字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's a basic human fact. 這是人之常情 We want what we want. 我們都想要得到我們想要的東西 But how do we get it? 但是我們要如何得到到呢? Lucky for us research has unlocked four words you can always lean on to influence people. 很幸運的是,科學幫我們選出了四個可以說服他人的英文單字 First up, it's all about the "you." 首先,這全關乎於「你」 Studies show using the word YOU gets people excited. 研究發現使用「你」這個單字能讓人感到興奮 Want to go a step further? 想要更上層樓嗎? Use a person's name. 用一個人的名字 The research is conclusive. 這項研究的結論非常明確 We trust and engage more with people when we hear our names out loud or read them in a note. 當人們看到或聽到自己的名字時,會更信任他人也更願意投入 Who doesn't love free stuff? 誰不愛「免費」的東西呢? It's no surprise the word "free" is next on our list. 「免費」這個字出現在我們清單上,真的是一點也不意外啦 In his book "Predictably Irrational," Dan Ariely conducted a little study. 在丹.艾瑞利《誰說人是理性的!》這本書中,他進行了一個小研究 First, he offered people a choice between a Lindor Truffle for 15 cents 一開始他讓人們在兩個選項中選擇:15分美金的瑞士蓮巧克力 and a Hershey Kiss for a penny. 或1分美金的好時巧克力 People jumped all over the Truffle. 大家都選擇了 Lindor Truffle It's delicious, why wouldn't they? 它非常美味,當然大家都選它 But in the second stage, 但在第二階段 he offered them the same Truffle for 14 cents 他提供了一樣的瑞士蓮巧克力,這次賣14分美元 and the Hershey Kiss for free. 然後 Hershey 巧克力是免費的 And you can guess how that went. 你當然知道結果如何 Everyone wanted a Kiss. 大家都想要 Hershey 巧克力 The moral? People love free stuff so much, 我們從這學到了什麼呢?大家超級愛免費的東西 they'll make different choices even if the value stays basically the same. 他們甚至會為了「免費」的東西改變他們的選擇——就算某個東西原本的價值沒有改變太多 "Because" 「因為」 It's a powerful word, and you don't even have to have a reason. 它是一個超強大的字,而且你根本不用有理由 Check out this study from "Influence" by Robert Calidini, 來看看羅伯特.席爾迪尼 在《影響力:讓人乖乖聽話的說服術》中做的實驗 all about cutting in line at the copy machine. 它是一個關於排影印機插隊的實驗 In the first test, people tried to cut in line saying merely, 一開始人們試圖插隊,只說: "Excuse me, I have 5 pages, may I use the Xerox machine?" 「不好意思,我要印五頁,我可以先用影印機嗎?」 This works 60% of the time. 這樣說的話,在六成的狀況下是有效的 Then they changed things up 然後他們改變策略 with people cutting in line saying: 插隊的人說: "I have 5 pages, may I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?" 「我有五頁要印,我可以先用影印機嗎?我趕時間。」 That's barely even a reason! 這根本算不上一個理由嘛! But what happened? 結果發生了什麼事? 94% of people allowed that person to cut 94%的人都讓他插隊 due to a simple "because" statement. 就由於他說了「因為」這個字眼 Finally, use the word "instantly." 最後,「立即」 Studies have proven people love instant gratification. 研究證實人們喜歡立即的享樂 So, when you promise it to them, 所以當你答應他們能立即享樂的時候 even in passing on the job, ——就算給他們更多的工作量 it can really pay off. 他們仍認為是划算的,他們仍然會答應你 So next time you are lazer-focused on that one thing you can't resist, 所以下次當你很執著想要達到一個目標的時候 consider mixing in some of these successful selections from our dictionary 試試看用這些我們為你精挑細選的字眼吧 and turn things around! 或許能將情況逆轉勝喔! Anchor. Anchor Find something you have in common. 我們試圖找到人們的共通點 This can be something you've experienced 可能是你經歷過的事情 or something you're both experiencing in that moment. 或是你與他人一起經歷的事情
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 巧克力 免費 單字 答應 字眼 想要 商業內幕--英語中最有說服力的4個詞 (Business Insider - The 4 Most Persuasive Words In The English Language) 895 102 Tina Hsu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字