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  • In the year 1014, Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second defeated the Bulgarian army and captured 15 thousand prisoners.


  • He could've killed them, but he had a different idea.


  • He wanted to weaken his opponents for decades to come.


  • So he ordered that 99 out of every 100 prisoners be blinded.


  • The 100th to be spared one eye to guide the rest back home,


  • forcing their communities to care for them for the rest of their lives.


  • Today, humans are subject to an attack just as cynical as this by a league of supervillians called NTDs.

    而當今,人類正如此地被一群叫做 NTDs(被忽略的熱帶疾病)的超級壞蛋攻擊

  • One in seven humans on the planet suffers from one or more NTDs, more than the entire population of Europe.

    全球七分之一的人正飽受一或多種NTDs的折磨 人數比全歐洲的人還多

  • They do unimaginable damage, by crippling countless people,

    NTDs造成了難以想像的傷害 癱瘓了無數的人們

  • they destroy billions of dollars in income each year, weaken communities, and slow progress.

    它們每年造成數十億美元的支出 削弱了社會並阻礙了進步

  • What are these monsters straight out of a horror movie, seeking to wreak havoc on our species?


  • NTDs are caused by a vast range of different parasites such as worms, amoebae, bacteria, or viruses.

    NTDs是由大量不同的寄生蟲如 蛔蟲、阿米巴、細菌或病毒引起的

  • The symptoms they cause are just as diverse and truly the stuff of nightmares.


  • Some, like hookworms, compete with children's brains and bodies for nutrition,


  • stunting growth, and impairing intelligence.


  • Some NTDs cause blindness as the result of awful eye infections.


  • Other parasites confine patients to bed for months, and damage internal organs, often shortening lifespans drastically.

    還有一些寄生蟲則令病人必須臥床數個月 同時損害其內臟,使其短命

  • Yet others cause horrible disfigurements that lead to social stigma, a life lived in shame, and unemployment.

    也有一些會造成毀容,並引致社會歧視 使其生活在羞恥和無業的痛苦中

  • There are also a few that are incredibly agonizing. They cause continuous itching, or horrible pain.

    還有一些會造成難以置信的痛苦 連續瘙癢或可怕的疼痛

  • In fact, let's introduce you to one of them: Dracun culiasis.

    讓我們為您介紹其中的一個: Dracun culiasis(麥地那龍線蟲病)

  • If you accidentally drink water infected by it, you won't notice anything for a year.

    如果你不小心喝下被它感染的水 一年內你並不會發現任何異狀

  • Until one day, you suddenly see a blister on your leg.

    直到有一天 你突然看到你的腿起了水泡

  • The worm breaks out of the skin to release new larvae.


  • The only way to remove it is to slowly pull it out of your leg, centimeter by centimeter, over the course of several weeks,

    唯一的解決辦法就是 慢慢地、一公分一公分地拉出來,如此持續數周

  • because Dracun culiasis is now up to a meter long.

    因為此時Dracun culiasis已長至一公尺長

  • We can all agree that we should kill such parasites with fire.


  • That's why we declared war on them, pleading to eradicate most of them by 2020, and we tried doing that very hard.

    這就是為什麼我們向他們宣戰 期望到2020年時,能使他們近乎絕跡 而我們正為此努力著

  • In 1985, there were 3.5 million cases of Dracun culiasis all over the world.

    1985年,有350萬起Dracun culiasis的病例遍布全球

  • In 2015, there were 22.


  • We killed 99.999% of these little monsters.


  • It will be the first parasite we eradicate for good very soon.


  • So, even if they don't generate big headlines like Ebola did, actually, amazing things have happened when it comes to NTDs.

    即使他們不若伊波拉般的引起廣泛關注, 但在治療與根除NTDs上,的確有好事發生。

  • All NTDs have one thing in common:


  • they preferably attack humans who live in the most isolated communities, and who are least able to defend themselves.


  • There are villages that are 500 kilometers from the nearest health facility, with no roads anywhere.

    有些偏遠的村莊 最近的醫療設施距其500公里,而且中間還沒有路

  • So even if a remedy is available, what if it means going on an odyssey to get it to the patients?


  • This called for an attack using brute force.


  • To stamp out NTDs once and for all, what's possibly the biggest medical program in human history was launched, unmatched in scale.

    為了一勞永逸地杜絕NTDs 人類史上最大的醫療項目啟動了

  • Organizations from all fields are working together right now to eliminate ten of these NTDs forever.


  • Ironically, every NTD is, in fact, preventable or treatable.


  • But most of them can only be controlled by giving medicine to every person in all high-risk areas.


  • That means millions and millions of doses of medicine, often for several NTDs at a time, over the course of years, in countries where there is no infrastructure.


  • Governments and health organizations just couldn't do that by themselves.


  • Here, humanity got an opportunity to show off what the industrialized production of medicine can achieve.


  • The pharma industry stepped in to distribute the necessary drugs for free, and promised to keep doing it until those ten diseases are gone.

    製藥行業從而介入以免費分發這些必要的藥品 並承諾繼續執行,直到這十種病絕跡

  • By 2020, nearly $18 billion worth of drugs will have been distributed, the largest drug donation the world has ever seen.

    到2020年,近180億美元的藥品將被分發 成為前所未有的、最大的藥物捐贈

  • They also helped make sure the drugs actually get to where they're needed.


  • In 2015 alone, these treatments reached over 850 million people, more than the population of the EU and the US combined.

    單在2015年,治療數達到了8.5億人 超越了歐盟和美國的人口總和

  • Bad things happening generates headlines.


  • Hundreds of millions of people overcoming extremely destructive diseases, in an unprecedented act of cooperation doesn't.


  • Stories like this one are not told often enough.


  • Good things happen all the time, moving humanity closer to a future with no suffering.

    好事隨時都在發生 使我們向沒有痛苦的未來又近了幾步

  • So, if you or one of your friends are in need of uplifting news, share this video with them.

    所以,如果您或您的朋友需要這些正向的新聞 和他們分享這部影片吧

  • We, as a species, really can do great things with no other motivation than to help each other.

    作為一個物種,我們真的能夠在 沒有其他理由下互相幫助。

  • It's good to remember that from time to time.


  • This video was made possible in part by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and your support on


  • If you want to help us make more videos, you can do so here.

    如果你想幫助我們做出更多的影片 你可以在這裡幫助我們

  • If you're disappointed by the lack of disturbing facts in this video, here's a playlist about the end of everything!

    如果你因為這部影片內 沒有了令人不愉快的事實而感到失望 這裡有個關於末日的播放清單!

In the year 1014, Byzantine Emperor Basil the Second defeated the Bulgarian army and captured 15 thousand prisoners.



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