的時候。你可以

  • also do it on your way to work on the bus, as you're going past things you can

    也可以在你上班的路上做。 公車上,當你經過的東西,你可以。

  • think of the vocabulary and try and fill in the gaps when you don't know how to

    思考詞彙,並嘗試著填入 顧此失彼

  • describe it or explain it. Number nine - my favourite - imitate a native speaker.

    描述它或解釋它。第九條---- 我最喜歡的是--模仿母語者。

  • Imitation and shadowing are great techniques to improve pronunciation and

    模仿和影子都很好 技巧,以提高發音和

  • spoken English but they're also awesome for learning new vocabulary, in context too.

    英語口語,但他們也很厲害 為學習新詞彙,在語境中也。

  • I have a huge range of imitation lessons that are available on different topics,

    我有一個巨大的模仿課程範圍 有不同主題的。

  • so if you want to check them out you can go up here or I'll link to them at the

    所以,如果你想檢查出他們,你可以 上去這裡,或者我將鏈接到他們在。

  • end of the video. And number ten. If you are confident enough, speak and practise

    視頻的結尾。十號。如果你 自信滿滿,說練結合

  • being in conversations. By the time you've reached pre-intermediate to intermediate

    正在對話中。當你已經 達到中上級到中級

  • level, you already have enough vocabulary in you, you can communicate what you want.

    水準,你已經有足夠的詞彙量 在你身上,你可以傳達你想要的東西。

  • The message might not be perfect but it's enough and it's at this point that

    資訊可能不完美,但 夠了,就在這個時候

  • practising real conversation is going to catapult your English skills and that

    練習真正的對話是要 促使你的英語技能和

  • means push them much further than if you just keep doing what you're doing.

    意思是把它們推得更遠,而不是像你那樣 只是繼續做你在做什麼。

  • In conversations, you're developing core language skills simultaneously. You're

    在對話中,你在發展核心 語言能力同時。你是

  • listening, you're asking questions, you're learning new vocabulary and context.

    傾聽,你在問問題,你在... 學習新詞彙和語境;

  • You're pushing yourself to find new ways to express your ideas. And if you're not

    你在逼迫自己尋找新的方法。 來表達你的想法。如果你不是

  • expressing yourself clearly enough, you have to find a new way of explaining

    清楚地表達自己,你 另闢蹊徑

  • yourself. And all of this is happening at once, there's lots of pressure, there is

    自己。而這一切都發生在 一次,有很多壓力,有

  • no better way to build your language skills than immersing yourself inside an

    沒有更好的方式來建立你的語言 技巧,而不是沉浸在一個

  • English conversation. There are so many different ways that you can do this.

    英語對話。有這麼多 不同的方法,你可以做到這一點。

  • You can do it online, there are companies that connect you with people who want to

    你可以在網上做,有公司 把你和那些想把你和你的人聯繫起來的人

  • study English like Cambly and Lingoda. I'll write a link to all of those in the

    學習英語,比如坎布里和凌達。 我會寫一個鏈接,把所有這些在

  • description below too. Or in that link up there. I have a

    下面的描述也。 或者在上面那個鏈接裡。我有一個

  • Facebook group that encourages conversation amongst women so if you're

    臉書小組,鼓勵 女人之間的對話,所以如果你

  • a woman, you are welcome to join! It's free and there is a link in the

    一個女人,歡迎你加入!這是 免費的,並且有一個鏈接在

  • description below as well. So that's it, my ten suggestions for improving your

    下面的描述也是如此。就這樣了。 我對改善你的十條建議

  • vocabulary. Try them out and let me know what you think! And if you've got some

    詞彙量。試試吧,讓我知道 你怎麼想的!如果你有一些

  • other suggestions about ways to improve your vocabulary, add them in the comments!

    關於如何改進的其他建議 你的詞彙,在評論中添加他們!

  • Most importantly, you need to find ways to learn and practise vocabulary that

    最重要的是,你要想辦法 學習和練習以下詞彙

  • will work best for you because hey, we all learn differently. We all have

    將最適合你,因為嘿,我們 都有不同的學習方式。我們都有

  • different priorities and different amounts of time to spend when we're

    不同的重點和不同的 的時間,當我們

  • learning new languages. You need to create your own good study habits and

    學習新的語言。你需要 創造自己良好的學習習慣和

  • find ways to enjoy English while you're learning new words. If you haven't

    想辦法讓您在享受英語的同時 學習新單詞。如果你還沒有

  • already subscribed to the mmmEnglish Channel, you should definitely do it!

    已經訂閱了mmmEnglish 管道,你一定要做!

  • There's always new lessons to keep you busy. Watch one of my imitation lessons

    總有新的課程讓你 忙。看我的一堂模仿課

  • right here to help you build your vocabulary and improve your

    在這裡幫助你建立你的 詞彙量和提高你的

  • pronunciation and become a better English speaker. If you want to watch

    發音,成為一個更好的 說英語的人。如果你想看

  • some of the other mmmEnglish lessons, go right here. Thanks for watching and I'll

    其他的一些mmmEnglish課程,請到 就在這裡。謝謝你的觀看,我會

  • see you in the next lesson. Bye for now!

    下節課見 暫時再見

Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! What's the best way to learn new English vocabulary?

你好!我是來自mmmEnglish的Emma!我是來自mmmEnglish的Emma!什麼是 學習英語新詞彙的最佳方法?

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