字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I...am not in focus. 我...沒有對到焦 Sorry guys, I'm sick. :/ 抱歉各位,我生病了 Just have to deal with the nasalness. 必須忍受這種鼻音 Nasal-ness. 鼻音 Nasally-ness. 鼻塞音 *sigh* How do we start this? 唉... *GASP* 要怎麼開頭呢... Hey guys! 大家好! So today I'm going to be talking about about one of my biggest pet peeves, and that pet peeve just so happens to be... 今天我想跟大家分享我的大忌之一 *sad music* 那剛好就是... *text tone* (悲傷的音樂) *text tone* (訊息通知聲) You know, when people text message you one word at a time, (訊息通知聲) *text tone* You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 你知道,有時候有人傳訊息一次只傳一個字 You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 就不把它打在同一訊息傳 rather than putting all the texts into one text message, so now you have like 20 notifications? 於是你的手機就會出現20個通知 *text tone* rather than putting all the texts into one text message, so now you have like 20 notifications? 是的 rather than putting all the texts into one text message, so now you have like 20 notifications? 我超討厭這樣 *text tone x2* rather than putting all the texts into one text message, so now you have like 20 notifications? 對了,還有... rather than putting all the texts into one text message, so now you have like 20 notifications? (悲傷的音樂) Yeah, I hate that. 太有戲的... Oh, and also... 噢,拜託 *sad music* 開玩笑嗎,我才不要重錄 Overdramatic 就這樣吧 *text tone* Overdramatic pe- "太有戲的人" Oh, come on! 前面說到「太有戲」的人,我們大概都至少認識一個 You gotta be kidding. I'm not gonna redo this. I'm just gonna let it go. 如果你這輩子都沒有遇過 Over Dramatic People 你本身可能就是 So as I was mentioning earlier, we probably all know at least one overdramatic person. 而你不會覺得自己太有戲 And if you don't have anyone like this in your life, 因為戲劇化的情況對太有戲的人而言很正常 It's probably because it's you, and you don't think that you're being overdramatic, 這也不一定是壞事 Because overdramatic situations are like normal situations to overdramatic people. 只是像我這樣 And it's not necessarily a bad thing, 討厭平淡生活的人 It's just people like myself, who are fond of drama, get a little annoyed sometimes. 有時候會覺得很煩 I mean, you guys know what kind of people I'm talking about, right? 你們應該知道我是在說哪一種人吧? These are the people that can literally make a big deal out of anything, no matter how small it is. 就是那種再小的小事都可以把它鬧大的人 Oh. 歐 - 買 - 尬 Oh. My. 黛娜20分鐘前在IG發布了一張照片 Oh. My. God. 所以? What? 所以表示她在用IG阿 Dana posted a picture on Instagram 20 minutes ago. 那是壞事嗎? So? 呃,是阿 So, that means she's on Instagram. 她沒有在我的照片按讚,我3小時前就標記她了耶 That's bad? 恩 Uh, yeah! She didn't like my post and I tagged her like, three hours ago! 真的...很不應該 That's..awful. 因為這樣小題大作,這些人就真的搞出事情來 And by making this a bigger deal, these people actually create drama that was never there! 拜託妳告訴我妳不是真的要去找她 Please tell me you're not actually gonna go over there. 我必須要弄清楚,她是我最好的朋友 I have to confront her. She's my best friend. 要是她只是沒看到勒? What if she just didn't see it? 我標記她我也知道她從來不會關掉通知 所以她一定會看到 Okay, I tagged her and I know she keeps her notifications on so she definitely saw it and chose not to like it, 結果選擇不按讚 So there's something a hundred thousand percent wrong, 所以百分之兩萬一定有問題 I have to talk to her. 我必須要找她問清楚 And even when they come to realize that there was no drama in the first place... 即使他們最後發現這之間根本沒有事情可以搞... *bell tone* 嘿! Heyyy! 妳對我有什麼意見? What's your problem with me? 蛤? Huh? 這張很棒耶 Oh, that's a good one! 我知道阿,那妳為什麼不按讚? Yeah, I know. So why didn't you like it? 我不知道妳有PO阿 I didn't even know you posted. 是喔,我3小時前就標記妳了 Yeah, right. I tagged you, like three hours ago. 妳看,拜託 See? I mean, come on. 我們不是都很喜歡分享這些照片 We always like to share those photos and, like, I don't even know why you- 我不知道妳為什麼... You tagged the wrong account. 妳標記錯了 Wait. What? 蛤? Yeah, yeah, mine's the one with the underscore. 對阿,我的帳號是這個有底線的 Oh... 喔... But being the overdramatic person that they are, they somehow find a way to create even more drama out of that. 但是身為一個太有戲的人 他們依然有辦法能搞出更多事情來 'Cause what's life without drama? 因為不搞事怎麼叫人生嘛 I'm soooo sorry. 真的很抱歉 No, no, don't even worry about it. I would do the same, girl. 不會啦,不要想太多 I know, like, totally overreacted. So crazy. 換成是我也會這樣 Oh, look! Ryan even warned me that you're on your way. 我知道,真的... Oh! 整個反應過度,超丟臉 Ryan texted you? 喔妳看,瑞安還傳訊息來警告說妳在路上 Yeah, yeah, that's so funny! 喔....... Oh my god, so funny! 瑞安傳訊息... Haha, yeah! 對阿超好笑的 Hahaha. 天啊,真的超好笑 That's so funny. Haha. 笑翻,哈哈 Haha. 你知道,有時候有人傳訊息一次只傳一個字 *text tone* 就不把它打在同一訊息傳 You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 於是你的手機就會出現20個通知 *text tone* You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 如你所見太有戲的人可以說是世界上最討人厭的一種人 You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 但如果你往好處想,雖然他們討人厭 *text tone* You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 他們也是世界上最有趣、最能給人帶來歡樂的一種人 You know, when people text message you one word at a time, 因為他們從來不會覺得無聊 rather than putting all the text into one text message, 無聊這種感覺對太有戲了人來說是不存在的 *text tone* rather than putting all the text into one text message, 因為他們的腦袋有辦法讓任何事看起來都重要又有趣 rather than putting all the text into one text message, 他們擁有讓子虛烏有的事變得驚天動地的本領 So now you have like 20 notifications? 他們基本上就是釣魚標題 *text tone* Yeah... 這其實是滿厲害的形容 *text tone* 太有戲的人基本上就是釣魚標題的化身 *text tone* 王八蛋... As you can probably see, overdramatic people are some of the most annoying people in the world. "有人想要開車把我們輾過去" But if you want to look on the bright side, while being annoying, 洛奇來這邊 they're actually some of the most interesting and entertaining people to be around, 來這邊 because they're never bored. "我朋友的狗有種族歧視" Bored is an emotion that overdramatic people hardly ever feel, 唉...... because their mind can make anything and everything seem important and interesting. 怎麼了? They have the power to basically take nothing and turn it into an incredibly important big deal. 沒事,只是大姨媽來 It's basically like clickbait! 也不用這樣反應過度吧 Actually, that's a pretty good saying. 借問一下 Overdramatic people are basically like living clickbait. 你有來過嗎,你知道我的感受嗎 Whoa! 等一下 Jerk. 等等,妳說得對 Jeez. 我都沒來過 *dramatic music* "我懷孕了!?" Come here Rocky. "我差點被淹死!!!" Come here. Come here! "我得了伊波拉!!!" *Runs to Ryan instead like a total savage* "地板岩漿挑戰差點讓我餓死!" *dramatic music* (again) (地上都是岩漿~) "地板岩漿挑戰差點讓我餓死!" *sigh* (地上都是岩...) "地板岩漿挑戰差點讓我餓死!" What's wrong? "地板岩漿挑戰差點讓我餓死!" Nothing, just on my period. (...岩漿) "地板岩漿挑戰差點讓我餓死!" Come on. Aren't you being a little overdramatic? OK我可能誇張了一點,不過大致上就是那樣 Excuse me? How would you know what I feel like if you've never had one before? 那些是太有戲的人的教科書範本 Wait a second. 把根本就沒怎樣的事情 Wait, no, you're right! 變得很像你在YouTube影片縮圖會看到的東西 I've never had a period before. 其實這讓我有點興趣,讓我會開始想 *dramatic music* (....again) 太有戲的人為什麼要這樣做 *cough* 是因為他們喜歡挑起爭端嗎?還是想刷存在感? *dramatic music* (aaaaand again) 我真的沒辦法理解 *sneeze* 然後我又想,也許我錯了 *dramatic music* (This is the last time) 也許不是因為喜歡引戰還是刷存在感 *rumbling* 有些人想法就是不一樣 *dramatic music* (Okay this is really the last time I promise 我是說就像光譜的兩端 Floor is Lava! 一邊是感性思考者,一邊是理性思考者 *to tune of music* floor is la- 我覺得如果是在感性那端,就比較屬於太有戲的那種 lava! 而有些人像我就比較屬於理性的那邊 Okay, obviously I exaggerated, but that's kind of the whole point. 但這邊要說清楚,我不是說哪一邊錯了 That's a textbook example of an overdramatic person. 只是說有兩種不一樣的人 Taking a situation that barely happened, 感性的人對事物的看法和理性的人會完全不一樣 and then making it into something that you would see in a YouTube thumbnail. 那是因為他們真的用不同的角度看世界 And it actually got me kind of interested and got me thinking, 如果真的那樣的話,其實還滿不可思議的 Like, what makes overdramatic people want to do this? 因為太有戲的人的人生總是充滿刺激,就像電影一樣 Is it because they love drama, or maybe they just want more attention? 像8點檔 I just couldn't figure it out. 前面那些例子是從我的角度出發的 Then I thought, maybe I'm wrong. 你知道,無聊的理性的角度 You know maybe it's not for attention or because they love drama. 想像一下那些生活小插曲 從太有戲的人的角度看來會是如何 Some people are just different. 一起來看看! I mean, there's two ends of the spectrum, 我不知道要如何開口 there's like emotional thinkers and logical thinkers. 我根本都不知道這是怎麼發生的 And I think if you're on the emotional side, that's like the overdramatic people. 但 People like myself are more on the logical side. 我懷孕了 And just to be clear, I'm not saying either side is wrong. 怪了 We're just different people. 牠平常不會這樣亂吠人的 Emotional people may see things completely different from a logical person. 去吧 And it's because they literally see life in a different way! 我懷孕了 I mean, if that's the case, then it's actually pretty amazing. 我肚子裡有一個寶寶 'Cause, life for overdramatic people are always exciting, their life is like a movie! 怎麼可能有這種事?! It's a drama! 對不起,我招了,我招... You see, I presented all those skits earlier from my perspective. 妳根本不知道那是什麼感覺! You know, the boring perspective, the logical one. 你到底在說什麼! But imagine what those little situations that would look like from the point of view of a overdramatic person. 我的乳頭變得不一樣了! Take a look! 你根本就沒有乳頭! *suspenseful music* 妳敢再說我的乳頭妳試試看 I don't know how to tell you this. 《標題黨》 I don't even know how it happened. 《標題黨》 勿忘乳頭 But, 總之 I'm pregnant. 這個故事告訴我們這個世界上有各式各樣的人 *growl* 是的那些太情緒化太有戲的人 It's weird. 可能對某些像我這樣的人來說會覺得超討厭 It doesn't normally growl at people. 我想你們有些人也一定覺得很討厭 *suspenseful music* 但這不是他們的錯 Go. 只是思考方式不同 *dramatic music* 這就是他們看世界的角度 I'm pregnant, I have a baby inside. 所以如果你被他們惹毛 或是在生活中必須面對這樣的人 How is that even possible? 不用浪費時間跟他們理論 *bark* 不要想要去改變他們 I'm sorry. I'll talk, I'll- 你不可能說服一個 太有戲、太感性的人用理性的方式思考 You don't know what it feels like! 因為他們就不是這樣的人 What are you talking about? 我的建議是你唯一能做的就是接受他們是這樣的人 *growling* 承認你輸了 *biting* 讓他們做自己 My nipples are chafing! 或者,還有最後一招 You don't even have nipples! 你就用他們的語言說話 Don't you ever talk about my nipples again. 然後比他們更有戲 Anyway, the moral of the story here is that there are just different types of people in this world. 你們偷來暗去已經多久了? Yes, those overly emotional, overly dramatic people might seem incredibly annoying to someone like me, 蛤? and I'm sure a bunch of you as well, 別想騙我!我回家的路上一直傳簡訊給你 But I mean, it's not their fault. 我知道你知道我在說什麼 This is how they think. 等一下 That's just how they see life! 妳一路上都在傳簡訊? So if you ever get annoyed, or you have to deal with an overdramatic person in your life, 對,然後你都不回,所以我知道你在跟她聊... Don't even bother trying to be reason- 妳傳簡訊 Don't try to change them. 然後一邊開車!? You're never going to win and try to convince a overdramatic, over emotional thinker, to think logically, 對阿... Because that's just not who they are. 我妹妹就是被一個簡駕的人撞死的! My advice to you and the only thing that you can do is to just accept them for who they are, 你根本就沒有妹妹! admit defeat, 妳竟然要說這個? let them be them. 我一直都很想要有一個妹妹! Or, there's also one last trick. 我不知道你想要有妹妹啊! You could also speak their language. 我根本不知道! And be even more overdramatic than they are. 我想要! So, how long have you guys been sleeping together? 現在妳知道了! What? 對不起! Don't you lie to me, I was texting you the whole time on the way back from our house, 我也對不起! I know you know what I'm talking about- 算了沒事了 Wait a second. 對不起~ You were texting the whole time? 超噁心的 Yeah, and you weren't responding, so I knew you were talking to her- You were texting, You were texting, and You were texting, and driving?! *sad music* Yeah, but- My sister died from a man who was texting and driving! You don't even have a sister! How you gonna bring that up? I've always wanted a sister! I didn't know you wanted a sister! I had no idea! Yeah, I did! And now you know! I'm sorry! I'm sorry too then! Let's just forget about it! I'm sorry! *sad, dramatic music* (dramatic music again?!) *Weird, disturbing facial expressions* *laughter* That's so gross. TEEHEE
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 岩漿 理性 地板 傳訊息 角度 妹妹 【Ryan Higa】關於那些反應太超過的人們... (Over Dramatic People!) 481 25 韓澐 發佈於 2017 年 07 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字